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This value should be below 2%%%s%% of all connections are aborted. This value should be below 1%%%s%% of all sorts cause temporary tables, this value should be lower than 10%%.%s%% of all temporary tables are being written to disk, this value should be below 25%%%s/sec.%sCreate%s a database named 'phpmyadmin' and setup the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.%sCreate%s missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables.%sCreate%s the phpMyAdmin configuration storage in the current database.%sLogin cookie validity%s should be set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) at most. Values larger than 1800 may pose a security risk such as impersonation.%sZip compression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.%sZip decompression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'%1$s' depends on:'%s' database does not exist.'percona' found in version_comment'source' found in version_comment(See below for the actual view)(continued)(less efficient as indexes will be generated during table creation)(singly)+ Add a new primary key column+ Add column+ Add constraint+ Show me the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table,, @DATABASE@ will become the database name, @TABLE@ will become the table name, latest stable version:- none --- None --.INSERT DELAYED statementsINSERT IGNORE statementsTotal: %count% matchTotal: %count% matches@SERVER@ will become the server nameA 1-byte integer, signed range is -128 to 127, unsigned range is 0 to 255A 2-byte integer, signed range is -32,768 to 32,767, unsigned range is 0 to 65,535A 3-byte integer, signed range is -8,388,608 to 8,388,607, unsigned range is 0 to 16,777,215A 4-byte integer, signed range is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, unsigned range is 0 to 4,294,967,295A BLOB column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) bytes, stored with a three-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA BLOB column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) bytes, stored with a one-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA BLOB column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) bytes, stored with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA BLOB column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) bytes, stored with a two-byte prefix indicating the length of the valueA TEXT column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) characters, stored with a three-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA TEXT column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters, stored with a one-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA TEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) characters, stored with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA TEXT column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) characters, stored with a two-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytesA bit-field type (M), storing M of bits per value (default is 1, maximum is 64)A collection of curves with linear interpolation between pointsA collection of geometry objects of any typeA collection of pointsA collection of polygonsA compressed file's name must end in .[format].[compression]. Example: .sql.zipA curve with linear interpolation between pointsA date and time combination, supported range is %1$s to %2$sA date, supported range is %1$s to %2$sA double-precision floating-point number, allowable values are -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308A dropdown will be used if fewer items are present.A fatal JavaScript error has occurred. Would you like to send an error report?A fixed-length (0-255, default 1) string that is always right-padded with spaces to the specified length when storedA fixed-point number (M, D) - the maximum number of digits (M) is 65 (default 10), the maximum number of decimals (D) is 30 (default 0)A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s.A point in 2-dimensional spaceA polygonA primary key has been added on %s.A single value chosen from a set of up to 64 membersA small floating-point number, allowable values are -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38A special MySQL user configured with limited permissions, more information available on [doc@linked-tables]documentation[/doc].A synonym for TINYINT(1), a value of zero is considered false, nonzero values are considered trueA time, range is %1$s to %2$sA timestamp, range is 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC to 2038-01-09 03:14:07 UTC, stored as the number of seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)A type that can store a geometry of any typeA user account allowing any user from localhost to connect is present. This will prevent other users from connecting if the host part of their account allows a connection from any (%) host.A user-friendly description of this server. Leave blank to display the hostname instead.A variable-length (%s) string, the effective maximum length is subject to the maximum row sizeA year in four-digit (4, default) or two-digit (2) format, the allowable values are 70 (1970) to 69 (2069) or 1901 to 2155 and 0000AM/PM indication in timeAMAM/PM indication in timePMAUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tablesAUTO_INCREMENT for tableA_IAbortedAborted client rate is at %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourAborted connections rate is at %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourAbout %MIN min. %SEC sec. remaining.About %SEC sec. remaining.Access denied!ActionActionsActivate nowActivate tracking for %sActive optionsAddAdd %d value(s)Add %sAdd %s column(s)Add %s column(s) to indexAdd %s statementAdd AUTO INCREMENT valueAdd AUTO_INCREMENT valueAdd DROP DATABASEAdd DROP TABLEAdd DROP VIEWAdd IF NOT EXISTS (less efficient as indexes will be generated during table creation)Add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEAdd a linestringAdd a new serverAdd a pointAdd a polygonAdd a primary key on existing column(s)Add an inner ringAdd an option for column "%s".Add asAdd bookmarkAdd chartAdd chart to gridAdd columnAdd columns to central listAdd constraintsAdd eventAdd geometryAdd indexAdd new columnAdd parameterAdd prefixAdd prefix to tableAdd primary keyAdd privileges on the following database(s):Add privileges on the following routine:Add privileges on the following table:Add routineAdd search conditions (body of the "where" clause):Add slave replication userAdd statements:Add table prefixAdd tables from other databasesAdd this seriesAdd to FavoritesAdd to central columnsAdd triggerAdd user accountAdd user groupAdd/Delete columnsAdd/Delete criteria rowsAdding primary keyAdditional custom header comment (\n splits lines):Additional search criteriaAdjust privilegesAdministrationAdvanced OptionsAdvanced server configuration, do not change these options unless you know what they are for.AdvisorAdvisor systemAffected rows:AggregateAliasColumnAliasDatabaseAliasTableAlias:AllAll status variablesAllow for searching inside the entire database.Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.Allow login to any MySQL serverAllow logins without a passwordAllow root loginAllow the interruption of an import in case the script detects it is close to the PHP timeout limit. (This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.)Allow third party framingAllow to display all the rowsAllow to display database and table statistics (eg. space usage).Allow users to customize this valueAllows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables.Allows altering and dropping stored routines.Allows altering and dropping this routine.Allows altering the structure of existing tables.Allows changing data.Allows connecting, even if maximum number of connections is reached; required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.Allows creating and dropping indexes.Allows creating and dropping triggers.Allows creating new databases and tables.Allows creating new tables.Allows creating new views.Allows creating stored routines.Allows creating temporary tables.Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts.Allows deleting data.Allows deleting historical rows.Allows dropping databases and tables.Allows dropping tables.Allows executing stored routines.Allows executing this routine.Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.Allows inserting and replacing data.Allows locking tables for the current thread.Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.Allows reading data.Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server's caches.Allows shutting down the server.Allows the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.Allows to set up events for the event scheduler.Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users privileges that user possess on this routine.Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users the privileges that user possess yourself.Allows viewing processes of all users.Alter table order byAlways expand query messagesAlways send error reportsAn 8-byte integer, signed range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, unsigned range is 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615An account already exists with the same username but possibly a different hostname.An alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUEAn alternate host to hold the configuration storage; leave blank to use the already defined host.An alternate port to connect to the host that holds the configuration storage; leave blank to use the default port, or the already defined port, if the controlhost equals host.An entry with this name already exists.An enumeration, chosen from the list of up to 65,535 values or the special '' error valueAn error has been detected and an error report has been automatically submitted based on your settings.An error has been detected and an error report has been generated but failed to be sent.An error has occurred while loading the navigation displayAn index has been added on %s.An internal relation is not necessary when a corresponding FOREIGN KEY relation exists.Analyse queryAnalysing & loading logs. This may take a while.Analysing logsAnalyzeAnalyze Explain at %sAnalyze tableAnalyzing…And:Angular linksAnother columnAnyAny hostAny userAppearance settingsAppend unit to data valuesApplyApply a divisorAprAprilAre you sure you wish to change all the column collations and convert the data?Are you sure you wish to change the collation and convert the data?Are you sure?As defined:As per your settings, they are being submitted currently, please be patient.AscendingAsk before sending error reportsAttributeAttributesAugAugustAuthenticationAuthentication Application (2FA)Authentication PluginAuthentication code:Authentication method to use.Authentication settings.Authentication typeAuthorAutocomplete of the table and column names in the SQL queries.Autoextend incrementAutomatic recovery modeAutomatically create versionsAutomatically send report next timeAvailable browser display transformationsAvailable input transformationsAvailable memory on this host: %sAverage loadBBackBad parameters!Bad type!Basic settingsBecause of its length,
this column might not be editable.Bigger textarea for LONGTEXTBinaryBinary - do not editBinary logBind parametersBlowfish secretBookmarkBookmark %s has been created.Bookmark not created!Bookmark tableBookmark this SQL queryBookmark this SQL query:Bookmarked SQL queryBookmarksBothBoth this table and the user groups table are required to enable the configurable menus feature; leaving either one of them blank will disable this feature, suggested: [kbd]pma__users[/kbd].Both this table and the users table are required to enable the configurable menus feature; leaving either one of them blank will disable this feature, suggested: [kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd].BrowseBrowse foreign valuesBrowse modeBrowse your computer:Browse/Edit the pointsBrowser display transformationBrowser display transformation optionsBrowser transformationBrowsingBuffer PoolBuffer Pool ActivityBuffer Pool UsageBuffer pool sizeBuffered memoryBuild QueryBusy pagesBy disabling two factor authentication you will be again able to login using password only.Bytes receivedBytes sentBzip2CHAR columns editingCHAR textarea columnsCHAR textarea rowsCREATE DATABASE before copyingCSVCSV for MS ExcelCSV using LOAD DATACached memoryCached queries are removed due to low query cache memory from the query cache.Cached swapCallsCan not find signon authentication script:Can you tell us the steps leading to this error? It decisively helps in debugging:Can't copy table to same one!Can't move table to same one!Can't rename index to PRIMARY!CancelCancel requestCannot connect: invalid settings.Cannot copy database to the same name. Change the name and try again.Cannot log in to the MySQL serverCannot read uploaded file.Cannot rename database to the same name. Change the name and try againCannot save UI property "%s". The changes made will not be persistent after you refresh this page. Please check if the table structure has been changed.Cannot save settings, submitted configuration form contains errors!Cannot save settings, submitted form contains errors!CardinalityCentral columnsCentral columns tableChangeChange all column collationsChange all tables collationsChange all tables columns collationsChange any of its settings by clicking the corresponding "Options" link.Change login information / Copy user accountChange or reconfigure master serverChange passwordChange report settingsChange settingsChange to %sChanges trackingChanging charsetChanging {query_cache_limit} (usually by increasing) may increase efficiency. This variable determines the maximum size a query result may have to be inserted into the query cache. If there are many query results above 1 MiB that are well cacheable (many reads, little writes) then increasing {query_cache_limit} will increase efficiency. Whereas in the case of many query results being above 1 MiB that are not very well cacheable (often invalidated due to table updates) increasing {query_cache_limit} might reduce efficiency.Character set of the fileCharacter set of the file:Character sets and collationsCharsetCharsetsChartChart TitleChart arrangementChart columnsChart titleChart title:Chart typeAreaChart typeBarChart typeColumnChart typeLineChart typePieChart typeScatterChart typeSplineChart typeTimelineCheckCheck allCheck config file permissionsCheck for latest versionCheck privilegesCheck privileges for database "%s".Check referential integrity:Check tableCheck tables having overheadCheck the columns which are redundant and click on remove. If no redundant column, click on 'No redundant column'Check the columns which form a repeating group. If no such group, click on 'No repeating group'Checkpoint frequencyChecksum tableChoose "GeomFromText" from the "Function" column and paste the string below into the "Value" field.Choose column to displayChoose column to display:Choose from which log you want the statistics to be generated from.Choose how you want tabs to work.Choose the default action when sending error reports.Choose which details to show in the database structure (list of tables).ClearClear fast filterClear seriesClickClick a data point to view and possibly edit the data row.Click on the bar to scroll to top of pageClick reset zoom button to come back to original state.Click the drop-down arrow
to toggle column's visibility.Click to dismiss this notificationClick to mark/unmark.Click to sort results by this column.Click to sort.Click to toggleClients are usually aborted when they did not close their connection to MySQL properly. This can be due to network issues or code not closing a database handler properly. Check your network and code.CloseClosedCoalesceCollapseCollapse allCollationCollationArabicCollationArmenianCollationBalticCollationBinaryCollationBulgarianCollationBurmeseCollationCentral EuropeanCollationChineseCollationClassical LatinCollationCroatianCollationCyrillicCollationCzechCollationCzech-SlovakCollationDanishCollationEnglishCollationEsperantoCollationEstonianCollationGeorgianCollationGerman (dictionary order)CollationGerman (phone book order)CollationGreekCollationHebrewCollationHungarianCollationIcelandicCollationJapaneseCollationKoreanCollationLatvianCollationLithuanianCollationPersianCollationPolishCollationRomanianCollationRussianCollationSimplified ChineseCollationSinhaleseCollationSlovakCollationSlovenianCollationSpanish (modern)CollationSpanish (traditional)CollationSwedishCollationThaiCollationTraditional ChineseCollationTurkishCollationUkrainianCollationUnicodeCollationUnknownCollationVietnameseCollationWest EuropeanCollation variantaccent-insensitiveCollation variantaccent-sensitiveCollation variantbinaryCollation variantcase-insensitiveCollation variantcase-sensitiveCollation variantmulti-levelCollation:ColumnColumn %s has been dropped.Column aliasColumn information tableColumn maximum:Column minimum:Column namesColumn names in first rowColumn names:Column names: Column selectorColumn-specific privilegesColumn:ColumnsColumns enclosed withColumns enclosed with:Columns escaped withColumns escaped with:Columns separated with:Columns terminated withCommandCommentComment out these two lines if you do not need them.Comment:CommentsCommonly monitoredComposite with:Compress connectionCompress connection to MySQL server.Compress gzip exports on the fly without the need for much memory; if you encounter problems with created gzip files disable this feature.Compress on the flyCompressed export will not work due to missing function %s.Compressed import will not work due to missing function %s.CompressionCompression:Config authenticationConfigurable menusConfiguration already exists, setup is disabled!Configuration contains incorrect data for some fields.Configuration fileConfiguration has been saved.Configuration not saved!Configuration of pmadb…Configuration saved to file config/config.inc.php in phpMyAdmin top level directory, copy it to top level one and delete directory config to use it.Configuration saved.Configuration storageConfigure phpMyAdmin configuration storage to gain access to additional features, see [doc@linked-tables]phpMyAdmin configuration storage[/doc] in documentation.Configure two-factor authenticationConfirmConfirm DROP queriesConfirm disabling two-factor authenticationConfirm partial dependenciesConfirm transitive dependenciesConnection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.Connection to server is disabled, please enable $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] in phpMyAdmin configuration.Connection:ConnectionsConnections / ProcessesConnections are usually aborted when they cannot be authorized. This article might help you track down the source.Consider increasing {open_files_limit}, and check the error log when restarting after changing {open_files_limit}.Consider increasing {query_cache_limit}.Consider increasing {sort_buffer_size} and/or {read_rnd_buffer_size}, depending on your system memory limits.ConsoleConsole heightConsole modeConstraint nameConstraint propertiesConstraints for dumped tablesConstraints for tableContaining the word:Content of table @TABLE@ContinueContinue insertion with %s rowsContinued table captionContributeControl hostControl portControl slave:Control userControl user passwordConvert to KanaConverts Boolean values to text (default 'T' and 'F'). First option is for TRUE, second for FALSE. Nonzero=true.Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address stored as a BIGINT into a string in Internet standard dotted format.Converts an Internet network address in (IPv4/IPv6) format to binaryConverts an Internet network address stored as a binary string into a string in Internet standard (IPv4/IPv6) format.CopyCopy column name.Copy database toCopy tableCopy table to (database.table)Copy table with prefixCopy tables toCopy to clipboardCopying databaseCopying failed!Correctly workingOKCould not add %1$s as they already exist in central list!Could not add columns!Could not connect to the database server!Could not import configurationCould not load class "%1$s"Could not load default configuration from: %1$sCould not load export plugins, please check your installation!Could not load import plugins, please check your installation!Could not load schema plugins, please check your installation!Could not load the progress of the import.Could not parse OpenDocument Spreadsheet!Could not remove columns!Could not save configurationCould not save favorite table!Could not save recent table!Could not save table UI preferences!Couldn't remove Column(s) %1$s as they don't exist in central columns list!CountCreateCreate %sCreate PHP codeCreate a new user account with the same privileges and …Create a page and save to itCreate a pma user and give access to these tables.Create an index on  %s columnsCreate bookmarkCreate composite indexCreate databaseCreate database with same name and grant all privileges.Create new columnNewCreate new databaseNewCreate new eventNewCreate new functionNewCreate new indexNewCreate new procedureNewCreate new tableNewCreate new triggerNewCreate new userNewCreate new viewNewCreate relationshipCreate single-column indexCreate tableCreate the following tableCreate the needed tables with the %screate_tables.sql.Create versionCreate version %1$sCreate version %1$s of %2$sCreate viewCreatedCreating a foreign key over a non-indexed column would automatically create an index on it. Alternatively, you can define an index below, before creating the foreign key.CreationCreation/Update/Check datesCreation:Criteria:Current amount of Questions: %sCurrent query cache size: %sCurrent selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, Edit, Copy and Delete features may result in undesired behavior. %sCurrent selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available. %sCurrent server:Current settingsCurrent values are tmp_table_size: %s, max_heap_table_size: %sCurrent version: %sCurrently running Git revision %1$s from the %2$s branch.CustomCustom - display all possible optionsCustom - display all possible options to configureCustom - like above, but without the quick/custom choiceCustomize appearance of the navigation panel.Customize browse mode.Customize default common import options.Customize default export options.Customize default optionsCustomize default options.Customize edit mode.Customize links shown in SQL Query boxes.Customize startup page.Customize text input fields.Customize the navigation tree.DROP columns %s from the table %sDataData creation optionsData definition statementData dictionaryData directoryData dump optionsData file grow sizeData filesData home directoryData lengthData log thresholdData manipulation statementData onlyData point contentData pointer sizeData:DatabaseDatabase %1$s has been copied to %2$s.Database %1$s has been created.Database %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.Database %s has been dropped.Database LogDatabase client version:Database commentDatabase comment:Database for user accountDatabase level tabsDatabase nameDatabase name templateDatabase operationsDatabase seems to be empty!Database serverDatabase structureDatabase system or older MySQL server to maximize output compatibility with:Database tree separatorDatabase used for relations, bookmarks, and PDF features. See [doc@linked-tables]pmadb[/doc] for complete information. Leave blank for no support. Suggested: [kbd]phpmyadmin[/kbd].Database-level tabsDatabase-specific privilegesDatabase:DatabasesDatabases display options.Databases statisticsDatabases:DateDeactivate nowDeactivate tracking for %sDebug SQLDecDecemberDefaultDefault database tabDefault format; be aware that this list depends on location (database, table) and only SQL is always available.Default languageDefault serverDefault server tabDefault sort order for tables with a primary key.Default sorting orderDefault table tabDefault theme %s not found!Default titleDefault transformationsDefault transformations for Bool2TextDefault transformations for DateFormatDefault transformations for ExternalDefault transformations for HexDefault transformations for InlineDefault transformations for PreApPendDefault transformations for SubstringDefault transformations for TextImageLinkDefault transformations for TextLinkDefault value for foreign key checks checkbox for some queries.Define how long (in seconds) a login cookie is valid.Define new aliasesDefine whether the previous login should be recalled or not in [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication mode.Defined aliasesDefinerDefines how long (in seconds) a login cookie should be stored in browser. The default of 0 means that it will be kept for the existing session only, and will be deleted as soon as you close the browser window. This is recommended for non-trusted environments.Defines the list of statements the auto-creation uses for new versions.Defines the maximum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns.Defines the minimum number of items (tables, views, routines and events) to display a filter box.Defines the minimum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns.Defines whether SQL queries generated by phpMyAdmin should be displayed.Defines whether or not type fields should be initially displayed in edit/insert mode.Defines whether the query box should stay on-screen after its submission.Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR columns; [kbd]input[/kbd] - allows limiting of input length, [kbd]textarea[/kbd] - allows newlines in columns.DefinitionDefragment tableDelDel:Delayed insertsDeleteDelete all cookies on logoutDelete bookmarkDelete data or tableDelete entry from tracking report?Delete pageDelete pagesDelete relationshipDelete settingsDelete the matches for the %s table?Delete the table (DROP)Delete the view (DROP)Delete trackingDelete tracking data for these tables?Delete tracking data for these versions?Delete tracking data for this table?Delete tracking data for this version?Delete tracking data row from reportDelete versionDeletingDeleting %sDeleting tracking dataDelimiterDepending on your environment, it might be performance increasing to reduce this value.DescendingDescriptionDesignerDesigner and PDF schema: table coordinatesDesigner and creation of PDFsDetailed profileDetailsDetails…DeveloperDifferent tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_sizeDifferentialDirect linksDirectionDirectory [code]config[/code], which is used by the setup script, still exists in your phpMyAdmin directory. It is strongly recommended to remove it once phpMyAdmin has been configured. Otherwise the security of your server may be compromised by unauthorized people downloading your configuration.Directory on server where you can upload files for import.Directory where exports can be saved on server.Dirty pagesDisableDisable %sDisable foreign key checksDisable multi table maintenanceDisable shortcut keysDisable some of the warnings shown by phpMyAdmin.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the Structure page if column names in a table are reserved MySQL words.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the database details Structure page if any of the required tables for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage could not be found.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the main page if Suhosin is detected.Disable the default warning that is displayed on the main page if the value of the PHP setting session.gc_maxlifetime is less than the value of `LoginCookieValidity`.Disable the table maintenance mass operations, like optimizing or repairing the selected tables of a database.Disable two-factor authenticationDisable use of INFORMATION_SCHEMADisabledDisallow BLOB and BINARY columns from editing.DisplayDisplay FeaturesDisplay GIS VisualizationDisplay as differential valueDisplay chartDisplay column for relationshipsDisplay column was successfully updated.Display columns tableDisplay commentsDisplay comments (includes info such as export timestamp, PHP version, and server version)Display foreign key relationshipsDisplay formatTableDisplay logoDisplay order:Display relational schemaDisplay server choice at the top of the navigation panel.Display servers as a listDisplay servers selectionDisplay the function fields in edit/insert mode.Displaying Column CommentsDisplays a TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME or numeric unix timestamp column as formatted date. The first option is the offset (in hours) which will be added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Use second option to specify a different date/time format string. Third option determines whether you want to see local date or UTC one (use "local" or "utc" strings) for that. According to that, date format has different value - for "local" see the documentation for PHP's strftime() function and for "utc" it is done using gmdate() function.Displays a clickable thumbnail. The options are the maximum width and height in pixels. The original aspect ratio is preserved.Displays a link to download the binary data of the column. You can use the first option to specify the filename, or use the second option as the name of a column which contains the filename. If you use the second option, you need to set the first option to the empty string.Displays a link to download this image.Displays a link; the column contains the filename. The first option is a URL prefix like "https://www.example.com/". The second option is a title for the link.Displays a part of a string. The first option is the number of characters to skip from the beginning of the string (Default 0). The second option is the number of characters to return (Default: until end of string). The third option is the string to append and/or prepend when truncation occurs (Default: "…").Displays an image and a link; the column contains the filename. The first option is a URL prefix like "https://www.example.com/". The second and third options are the width and the height in pixels.Displays hexadecimal representation of data. Optional first parameter specifies how often space will be added (defaults to 2 nibbles).Displays the contents of the column as-is, without running it through htmlspecialchars(). That is, the column is assumed to contain valid HTML.Distinct valuesDistributionDivided by %sDo a "query by example" (wildcard: "%")Do a "query by example" (wildcard: "%") for two different columnsDo not abort on INSERT errorDo not change the passwordDo not import empty rowsDo not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero valuesDo not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero valuesDo note however that this system provides recommendations based on simple calculations and by rule of thumb which may not necessarily apply to your system.Do you have a group of columns which on combining gives an existing column? For example, if you have first_name, last_name and full_name then combining first_name and last_name gives full_name which is redundant.Do you have a group of two or more columns that are closely related and are all repeating the same attribute? For example, a table that holds data on books might have columns such as book_id, author1, author2, author3 and so on which form a repeating group. In this case a new table (book_id, author) should be created.Do you have any column which can be split into more than one column? For example: address can be split into street, city, country and zip.Do you really want to DROP the selected partition(s)? This will also DELETE the data related to the selected partition(s)!Do you really want to RESET SLAVE?Do you really want to TRUNCATE the selected partition(s)?Do you really want to delete the search "%s"?Do you really want to delete the selected items?Do you really want to delete this bookmark?Do you really want to delete this central column?Do you really want to delete user group "%s"?Do you really want to execute "%s"?Do you really want to execute the following query?Do you really want to remove partitioning?Do you really want to revoke the selected user(s) ?Do you really want to see all of the rows? For a big table this could crash the browser.Do you want to copy encryption key?Do you want to import remaining settings?Do you want to save the changes to the current page?DocumentationDocumentation and further information about PBXT can be found on the %sPrimeBase XT Home Page%s.Does not require SSL-encrypted connections.DonateDoneDone dragging (rearranging) chartsDouble clickDouble size of textarea for LONGTEXT columns.Double-click to copy column name.DownloadDrag to reorderDrag to reorder.DropDrop files hereDrop the database (DROP)Drop the databases that have the same names as the users.Dropping Foreign key.Dropping Primary Key/IndexDropping columnDump TIMESTAMP columns in UTC (enables TIMESTAMP columns to be dumped and reloaded between servers in different time zones)Dump all rowsDump binary columns in hexadecimal notation (for example, "abc" becomes 0x616263)Dump has been saved to file %s.Dump some row(s)Dump tableDumping dataDumping data for tableDuring current sessionENUM/SET editorESRI Shape FileEach point represents a data row.EditEdit ENUM/SET valuesEdit eventEdit indexEdit modeEdit next rowEdit partitioningEdit privilegesEdit privileges:Edit routineEdit serverEdit settings for %sEdit structure by following the "Structure" link.Edit triggerEdit user groupEdit user group: '%s'Edit viewEdit/InsertEffectiveEiBEmptyEmpty phpMyAdmin control user password while using phpMyAdmin configuration storage!Empty phpMyAdmin control user while using phpMyAdmin configuration storage!Empty session dataEmpty signon URL while using [kbd]signon[/kbd] authentication method!Empty signon session name while using [kbd]signon[/kbd] authentication method!Empty the table (TRUNCATE)Empty username while using [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication method!EnableEnable %sEnable CodeMirrorEnable SSL for connection to MySQL server.Enable ZIP compression for import and export operations.Enable Zero Configuration modeEnable Zero Configuration mode which lets you setup phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables automatically.Enable advanced features in configuration file (config.inc.php), for example by starting from config.sample.inc.php.Enable autocomplete for table and column namesEnable bzip2 compression for import operations.Enable charts draggingEnable foreign key checksEnable gzip compression for import and export operations.Enable highlightingEnable if you want DB-based query history (requires phpMyAdmin configuration storage). If disabled, this utilizes JS-routines to display query history (lost by window close).Enable linterEnable navigation tree expansionEnable slow query logging by setting {log_slow_queries} to 'ON'. This will help troubleshooting badly performing queries.Enable slow query logging by setting {slow_query_log} to 'ON'. This will help troubleshooting badly performing queries.Enable statisticsEnable the Developer tab in settingsEnable the thread cache by setting {thread_cache_size} > 0.Enable two-factor authenticationEnable {concurrent_insert} by setting it to 1EnabledEnables check for latest version on main phpMyAdmin page.Enabling the general_log may increase the server load by 5-15%. Also be aware that generating statistics from the logs is a load intensive task, so it is advisable to select only a small time span and to disable the general_log and empty its table once monitoring is not required any more.Enabling this allows a page located on a different domain to call phpMyAdmin inside a frame, and is a potential [strong]security hole[/strong] allowing cross-frame scripting (XSS) attacks.Enclose export in a transactionEnclose table and column names with backquotesEnclose table and column names with backquotes (Protects column and table names formed with special characters or keywords)Encoding Conversion:Encryption keyEnd of lineEnd of recurring eventEndEnd of stepEngineEnginesEnter criteria as free textEnter each value in a separate field.Enter executes queries in consoleEnter server connection parameters.Enter your private key for your domain reCaptcha service.Enter your public key for your domain reCaptcha service.Enter:Entered captcha is wrong, try again!ErrorError code: %sError creating foreign key on %1$s (check data types)Error in ZIP archive:Error in processing requestError in processing request:Error in processing!Error in reading file: The file '%s' does not exist or is not readable!Error management:Error moving the uploaded file, see [doc@faq1-11]FAQ 1.11[/doc].Error reading data for table %s:Error reading structure for table %s:Error resetting replication.Error starting replication.Error stopping replication.Error text: %sError when evaluating: %sError while creating PDF:Error while loading the search.Error while moving uploaded file.Error while working with template cache: %sError.Error: FOREIGN KEY relationship could not be added!Error: FOREIGN KEY relationship could not be removed!Error: Internal relationship could not be added!Error: Internal relationship could not be removed!Error: Missing index on column(s).Error: Relational features are disabled!Error: Token mismatchError: relationship already exists.Especially on a system with a lot of writes to InnoDB tables you should set {innodb_log_file_size} to 25%% of {innodb_buffer_pool_size}. However the bigger this value, the longer the recovery time will be when database crashes, so this value should not be set much higher than 256 MiB. Please note however that you cannot simply change the value of this variable. You need to shutdown the server, remove the InnoDB log files, set the new value in my.cnf, start the server, then check the error logs if everything went fine. See also this blog entryEventEvent %1$s has been created.Event %1$s has been modified.Event nameEvent scheduler statusEvent typeEventsEvents:Excel editionExcel edition:ExceptExecuteExecute atExecute everyExecute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift + EnterExecute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift + Enter. To make this permanent, view settings.Execute routineExecute this query again?Execution orderExecution results of routine %sExisting configuration file (%s) is not readable.Existing settings will be overwritten!Existing templates:Exit fullscreenExpandExpand single databaseExpand/CollapseExplainExplain SQLExplain outputExportExport as %sExport as separate filesExport contentsExport databases as separate filesExport defaultsExport metadataExport methodExport method:Export of event %sExport of routine %sExport of trigger %sExport related metadata from phpMyAdmin configuration storageExport relational schemaExport schemaExport table headersExport table namesExport tables as separate filesExport templates tableExport templates:Export time in UTCExport typeExport views as tablesExporting databases from the current serverExporting rows from "%s" tableExporting tables from "%s" databaseExpressionExpression or column listExtraExtra parameters for iconvExtremely weakFOREIGN KEY relationship has been added.FOREIGN KEY relationship has been removed.FailedFailed attemptsFailed building chart grid with imported config. Resetting to default config…Failed calculating value for rule '%s'.Failed evaluating precondition for rule '%s'.Failed formatting string for rule '%s'.Failed parsing config file. It doesn't seem to be valid JSON code.Failed running test for rule '%s'.Failed security key activation (%s).Failed to cleanup table UI preferences (see $cfg['Servers'][$i]['MaxTableUiprefs'] %s)Failed to connect to the reCAPTCHA service!Failed to get description of column %s!Failed to get real row count.Failed to read configuration file!Failed to rename table %1$s to %2$s!Failed to set configured collation connection!Failed to set session cookie. Maybe you are using HTTP instead of HTTPS to access phpMyAdmin.Failed to write file to disk.Fatal error: The navigation can only be accessed via AJAXFavorite List is full!Favorite tablesFavoritesFavorites tableFeaturesFebFebruaryFewer than 1,000 questions have been run against this server. The recommendations may not be accurate.File %s already exists on server, change filename or check overwrite option.File could not be read!File is a symbolic linkFile may be compressed (%s) or uncompressed.File name template:File to import:File upload functionality for TEXT columns. It does not have a textarea for input.File upload stopped by extension.File uploads are not allowed on this server.File was not an uploaded file.FilesFilterFilter by category…Filter queries by word/regexp:Filter rowsFiltersFind and replaceFind and replace - previewFind any errors in the query before executing it. Requires CodeMirror to be enabled.Find partial dependenciesFind transitive dependenciesFind:First pageBeginFirst step of normalization (1NF)Flush (close) all tablesFlush query cacheFlush the table (FLUSH)Following composer packages are missing:Following settings will be applied globally and reset to default on server restart:For default values, please enter just a single value, without backslash escaping or quotes, using this format: aFor display OptionsFor each column below, please select the minimal set of columns among given set whose values combined together are sufficient to determine the value of the column.For each column below, please select the minimal set of columns among given set whose values combined together are sufficient to determine the value of the column.
Note: A column may have no transitive dependency, in that case you don't have to select any.For testing purposes only!Foreign key checksForeign key constraintForeign key constraint %s has been droppedForeign key constraintsForeign key dropdown orderForeign key limitFormatFormat of imported fileFormat-specific options:Format:Formats text as JSON with syntax highlighting.Formats text as SQL query with syntax highlighting.Formats text as XML with syntax highlighting.Formatting SQL…FrFree memoryFree pagesFree swapFriFridayFromFrom general logFrom slow logFull textsFulltextFunctionFunction to use when dumping data:FunctionsFunctions:GLOBALS overwrite attemptGZipGZip output bufferingGarbage thresholdGarbled DataGeneralGeneral relation featuresGeneral settingsGenerateGenerate passwordGenerate password:Generation Time:GeometryGeometry %d:Get auto-saved queryGet more themes!Get supportGiBGit information missing!Git revision:Gives access to the complete list of databases.GlobalGlobal privilegesGoGo back to previous pageGo back to this pageGo to database: %sGo to link:Go to table: %sGo to view: %sGoodGot invalid version string from serverGrantGrant all privileges on database %s.Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%).Grid editing: save all edited cells at onceGrid editing: trigger actionGroup items in the navigation tree (determined by the separator defined in the Databases and Tables tabs above).Group items in the treeGroup name:Group queriesGroup queries, ignoring variable data in WHERE clausesGroups:HTTP Basic Auth Realm name to display when doing HTTP Auth.HTTP RealmHTTP authenticationHandlerHardware Security Key (FIDO U2F)Has no effect in this MySQL version.Have a primary keyHelpHidden navigation items tableHideHide argumentsHide browser transformationHide databasesHide databases matching regular expression (PCRE).Hide find and replace criteriaHide panelHide partial dependencies listHide query boxHide search criteriaHide search resultsHide table structure actionsHide traceHide/Show allHide/Show tables with no relationshipHide/show navigation itemsHighlight pointerHighlight row pointed by the mouse cursor.Highlight selected rows.Highlight server under the mouse cursor.Hint: Please follow the procedure carefully in order to obtain correct normalizationHistoryHomeHostHost authorization orderHost authorization rulesHost nameHost name:Host:Hostname where MySQL server is running.HourHovering over a point will show its label.How many queries are kept in history.How many rows can be inserted at one time.How many temporary files mysqld has created.How to display the menu tabsHow to display various action linksHow to useHowever on last run no data has been parsed, this usually means phpMyAdmin won't be able to finish this import unless you increase php time limits.IDIconsIf TRUE, logout deletes cookies for all servers; when set to FALSE, logout only occurs for the current server. Setting this to FALSE makes it easy to forget to log out from other servers when connected to multiple servers.If column type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: 'a','b','c'…
If you ever need to put a backslash ("") or a single quote ("'") amongst those values, precede it with a backslash (for example '\\xyz' or 'a\'b').If enabled, phpMyAdmin continues computing multiple-statement queries even if one of the queries failed.If enabled, user can enter any MySQL server in login form for cookie auth.If it's not possible to make existing column combinations as primary keyIf the data in each row of the file is not in the same order as in the database, list the corresponding column names here. Column names must be separated by commas and not enclosed in quotations.If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the repair by sorting process.If using [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication and %sLogin cookie store%s is not 0, %sLogin cookie validity%s must be set to a value less or equal to it.If you did not compile from source, you may be using a package modified by a distribution. The MySQL manual only is accurate for official MySQL binaries, not any package distributions (such as RedHat, Debian/Ubuntu etc).If you experience any problems please submit a bug report manually.If you feel this is necessary, use additional protection settings - %1$shost authentication%2$s settings and %3$strusted proxies list%4%s. However, IP-based protection may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.If you have deliberately changed one of either: The server uses the lower value of either to determine the maximum size of in-memory tables. So if you wish to increase the in-memory table limit you will have to increase the other value as well.If your server is also configured to accept HTTPS requests follow this link to use a secure connection.IgnoreIgnore AllIgnore all databases; Replicate:Ignore errorsIgnore multiple statement errorsIgnoring unsupported language code.Image preview hereImage upload functionality which also displays a thumbnail. The options are the width and height of the thumbnail in pixels. Defaults to 100 X 100.Immediate table locks %%Immediate table locks: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%ImportImport / exportImport currencies ($5.00 to 5.00)Import currencies (ex. $5.00 to 5.00)Import defaultsImport from browser's storageImport from fileImport has been successfully finished, %d query executed.Import has been successfully finished, %d queries executed.Import monitor configurationImport percentages as proper decimals (12.00% to .12)Import percentages as proper decimals (ex. 12.00% to .12)Import statusImporting into the current serverImporting into the database "%s"Importing into the table "%s"Improve table structure (Normalization):In order to put the original table '%1$s' into Second normal form we need to create the following tables:In order to put the original table '%1$s' into Third normal form we need to create the following tables:In the navigation panel, replaces the database tree with a selectorInclude a timestamp of when databases were created, last updated, and last checkedInclude table captionIncludes all privileges except GRANT.Incomplete paramsIncorrect IP address: %sIncorrect form specified!Incorrect value!Incorrect value:Increase {max_connections}, or decrease {wait_timeout} so that connections that do not close database handlers properly get killed sooner. Make sure the code closes database handlers properly.Increase {thread_cache_size}.Increasing {max_heap_table_size} and {tmp_table_size} might help. However some temporary tables are always being written to disk, independent of the value of these variables. To eliminate these you will have to rewrite your queries to avoid those conditions (Within a temporary table: Presence of a BLOB or TEXT column or presence of a column bigger than 512 bytes) as mentioned in the MySQL DocumentationIncreasing {max_heap_table_size} and {tmp_table_size} might help. However some temporary tables are always being written to disk, independent of the value of these variables. To eliminate these you will have to rewrite your queries to avoid those conditions (Within a temporary table: Presence of a BLOB or TEXT column or presence of a column bigger than 512 bytes) as mentioned in the beginning of an Article by the Pythian GroupIndexIndex %s has been dropped.Index cache sizeIndex choice:Index directoryIndex lengthIndex name:Index reads from memory: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%Index scans average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourIndex type:IndexesIndexes for dumped tablesIndexes for tableIndicates that you have made changes to this page; you will be prompted for confirmation before abandoning changesInformationInitial state for slidersInline edit queryEdit inlineInner ringInner ring %d:InnoDB StatusInnoDB buffer pool sizeInnoDB is usually the better choice for table engines.InnoDB log sizeInput proxies as [kbd]IP: trusted HTTP header[/kbd]. The following example specifies that phpMyAdmin should trust a HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) header coming from the proxy[br][kbd] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd].Input transformationInput transformation optionsInsIns:Insecure connectionInsertInsert another new rowInsert as new rowInsert as new row and ignore errorsInserted row id: %1$dInside column:Inside tables:Instead of INSERT statements, use:InstructionsInstructions/SetupInsufficient space to save the file %s.Internal relationInternal relationship has been added.Internal relationship has been removed.Internal relationshipsInternal relationships were successfully updated.Invalid authentication method set in configuration:Invalid authentication type!Invalid class name "%1$s", using default of "Node"Invalid column (%s) specified! Ensure that columns names are spelled correctly, separated by commas, and not enclosed in quotes.Invalid column count in CSV input on line %d.Invalid database:Invalid direction "%s" given for parameter.Invalid format of CSV input on line %d.Invalid format of mediawiki input on line:
%s.Invalid parameter for CSV import: %sInvalid routine type: "%s"Invalid rule declaration on line %1$s, expected line %2$s of previous rule.Invalid rule declaration on line %s.Invalid server index: %sInvalid table nameInvalid table name:Is InnoDB disabled?Is a foreign key.Is deterministicIssueIt appears your database uses routines;It appears your database uses views;It appears your table uses triggers;It is suggested to set {long_query_time} to a lower value, depending on your environment. Usually a value of 1-5 seconds is suggested.It is usually sufficient to set {innodb_log_file_size} to 25%% of the size of {innodb_buffer_pool_size}. A very big {innodb_log_file_size} slows down the recovery time after a database crash considerably. See also this Article. You need to shutdown the server, remove the InnoDB log files, set the new value in my.cnf, start the server, then check the error logs if everything went fine. See also this blog entryIt seems that the connection to server has been lost. Please check your network connectivity and server status.JanJanuaryJavascript must be enabled past this point!JoinsJulJulyJump to Log tableJump to database '%s'Jump to database “%s”.JunJuneJustificationKey block size:Key buffer is not initialized. No MyISAM indexes will be cached.Key cacheKey cache miss calculated as rate of physical reads compared to read requests (calculated value)Key is too short, it should have at least 32 characters.Key should contain letters, numbers [em]and[/em] special characters.KeynameKiBKillLINUX ONLY: Launches an external application and feeds it the column data via standard input. Returns the standard output of the application. The default is Tidy, to pretty-print HTML code. For security reasons, you have to manually edit the file libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Output/Text_Plain_External.php and list the tools you want to make available. The first option is then the number of the program you want to use and the second option is the parameters for the program. The third option, if set to 1, will convert the output using htmlspecialchars() (Default 1). The fourth option, if set to 1, will prevent wrapping and ensure that the output appears all on one line (Default 1).LaTeXLabelLabel columnLabel keyLabel key:Label:LandscapeLanguageLast checkLast check:Last pageEndLast updateLast update:Last versionLatched pagesLeave blank for defaults.Leave blank for no "persistent" favorite tables across sessions, suggested: [kbd]pma__favorite[/kbd].Leave blank for no "persistent" recently used tables across sessions, suggested: [kbd]pma__recent[/kbd].Leave blank for no "persistent" tables' UI preferences across sessions, suggested: [kbd]pma__table_uiprefs[/kbd].Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma__pdf_pages[/kbd].Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma__table_coords[/kbd].Leave blank for no QBE saved searches support, suggested: [kbd]pma__savedsearches[/kbd].Leave blank for no SQL query history support, suggested: [kbd]pma__history[/kbd].Leave blank for no SQL query tracking support, suggested: [kbd]pma__tracking[/kbd].Leave blank for no [doc@bookmarks@]bookmark[/doc] support, suggested: [kbd]pma__bookmark[/kbd]Leave blank for no [doc@relations@]relation-links[/doc] support, suggested: [kbd]pma__relation[/kbd].Leave blank for no central columns support, suggested: [kbd]pma__central_columns[/kbd].Leave blank for no export template support, suggested: [kbd]pma__export_templates[/kbd].Leave blank for no user preferences storage in database, suggested: [kbd]pma__userconfig[/kbd].Leave blank if not used.Leave blank to disable the feature to hide and show navigation items, suggested: [kbd]pma__navigationhiding[/kbd].Leave empty if not using config auth.LeftLength/ValueLength/ValuesLess than 80%% of the query cache is being utilized.Let every user access this bookmarkLet the server run for a longer time until it has executed a greater amount of queries.LicenseLimit column charactersLimits number of table preferences which are stored in database, the oldest records are automatically removed.Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may execute per hour.Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have.Lines terminated withLines terminated with:LinestringLinestring %d:Link not found!Link with main panelLink with main panel by highlighting the current database or table.Links toLinting is disabled for this query because it exceeds the maximum length.List of available transformations and their optionsList of changesList of trusted proxies for IP allow/denyLoading logsLoading…LocalLocal monitor configuration incompatible!Log SQL queries and their execution time, to be displayed in the consoleLog analysed, but no data found in this time span.Log buffer sizeLog cache sizeLog data loaded. Queries executed in this time span:Log file countLog file thresholdLog inLog nameLog outLog statisticsLog table filter optionsLogin InformationLogin cookie storeLogin cookie store is lower than cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login will expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin.Login cookie validityLogin cookie validity warningLogin using password only.Login without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword)Logo link URLLogo link targetLogout URLLogout and try as another user.Long query timeMain panelMake all columns atomicMake consistent with central listMake sure you have a unique server-id in your configuration file (my.cnf). If not, please add the following line into [mysqld] section:Manage your settingsManaging Central list of columnsMany temporary tables are being written to disk instead of being kept in memory.MarMarchMark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked tables.Master configurationMaster connection:Master replicationMaster server changed successfully to %s.Master statusMatched rows:Max %% MyISAM key buffer ever usedMax InnoDB log sizeMax rowsMax. concurrent connectionsMax: %s%sMax_used_connections is at %s%% of max_connections, it should be below 80%%Maximal length of created queryMaximal number of table preferences to storeMaximum databasesMaximum displayed SQL lengthMaximum execution timeMaximum items in branchMaximum items on first levelMaximum number of characters shown in any non-numeric column on browse view.Maximum number of characters used when a SQL query is displayed.Maximum number of databases displayed in database list.Maximum number of favorite tables; set 0 to disable.Maximum number of recently used tables; set 0 to disable.Maximum number of rows to displayMaximum number of tables displayed in table list.Maximum rows to plotMaximum size for input fieldMaximum size for temporary files on index creationMaximum size for temporary sort filesMaximum table tree depthMaximum tablesMaximum value:MayMay be approximate. Click on the number to get the exact count. See [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].May be approximate. See [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].MediaWiki TableMemory limitMerge with current configurationMetadataMetadata for database %sMetadata for table %sMiBMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Word 2000Min rowsMinimum number of databases to display the database filter boxMinimum number of items to display the filter boxMinimum size for input fieldMinimum value:Minor VersionMinuteMissing a temporary folder.Missing connection parameters!Missing data for %sMissing information to delete the search.Missing information to load the search.Missing information to save the bookmarked search.Missing parameter:Missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tablesMissing reCAPTCHA verification, maybe it has been blocked by adblock?Missing value in the form!MoModifications have been savedModify:MonMondayMonitorMonitor InstructionsMonitor refresh failedMoreMore information on [a@https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/8970]phpMyAdmin issue tracker[/a] and [a@https://bugs.mysql.com/19588]MySQL Bugs[/a]More settingsMove MenuMove columnMove columnsMove repeating groupsMove table to (database.table)Move the columns by dragging them up and down.Multi-table queryMyISAM concurrent insertsMyISAM key buffer (index cache) %% used is low.MyISAM key buffer sizeMySQL ArchitectureMySQL Spatial Extension does not support ESRI type "%s".MySQL accepts additional values not selectable by the datepicker; key in those values directly if desiredMySQL accepts additional values not selectable by the slider; key in those values directly if desiredMySQL is not compiled as a 64-bit package.MySQL reserved word warningMySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).MySQL said: NONameName (Ascending)Name (Descending)Native MySQL authenticationNatural orderNavigation panelNavigation panel settingsNavigation panel widthNavigation treeNeeded for the replication slaves.Network traffic since startup: %sNever send error reportsNew bookmarkNew column nameNew database nameNew nameNew pageNew page nameNew serverNew table nameNew template:Next autoindexNext monthNextNext pageNextNoNo PasswordNo PrivilegesNo SQL query was set to fetch data.No Transitive dependencies possible as the table doesn't have any non primary key columnsNo Two-Factor AuthenticationNo accounts selected.No activity within %s seconds; please log in again.No bookmarksNo changeNo column selected.No columns in the central list. Make sure the Central columns list for database %s has columns that are not present in the current table.No dataNo data foundNo data to displayNo data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. See [doc@faq1-16]FAQ 1.16[/doc].No databasesNo databases selected.No dependencies selected!No event with name %1$s found in database %2$s.No files available on server for import!No files found inside ZIP archive!No index defined!No index parts defined!No newer stable version is availableNo numeric columns present in the table to plot.No parameters found!No partial dependencies found!No partial dependencies possible as no non-primary column exists since primary key ( %1$s ) is composed of all the columns in the table.No partial dependencies possible as the primary key ( %1$s ) has just one column.No partial dependencies selected!No partitioning defined!No passwordNo preview available.No previously auto-saved query is available. Loading default query.No privilegesNo privileges to create databasesNo privileges.No redundant columnNo repeating groupNo routine is exportable. Required privileges may be lacking.No routine with name %1$s found in database %2$s.No routine with name %1$s found in database %2$s. You might be lacking the necessary privileges to edit this routine.No routine with name %1$s found in database %2$s. You might be lacking the necessary privileges to view/export this routine.No row selected.No such columnNo tables found in database.No tables selected.No trigger with name %1$s found in database %2$s.No user found.No users selected for deleting!No users were found belonging to this user group.No valid image path for theme %s found!No versions selected.Node groupNoneNone encoding conversionNoneNone for defaultNoneNone privilegesNoneNormalizeNormally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. However, if it's necessary to read or create a page and no clean pages are available, it's necessary to wait for pages to be flushed first. This counter counts instances of these waits. If the buffer pool size was set properly, this value should be small.Not a non-negative number!Not a positive number!Not a valid port number!Not enough privilege to view query statistics.Not enough privilege to view server status.Not enough privilege to view server variables and settings. %sNot enough privilege to view status variables.Not enough privilege to view the advisor.Not enough privilege to view users.Not replicatedNote: Enabling the auto refresh here might cause heavy traffic between the web server and the MySQL server.Note: Enabling the database statistics here might cause heavy traffic between the web server and the MySQL server.Note: If the file contains multiple tables, they will be combined into one.Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English.Note: Setting these options to 0 (zero) removes the limit.Note: You are attempting to edit privileges of the user with which you are currently logged in.Note: a, b -> d,f implies values of columns a and b combined together can determine values of column d and column f.Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users’ privileges directly from MySQL’s privilege tables. The content of these tables may differ from the privileges the server uses, if they have been changed manually. In this case, the privileges have to be reloaded but currently, you don't have the RELOAD privilege.Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users’ privileges directly from MySQL’s privilege tables. The content of these tables may differ from the privileges the server uses, if they have been changed manually. In this case, you should %sreload the privileges%s before you continue.NovNovemberNow, add the following lines at the end of [mysqld] section in your my.cnf and please restart the MySQL server afterwards.NowhereNullNumber#Number of columnsNumber of columns for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas.Number of inserted rowsNumber of queries to skip from start.Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result set contains more rows, "Previous" and "Next" links will be shown.Number of rows for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas.Number of rows per pageNumber of rows:Number of tables:OFFOKONObject creation optionsObject creation options (all are recommended)OctOctoberOfficial HomepageOn a busy server, the byte counters may overrun, so those statistics as reported by the MySQL server may be incorrect.On completion preserveOnce you restarted MySQL server, please click on Go button. Afterwards, you should see a message informing you, that this server is configured as master.One or more errors have occurred while processing your request:Only INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and REPLACE SQL queries containing transactional engine tables can be rolled back.Only columns with index will be displayed. You can define an index below.Only retrieve SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE StatementsOnly show keysOnly single-table UPDATE and DELETE queries can be simulated.Only slaves started with the --report-host=host_name option are visible in this list.OpenOpen new phpMyAdmin windowOpen pageOpen the linked page in the main window ([kbd]main[/kbd]) or in a new one ([kbd]new[/kbd]).Open the two-factor authentication app on your device to view your authentication code and verify your identity.OpenDocument SpreadsheetOpenDocument TextOpened files rate: %s, this value should be less than 5 per hourOpened table rate: %s, this value should be less than 10 per hourOpening tables requires disk I/O which is costly. Increasing {table_open_cache} might avoid this.OperationsOperatorOptimizeOptimize queries and/or use InnoDB to reduce lock wait.Optimize tableOptionsOrOr alternately go to 'Operations' tab of any database to set it up there.Or:OrderOrder byOrder by:Order of the tablesOrder:OrientationOriginal lengthOriginal positionOriginal stringOtherOther core settingsOther options:Outer ringOuter ring:OutputOutput pretty-printed JSON (Use human-readable formatting)Output unicode characters unescapedOutput:OverheadOverviewOverwrite existing file(s)PARTITION definition:PDF export pagePDF schema: pages tablePHP Version:PHP extension:PHP version:PackedPage namePage number:Page titlesPage to deletePage to openPage-related settingsPages containing dataPages to be flushedPaper sizeParametersParser:Partial import:Partial import: allow interruptPartial import: skip queriesPartial textsPartitionPartition %sPartition by:Partition maintenancePartition tablePartitioned by:PartitionsPartitions:PasswordPassword Hashing MethodPassword Hashing:Password for config authPassword is too long!Password:Paste it to your config.inc.phpPause monitorPending log file writes.Percentage of MyISAM key buffer usedPercentage of aborted clientsPercentage of aborted connectionsPercentage of index reads from memoryPercentage of physical writes compared to write requests (calculated value)Percentage of slow queriesPercentage of sorts that cause temporary tablesPercentage of temp tables on diskPercentage of used connectionsPercentage of used key cache (calculated value)Percentage of used open files limitPercona documentation is at https://www.percona.com/software/documentation/Permanent query historyPersistent connectionsPersistent favorite tablesPersistent recently used tablesPersistent tables' UI preferencesPiBPickPick from Central ColumnsPin textPlease add at least one variable to the series!Please answer the following question(s) carefully to obtain a correct normalization.Please be patient, the file is being uploaded. Details about the upload are not available.Please check privileges of directory containing database.Please connect your FIDO U2F device into your computer's USB port. Then confirm login on the device.Please connect your FIDO U2F device into your computer's USB port. Then confirm registration on the device.Please create web server writable folder [em]config[/em] in phpMyAdmin top level directory as described in [doc@setup_script]documentation[/doc]. Otherwise you will be only able to download or display it.Please enter a valid HEX inputPlease enter a valid URLPlease enter a valid credit card numberPlease enter a valid database name.Please enter a valid datePlease enter a valid date ( ISO )Please enter a valid date or timePlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid hexadecimal string. Valid characters are 0-9, A-F.Please enter a valid length!Please enter a valid numberPlease enter a valid number!Please enter a valid page namePlease enter a valid table name.Please enter a value between {0} and {1}Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters longPlease enter a value greater than or equal to {0}Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}Please enter at least {0} charactersPlease enter no more than {0} charactersPlease enter only digitsPlease enter the SQL query first.Please enter the same value againPlease enter the values for transformation options using this format: 'a', 100, b,'c'…
If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("'") amongst those values, precede it with a backslash (for example '\\xyz' or 'a\'b').Please fix this fieldPlease look at the bottom of this window.Please note that enabling this has no effect with [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication mode because the password is hard coded in the configuration file; this does not limit the ability to execute the same command directly.Please note that phpMyAdmin is just a user interface and its features do not limit MySQL.Please note:Please provide a name for this bookmarked search.Please scan following QR code into the two-factor authentication app on your device and enter authentication code it generates.Please see the documentation on how to update your column_info table.Please select a page to continuePlease select column(s) for the index.Please select databases:Please select the file you want to import.Please select the primary key or a unique key!PluginPluginsPointPoint %dPoint %d:Point:PolygonPolygon %d:Port on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default.Port:PortraitPositionPossible performance issuesPrefixPrepends and/or Appends text to a string. First option is text to be prepended, second is appended (enclosed in single quotes, default empty string).Preset chartPress Ctrl+Enter to execute queryPress Enter to execute queryPress escape to cancel editing.Preview SQLPrevious import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d.Previous monthPrevPrevious pagePreviousPrimaryPrimary key added.Primary key already exists.Primary key default sort orderPrintPrint viewPrior to changing any of the configuration, be sure to know what you are changing (by reading the documentation) and how to undo the change. Wrong tuning can have a very negative effect on performance.Private key for reCaptchaPrivilegesPrivileges for %sProblems with indexes of table `%s`ProcedureProceduresProcedures:ProcessesProcessing requestProfilingProfiling resultsProgressPropose table structureProtect binary columnsProtocol version:Provides authentication using HOTP and TOTP applications such as FreeOTP, Google Authenticator or Authy.Provides authentication using hardware security tokens supporting FIDO U2F.Proxy passwordProxy urlProxy usernamePublic key for reCaptchaPurpose:Put columns names in the first rowPut columns names in the first row:QBE saved searches tableQueried timeQueries are executed by pressing Enter (instead of Ctrl+Enter). New lines will be inserted with Shift+Enter.QueryQuery Cache usageQuery analyzerQuery by exampleQuery cacheQuery cache disabledQuery cache efficiencyQuery cache efficiency (%%)Query cache fragmentationQuery cache low memory prunesQuery cache max sizeQuery cache min result sizeQuery cache not running efficiently, it has a low hit rate.Query cache usageQuery cache usedQuery caching methodQuery errorQuery failedQuery history lengthQuery results operationsQuery statisticsQuery took %01.4f seconds.Query windowQuestionsQuestions below 1,000Questions since startup:QuickQuick - display only the minimal optionsQuick - display only the minimal options to configureQuick steps to set up advanced features:RELATIONSHIPS FOR TABLERange searchRate of aborted clientsRate of aborted connectionsRate of joins without indexesRate of open filesRate of reading first index entryRate of reading fixed positionRate of reading fixed position average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourRate of reading next table rowRate of reading next table row: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourRate of sorts that cause temporary tablesRate of table openRate of temporary tables being written to disk: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourRe-login to phpMyAdmin to load the updated configuration file.Re-typeRe-type:Read as multibytesRead missesRead misses in %Read requestsReading of version failed. Maybe you're offline or the upgrade server does not respond.RebuildRecall user nameReceivedRecentRecent tablesRecently used tableRecently used tablesRecoding engineRecommendationRecord cache sizeReferenced by %s.RefreshRefresh rateRelated links:Relation tableRelation viewRelational displayRelational keyRelational schemaRelationship operatorRelationshipsRelease SeriesReloadReload navigation panelReload pageReloading the privilegesRemember file name templateRemember table's sortingRemembering Designer SettingsRemoveRemove CRLF characters within columnsRemove carriage return/line feed characters within columnsRemove columns from central listRemove databaseRemove from FavoritesRemove from central columnsRemove last parameterRemove partitioningRemove redundant columnsRemove selectedRemove selected user accountsRemove this columnRemove variable data in INSERT statements for better groupingRemoving Selected UsersRename database toRename exported databases/tables/columnsRename table toRename toRename view toRenaming databasesRepairRepair tableRepair threadsRepeat headersRepeat the headers every X cells, [kbd]0[/kbd] deactivates this feature.ReplaceReplace NULL withReplace NULL with:Replace existing bookmark of same nameReplace table prefixReplace table with prefixReplace with:Replaced stringReplicate all databases; Ignore:ReplicatedReplicationReplication resetting successfully.Replication started successfully.Replication statusReplication stopped successfully.ReportReport title:RequeryRequest aborted!!Request failed!!Requires SSL-encrypted connections.Requires a valid X509 certificate.Requires that a specific cipher method be used for a connection.Requires that a valid X509 certificate issued by this CA be presented.Requires that a valid X509 certificate with this subject be presented.ResetReset allReset slaveReset to defaultReset zoomResource limitsRestore column orderRestore default valueRestrict login to MySQL serverRestricts the MySQL servers the user can enter when a login to an arbitrary MySQL server is enabled by matching the IP or hostname of the MySQL server to the given regular expression.Results are grouped by query text.Resume monitorRetain query boxRetry to connectReturn length/valuesReturn optionsReturn typeReturnsRevokeRevoke all active privileges from the users and delete them afterwards.RightRight-click the column name to copy it to your clipboard.Rollback when finishedRoutineRoutine %1$s has been created.Routine %1$s has been modified.Routine %1$s has been modified. Privileges have been adjusted.Routine nameRoutine parametersRoutine-specific privilegesRoutinesRow file grow sizeRow lengthRow markerRow sizeRow statisticsRow to begin at:Row: %1$s, Column: %2$s, Error: %3$sRowsRows:Rule detailsRun SQL query/queries on database %sRun SQL query/queries on server “%s”Run SQL query/queries on table %sSCHEMA ERROR: SHA256 password authenticationSQLSQL Query ConsoleSQL Query boxSQL compatibility modeSQL compatibility mode:SQL data accessSQL dumpSQL dump (file download)SQL executionSQL historySQL queriesSQL queries settings.SQL querySQL query history tableSQL query on database %s:SQL query tracking tableSQL query:SQL statements executed.SQL statements exported. Please copy the dump or execute it.SQL uploadSSL connection enforced by server, automatically enabling it.SSL is not being usedSSL is usedSSL is used with disabled verificationSSL is used without certification authoritySaSame width for all tablesSatSaturdaySaveSave & closeSave as JSON fileSave as PHP fileSave as fileSave chart as imageSave directorySave edited dataSave on serverSave on server in the directory %sSave output to a fileSave pageSave page asSave to browser's storageSave to selected pageSaved bookmarked search:Saved on: @DATE@Saving Query-By-Example searchesSaving export templatesSchema of the %s databaseSchema of the %s database - Page %sScript timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please %sresubmit the same file%s and import will resume.Scroll down to fill in the options for the selected format and ignore the options for other formats.SearchSearch in databaseSearch this listSearch this tableSearch:SearchingSecondSecond step of normalization (1NF+2NF)Second step of normalization (2NF)Secret passphrase used for encrypting cookies in [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication.Secret/key:SecuritySecurity typeSee %sour documentation%s for more information.See [doc@authentication-modes]authentication types[/doc] for an example.See moreSee slave status tableSee table structureSelect Export Relational TypeSelect Foreign KeySelect a column which can be split into more than one (on select of 'no such column', it'll move to next step).Select a column.Select a tableSelect a templateSelect allSelect at least one of the options!Select binary log to viewSelect column:Select columns (at least one):Select database firstSelect database:Select from the web server upload directory %s:Select one…Select pageSelect referenced keySelect series:Select table:Select two columnsSelect two different columnsSelect up to what step you want to normalizeSelect which functions will be used for character set conversion.Selected dependencies are as follows:Selected partial dependencies are as follows:Selected repeating group has been moved to the table '%s'Selected time range:Send error reportSend error reportsSentSepSeptemberSeries column:Series in chart:Series names are in a columnSeries:ServerServer %dServer Choice:Server IDServer charset:Server configurationServer connection collationServer connection collation:Server connection:Server defaultServer hostnameServer is configured as slave in a replication process. Would you like to:Server level tabsServer name templateServer portServer running with Suhosin. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for possible issues.Server socketServer type:Server variables and settingsServer version:Server-level tabsServer:ServersServers display options.Session timezoneSession valueSet defaultSet import and export directories and compression options.Set log_output to %sSet long_query_time to %d seconds.Set some commonly used options.Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run ([kbd]0[/kbd] for no limit).Set to 0 to collapse navigation panel.Set value: %sSet {key_buffer_size} depending on the size of your MyISAM indexes. 64M is a good start.Set {slow_launch_time} to 1s or 2s to correctly count threads that are slow to launch.Sets the effective timezone; possibly different than the one from your database serverSetting variable failedSetting {concurrent_insert} to 1 reduces contention between readers and writers for a given table. See also MySQL DocumentationSettingsSettings for phpMyAdmin developers.Settings for the table structure (list of columns).Settings that didn't fit anywhere else.Settings will be imported from your browser's local storage.Settings will be saved in your browser's local storage.Severe fragmentation is likely to (further) increase Qcache_lowmem_prunes. This might be caused by many Query cache low memory prunes due to {query_cache_size} being too small. For a immediate but short lived fix you can flush the query cache (might lock the query cache for a long time). Carefully adjusting {query_cache_min_res_unit} to a lower value might help too, e.g. you can set it to the average size of your queries in the cache using this formula: (query_cache_size - qcache_free_memory) / qcache_queries_in_cacheShare this bookmarkShift+Click to add this column to ORDER BY clause or to toggle ASC/DESC.
- Ctrl+Click or Alt+Click (Mac: Shift+Option+Click) to remove column from ORDER BY clauseShort month nameMayShort week day nameSunShowShow "Drop database" link to normal usersShow %1$s with dates from %2$s to %3$s by user %4$s %5$sShow BLOB contentsShow PHP informationShow SQL queriesShow allShow argumentsShow binary contentsShow colorShow column commentsShow connected slavesShow createShow create database formShow creation timestampShow current browsing queryShow databases navigation as treeShow detailed MySQL server informationShow events in treeShow field typesShow find and replace criteriaShow formShow full queriesShow function fieldsShow functions in treeShow gridShow hidden itemsShow hidden messagesShow hidden navigation tree items.Show hintShow insert queryShow last check timestampShow last update timestampShow logo in navigation panel.Show master statusShow me the central list of columns that are not already in this tableShow me the possible partial dependencies based on data in the tableShow only activeShow only alert valuesShow only listed databasesShow open tablesShow or hide a column displaying the Creation timestamp for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the Last check timestamp for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the Last update timestamp for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the charset for all tables.Show or hide a column displaying the comments for all tables.Show panelShow password change formShow phpinfo() linkShow procedures in treeShow query boxShow query history at startShow report detailsShow row links anywayShow search criteriaShow search resultsShow server listing as a list instead of a drop down.Show slave hostsShow slave statusShow statisticsShow table charsetShow table commentsShow tables in treeShow this query here againShow traceShow unformatted valuesShow views in treeShow/Hide tables listShow/hide columnsShow:Showing %1$d bookmark (both private and shared)Showing %1$d bookmarks (both private and shared)Showing SQL queryShowing as PHP codeShowing bookmarkShowing create queriesShowing rows %1$s - %2$s.Showing rows %1s - %2sShows link to [a@https://php.net/manual/function.phpinfo.php]phpinfo()[/a] output.Signon URLSignon authenticationSignon session nameSimilar to the CHAR type, but stores binary byte strings rather than non-binary character stringsSimilar to the VARCHAR type, but stores binary byte strings rather than non-binary character stringsSimple two-factor authenticationSimulate querySince grouping of INSERTs queries has been selected, INSERT queries into the same table are also being grouped together, disregarding of the inserted data.Sit tight! It may take few seconds depending on data size and column count of the table.SizeSkip Explain SQLSkip current errorSkip locked tablesSkip next %s errors.Skip tables larger than %s MiBSkip this number of queries (for SQL) starting from the first one:Skipping errors might lead into unsynchronized master and slave!Slave IO Thread not running!Slave SQL Thread not running!Slave configurationSlave replicationSlave statusSlow launch timeSlow query loggingSlow query rateSlow_launch_time is above 2s.Small/Big AllSnap to gridSocket on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default.Some error occurred while getting SQL debug info.Some errors have been detected on the server!Sorry, we failed to restore the dropped event.Sorry, we failed to restore the dropped routine.Sorry, we failed to restore the dropped trigger.SortSort buffer sizeSort by key:Sort order for items in a foreign-key dropdown box; [kbd]content[/kbd] is the referenced data, [kbd]id[/kbd] is the key value.Sort order:Sort rowsSort:Sorted rows average: %sSortingSource database `%s` was not found!Space usageSpatialSpatial Reference System IdentifierSRID:Spatial columnSpecify browser's title bar text. Refer to [doc@faq6-27]documentation[/doc] for magic strings that can be used to get special values.StackedStand inStand-in structure for viewStart IO Thread onlyStart MonitorStart SQL Thread onlyStart auto refreshStart of recurring eventStartStart row:StartupStateStatementsStatements to trackStatic analysis:StatusStatus variable(s)StepStep 1.Step 2.Step 3.Stop IO Thread onlyStop SQL Thread onlyStop auto refreshStorage EngineStorage Engine:Storage enginesStores and enables efficient access to data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documentsString that separates databases into different tree levels.String that separates tables into different tree levels.StrongStructureStructure and dataStructure for viewStructure for view %s exported as a tableStructure of %sStructure of table @TABLE@Structure onlyStructure snapshotStructure:SuSub partitioned by:SubmitSubmit QuerySubmit error reportSubmit querySubmitted form contains errorsSuboptimal caching method.SubpartitionSubpartition by:Subpartitions:SucceededSuccessSuccess!Success.Successfully copied!Successfully deleted the pageSuhosin warningSumSum of grouped rows:Summary by stateSunSundaySwitch to %svisual builder%sSwitch to copied databaseSwitch to copied tableSwitch to dark themeSynonym for DOUBLE (exception: in REAL_AS_FLOAT SQL mode it is a synonym for FLOAT)Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for JSON.Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for SQL.Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for XML (and HTML).Syntax to use when inserting dataSyntax to use when inserting data:System CPU usageSystem memorySystem swapTab that is displayed when entering a database.Tab that is displayed when entering a server.Tab that is displayed when entering a table.TableTable %1$s has been altered successfully.Table %1$s has been altered successfully. Privileges have been adjusted.Table %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.Table %s already exists!Table %s has been copied to %s.Table %s has been copied to %s. Privileges have been adjusted.Table %s has been dropped.Table %s has been emptied.Table %s has been flushed.Table %s has been moved to %s.Table %s has been moved to %s. Privileges have been adjusted.Table aliasTable captionTable caption (continued):Table caption:Table commentsTable comments:Table is already in Third normal form!Table is already in second normal form.Table joins average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourTable level tabsTable lock wait rateTable lock wait rate: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hourTable maintenanceTable nameTable name templateTable navigation barTable of contentsTable optionsTable searchTable spaceTable structureTable structure for tableTable to describe the display columns, leave blank for no support; suggested: [kbd]pma__table_info[/kbd].Table tree separatorTable-level tabsTable-specific privilegesTable:TablesTables display options.Tables:TabsTake itTaking you to next step…Taking you to the target site.Target databaseTarget database `%s` was not found!Target for quick access iconTarget for second quick access iconTemp disk rateTemplate nameTemplate was created.Template was deleted.Template was loaded.Template was updated.Template:Temporary dataTemporary tables average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour.TestTextText fieldsTextarea columnsTextarea rowsTextarea size (columns) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2).Textarea size (rows) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2).Texy! textThThank you for submitting this report.The $cfg['TempDir'] (%s) is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to cache templates and will be slow because of this.The %% of indexes that use the MyISAM key buffer is low.The %s extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.The %s file is not available on this system, please visit %s for more information.The %s functionality is affected by a known bug, see %sThe %s table doesn't exist!The Advisor system can provide recommendations on server variables by analyzing the server status variables.The InnoDB buffer pool has a profound impact on performance for InnoDB tables. Assign all your remaining memory to this buffer. For database servers that use solely InnoDB as storage engine and have no other services (e.g. a web server) running, you may set this as high as 80%% of your available memory. If that is not the case, you need to carefully assess the memory consumption of your other services and non-InnoDB-Tables and set this variable accordingly. If it is set too high, your system will start swapping, which decreases performance significantly. See also this articleThe InnoDB log file size is inadequately large.The InnoDB log file size is not an appropriate size, in relation to the InnoDB buffer pool.The MySQL manual only is accurate for official MySQL binaries.The MySQL server can ask the NDB Cluster storage engine if it knows about a table with a given name. This is called discovery. Handler_discover indicates the number of time tables have been discovered.The MySQL server version less than 5.1.The XML file specified was either malformed or incomplete. Please correct the issue and try again.The amount of data read so far, in bytes.The amount of data written so far, in bytes.The amount of data written to the transaction log before a checkpoint is performed. The default value is 24MB.The amount of free memory for query cache.The amount of memory allocated to the transaction log cache used to cache on transaction log data. The default is 16MB.The arrangement of the charts is stored to the browsers local storage. You may want to export it if you have a complicated set up.The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.The backed up query was:The best way to tune your system would be to change only one setting at a time, observe or benchmark your database, and undo the change if there was no clearly measurable improvement.The bookmark has been deleted.The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.The cache is currently fragmented by %s%% , with 100%% fragmentation meaning that the query cache is an alternating pattern of free and used blocks. This value should be below 20%%.The central list of columns for the current database is emptyThe chart arrangement configuration in your browsers local storage is not compatible anymore to the newer version of the monitor dialog. It is very likely that your current configuration will not work anymore. Please reset your configuration to default in the Settings menu.The columns have been moved successfully.The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files.The compiled-in InnoDB page size (default 16KB). Many values are counted in pages; the page size allows them to be easily converted to bytes.The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).The configuration storage is not ready for the central list of columns feature.The configured two factor authentication is not available, please install missing dependencies.The curl extension was not found and allow_url_fopen is disabled. Due to this some features such as error reporting or version check are disabled.The current number of pending fsync() operations.The current number of pending reads.The current number of pending writes.The current query cache hit rate of %s%% is below 20%%The current ratio of free query cache memory to total query cache size is %s%%. It should be above 80%%The database name is empty!The database name is not known for this query in the server's logs.The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.The definer must be in the "username@hostname" format!The definition of a stored function must contain a RETURN statement!The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached.The file being uploaded is probably larger than the maximum allowed size or this is a known bug in webkit based (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.) browsers.The file is being processed, please be patient.The first line of the file contains the table column names (if this is unchecked, the first line will become part of the data)The first step of normalization is complete for table '%s'.The following actions will be performed:The following query has failed: "%s"The following structures have either been created or altered. Here you can:The grow size of the handle data (.xtd) files.The grow size of the row pointer (.xtr) files.The host name is empty!The imported file does not contain any data!The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace when it becomes full.The indexes %1$s and %2$s seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.The max size of the result set in the query cache is the default of 1 MiB.The maximum amount of used connections is getting close to the value of {max_connections}.The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server started.The maximum size of a data log file. The default value is 64MB. PBXT can create a maximum of 32000 data logs, which are used by all tables. So the value of this variable can be increased to increase the total amount of data that can be stored in the database.The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using a multibyte charset. Without the mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.The name '%s' is a MySQL reserved keyword.The names '%s' are MySQL reserved keywords.The name of the primary key must be "PRIMARY"!The number of "random" read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when a query is to scan a large portion of a table but in random order.The number of INSERT DELAYED handler threads in use. Every different table on which one uses INSERT DELAYED gets its own thread.The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written.The number of buffer pool pages that have been requested to be flushed.The number of bytes a script is allowed to allocate, eg. [kbd]32M[/kbd] ([kbd]-1[/kbd] for no limit and [kbd]0[/kbd] for no change).The number of bytes written to the log file.The number of cache hits.The number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server.The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly.The number of currently open connections.The number of doublewrite operations that have been performed.The number of executed FLUSH statements.The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.The number of files that are open.The number of free memory blocks in query cache. High numbers can indicate fragmentation issues, which may be solved by issuing a FLUSH QUERY CACHE statement.The number of free pages.The number of fsync() operations so far.The number of fsync() writes done to the log file.The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server while executing statements.The number of internal COMMIT statements.The number of internal ROLLBACK statements.The number of items that can be displayed on each page of the navigation tree.The number of items that can be displayed on each page on the first level of the navigation tree.The number of joins that did a full scan of the first table.The number of joins that do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.The number of joins that used a range search on a reference table.The number of joins that used ranges on the first table. (It's normally not critical even if this is big.)The number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. (If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.)The number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but haven't yet been flushed to disk. It used to be known as Not_flushed_key_blocks.The number of latched pages in InnoDB buffer pool. These are pages currently being read or written or that can't be flushed or removed for some other reason.The number of log write requests.The number of logical read requests InnoDB has done.The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from buffer pool and had to do a single-page read.The number of merge passes the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value is large, you should consider increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable.The number of non-cached queries (not cachable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting).The number of open files is approaching the max number of open files. You may get a "Too many open files" error.The number of opened files is at %s%% of the limit. It should be below 85%%The number of pages busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index. This value can also be calculated as Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data.The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean).The number of pages created.The number of pages currently dirty.The number of pages read.The number of pages that have been written for doublewrite operations.The number of pages written.The number of pending log file fsyncs.The number of physical reads of a key block from disk. If Key_reads is big, then your key_buffer_size value is probably too small. The cache miss rate can be calculated as Key_reads/Key_read_requests.The number of physical writes of a key block to disk.The number of physical writes to the log file.The number of queries added to the cache.The number of queries registered in the cache.The number of queries that have been removed from the cache to free up memory for caching new queries. This information can help you tune the query cache size. The query cache uses a least recently used (LRU) strategy to decide which queries to remove from the cache.The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.The number of requests to insert a row in a table.The number of requests to read a key block from the cache.The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position. This is high if you are doing a lot of queries that require sorting of the result. You probably have a lot of queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins that don't use keys properly.The number of requests to read a row based on a key. If this is high, it is a good indication that your queries and tables are properly indexed.The number of requests to read the next row in key order. This is incremented if you are querying an index column with a range constraint or if you are doing an index scan.The number of requests to read the next row in the data file. This is high if you are doing a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests that your tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written to take advantage of the indexes you have.The number of requests to read the previous row in key order. This read method is mainly used to optimize ORDER BY … DESC.The number of requests to update a row in a table.The number of requests to write a key block to the cache.The number of row locks currently being waited for.The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables.The number of rows inserted in InnoDB tables.The number of rows read from InnoDB tables.The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables.The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAYED queues.The number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurred (probably duplicate key).The number of sequential read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when InnoDB does a sequential full table scan.The number of sorted rows.The number of sorts that were done by scanning the table.The number of sorts that were done with ranges.The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging).The number of tables that are open.The number of tables that have been opened. If opened tables is big, your table cache value is probably too small.The number of temporary tables currently open by the slave SQL thread.The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-based instead of disk-based.The number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. (Normally this doesn't give a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)The number of threads in the thread cache. The cache hit rate can be calculated as Threads_created/Connections. If this value is red you should raise your thread_cache_size.The number of threads that are not sleeping.The number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to create.The number of times a row lock had to be waited for.The number of times a row was deleted from a table.The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and a wait was needed. If this is high, and you have performance problems, you should first optimize your queries, and then either split your table or tables or use replication.The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediately.The number of times the first entry was read from an index. If this is high, it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, SELECT col1 FROM foo, assuming that col1 is indexed.The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache but that exceeded the value of binlog_cache_size and used a temporary file to store statements from the transaction.The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache.The number of unused blocks in the key cache. You can use this value to determine how much of the key cache is in use.The number of used blocks in the key cache. This value is a high-water mark that indicates the maximum number of blocks that have ever been in use at one time.The number of waits we had because log buffer was too small and we had to wait for it to be flushed before continuing.The number writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool.The password for %s was changed successfully.The password for authenticating with the proxy.The password is empty!The passwords aren't the same!The percentage of garbage in a data log file before it is compacted. This is a value between 1 and 99. The default is 50.The phpMyAdmin Monitor can assist you in optimizing the server configuration and track down time intensive queries. For the latter you will need to set log_output to 'TABLE' and have either the slow_query_log or general_log enabled. Note however, that the general_log produces a lot of data and increases server load by up to 15%.The phpMyAdmin configuration storage has been deactivated. %sFind out why%s.The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. %sFind out why%s. The plot can be resized by dragging it along the bottom right corner.The primary key ( %1$s ) consists of more than one column so we need to find the partial dependencies.The primary key has been dropped.The privileges were reloaded successfully.The profile has been updated.The query cache is considerably fragmented.The query cache is enabled and the server receives %d queries per second. This rule fires if there is more than 100 queries per second.The query cache is known to greatly improve performance if configured correctly. Enable it by setting {query_cache_size} to a 2 digit MiB value and setting {query_cache_type} to 'ON'. Note: If you are using memcached, ignore this recommendation.The query cache is not enabled.The query cache size is above 128 MiB. Big query caches may cause significant overhead that is required to maintain the cache.The rate of opening files is high.The rate of opening tables is high.The rate of reading data from a fixed position is high.The rate of reading the first index entry is high.The rate of reading the next table row is high.The ratio of removed queries to inserted queries is %s%%. The lower this value is, the better (This rules firing limit: 0.1%%)The requested page was not found in the history, it may have expired.The row has been deleted.The second step of normalization is complete for table '%1$s'.The secret passphrase in configuration (blowfish_secret) is too short.The selected user was not found in the privilege table.The selected users have been deleted successfully.The server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not correctly configured).The server is not responding.The size of a transaction log before rollover, and a new log is created. The default value is 16MB.The size of the buffer used when writing a data log. The default is 256MB. The engine allocates one buffer per thread, but only if the thread is required to write a data log.The size of the global transaction log buffer (the engine allocates 2 buffers of this size). The default is 1MB.The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.The slow query log is disabled.The slow query rate should be below 5%%, your value is %s%%.The status of failsafe replication (not yet implemented).The table name is empty!The third step of normalization is complete.The thread cache is set to 0The total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query optimizer. Useful for comparing the cost of different query plans for the same query. The default value of 0 means that no query has been compiled yet.The total number of blocks in the query cache.The total number of data reads.The total number of data writes.The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds.The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.The uptime is only %sThe url of the proxy to be used when retrieving the information about the latest version of phpMyAdmin or when submitting error reports. You need this if the server where phpMyAdmin is installed does not have direct access to the internet. The format is: "hostname:portnumber".The user %s already exists!The user name is empty!The username for authenticating with the proxy. By default, no authentication is performed. If a username is supplied, Basic Authentication will be performed. No other types of authentication are currently supported.The web server does not have permission to save the file %s.ThemeTheme %s not found!Theme path not found for theme %s!Theme:There are large item groups in navigation panel which may affect the performance. Consider disabling item grouping in the navigation panel.There are lots of rows being sorted.There are no configured serversThere are no events to display.There are no favorite tables.There are no files to upload!There are no recent tables.There are no routines to display.There are no triggers to display.There are too many joins without indexes.There are too many threads that are slow to launch.There is a high percentage of slow queries compared to the server uptime.There is a lot of slow queries compared to the overall amount of Queries.There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine.There is no primary key; please add one.
Hint: A primary key is a column (or combination of columns) that uniquely identify all rows.There was a problem accessing your browser storage, some features may not work properly for you. It is likely that the browser doesn't support storage or the quota limit has been reached. In Firefox, corrupted storage can also cause such a problem, clearing your "Offline Website Data" might help. In Safari, such problem is commonly caused by "Private Mode Browsing".There was an error importing the ESRI shape file: "%s".These are Edit, Copy and Delete links.Third step of normalization (1NF+2NF+3NF)Third step of normalization (3NF)This %soption%s should be disabled as it allows attackers to bruteforce login to any MySQL server. If you feel this is necessary, use %srestrict login to MySQL server%s or %strusted proxies list%s. However, IP-based protection with trusted proxies list may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.This HostThis MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine.This MySQL server has been running for %1$s. It started up on %2$s.This MySQL server works as master and slave in replication process.This MySQL server works as master in replication process.This MySQL server works as slave in replication process.This action may change some of the columns definition.
Are you sure you want to continue?This column shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL query itself has been used as a grouping criteria, so the other attributes of queries, such as start time, may differ.This feature is not supported by your web browserThis field is requiredThis format has no optionsThis generally happens in case of general system overload as it is pretty simple operations. You might want to monitor your system load carefully.This hostThis indicates that many queries are doing full table scans. Add indexes where applicable.This indicates that many queries need to sort results and/or do a full table scan, including join queries that do not use indexes. Add indexes where applicable.This is ON if this server is a slave that is connected to a master.This is a read-only variable and can not be editedThis is the amount of memory allocated to the index cache. Default value is 32MB. The memory allocated here is used only for caching index pages.This is the amount of memory allocated to the record cache used to cache table data. The default value is 32MB. This memory is used to cache changes to the handle data (.xtd) and row pointer (.xtr) files.This is the number of transaction log files (pbxt/system/xlog*.xt) the system will maintain. If the number of logs exceeds this value then old logs will be deleted, otherwise they are renamed and given the next highest number.This list is based on a subset of the table's data and is not necessarily accurate. This means that joins are doing full table scans. Adding indexes for the columns being used in the join conditions will greatly speed up table joins.This method requires using an 'SSL connection' or an 'unencrypted connection that encrypts the password using RSA'; while connecting to the server.This might be caused by {query_cache_limit} being too low. Flushing the query cache might help as well.This operation could take a long time. Proceed anyway?This operation will attempt to convert your data to the new collation. In rare cases, especially where a character doesn't exist in the new collation, this process could cause the data to appear incorrectly under the new collation; in this case we suggest you revert to the original collation and refer to the tips at This option will replace your table and contained data.This plugin does not support compressed imports!This report automatically includes data about the error and information about relevant configuration settings. It will be sent to the phpMyAdmin team for debugging the error.This server is configured as master in a replication process.This server is not configured as a master server in a replication process. You can choose from either replicating all databases and ignoring some of them (useful if you want to replicate a majority of the databases) or you can choose to ignore all databases by default and allow only certain databases to be replicated. Please select the mode:This server is not configured as master in a replication process. Would you like to %sconfigure%s it?This server is not configured as slave in a replication process. Would you like to %sconfigure%s it?This setting is disabled, it will not be applied to your configuration.This table does not contain a unique column. Features related to the grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete links may not work after saving.This usually indicates frequent full index scans. Full index scans are faster than table scans but require lots of CPU cycles in big tables, if those tables that have or had high volumes of UPDATEs and DELETEs, running 'OPTIMIZE TABLE' might reduce the amount of and/or speed up full index scans. Other than that full index scans can only be reduced by rewriting queries.This usually means there is a syntax error in it, please check any errors shown below.This value is interpreted using %1$sstrftime%2$s, so you can use time formatting strings. Additionally the following transformations will happen: %3$s. Other text will be kept as is. See the %4$sFAQ%5$s for details.This value should be double checked to ensure that this directory is neither world accessible nor readable or writable by other users on your server.This view has at least this number of rows. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.Thread %s was successfully killed.Thread cacheThread cache hit rate %%Thread cache hit rate (calculated value)Thread cache hitrate: %s%%, this value should be above 80%%Thread cache is disabled, resulting in more overhead from new connections to MySQL.Thread cache is not efficient.ThreadsThreads that are slow to launchThrough this operation, MySQL attempts to map the data values between collations. If the character sets are incompatible, there may be data loss and this lost data may NOT be recoverable simply by changing back the column collation(s). To convert existing data, it is suggested to use the column(s) editing feature (the "Change" Link) on the table structure page. ThuThursdayTiBTimeTime takenTime taken:Timed out waiting for security key activation.Title of browser window when a database is selected.Title of browser window when a server is selected.Title of browser window when a table is selected.Title of browser window when nothing is selected.ToTo display queries from the logs, select the relevant time span on any chart by holding down the left mouse button and panning over the chart. Once confirmed, this will load a table of grouped queries, there you may click on any occurring SELECT statements to further analyze them.To have more accurate averages it is recommended to let the server run for longer than a day before running this analyzerTo zoom in, select a section of the plot with the mouse.TodayToggle relationship linesToggle small/bigToo many clients are aborted.Too many connections are aborted.Too many error messages, some are not displayed.Too many sorts are causing temporary tables.Too many table locks were not granted immediately.TotalTotal (since startup) number of times the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactions.Total TimeTotal memoryTotal size of buffer pool, in pages.Total swapTotal time:Total:Track tableTrack these data definition statements:Track these data manipulation statements:Track viewTracked tablesTrackingTracking data definition successfully deletedTracking data deleted successfully.Tracking data manipulation successfully deletedTracking for %1$s was activated at version %2$s.Tracking for %1$s was deactivated at version %2$s.Tracking is active.Tracking is not active.Tracking of %s is activated.Tracking of changes made in database. Requires the phpMyAdmin configuration storage.Tracking reportTracking report for table `%s`Tracking statementsTracking versions deleted successfully.TrafficTransaction buffer sizeTransaction coordinatorTrigger %1$s has been created.Trigger %1$s has been modified.Trigger action timeTimeTrigger nameTriggersTruncateTruncate shown queriesTruncate table before insertTry to revert erroneous fields to their default valuesTuTueTuesdayTwo-factor authenticationTwo-factor authentication failed.Two-factor authentication failed: %sTwo-factor authentication has been configured.Two-factor authentication has been removed.Two-factor authentication is available and configured for this account.Two-factor authentication is available, but not configured for this account.Two-factor authentication is not available, enable phpMyAdmin configuration storage to use it.Two-factor authentication is not available, please install optional dependencies to enable authentication backends.Two-factor authentication statusTypeType to filter these, Enter to search allUI preferences tableURL where logo in the navigation panel will point to.Unable to change master!Unable to connect to master %s.Unable to read master log position. Possible privilege problem on master.Unable to use timezone "%1$s" for server %2$d. Please check your configuration setting for [em]$cfg['Servers'][%3$d]['SessionTimeZone'][/em]. phpMyAdmin is currently using the default time zone of the database server.Unexpected character on line %1$s. Expected tab, but found "%2$s".Unexpected characters on line %s.Ungroup queriesUniqueUnitUnknownUnknown errorUnknown error in file upload.Unknown storage engine.Unknown table status:Unlink from main panelUnparsable version stringUnselect allUntitledUntracked tablesUpdateUpdate QueryUpdate bookmarkUpdate data when duplicate keys found on importUpdate data when duplicate keys found on import (add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE)Update queryUpdatedUpload directoryUploading your import file…Uptime below one dayUptime is less than 1 day, performance tuning may not be accurate.Use %s statementUse GZip output buffering for increased speed in HTTP transfers.Use Host TableUse LOCAL keywordUse OpenStreetMaps as Base LayerUse SSLUse TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere.Use TablesUse database searchUse delayed insertsUse hexadecimal for BINARY & BLOBUse host tableUse ignore insertsUse natural order for sorting table and database names.Use only icons, only text or both.Use persistent connections to MySQL databases.Use regular expressionUse text fieldUse text field:Use this column in criteriaUse this column to label each pointUse this valueUse user-friendly editor for editing SQL queries (CodeMirror) with syntax highlighting and line numbers.Used memoryUsed swapUsed variable / formulaUserUser accountUser accountsUser accounts overviewUser for config authUser groupUser group menu assignmentsUser groupsUser groups tableUser has been added.User nameUser name:User preferencesUser preferences storage tableUser:UsernameUsername and hostname didn't change. If you only want to change the password, 'Change password' tab should be used.Username:UsersUsers cannot set a higher valueUsers having access to "%s"Users of '%s' user groupUsers tableUsing bookmark "%s" as default browse query.Using the monitor:VIEW nameValidates the string using regular expression and performs insert only if string matches it. The first option is the Regular Expression.Validation failed for the input string %s.ValueValue Column:Value for the column "%s"Value must be less than or equal to %s!ValuesValues for a new columnValues for column %sValues for options list for default transformations. These will be overwritten if transformation is filled in at table structure page.VariableVariable %d:VariablesVerbose name of this serverVerifyVersionVersion %1$s of %2$s was deleted.Version %1$s was created for selected tables, tracking is active for them.Version %1$s was created, tracking for %2$s is active.Version %s snapshot (SQL code)Version checkVersion informationVersion information:Version is compiled from source, not a MySQL official binary.Version less than 5.1.30 (the first GA release of 5.1).Version less than 5.5.8 (the first GA release of 5.5).VersionsVery weakViewView %s has been dropped.View a structure's contents by clicking on its name.View dump (schema) of databaseView dump (schema) of databasesView dump (schema) of tableView in fullscreenView name can not be empty!View onlyView output as textView structureView usersViewsViews:VirtualityVisualize GIS dataWarningWarning: a form on this page has more than %d fields. On submission, some of the fields might be ignored, due to PHP's max_input_vars configuration.WarningsWeWeakWeb serverWedWednesdayWelcomeWelcome to %sWell Known BinaryWell Known TextWhen Host table is used, this field is ignored and values stored in Host table are used instead.When browsing tables, the sorting of each table is remembered.When disabled, users cannot set any of the options below, regardless of the checkbox on the right.Where to show the table row linksWhether a DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a database.Whether a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a table.Whether a DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the log when creating a view.Whether a user should be displayed a "show all (rows)" button.Whether a warning ("Are your really sure…") should be displayed when you're about to lose data.Whether column comments should be shown in table structure viewWhether the table structure actions should be hidden.Whether the tracking mechanism creates versions for tables and views automatically.Whether to expand single database in the navigation tree automatically.Whether to offer the possibility of tree expansion in the navigation panel.Whether to show events under database in the navigation treeWhether to show functions under database in the navigation treeWhether to show hint or not.Whether to show procedures under database in the navigation treeWhether to show row links even in the absence of a unique key.Whether to show tables under database in the navigation treeWhether to show views under database in the navigation treeWhile requesting new chart data the server returned an invalid response. This is most likely because your session expired. Reloading the page and reentering your credentials should help.While there is nothing wrong with a high amount of row sorting, you might want to make sure that the queries which require a lot of sorting use indexed columns in the ORDER BY clause, as this will result in much faster sorting.Wildcards % and _ should be escaped with a \ to use them literally.With selected:Without PHP codeWkWords are separated by a space character (" ").Words or values to search for (wildcard: "%"):Write requestsWrite waitsWrite waits in %Wrong dataWrong data or no validation for %sWrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!Wrong username/password. Access denied.XX ValuesX-Axis label:X-Axis:XMLYY ValuesY valuesY-Axis label:YESYear suffixnoneYesYou allow for connecting to the server without a password.You are about to DESTROY a complete database!You are about to DESTROY a complete table!You are about to TRUNCATE a complete table!You are currently using %s%% of your memory for the InnoDB buffer pool. This rule fires if you are assigning less than 60%%, however this might be perfectly adequate for your system if you don't have much InnoDB tables or other services running on the same machine.You are not allowed to log in to this MySQL server!You are not using a secure connection; all data (including potentially sensitive information, like passwords) is transferred unencrypted!You are not using https to access phpMyAdmin, therefore FIDO U2F device will most likely refuse to authenticate you.You are trying to reduce the number of rows, but have already entered data in those rows which will be lost. Do you wish to continue?You are using Git version, run [kbd]git pull[/kbd] :-)[br]The latest stable version is %s, released on %s.You are using PHP's deprecated 'mysql' extension, which is not capable of handling multi queries. [strong]The execution of some stored routines may fail![/strong] Please use the improved 'mysqli' extension to avoid any problems.You are using the MySQL Query cache with a fairly high traffic database. It might be worth considering to use memcached instead of the MySQL Query cache, especially if you have multiple slaves.You are using the demo server. You can do anything here, but please do not change root, debian-sys-maint and pma users. More information is available at %s.You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (%s). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.You can also edit most values
by clicking directly on them.You can also edit most values
by double-clicking directly on them.You can enter hostname/IP address and port separated by space.You can execute the dump by creating and using a temporary database. Please ensure that you have the privileges to do so.You can reset all your settings and restore them to default values.You can set more settings by modifying config.inc.php, eg. by using %sSetup script%s.You can use MySQL wildcard characters (% and _), escape them if you want to use their literal instances, i.e. use [kbd]'my\_db'[/kbd] and not [kbd]'my_db'[/kbd].You can't change these variables. Please log in as root or contact your database administrator.You didn't have blowfish secret set and have enabled [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication, so a key was automatically generated for you. It is used to encrypt cookies; you don't need to remember it.You do not have InnoDB enabled.You do not have necessary privileges to create a database named 'phpmyadmin'. You may go to 'Operations' tab of any database to set up the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation; Please refer to the documentation for more detailsYou do not have the necessary privileges to create a routine.You do not have the necessary privileges to create a trigger.You do not have the necessary privileges to create an event.You do not have the privileges to administrate the users!You don't have sufficient privileges to be here right now!You don't have sufficient privileges to perform this operation; Please refer to the documentation for more detailsYou have a previously saved query. Click Get auto-saved query to load the query.You have a slow query rate of %s per hour, you should have less than 1%% per hour.You have added a new user.You have edited some data and they have not been saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page before saving the data?You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause some data to be corrupted!You have enabled two factor authentication, please confirm your login.You have enabled two factor authentication.You have no saved settings!You have revoked the privileges for %s.You have to choose at least one column to display!You have unsaved changes; are you sure you want to leave this page?You have updated the privileges for %s.You haven't saved the changes in the layout. They will be lost if you don't save them. Do you want to continue?You may also drag and drop a file on any page.You may examine the data in the error report:You may need to decrease the size of {key_buffer_size}, re-examine your tables to see if indexes have been removed, or examine queries and expectations about what indexes are being used.You may need to increase {key_buffer_size}.You may want to refresh the page.You might want to increase {long_query_time} or optimize the queries listed in the slow query logYou might want to increase {query_cache_size}, however keep in mind that the overhead of maintaining the cache is likely to increase with its size, so do this in small increments and monitor the results.You must provide a name and a type for each routine parameter.You must provide a routine definition.You must provide a routine name!You must provide a trigger definition.You must provide a trigger name!You must provide a valid event for the trigger!You must provide a valid execution time for the event.You must provide a valid interval value for the event.You must provide a valid return type for the routine.You must provide a valid table name!You must provide a valid timing for the trigger!You must provide a valid type for the event.You must provide an event definition.You must provide an event name!You must provide length/values for routine parameters of type ENUM, SET, VARCHAR and VARBINARY.You probably did not create a configuration file. You might want to use the %1$ssetup script%2$s to create one.You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for a workaround for this limit.You set the [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication type and included username and password for auto-login, which is not a desirable option for live hosts. Anyone who knows or guesses your phpMyAdmin URL can directly access your phpMyAdmin panel. Set %1$sauthentication type%2$s to [kbd]cookie[/kbd] or [kbd]http[/kbd].You should upgrade to %s %s or later.You should upgrade, as MySQL 5.1 has improved performance, and MySQL 5.5 even more so.You should upgrade, as recent versions of MySQL 5.1 have improved performance and MySQL 5.5 even more so.You should upgrade, to a stable version of MySQL 5.5.You should use SSL connections if your database server supports it.You were logged out from one server, to logout completely from phpMyAdmin, you need to logout from all servers.Your InnoDB buffer pool is fairly small.Your InnoDB log size is at %s%% in relation to the InnoDB buffer pool size, it should not be below 20%%Your PHP parameter [a@https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime@_blank]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] is lower than cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login might expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin.Your SQL query has been executed successfully.Your absolute InnoDB log size is %s MiBYour browser has phpMyAdmin configuration for this domain. Would you like to import it for current session?Your browser will refresh all displayed charts in a regular interval. You may add charts and change the refresh rate under 'Settings', or remove any chart using the cog icon on each respective chart.Your export is incomplete, due to a low execution time limit at the PHP level!Your memory capacity is above 3 GiB (assuming the Server is on localhost), so MySQL might not be able to access all of your memory. You might want to consider installing the 64-bit version of MySQL.Your preferences will be saved for current session only. Storing them permanently requires %sphpMyAdmin configuration storage%s.Your server is running with default values for the controluser and password (controlpass) and is open to intrusion; you really should fix this security weakness by changing the password for controluser 'pma'.Your session has expired. Please log in again.ZIPZoom search[ROLLBACK occurred.][kbd]SMART[/kbd] - i.e. descending order for columns of type TIME, DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ascending order otherwise.activeafter %salias export may not work reliably in all cases.all of the wordsand thenas regular expressionascendingat beginning of tableat least one of the wordsauthored on %1$s by %2$sboth of the aboveboth of the above
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)calendar-month-yearcancelcolumn(s)committed on %1$s by %2$scomplete insertsconcurrent_insert is set to 0criteriadatadatabase-specificdate and time typesDate and timedescendingdisableddisplay columndynamiceventextended insertsfirstfor defaultNonegeneral_log and slow_query_log are enabled.general_log is enabled.globalgzippedhave_innodb is set to 'value'in useinclude column names in every INSERT statement
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3)insert multiple rows in every INSERT statement
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)keykey_buffer_size is 0let the user chooselog_output is not set to TABLE.log_output is set to TABLE.log_slow_queries is set to 'OFF'long_query_time is currently set to %ds.long_query_time is set to %d second(s).max %% MyISAM key buffer ever used: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%maximum %sneither of the aboveneither of the above
      Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3)no branchno descriptionnot OKnot activenumeric typesNumericor type variable name:pagespartitionedper dayper hourper hour:per minuteper minute:per secondper second:phpMyAdmin Demo ServerphpMyAdmin configuration snippetphpMyAdmin documentationphpMyAdmin homepagephpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.phpMyAdmin was unable to kill thread %s. It probably has already been closed.possible exploitquery_cache_limit is set to 1 MiBquery_cache_size is set to 0 or query_cache_type is set to 'OFF'routineselect columnselect tablesharedslow_launch_time is set to %sslow_query_log and general_log are disabled.slow_query_log is enabled, but the server logs only queries that take longer than %d seconds. It is advisable to set this long_query_time 0-2 seconds, depending on your system.slow_query_log is enabled.slow_query_log is set to 'OFF'spatial typesSpatialsplit into staticstring typesStringstructurestructure and datasubquerytable-specificthe exact phrase as substringthe exact phrase as whole fieldtriggerunavailableunknownup to dateuse this for future exportsvalue/subQuery is emptyweb server upload directory:wildcardzipped{long_query_time} is set to 10 seconds or more, thus only slow queries that take above 10 seconds are logged.{tmp_table_size} and {max_heap_table_size} are not the same.ø Time“%s”… delete the old one from the user tables and reload the privileges afterwards.… delete the old one from the user tables.… keep the old one.… revoke all active privileges from the old one and delete it afterwards.Project-Id-Version: phpMyAdmin 5.0.2-dev Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translators@phpmyadmin.net PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-18 19:00+0000 Last-Translator: Walter Cheuk Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) Language: zh_TW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Weblate 3.7 「%s」功能需要 %s 擴充套件刪除資料庫 DROP DATABASE 指令已經被停用。主鍵的名稱必須而且只能是 PRIMARY!查詢數量% 時間MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區使用 %% : %s%%,此值應該在 95%% 以上已成功刪除 %1$d 個資料庫。 已成功刪除 %1$d 個資料庫。影響了 %1$d 列。刪除了 %1$d 列。新增了 %1$d 列。總計 %1$d 筆,目前查詢 %2$d 筆%1$s (%2$s 附近)從 %2$s 分支的 %1$s%1$s 筆資料符合 %2$s此系統目前未有提供 %1$sBzip2 壓縮和解壓縮%2$s所必須的 (%3$s) 函式。此系統目前未有提供 %1$sGZip 壓縮和解壓縮%2$s所必須的 (%3$s) 函式。如果%1$s登錄 cookie 有效期%2$s超過 %3$ssession.gc_maxlifetime%4$s 的值,則可能導致連線隨機失效 (目前 session.gc_maxlifetime 值為 %5$d)。%Y 年 %m 月 %d 日 %H:%M分析過程中發生 %d 個錯誤。%d 不是有效的資料列號。%d 分鐘%d 分鐘已建立 %d 個物件。最後一句查詢敘述共影響 %d 筆資料。%d 秒%d 秒%d 個資料表總計 %d 筆已傳入 %s 個引數%s 天 %s 小時,%s 分 %s 秒此 MySQL 伺服器已停用 %s。此 MySQL 伺服器可使用 %s。此 MySQL 伺服器的預設儲存引擎是 %s。%s / %s%s 筆查詢已執行 %s 次,使用 %s 秒。找到 %s 筆結果%s 張資料表%s 個執行緒啟動花了超過 %s 秒,這個值應該是 0%s 值%s 檢視有 %s%% 的用戶端不正常中斷連線,此值應低於 2%%所有連線中有 %s%% 的連線被中斷,此值應低於 1%%有 %s%% 的排序會產生暫存表,這個值應低於 10%%。有 %s%% 的暫存資料表將資料寫入磁碟中,此值應低於 25%%每秒%s。%s建立%s名稱為「phpmyadmin」的資料庫,並於該資料庫設置 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間。%s建立%s缺少的 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間資料表。於當前資料庫%s建立%s phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間。%s登入 cookie 有效期%s不應超過 1800 秒 (30 分鐘)。如果有效期大於 1800 秒,將會增加安全風險。此系統目前不支援 %sZip 壓縮%s所必須的 (%s) 函式。此系統目前不支援 %sZip 解壓縮%s所必須的 (%s) 函式。「%1$s」依存於:沒有「%s」資料庫。在 version_comment 中找到 'percona' 字串在 version_comment 中找到 'source' 字串(請參考以下實際畫面)(續)(較無效率,因索引會在資料表建立時產生)(單一)+ 新增主鍵欄位+ 新增欄位+ 加入限制式+ 根據資料表的資料,顯示可能的部份依存,,@DATABASE@ 會以資料庫名稱取代,@TABLE@ 會以資料表名稱取代,最新的穩定版:- 無 --- 無 --.使用延遲新增 INSERT DELAYED 指令使用忽略錯誤的新增 INSERT IGNORE 指令總計: %count% 筆資料符合條件@SERVER@ 會以伺服器名稱取代1 位元組整數:若允許負數,範圍由 -128 至 127;若不允許負數,範圍由 0 至 2552 位元組整數:若允許負數,範圍由 -32,768 至 32,767;若不允許負數,範圍由 0 至 65,5353 位元組整數:若允許負數,範圍由 -8,388,608 至 8,388,607;若不允許負數,範圍由 0 至 16,777,2154 位元組整數:若允許負數,範圍由 -2,147,483,648 至 2,147,483,647;若不允許負數,範圍由 0 至 4,294,967,295大型二進位物件(BLOB)欄位,最大長度為 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) 個位元組,儲存時會附加 3 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度大型二進位物件(BLOB)欄位,最大長度為 255 (2^8 - 1) 個位元組,儲存時會附加 1 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度大型二進位物件(BLOB)欄位,最大長度為 4,294,967,295 或 4GiB (2^32 - 1) 個位元組,儲存時會附加 4 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度大型二進位物件(BLOB)欄位,最大長度為 65,535 (2^16 - 1) 個位元組,儲存時會附加 2 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度純文字(TEXT)欄位,最大長度為 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) 個字元,儲存時會附加 3 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度純文字(TEXT)欄位,最大長度為 255 (2^8 - 1) 個字元,儲存時會附加 1 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度純文字(TEXT)欄位,最大長度為 4,294,967,295 或 4GiB (2^32 - 1) 個字元,儲存時會附加 4 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度純文字(TEXT)欄位,最大長度為 65,535 (2^16 - 1) 個字元,儲存時會附加 2 個位元組在最前面用來記錄長度位元欄類型 (M),每個值使用 M 個位元 (預設值為 1,最大值為 64)點與點之間線性插值曲線的集合任何類型幾何圖形的集合點的集合多邊形的集合壓縮檔案名稱必須以 .[格式].[壓縮方式] 結尾。如: .sql.zip點與點之間的線性插值曲線日期與時間組合,有效範圍為 %1$s 至 %2$s日期,有效範圍為 %1$s 至 %2$s倍準浮點數,範圍為 -1.7976931348623157E+308 至 -2.2250738585072014E-308、0 及 2.2250738585072014E-308 至 1.7976931348623157E+308在下拉選單,項目個數的限制。發生 JavaScript 嚴重錯誤,是否要回報錯誤報告?固定長度 (0 至 255,預設為 1) 的字串,在儲存長度不足時會在右邊以空格補足定點數 (M, D) - (M) 最大為 65 位數 (預設 10),(D) 小數位數最大為 30 (預設 0)新的 phpMyAdmin 已經發佈,請考慮升級至最新版本(版本 %s,於 %s 發佈)。2 維空間的點多邊形已為 %s 加上主鍵。可從最多可 64 個成員中複選組成的一個值浮點數,範圍為 -3.402823466E+38 至 -1.175494351E-38、0 及 1.175494351E-38 至 3.402823466E+38只擁有部份權限的 MySQL 特殊使用者,詳情請參閱[doc@linked-tables]說明文件[/doc]。TINYINT(1) 的別名,當值為 0 時視為 false,非 0 的值則視為 true時間,有效範圍為 %1$s 至 %2$s時間戳記,有效範圍為 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC 至 2038-01-09 03:14:07 UTC,以自 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC 計算的秒數儲存可以儲存任何幾何圖形的類型已存在允許任何來自 localhost 連線的使用者帳號,這將會導致其他若在帳號中的主機允許來自任何(%)地方連線使用者無法使用。請填寫易於使用者理解的伺服器說明;留空則會顯示主機名稱。可變長度 (%s) 的字串,實際的最大長度需視資料列大小限制而定以 4 位數 (預設) 或 2 位數的方式表示年份,有效範圍為 70 (1970年) 至 69 (2069年) 或 1901 至 2155 和 0000上午下午在傾印的資料表使用自動遞增(AUTO_INCREMENT)使用資料表自動遞增(AUTO_INCREMENT)自動遞增中斷連線用戶端連線不正常中斷比率為 %s,此值應低於每小時 1 次斷線的比率是 %s,此值應小於每小時 1 次約剩 %MIN 分 %SEC 秒。約剩 %SEC 秒。存取遭拒!動作動作立即啓用啓用 %s 的追蹤目前選項新增增加 %d 個值加入 %s增加 %s 個欄位增加 %s 個欄位至索引加入 %s 指令加入自動遞增(AUTO INCREMENT)值加入自動遞增(AUTO_INCREMENT)值加入 DROP DATABASE加入 DROP TABLE加入 DROP VIEW加入 IF NOT EXISTS (效率較差,因索引會在建立資料表時產生)加入 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE新增一維折線新增伺服器新增一個點新增多邊形於已有的欄位新增主鍵新增內環新增「%s」欄位的選項。加入為新增書籤新增圖表新增圖表至格線新增欄位新增欄位至中央清單加入限制式新增事件新增幾何圖形新增索引新增欄位新增參數增加字首為資料表加上字首新增主鍵為以下資料庫加上權限:在以下預存程序新增權限:為以下資料表加上權限:新增預存程序新增搜尋條件 (where 子句的內容):新增次要備援伺服器使用者加入指令(statement):增加資料表字首從其他資料庫加入資料表新增此序列新增至「最愛」新增至中央欄位新增觸發器新增使用者帳號新增使用者群組新增/刪除欄位新增/刪除準則列新增主鍵中在檔頭新增自訂備註 (\n 為換行):額外搜尋準則調整權限管理進階選項進階伺服器設定,若不知道這些設定項目的用途,請不要修改。建議建議系統影響的列數:聚合欄位資料庫資料表別名:全部伺服器狀態變數允許搜尋整個資料庫。允許程式在偵測到執行時間快到上限時,自動中斷匯入。若要匯入大型檔案,這是很好的做法,不過使用這種方法會破壞指令中的交易事件。允許登入到任意 MySQL 伺服器允許不使用密碼登入允許 root 使用者登入當偵測到執行時間已接近 PHP 執行時間的限制,允許中斷匯入的動作。(若要匯入大型檔案,這是很好的方法,不過使用這種方法會破壞指令中的交易動作)允許第三方框架頁使用允許顯示所有資料列允許顯示資料庫和資料表的統計資訊 (如:空間使用情況)。允許使用者自訂此值允許新增使用者和權限,但不允許重新載入權限表。允許修改或刪除預存程序。允許修改或刪除此預存程序。允許修改現有資料表的結構。允許更改資料。允許在到達連線數量上限時,仍可登入資料庫。當要進行最高層級的動作,例如設定全域變數或中止其他使用者的執行緒,此權限是必須的。允許建立和刪除索引。允許建立和刪除觸發器。允許建立新資料庫和資料表。允許建立新的資料表。允許建立新的檢視表。允許建立預存程序。允許建立暫存資料表。允許建立、刪除和重新命名使用者帳號。允許刪除資料。允許刪除歷史資料列。允許刪除資料庫和資料表。允許刪除資料表。允許執行預存程序。允許執行此預存程序。允許從檔案匯入資料,以及將資料匯出至檔案。允許新增與取代資料。允許鎖定目前執行緒的資料表。允許執行 SHOW CREATE VIEW 查詢。允許讀取資料。允許重新載入伺服器設定,並重新整理伺服器的快取。允許關閉伺服器。允許使用者查詢次要/主要備援伺服器的位置。允許為事件設定排程。允許使用者修改其他使用者對此預存程序的權限。允許使用者將自己的權限,分派予其他使用者,又或從其他使用者取走該權限。允許查看所有使用者的執行程序。修改資料表的排序,依據:必定展開查詢訊息往後不詢問,直接傳送錯誤報告8 位元組整數:若允許負數,範圍由 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 至 9,223,372,036,854,775,807;若不允許負數,範圍由 0 至 18,446,744,073,709,551,615已有與此帳號相同名稱的使用者,但其主機名稱可能不同。BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE 的別名設定儲存空間的備用主機位置;若不使用備用主機,請留空。設定儲存空間主機的備用連接埠;若使用預設值或不修改,請留空。已有名為 %s 的項目。列舉類型(ENUM),在清單中最多可有 65,535 個值或特殊 '' 錯誤值偵測到問題發生;根據系統設定,錯誤報告已自動傳送給開發團隊。偵測到系統發生錯誤;並已製作錯誤報告,但未能傳送給開發團隊。載入導覽頁面時發生錯誤已為 %s 加上索引。若有對應的外鍵關連,就不需要使用內部關聯。分析查詢分析並讀取記錄中。請稍候。分析記錄中分析分析語句於 %s分析資料表分析中…及:直角連結另一個欄位任何任何主機任何使用者外觀設定在資料後面加入單位套用用於除數4月四月確定要更改所有欄位編碼與排序並轉換資料?確定要更改編碼與排序並轉換資料?確定嗎?定義:根據設定正在提交,請耐心等候。遞增在傳送錯誤報告前詢問屬性屬性8月八月認證認證應用程式 (2FA)認證外掛程式認證碼:要使用的認證方式。認證設定。認證方式作者自動完成 SQL 查詢的資料表與欄位名稱。自動增加自動恢復模式自動建立版本下次自動傳送錯誤報告可用的瀏覽器顯示轉換可用的輸入轉換此主機的可用記憶體:%s平均負載B返回參數出錯!類型錯誤!基本設定因長度問題,
該欄位可能無法編輯。放大 LONGTEXT 欄位的輸入框二進位二進位 - 無法編輯二進位記錄繫結參數Blowfish 加密密碼書籤已建立書籤 %s。書籤尚未建立!書籤表將此 SQL 查詢加為書籤將此 SQL 查詢加為書籤:SQL 查詢書籤書籤全部若要啟用「可設定選單功能」,必須要有此資料表與使用者群組資料表;若有一個欄位未填,則會停用此功能。建議值:[kbd]pma__users[/kbd]。若要啟用「可設定選單功能」,必須要有此資料表與使用者資料表;若有一個欄位未填,則會停用此功能。建議值:[kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd]。瀏覽瀏覽關聯的值瀏覽模式由電腦上傳:瀏覽或編輯資料點瀏覽器顯示轉換瀏覽器顯示轉換選項瀏覽器轉換瀏覽緩衝池緩衝池操作緩衝池使用情況緩衝池大小已緩衝記憶體產生查詢負載頁由於停用了雙因素認證,現在又再只能以密碼登入。已接收位元組已傳送位元組Bzip2CHAR 欄位編輯方式CHAR 文字框寬度 (字數)CHAR 文字框列數複製前建立資料庫 (CREATE DATABASE)CSVMS Excel 的 CSV 格式使用 LOAD DATA 的 CSV已快取記憶體由於查詢快取記憶體不足,已快取的查詢會被移除。已快取置換記憶呼叫數找不到 signon 認證指令:可以告訴我們您做了什麼步驟導致問題發生嗎?這將能幫助我們找出問題:目標資料表不能為來源資料表!目標資料表不能為來源資料表!無法將索引改名為「主鍵(PRIMARY)」!取消取消請求無法連線:設定無效。無法複製為相同名稱的資料庫。請更改名稱後再試。無法登入 MySQL 伺服器無法讀取上傳的檔案。無法修改資料庫為相同名稱。更改名稱後再試無法儲存介面偏好屬性「%s」。這個修改在更新頁面後會消失。請檢查該資料表的結構是否改了。無法儲存設定,送出的設定值表單內容錯誤!無法儲存設定,送出的表單內容發生錯誤!基數中央欄位中央欄位資料表修改更改所有欄位編碼與排序更改所有資料表的編碼與排序更改所有資料表欄位的編碼與排序點選「選項」連結以修改項目的設定。更改登入資訊/複製使用者帳號更改或重新設定主要備援伺服器更改密碼更改報告設定更改設定更改為 %s修改追蹤更改字元編碼更改 (通常是增加) {query_cache_limit} 可以提高效率。這個變數用來限制可以儲存在查詢快取中的查詢結果。如果有許多超過 1 MB 的查詢是適合快取的 (讀取多,寫入少),那麼增加 {query_cache_limit} 將會增加效率。反之,若許多超過 1 MB 的查詢結果是不適合快取的 (往往因資料表更新而失效),那麼增加 {query_cache_limit} 就反而會降低效率。檔案編碼檔案字元編碼:字元編碼與排序規則字元編碼字元集圖表圖表標題圖表排列圖表欄位圖表標題圖表標題:面積圖長條圖直行圖折線圖圓餅圖散佈圖曲線圖時間軸檢查全選檢查設定檔權限查看有否更新版本檢查權限檢查「%s」資料庫的權限。檢查引用整全性:檢查資料表僅選擇資料分散的資料表檢查是否有冗餘的欄位並點選移除。若無冗餘欄位,請點選「無冗餘欄位」檢查哪些欄位可以組成重複群組。 若沒有,請點選「無重複群組」檢查點頻率檢驗碼資料表於「函式」欄位選擇「GeomFromText」,並將以下字串貼到「值」欄位。請選擇要顯示的欄位選擇要顯示的欄位:選擇要從那個記錄來進行統計。請選擇分頁的顯示方式。請選擇傳送錯誤報告的預設動作。請選擇要顯示在資料庫結構頁的明細資料 (資料表清單)。清除清除快速篩選清除序列點選點選資料點以瀏覽或修改該筆資料。點選此列以回到頁面頂端點選「重設縮放大小」按鈕可以回到原始大小。點選下拉箭頭
以切換欄位的顯示。點選關閉此通知點此標記或取消標記。使用本欄位進行資料排序。點選排序。點此切換通常是用戶端未正確結束 MySQL 的連線,可能是由於網路的問題或使用的程式未正確關閉資料庫的連線,請檢查您的網路及程式碼。關閉關閉接合(Coalesce)摺疊全部摺疊編碼與排序阿拉伯文亞美尼亞文波羅的海文字二進制碼保加利亞文緬甸文中歐文字中文經典拉丁文克羅埃西亞文西里爾文字捷克文捷克斯洛伐克文丹麥文英文世界語愛沙尼亞文喬治亞文德文 (字典排序)德文 (通訊錄排序)希臘文希伯來文匈牙利文冰島文日文韓文拉脫維亞文立陶宛文波斯文波蘭文羅馬尼亞文俄文簡體中文僧伽羅文斯洛伐克文斯洛維尼亞文西班牙文 (現代)西班牙文 (傳統)瑞典文泰文繁體中文土耳其文烏克蘭文Unicode不明越南文西歐文字不區分口音區分口音二進位不區分大小寫區分大小寫多層次編碼與排序:欄位已刪除 %s 欄位。欄位別名欄位資訊表欄位最大值:欄位最小值:欄位名稱第一行資料為欄位名稱欄位名稱:欄位名稱: 欄位選取指定欄位權限欄位:欄位內容分隔符號:欄位包覆符號:內容跳脫符號:欄位跳脫符號:欄位分隔符號:欄位內容換行字元為指令備註如果不需要,請將以下兩行註解掉。備註:備註常用的即時監控組合使用:壓縮連線連線到 MySQL 伺服器時,使用資料壓縮。使用 gzip 匯出時,啟用即時壓縮功能,可以大量減少使用記憶體;如果建立 gzip 壓縮檔案時發生錯誤,請停用該選項。即時壓縮因為缺少 %s 函式,無法執行壓縮匯出功能。因為缺少 %s 函式,無法執行壓縮匯入功能。壓縮壓縮:Config 認證配置選單設定已存在,無法設置!部分欄位含有錯誤的資料。設定檔案已儲存設定值。設定尚未儲存!設定 pmadb …設定已儲存到 phpMyAdmin 目錄下的 config/config.inc.php 檔,請將之複製到上層後再刪除 config 目錄。設定已儲存。設定儲存空間請設定 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間,以開啟其他進階功能;請參閱 [doc@linked-tables]phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間[/doc]。設定雙因素認證確認確認刪除 (DROP) 查詢確認停用雙因素認證確認部份依存確認遞移依存使用設定檔案定義的控制使用者連線失敗。已停用連線至伺服器,請於 phpMyAdmin 的設定啟用 $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer']。連線:連線連線 / 程序連線通常會因為無法取得授權而中斷。要追查連線中斷的原因,請參閱此文章。請考慮增加 {open_files_limit},並在更改 {open_files_limit} 設定後,重新啟動伺服器,並檢查錯誤記錄是否有異常。請考慮增加 {query_cache_limit}。根據系統記憶體多寡,考慮增加 {sort_buffer_size} 和 {read_rnd_buffer_size}。主控台主控台高度主控台模式限制式名稱限制式屬性已傾印資料表的限制式資料表的限制式包含這個字:@TABLE@ 表的內容繼續繼續新增 %s 列換頁時重複資料表標題貢獻控制主機控制連接埠控制次要備援伺服器:控制使用者控制使用者的密碼轉換為假名轉換布林值(Boolean)為文字 (預設為 T 與 F);第一個代表 TRUE,第二個代表 FALSE。非零值即為 true。將以 BIGINT 儲存的 (IPv4) 網際網路位址,轉換為網際網路標準點分格式的字串。將使用 (IPv4/IPv6) 格式的網際網路位址,轉換為二進位將使用二進位字串儲存的網際網路位址,轉換為網際網路標準 (IPv4/IPv6) 格式字串。複製複製欄位名稱。複製資料庫到複製資料表複製資料表到 (資料庫.資料表)複製此字首的資料表複製資料表到複製到剪貼簿複製資料庫中複製失敗!好中央清單已有 %1$s 欄位 ,無法新增!無法新增欄位!無法連線到資料庫伺服器!無法匯入設定無法載入「%1$s」類別無法載入預設設定:%1$s無法載入匯出外掛程式,請檢查安裝!無法載入匯入外掛程式,請檢查安裝是否有誤!無法載入綱要外掛程式,請檢查您的安裝!無法得知匯入進度。無法解析 OpenDocument/OpenOffice 試算表!無法移除欄位!無法儲存設定無法儲存最愛資料表!無法儲存最近使用的資料表!無法儲存資料表的「介面偏好」!中央清單沒有 %1$s 欄位,無法移除!次數建立建立 %s建立 PHP 程式碼建立具有相同權限的新使用者帳號,並且 …建立頁面並儲存建立 pma 使用者,並授權存取上一步操作中所建立的資料表。在 %s 個欄位建立索引建立書籤建立組合索引建立新資料庫建立與使用者同名的資料庫,並授予所有權限。新增新增新增新增新增新增新增新增新增新增建立關聯建立單一欄位索引建立資料表建立以下資料表使用 %screate_tables.sql 建立需要的資料表。建立版本建立版本 %1$s建立 %2$s 的追蹤版本 %1$s新增檢視表建立在沒有索引的欄位建立外鍵,該欄位會自動建立索引。或者您可在建立外鍵之前,先在下方定義索引。建立時間建立/更新/檢查日期建立時間:準則:目前查詢的次數:%s目前查詢快取大小:%s目前選擇的項目不含獨一的資料欄位,以下功能可能產生奇怪的結果:網格編輯、核選、複製、刪除。%s目前選擇的項目不含獨一的資料欄位,以下功能無法執行:網格編輯、核選、編輯、複製、刪除。%s目前伺服器:目前設定目前 tmp_table_size 的值是 %s,max_heap_table_size 的值是 %s目前版本:%s目前正在運行 Git %2$s 的分支版本 %1$s。自訂自訂 - 顯示所有可用的選項自訂 - 顯示所有可用的選項自訂 - 同上,但不顯示快速/自訂選項自訂導覽面版外觀。自訂瀏覽模式。自訂常用匯入選項的預設值。自訂匯出選項的預設值。自定預設選項自定預設選項。自訂編輯模式。自訂顯示在 SQL 查詢框的連結。自訂首頁。自訂文字輸入欄位。自訂導覽樹。移除(DROP)欄位 %s (從資料表 %s)資料資料建立選項資料定義指令資料字典資料目錄資料傾印選項資料檔案增長大小資料檔案資料的主資料夾資料長度資料記錄門檻值資料操作指令僅資料資料點內容資料指標大小資料:資料庫資料庫 %1$s 已複製為 %2$s。已建立資料庫 %1$s。資料庫 %1$s 已改名為 %2$s。已刪除 %s 資料庫。資料庫記錄資料庫用戶端版本:資料庫備註資料庫備註:使用者帳號的資料庫資料庫級別分頁資料庫名稱資料庫名稱模板資料庫操作資料庫是空的!資料庫伺服器資料庫結構相容其他資料庫系統或舊版本的 MySQL 伺服器:資料庫導覽樹的分隔符號關聯、書籤與 PDF 功能所使用的資料庫。完整資訊請參閱 [doc@linked-tables]pmadb[/doc]。留空則關閉此功能,建議值:[kbd]phpmyadmin[/kbd]。資料庫級別分頁指定資料庫權限資料庫:資料庫資料庫顯示選項。資料庫統計資料庫:日期立即停用停用 %s 的追蹤SQL 偵錯12月十二月預設值預設資料庫分頁預設格式;請注意此清單內容會依據位置(資料庫或資料表)不同而改變,僅 SQL 部份不會有所影響。預設語言預設伺服器預設伺服器分頁預設使用主鍵來排列資料表。預設排序預設資料表分頁找不到預設佈景主題 %s!預設標題預設轉換預設 Bool2Text 轉換預設日期格式轉換預設外部轉換預設十六進位轉換預設內文(Inline)轉換預設 PreApPend 轉換預設子字串轉換預設文字圖像連結(TextImageLink)轉換預設文字連結(TextLink)轉換使用外鍵檢查某些查詢的核選方塊的預設值。設定使用 cookie 方式登入的有效時間(秒)。定義新別名在 [kbd]cookie[/kbd] 認證模式,是否顯示上次登入的帳號。已定義別名定義者設定瀏覽器儲存登入用的 cookie 的時間(秒)。預設為 0,代表不保留 cookie,瀏覽器關閉即刪除;建議在不安全的環境下使用此設定。為新版的「自動建立指令」指定清單。定義 CHAR 與 VARCHAR 欄位最多的輸入字數。設定篩選框要顯示的項目最小數量 (資料表、檢視表、預存程序和事件) 。定義 CHAR 與 VARCHAR 欄位最少的輸入字數。決定是否顯示 phpMyAdmin 產生的 SQL 指令。定義在編輯/新增模式最初是否顯示欄位類型。是否在查詢過後,繼續在畫面顯示查詢框。定義在修改 CHAR 和 VARCHAR 類型欄位時,使用何種編輯元件:[kbd]文字方塊(input)[/kbd] - 可以限制輸入長度、[kbd]文字區塊(textarea)[/kbd] - 可以輸入多行資料。定義去碎片化資料表刪除刪除:延遲新增刪除登出時刪除所有 cookie刪除書籤刪除資料或資料表是否刪除追蹤報表的項目?刪除頁面刪除頁面刪除關聯刪除設定刪除 %s 資料表中符合的資料?刪除資料表 (DROP)刪除檢視表 (DROP)刪除追蹤資料是否刪除此等資料表的追蹤資料?是否刪除此時版本的追蹤資料?是否刪除此資料表的追蹤資料?是否刪除此版本的追蹤資料?刪除報表的追蹤資料列刪除版本刪除正在刪除 %s刪除追蹤資料中指令分割符號視乎個別情況,減少這個值可能可以提高效能。遞減說明設計器設計器與 PDF 綱要:資料表座標設計並建立 PDF效能分析明細詳細資訊詳細資訊…開發人員tmp_table_size 與 max_heap_table_size 設定值不一致差異直線連結方向安裝時所用的 [code]config[/code] 資料夾尚未刪除。強烈建議在 phpMyAdmin 設定完成之後移除該資料夾,否則會有未經授權的人下載你的設定檔而對伺服器安全性造成威脅。伺服器上,用來存放上傳以匯入檔案的資料夾。於伺服器,用來儲存匯出檔案的資料夾。異動(未儲存)頁關閉停用 %s關閉外鍵檢查關閉多張資料表的護養操作關閉快速鍵停用部分 phpMyAdmin 發出的警告訊息。關閉當資料表欄位名稱是 MySQL 保留字時,「結構」頁面顯示的預設警告訊息。關閉在缺少 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間所需資料表時,在資料庫明細結構頁面中顯示的預設警告訊息。關閉在檢測到 Suhosin 時在首頁顯示的預設警告訊息。關閉在 PHP 設定 session.gc_maxlifetime 小於 `LoginCookieValidity` 時在首頁顯示的預設警告訊息。關閉資料表的大規模護養操作,例如資料庫某個選擇的資料表的最佳化或修復。停用雙因素認證停用資訊綱要(INFORMATION_SCHEMA)已關閉不允許編輯 BLOB 和 BINARY 類型欄位。顯示顯示功能顯示視覺化地理資訊(GIS)顯示為差異的值顯示圖表顯示關聯的欄位顯示欄位已成功更新。顯示欄位表顯示備註顯示備註 (包括匯出時間、PHP 版本和伺服器版本等資訊)顯示外鍵的關聯資料表顯示標誌顯示排序:顯示關聯綱要在導覽面板上方,顯示伺服器清單。使用清單方式顯示伺服器顯示伺服器選擇在編輯/新增模式顯示函式欄位。顯示欄位備註將 TIME、TIMESTAMP、DATETIME 或 UNIX 時間戳記欄位以格式化後的日期顯示。第一個選項是小時偏移量,該值將會加到時間戳記中 (預設: 0)。第二個選項用於指定時間格式字元串。第三個選項決定顯示本地時間還是 UTC 時間 (填入 local 或 utc ),所以填 local (請參考 PHP 的 strftime() 函數檔案) 和 utc (請參考 PHP 的 gmdate() 函數文件) 所得到的結果是不一樣的。顯示可點選的縮圖。在原比例不變的情況下,可指定最大寬度或高度 (以像素計)。顯示該欄位二進位資料的下載連結。第一個選項是檔案名稱;或使用第二個選項,用檔案名稱作為欄位名稱。如果使用第二個選項,第一個選項必須留空。顯示下載此圖片的連結。顯示連結,欄位包含檔案名稱。第一個選項是類似 https://www.example.com/ 這樣的 URL 字首。第二個選項是連結的標題。顯示部分字元串。第一個選項代表要略過多少個字元才開始顯示 (預設為 0)。第二個選項是要回傳的字元數 (預設直到結尾)。第三個選項是當發生截取時,加在之前或之後的符號或文字 (預設為 …)。顯示圖片和連結,欄位包含檔案名稱。第一個選項是類似 https://www.example.com/ 這樣的 URL 字首。第二和第三個選項是以像素為單位的寬度和高度。顯示 16 進位資料。第一個參數設定需要增加多少個空格 (預設值為一個字元寬度[2 nibbles])。顯示欄位的原始內容,不使用 htmlspecialchars() 處理。即假定內容為有效的 HTML 程式碼。顯示相異值發行版使用 %s 區分執行「QBE 查詢」(萬用字元:%)請選擇兩個不同欄位使用「QBE 查詢」(萬用字元:%)插入(INSERT)動作出錯時,不中斷匯入不更改密碼不匯入空資料列不在零值使用自動遞增 (AUTO_INCREMENT)不要將數值為零的資料加上自動遞增(AUTO_INCREMENT)屬性但請注意此系統提供的建議基於簡單的計算和規則,不一定適用於您的系統。是否有欄位可由其他已有的欄位合併組成?舉例,若有「姓」、「名」與「姓名」欄位,合併「姓」與「名」便可組成「姓名」,代表「姓名」欄位是冗餘的。是否有某些欄位非常相似,有著重複相同的屬性?舉例,儲存書本的資料表可能含有「書本ID」、「作者1」、「作者2」、「作者3」等欄位,即是「重複群組」。在這個例子,應該要建立新的資料表 (「書本ID」、「作者」)。是否有欄位可以拆分呢?例如:地址可以拆分為國家、城市、街道、郵遞區號等。確定要移除(DROP)所選分區?這同時也會刪除(DELETE)與所選分區相關的資料!確定要重設次要備援伺服器(RESET SLAVE)?確定要清空(TRUNCATE)所選分區?確定要刪除「%s」搜尋?確定要刪除所選項目?真的要刪除此書籤?確定要刪除此中央欄位?確定要刪除「%s」群組?確定要執行「%s」?真的要執行以下查詢?確定要移除分區?確定要撤銷所選使用者的權限?確定要顯示所有資料列?若資料表很大,可能會拖垮瀏覽器。是否複製加密金鑰?是否匯入其餘的設定?是否要儲存變更至目前頁面?說明文件有關 PBXT 的說明文件及更多資訊,請參訪 %sPrimeBase XT 主頁%s。不需要 SSL 加密連線。捐助完成完成拖曳 (重新排列) 圖表雙擊放大一倍 LONGTEXT 欄位的輸入框。雙擊點選以複製欄位名稱。下載使用滑鼠拖曳來重新排序使用拖曳來重新排序。刪除將檔案拖放至此處刪除資料庫 (DROP)刪除與使用者同名的資料庫。正在刪除外鍵。正在刪除主鍵/索引刪除欄位傾印 TIMESTAMP 欄位時,使用 UTC 時間 (令 TIMESTAMP 欄位匯出的資料,可以重新載入到不同時區的伺服器)傾印所有資料列傾印二進位欄位時,使用 16 進位(HEX)表示法 (例如 abc 會以 0x616263 表示)傾印資料已儲存至 %s 檔案。傾印部份資料列匯出資料表傾印資料傾印資料表的資料於目前連線階段ENUM/SET 編輯器ESRI Shape 檔案每個點代表一筆資料。編輯編輯 ENUM/SET 值編輯事件編輯索引編輯模式編輯下一行編輯分區編輯權限編輯權限:編輯預存程序編輯伺服器修改 %s 的設定點選「結構」連結以編輯。編輯觸發器編輯使用者群組編輯使用者群組:「%s」編輯檢視表修改/新增有效EB清空使用 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間時,必須填寫控制使用者密碼!使用 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間時,必須填寫控制使用者!清空連線階段資料使用 [kbd]signon[/kbd] 認證方式時,登入網址不能為空!選擇使用 [kbd]signon[/kbd] 認證方式時,signon 連線階段名稱必須填寫!清空資料表 (TRUNCATE)使用 [kbd]config[/kbd] 認證方式時使用者帳號不能為空!開啟啓用 %s啟用 CodeMirror使用 SSL 連線到 MySQL 伺服器。匯入和匯出時使用 ZIP 壓縮。開啟零設定模式開啟零設定模式,可令系統自動設置 phpMyAdmin 設定空間資料表。在設定檔 (config.inc.php) 啓用進階功能,請參閱 config.sample.inc.php 的範例。啟用資料表與欄位名稱的自動完成功能允許在匯入時使用 bzip2 壓縮。啓用圖表拖曳啟用外鍵檢查匯入和匯出時使用 gzip 壓縮。開啟加強標示若要透過資料庫查詢記錄查詢歷史記錄 (需要使用 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間),請開啟此功能。若不使用,將會採用 Javascript 來保存查詢歷史記錄 (只會保留至瀏覽器關閉為止)。啟用 linter開啟導覽樹展開功能要啟用緩慢查詢記錄,請將 {log_slow_queries} 設為 ON,這將有助於不良查詢的故障排除。要啟用緩慢查詢記錄,請將 {slow_query_log} 設為 ON,這將有助於不良查詢的故障排除。啟用統計資訊啓用設定選項中的開發人員分頁設定 {thread_cache_size} 大於 0 以啟用執行緒快取。啟用雙因素認證將之設定為 1,以啟用 {concurrent_insert}已啓用在 phpMyAdmin 首頁中,檢查是否有最新版本。啟用 general_log 可能會增加伺服器的負載 5-15%。此外,請注意從記錄生成統計資訊是沉重的任務,所以最好只選擇短的時間片段,並停用 general_log;一旦不再使用監控,應該要將這個表清空。若啓用此功能,將允許其他網域的網頁透過框架頁使用 phpMyAdmin,此功能潛藏跨框架腳本(XSS)攻擊的[strong]安全漏洞[/strong]。匯出資料時,將之包含在交易之內在資料表名稱及欄位名稱前後加上反引號(`)給資料表名稱和欄位名稱加上反引號 (保護名稱中含有特殊字元或保留字的欄位和表)轉換編碼:加密金鑰換行符號結束結束步驟引擎引擎以文字方式加入準則請將資料分別填入以下欄位。於主控台執行查詢的輸入鍵請輸入伺服器連線參數。請為您的網域驗證碼 (reCaptcha) 服務輸入私密金鑰。請為您的網域驗證碼 (reCaptcha) 服務輸入公開金鑰。輸入:輸入驗證碼錯誤,請再嘗試!錯誤錯誤代碼:%s於 %1$s 建立外鍵時發生錯誤 (請檢查資料類型)ZIP 壓縮檔出錯:處理請求時發生錯誤處理請求時發生錯誤:處理時發生錯誤!讀取檔案出錯︰沒有「%s」檔案,又或無法讀取!錯誤管理:移動上傳檔案時發生錯誤,請參閱[doc@faq1-11]常見問題(FAQ) 1.11[/doc]。讀取資料表 %s 的資料時出現錯誤:讀取資料表 %s 的結構時出現錯誤:重設備援時發生錯誤。啟動備援時發生錯誤。停止備援時發生錯誤。錯誤訊息:%s評估此項目時發生錯誤:%s在產生 PDF 檔案時發生錯誤:載入搜尋時發生錯誤。移動上傳檔案時發生錯誤。運用模版快取時發生錯誤:%s錯誤。錯誤:無法新增外鍵關聯!錯誤:無法移除外鍵關聯!錯誤:無法新增內部關聯!錯誤:無法移除內部關聯!錯誤:缺少欄位索引。錯誤:未啟用關聯功能 !錯誤:連線資訊失效,請重新連線錯誤:關聯已存在。特別在某些會大量寫入資料到 InnoDB 資料表的系統上,應設定 {innodb_log_file_size} 為 {innodb_buffer_pool_size} 的 25%%。不論如何,這個值越大,在資料庫當機時還原資料庫的時間將越長,所以這個值不應該高於 256 MB。請注意,若要修改這個值,必須先關閉伺服器並刪除所有已有的 InnoDB 的記錄檔,再在 my.cnf 設定新的值,然後啟動伺服器並檢查錯誤記錄查看是否一切順利。請參閱此部落格文章事件建立了 %1$s 事件。%1$s 事件已被修改。事件名稱事件排程狀態事件類型事件事件:Excel 版本Excel 版本:例外執行執行於執行動作,每隔按 Enter 執行查詢,輸入新一行則用 Shift + Enter按 Enter 執行查詢,或以 Shift + Enter 輸入新的一行。要永久儲存此設定,請檢視設定項目。執行預存程序再執行此查詢一次?執行排序執行預存程序 %s 的結果無法讀取現有設定檔 (%s)。現有設定將被覆蓋!已有模板:退出全螢幕展開展開單一資料庫展開/摺疊語句分析SQL 語句分析輸出說明匯出匯出為 %s匯出為個別檔案匯出內容將每個資料庫匯出為不同的檔案匯出預設選項匯出 Metadata匯出方式匯出方式:匯出事件 %s匯出預存程序 %s匯出觸發器 %s自 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間匯出相關的 Metadata匯出關聯綱要匯出綱要匯出資料表的標題匯出資料表的名稱將每個資料表匯出為不同的檔案匯出樣板資料表匯出模板:匯出時間使用世界協調時間(UTC)匯出類型將檢視表匯出成資料表從目前的伺服器匯出資料庫正在匯出「%s」資料表的資料列正在匯出「%s」資料庫的資料表表示表示法或欄位清單額外資訊iconv 的額外參數極差已新增外鍵關聯。已移除外鍵關聯。失敗嘗試連線失敗數未能以匯入的設定檔建立圖表網格,將重設為預設的設定值…在計算值時,條件「%s」失敗。在檢查預先狀況時,條件「%s」失敗。無法產生規則「%s」的格式化文字。解析設定檔時發生錯誤。設定檔看來不是有效的 JSON 格式。在執行測試時,條件「%s」失敗。未能啟用安全金鑰 (%s)。未能清理資料表的「介面偏好」 (詳見 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['MaxTableUiprefs'] %s)無法連接 reCAPTCHA 服務!未能取得 %s 欄位的說明!未能取得實際列數。無法讀取設定檔!未能將資料表 %1$s 重新命名為 %2$s!設定編碼與排序連線失敗!未能設定連線階段 cookie。可能正在以 HTTP 而非 HTTPS 存取 phpMyAdmin。未能將檔案寫入硬碟。嚴重錯誤:導覽頁只能使用 AJAX 存取最愛清單已滿!最愛資料表最愛最愛資料表功能2月二月查詢次數少於 1,000。建議可能不夠準確。伺服器已有 %s 檔案,請更改檔案名稱或選擇覆寫。無法讀取檔案!檔案為符號連結可使用壓縮 (%s) 或無壓縮的檔案。檔案名稱模版:要匯入的檔案:供 TEXT 欄位使用的檔案上傳功能,將不提供文字區塊做輸入。不允許上傳此檔案類型的檔案。此伺服器不允許上傳檔案。並非上傳的檔案。檔案篩選依分類篩選…使用純文字或正規表式法(REGEXP)進行篩選:篩選資料列篩選尋找與取代尋找和替換 - 預覽在執行查詢之前,找出可能的錯誤。需要先啟用 CodeMirror。尋找「部份依存」尋找「遞移依存」尋找:最前頁第一正規化 (1NF)強制更新 (關閉) 所有表強制更新查詢快取更新資料表 (FLUSH)缺少以下撰寫器套件:以下設定會套用至資料庫的全域設定。系統重新啟動之後會還原預設值:欄位預設值,請輸入單一值,不可加反斜線或引號,即是 a顯示用選項於以下欄位,請選擇可足夠用來辨識欄位值的最小欄位組合。以下欄位,請選擇可足夠用來辨識欄位值的最少欄位值組合。
注意:欄位可能沒有遞移相依,因此您可能不用做任何選擇。僅供測試!外鍵檢查外鍵限制式已移除外鍵限制式 %s外鍵限制式外鍵下拉選單排序外鍵數量限制格式匯入檔案的格式格式選項:格式:將文字以 JSON 語法凸顯標示。將文字以 SQL 語法凸顯提示。將文字以 XML 語法凸顯標示。格式化 SQL…五閒置記憶體空閒頁閒置置換記憶週五星期五從從一般記錄從緩慢記錄完整內容全文搜尋函式傾印資料時使用的函式:函式函式:嘗試覆寫 GLOBALS (全域變數)GZipGZip 輸出緩衝垃圾門檻值亂碼(Garbled Data)一般一般關聯功能一般設定產生產生密碼產生密碼:產生時間:幾何圖形幾何圖形 %d:取得自動儲存的查詢取得更多的佈景主題!技術支援GB缺少 Git 資訊!Git 版號:允許存取完整的資料庫列表。全域全域權限執行返回上一頁返回到本頁前往資料庫:%s前往此連結:前往資料表:%s前往檢視:%s好從伺服器取得的版本資訊無效允許授權(Grant)授予資料庫 %s 的所有權限。給以 帳號_ 開頭的資料庫 (username\_%) 授予所有權限。表格編輯:一次過儲存所有已編輯資料表格編輯:觸發器動作將導覽樹內的項目分組 (依上方「資料庫與資料表」分頁定義的分隔符號來分組)。將導覽樹的項目分組群組名稱:群組查詢依查詢分群顯示,忽略 WHERE 條件的變數資料群組:使用 HTTP 基本認證時,顯示給使用者的提示資訊。HTTP 提示資訊HTTP 認證處理程序硬體安全鍵 (FIDO U2F)在此版本的 MySQL 無效。具有主鍵說明隱藏導覽項目資料表隱藏隱藏引數隱藏瀏覽器轉換隱藏資料庫如果資料庫名稱符合此正規表示法(PCRE),則將該資料庫隱藏。隱藏尋找與取代準則隱藏面板隱藏部份依存清單隱藏查詢框隱藏搜尋準則隱藏搜尋結果隱藏資料表結構動作隱藏追蹤全部隱藏/顯示隱藏/顯示沒有關聯的資料表隱藏/顯示導覽項目凸顯滑鼠指標凸顯滑鼠指標所指的資料列。凸顯所選的資料列。當滑鼠指標移至伺服器上時,將之凸顯。提示:請謹慎依照程序,以完成正確的正規化歷史記錄首頁主機主機授權排序主機授權規則主機名稱主機名稱:主機:正在執行 MySQL 伺服器的主機名稱。時將滑鼠指到資料點上,可以顯示其標籤。要保存的查詢歷史記錄的數量。一次可以新增的資料列數。mysqld 已建立的暫存檔案的數量。如何顯示選單分頁如何顯示各種操作連結如何使用最近一次執行的匯入沒有資料可以解析,通常是因為 phpMyAdmin 無法在指定時間內完成匯入。可試試增加 PHP 執行時間上限。ID圖示若設為 TRUE,在登出時會自動刪除所有伺服器的 cookie;若設為 FALSE,登出只對當前伺服器起作用。如果設為 FALSE,在登入多台伺服器的時候,很可能會使您忘記登出其他伺服器。如果欄位類型為 enum 或 set,請使用以下格式輸入值: 'a','b','c'…
如果需要輸入反斜線(\)或單引號('),請在前面加上反斜線(如 '\\xyz' 或 'a\'b')。如果開啟此選項,在執行多條指令查詢的時候,即使有指令發生錯誤,phpMyAdmin 仍會繼續執行其他的指令。若啓用,在使用 cookie 認證方式時,使用者可任意輸入要連線的 MySQL 伺服器。如無法將現有的欄位組合成為主鍵若檔案每行的資料和資料庫的排序不一致,請在此列出對應的欄位名稱。欄位名稱用半形逗號分隔,且毋須用引號括起。如果用於建立 MyISAM 快速索引的暫存檔案大於在此指定的鍵快取,則建議使用鍵快取。如果該值大於 1,在進行排序過程的修復操作時 MyISAM 表的索引將會同時 (每個索引都有自己的程序) 建立。如果使用 [kbd]cookie[/kbd] 認證且%s登入 cookie 儲存時間%s不為 0,%s登入 cookie 有效期%s的值不能超過前者。如果您並未自行編譯原始程式碼,那麼您可能是使用 Linux 發行版所修改的套件版本。而 MySQL 說明文件是依據官方版本所撰寫,對發行版 (例如 RedHat、Debian/Ubuntu 等) 的套件可能不適用。若遇到問題,請手動回報錯誤報告給開發團隊。如果覺得有必要,可以使用額外的保護設定 - %1$s主機認證%2$s 和 %3$s可信任代理主機清單%4$s。但以 IP 為基礎的保護方式必須依賴可靠的 IP 位址,若 ISP 所提供的 IP 有可能與許多人共用,則無法保證安全。如果有意更改其中之一的話:伺服器會使用當中較低的值來決定記憶體中資料表的上限。如果想要增加記憶體中資料表的上限,應該同時增加另一個值。如果伺服器已經設定為接受 HTTPS 協定,請依此處說明以使用安全協定連線。略過全部略過不備援所有資料庫,只備援以下資料庫:忽略錯誤忽略多行指令的錯誤忽略不支援的語言代碼。在此預覽圖片圖片上傳功能,同時會顯示縮圖。選項為縮圖的寬與高,預設為 100 X 100 像素。立即資料表鎖定 %%立即資料表鎖定:%s%%,這個值應該在 95%% 以上匯入匯入/匯出匯入貨幣 ($5.00 會以 5.00 匯入)匯入貨幣 (例如 $5.00 會匯入為 5.00)匯入預設選項從瀏覽器記錄匯入從檔案匯入完成匯入,共執行了 %d 個查詢指令。匯入即時監控設定以小數匯入百分比 (12.00% 會以 .12 匯入)匯入百分數為小數 (例如 12.00% 會匯入為 .12)匯入狀態匯入到目前伺服器匯入到「%s」資料庫匯入到「%s」資料表改進資料表結構 (正規化):為了將原始資料表「%1$s」轉換至符合第二正規化,需要建立以下資料表:為了將原始資料表「%1$s」轉換至符合第三正規化,需要建立以下資料表:於導覽面版,將資料庫樹狀選單改為下拉式選單包含資料庫建立、最後更新和最後檢查的時間包含資料表標題除了 GRANT 以外的所有權限。參數不完整%s 是錯誤的 IP 位址指定了不正確的表單!輸入的值不正確!輸入的值不正確:增加 {max_connections} 或減少 {wait_timeout} 可以使得未正常結束的資料庫連線者快一些被清除。並且確保用來連進來的程式能正確的結束資料庫連線。增加 {thread_cache_size}。增加 {max_heap_table_size} 和 {tmp_table_size} 可能有所幫助,但某些暫存資料表仍然會寫到磁碟,與這些變數無關。要解決這個問題,必須重寫查詢條件,避免在暫存資料表中儲存 BLOB 或 TEXT 類型的欄位,或者使用長度大於 512 位元組的欄位,如 MySQL 說明文件所提到的狀況增加 {max_heap_table_size} 和 {tmp_table_size} 可能有所幫助。但某些暫存資料表仍然會寫到磁碟,與這些變數無關。要解決這個問題,必須重寫查詢條件,避免在暫存資料表中儲存 BLOB 或 TEXT 類型的欄位,或者使用長度大於 512 位元組的欄位,如 Pythian 小組文章開首所提到的狀況索引已刪除索引 %s。索引快取大小索引選擇:索引目錄索引長度索引名稱:從記憶體中讀取索引:%s%%,這個值應該在 95%% 以上平均掃描索引次數:%s,此值應小於每小時 1 次索引類型:索引已傾印資料表的索引資料表索引代表已對此頁做了變更;在放棄這些變更前會先提示您資訊捲軸起始狀態行內編輯內環內環 %d:InnoDB 狀態InnoDB 緩衝池大小通常會建議使用 InnoDB 資料表引擎。InnoDB 記錄大小輸入代理伺服器的 [kbd]IP: 信任的 HTTP 標頭[/kbd]。以下例子為指定 phpMyAdmin 信任來自 代理伺服器所發出的 HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) 標頭:[br][kbd] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd]。輸入轉換輸入轉換選項新增插入:不安全的連線新增新增其他新資料列以新資料列新增以新資料列新增 (忽略錯誤)新增的資料列行 ID:%1$d於以下欄位:於以下資料表:使用以下方式代替新增指令 INSERT:說明說明/安裝程式空間不足,無法儲存 %s 檔案。內部關聯已新增內部關聯。已移除內部關聯。內部關聯內部關聯已成功更新。在設定檔中設定的認證方式無效:認證方式無效!類別名稱「%1$s」無效,會使用「節點」的預設值欄位(%s)無效!請確保欄位名稱拼寫正確,使用半形逗號分隔,並且不要用引號括起。CSV 輸入的第 %d 行欄位數有錯。資料庫無效:提供的參數方向「%s」無效。CSV 輸入的第 %d 行格式有錯。mediawiki 輸入在此行格式錯誤:
%s.匯入 CSV 檔案 %s 時,有參數無效預存程序類型無效:「%s」第 %1$s 行的規則宣告無效,上一修規則應在第 %2$s 行。第 %s 行規則宣告無效。伺服器索引無效:%s資料表名稱無效資料表名稱無效:是否已停用 InnoDB?此為外鍵。確定性問題資料庫使用了預存程序;資料庫使用了檢視表;資料表使用了觸發器;建議您依據您的環境將 {long_query_time} 設定值調低,通常建議設在 1-5 秒之間。通常將 {innodb_log_file_size} 設為 {innodb_buffer_pool_size} 的 25%% 就足夠。過大的 {innodb_log_file_size} 會增加資料庫當機後資料還原的時間,請參閱此篇文章。若要修改這個值,必須先關閉伺服器並刪除所有已有的 InnoDB 的記錄檔,再在 my.cnf 設定新的值,然後啟動伺服器並檢查錯誤記錄查看是否一切順利。請參閱此部落格文章看來伺服器連線已中斷。請檢查網路及伺服器狀態。1月一月必須啟用 Javascript 才能繼續!多表查詢(Joins)7月七月切換至記錄資料表切換到「%s」資料庫跳至「%s」資料庫。6月六月實際狀況鍵值區塊大小:鍵值緩衝區未初始化。將無法快取 MyISAM 索引。鍵快取由實際讀取數和讀取請求數比對,計算出的鍵值快取未命中率 (計算值)金鑰太短,至少應有 32 個字元。短語密碼應包含字母、數字[em]和[/em]特殊字元。鍵名KB中止僅對 Linux 有效:執行外部的應用程,並透過標準輸入(stdin)提供欄位資料,然後以標準輸出(stdout)回傳應用程式的結果。預設使用 Tidy,用來格式化 HTML 程式碼。為了安全起見,您須要手動編輯 libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Output/Text_Plain_External.php 檔案,並且列出要使用的工具。第一個選項是欲使用程式的數字,第二個選項是該程式的參數。第三個選項,若設為 1 則會使用 htmlspecialchars() 轉換輸出結果 (預設為 1)。第四個選項,若設為 1 則會停止自動換行,並確保輸出結果以一行顯示 (預設為 1)。LaTeX標籤標籤欄位標籤鍵值標籤名稱:標籤:橫向語言最後檢查時間最後檢查:最末頁最後更新時間最後更新:最新版本鎖定頁若使用預設值,請留空。如不想下次登入時,自動使用最愛資料表,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__favorite[/kbd]。如不想自動使用最近的資料表,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma_config[/kbd]。如不在資料表儲存跨工作階段的介面偏好設定,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__config[/kbd]。如不支援 PDF 綱要功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__pdf_pages[/kbd]。如不使用 PDF 綱要功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__table_coords[/kbd]。如不使用 QBE 查詢功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__savedsearches[/kbd]。如不使用 SQL 查詢歷史功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__history[/kbd]。如不使用 SQL 查詢追蹤功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__tracking[/kbd]。不需支援 [doc@bookmarks@]書籤[/doc] 功能時請留空;建議使用 [kbd]pma__bookmark[/kbd]如不使用 [doc@relations@]關聯連結[/doc] 功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__relation[/kbd]。如不支援中央欄位功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__central_columns[/kbd]。如不支援匯出模板,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__export_templates[/kbd]。如不在資料庫儲存使用者偏好設定,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__config[/kbd]。若不使用,請留空。如要停用隱藏和顯示導覽項目的功能,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__navigationhiding[/kbd]。如不使用 config 認證方式,請留空。左長度/值長度/值查詢快取的使用比例低於 80%%。讓所有使用者均可存取此書籤讓伺服器執行較久一點的時間,直到執行了多一些查詢指令。授權限制欄位字元數儲存於資料庫的資料表偏好設定數量限制,超過數量會從最舊的項目自動移除。限制使用者每小時可執行修改資料表或資料庫的指令數。限制使用者每小時可開啟的新連線數。限制使用者每小時可發送到伺服器的查詢數。限制使用者同一時間的連線數。換行符號:換行符號:一維折線一維折線 %d:無此連結!連結主面板在主面板凸顯目前的資料庫或資料表。連結到由於此查詢已超過最大長度限制,因此 Linting 已被關閉。列出所有可用的轉換方式與選項版本沿革信任的代理伺服器 IP 允許/拒絕清單載入記錄中載入中…本機本地端即時監控設定檔不相容!記錄 SQL 查詢與其執行時間,並顯示在主控台已分析記錄,但在此時間區間內沒有任何資料。記錄緩衝區大小記錄快取大小已讀取記錄資料,在此時間區間已執行查詢指令:記錄檔案總數記錄檔案門檻值登入記錄檔名稱登出記錄統計記錄資料表篩選選項登入資訊儲存登入 cookiephpMyAdmin 所設定的登入 cookie 儲存時間小於 phpMyAdmin 的 cookie 有效時間,因此登入連線有效期間會比在 phpMyAdmin 設定的時間要短。登入 cookie 有效期限登入 Cookie 有效期警告僅以密碼登入。禁止無密碼登入 (請參閱 AllowNoPassword)標誌連結網址標誌連結目標登出網址登出並以另一個身份再嘗試。超長查詢時間主面板令所有欄位成為不可拆分的單元設為與中央清單一致請確認在設定檔案 (my.cnf) 已設定了獨一的伺服器代號 (server-id)。若沒有,請將以下設定新增到 [mysqld] 設定區塊:管理您的設定管理欄位的中央清單太多的暫存資料表寫入至磁碟,而非儲存在記憶體。3月三月標注使用過的資料表,並且顯示帶有已鎖定的資料表的資料庫。主要伺服器設定主要伺服器連線:主要備援伺服器主要備援伺服器成功更改至 %s。主要備援伺服器狀態符合條件的列數:MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區最大使用 %%InnoDB 記錄上限最大列數最大同時連線數上限:%s %sMax_used_connections 已達 max_connections 的 %s%%,這個值應低於 80%%建立查詢指令的最大長度資料表偏好設定的儲存最大值資料庫數量上限顯示 SQL 指令的長度限制執行時間限制導覽樹分支的項目數量上限導覽樹第一層項目數量上限瀏覽非數字欄位時,所顯示的最大字元數。顯示 SQL 指令時最多顯示的字數。在資料庫清單,顯示的資料庫數量上限。顯示最愛資料表的數量上限;設為 0 則關閉此功能。最多顯示幾個最近使用的資料表;0 代表不顯示。可顯示的資料列數量上限在資料表清單,可顯示的資料表數量上限。圖表最多顯示列數最多的輸入字數建立索引的暫存檔案上限大小臨時排序檔案的上限大小資料表導覽樹深度限制資料表數量上限最大值:五月可能為近似值,請點選數字以取得精確的數量。請參閱 [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc]。可能為近似值,請參閱[doc@faq3-11]常見問題(FAQ) 3.11[/doc]。MediaWiki 表記憶體限制合併至目前設定元資料資料庫 %s 的元資料資料表 %s 的元資料MB微軟 Office微軟 Word 2000最小列數設定顯示篩選框的資料庫數量下限設定顯示篩選框的項目數量下限最少的輸入字數最小值:次要版本分缺少暫存資料夾。缺少連線參數!缺少 %s 所需的資料缺少用來刪除搜尋的資訊。缺少用來載入搜尋的資訊。缺少用來儲存加入搜尋書籤的資訊。未填寫必要的參數:缺少 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間資料表缺少 reCAPTCHA 驗證,是否被 adblock 阻截了?表單內尚有資料值未填寫!一已儲存修改修改:週一星期一即時監控即時監控說明未能重新整理即時監控更多詳情請參閱 [a@https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/8970]phpMyAdmin 問題追蹤系統[/a]與 [a@https://bugs.mysql.com/19588]MySQL 問題回報[/a]更多設定移動選單移動欄位移動欄位移動重複群組移動資料表到 (資料庫.資料表)請上下拖曳來移動欄位次序。多表格查詢MyISAM 並行新增MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區 (索引快取) %% 使用率過低。MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區大小MySQL 架構MySQL Spatial 擴充套件不支援「%s」ESRI 類型。MySQL 接受此日期選取器以外的值,如有需要可直接輸入MySQL 接受此捲軸以外的值,如有需要可直接輸入MySQL 並非編譯成 64 位元套件。MySQL 保留字警告MySQL 傳回空的查詢結果 (即0列資料)。MySQL 回應: 否名稱名稱 (遞增)名稱 (遞減)原生 MySQL 認證自然排序導覽面板導覽面板設定導覽面板寬度導覽樹使用次要備援伺服器所需的權限。自啟動後的累計網路流量:%s不會傳送錯誤報告新增書籤新欄位名稱新資料庫名稱新名稱新頁面新頁面名稱建立伺服器新資料表名稱新模板:下個自動索引下個月下一頁否無密碼無權限尚未設定 SQL 查詢來檢索資料。由於資料表沒有非主鍵的欄位,因此不會有遞移依存無雙因素認證尚未選擇帳號。登錄超時 (%s 秒未操作),請重新登入。無書籤無更改尚未選擇欄位。中央清單沒有欄位。請確定 %s 資料庫的中央欄位清單中的欄位不存在於目前的資料表。沒有資料查無資料無資料可顯示沒有接收到要匯入的資料。可能是因為未附上檔案名稱,或是檔案大小超出 PHP 限制。 請參閱 [doc@faq1-16]FAQ 1.16[/doc]。無資料庫尚未選擇資料庫。尚未選擇依存!在資料庫 %2$s 中查無名稱為 %1$s 的事件。伺服器沒有可匯入的檔案!ZIP 壓縮檔中沒有檔案!沒有已定義的索引!沒有定義的索引部分!無更新版本提供目前資料表中沒有數值欄位可供繪製。查無參數!查無部份依存!若主鍵 ( %1$s ) 由資料表所有的欄位組成,由於沒有非主要欄位,因此不會有部份依存。由於主鍵 ( %1$s ) 只有一個欄位,所以不會有部份依存。尚未選擇部份依存!沒有已定義的分區!無密碼沒有預覽圖片。沒有之前自動儲存的查詢。會載入預設值。沒有權限無權限建立資料庫沒有權限。無冗餘欄位無重複群組沒有可匯出的預存程序,可能是權限不足。在資料庫 %2$s 中查無名稱為 %1$s 的預存程序。資料庫 %2$s 中查無名稱為 %1$s 的預存程序,您可能缺少能夠編輯該程序的權限。在資料庫 %2$s 中查無名稱為 %1$s 的預存程序,您可能缺少能夠檢視/匯出該程序的權限。尚未選擇列。無此欄位資料庫沒有資料表。尚未選擇資料表。在資料庫 %2$s 中查無名稱為 %1$s 的觸發器。找不到使用者。未有選擇要刪除的使用者!這個使用者群組為空的。找不到佈景主題 %s 的有效圖片路徑!尚未選擇版本。節點群組無無無無正規化寫入 InnoDB 緩衝池通常在背景進行,但有必要在沒有乾淨頁的時候讀取或建立頁,有必要先等待頁被重新整理。該計數器統計了這種等待的數量。如果緩衝池大小設定正確,這個值應該會很小。輸入值不是非負數!輸入值不是正數!連結埠無效!權限不足以檢視查詢統計資訊。權限不足以檢視伺服器狀態。權限不足檢視伺服器變數與設定。%s權限不足以檢視狀態變數。權限不足以檢視建議。權限不足以檢視使用者。尚未備援注意:開啟自動更新可能導致網頁伺服器和 MySQL 伺服器之間的流量驟增。注意:在此開啟資料庫統計,可能導致網頁伺服器和 MySQL 伺服器之間的流量驟增。備註:若檔案有多個資料表,會被合成一個。注意:MySQL 權限名稱會以英文表示。注意:設定為 0 即代表無限制。注意:正在嘗試編輯您目前登入使用者的權限。注意:a, b -> d,f 代表 a 與 b 的欄位值合併後可以決定欄位 d 與欄位 f 的值。注意:phpMyAdmin 係直接由 MySQL 權限資料表中取得使用者的權限資訊,若有任何手動的修改,這些資料表的內容可能將與伺服器實際使用的權限有所不同。 在此情況下才需要重新整理權限,目前您並不需要重新整理 (RELOAD) 權限。注意:phpMyAdmin 直接由 MySQL 權限表取得使用者權限。若有使用者中途手動更改權限,則表中顯示的內容可能與伺服器實際使用的使用者權限有異。在這種情況下,您應在繼續前 %s重新載入權限%s。11月十一月現在請將以下設定,新增到您的 my.cnf 設定檔 [mysqld] 設定區塊的最末端,然後重新啓動 MySQL 伺服器。全部皆否空值(Null)#欄位數CHAR/VARCHAR 文字框寬度 (字數)。新增的列數自文件開首略過的查詢數。瀏覽查詢結果時,一次最多顯示的列數。如果結果超過此列數,則會顯示「上一頁」和「下一頁」的連結。CHAR/VARCHAR 文字框列數。每頁列數資料列數:資料表數:關閉確定開啟物件建立選項物件建立選項 (建議全選)10月十月官方首頁在高負載的伺服器,字元計數器可能會溢出,因此由 MySQL 回傳的統計值可能會不正確。完成時保留MySQL 伺服器重新啓動後,請點選「執行」按鈕。您應該看見資訊提示,說明此伺服器已經設定為主要伺服器。在處理請求時,發生一個或以上的錯誤:只有支援交易引擎資料表中的插入(INSERT)、更新(UPDATE)、刪除(DELETE)與取代(REPLACE)查詢能還原(roll back)。僅顯示已建立索引的欄位。您可以於下方定義索引。僅取得 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE 和 DELETE 語句僅顯示鍵值僅能模擬單一資料表的更新(UPDATE)與刪除(DELETE)查詢。僅執行時加入 --report-host=主機名稱 選項的次要備援伺服器會在此清單出現。開啓開啟新 phpMyAdmin 視窗開啟頁面以主視窗 ([kbd]main[/kbd]) 還是新視窗 ([kbd]new[/kbd]) 開啟目標連結。於裝置開啟雙因素認證應用程式,以檢視認證碼並驗證身分。OpenDocument/OpenOffice 試算表OpenDocument/OpenOffice 文字檔檔案開啟次數:%s,此值應該低於每小時 5 次資料表開啟比率:%s,此值應該低於每小時 10 次開啟資料表會大量使用磁碟存取。增加 {table_open_cache} 或能避免此問題。操作運算子最佳化最佳化查詢及/或使用 InnoDB 來減少鎖定等待。最佳化資料表選項或或者前往任一個資料庫的「操作」分頁設定。或:排序排序依排序依:資料表排序排序:方向原始長度原始位置原有字串其他其他核心設定其他選項:外環外環:輸出輸出格式化的 JSON (使用人可讀的格式)輸出未帶逸出字元的 Unicode輸出:資料分散概要覆蓋既有檔案分區(PARTITION)定義:PDF 匯出頁面PDF 綱要:資料表頁PHP 版本:PHP 擴充套件:PHP 版本:緊湊頁面名稱頁碼:頁面標題要刪除的頁面要開啟的頁面頁面相關設定非空頁要重新整理的頁紙張大小參數分析器:部分匯入:部分匯入:允許中斷部分匯入:跳過查詢部分內容分區分區 %s分區依:分區維護分區表分區依:分區分區:密碼密碼雜湊方式密碼雜湊(Hashing)方式:config 認證方式的密碼密碼過長!密碼:貼至您的 config.inc.php暫停監控目前待執行的記錄檔案寫入數。MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區使用比率用戶端連線不正常中斷比例斷線百分比從記憶體中讀取索引的比率實際寫入數和寫入請求數的百分比值 (計算值)緩慢查詢百分比因排序建立的暫存表百分比暫存表在磁碟的比率連線百分比已使用鍵值快取的百分比 (計算值)已使用檔案開啟限制比率Percona 說明文件位於 https://www.percona.com/software/documentation/保存查詢歷史記錄持續連線保留最愛資料表使用最近的資料表一律使用資料表的「介面偏好」PB選取從中央欄位挑選標記文字請至少增加一個變數到資料序列!請謹慎回答以下問題,以完成正確的正規化。正在上傳,請稍候。沒有詳細資訊提供。請檢查資料庫所在的資料夾權限。請將 FIDO U2F 裝置連接電腦的 USB 埠,然後於裝置確認登入。請將 FIDO U2F 裝置連接電腦的 USB 埠,然後在該裝置確認登記。請在 phpMyAdmin 的根資料夾下建立 [doc@setup_script]說明文件[/doc]中所述的,網站伺服器可以寫入的 [em]config[/em] 資料夾。否則只能下載或顯示設定。請輸入有效的十六進位值請輸入有效網址請輸入有效信用卡號請輸入有效的資料庫名稱。請輸入有效日期請輸入有效日期 ( ISO )請輸入有效的日期或時間請輸入有效電子郵件位址請輸入有效的十六進位字串。有效字元為 0-9、A-F。請輸入有效的長度!請輸入有效數字請輸入有效的數字!請輸入有效的頁面名稱請輸入有效的資料表名稱。請輸入介於 {0} 與 {1} 間的值請輸入介於 {0} 與 {1} 個字元長度的值請輸入大於或等於 {0} 的值請輸入小於或等於 {0} 的值請輸入不少於 {0} 個字元請輸入不超過 {0} 個字元請輸入數字請先輸入 SQL 查詢。請再輸入一次請使用此格式輸入轉換選項的值: 'a', 100, b, 'c'…
如果需要在值中輸入反斜線 (\)或單引號('),請在前面加上反斜線 (如 '\\xyz' 或 'a\'b')。請修正此欄位請瀏覽此視窗的底部。注意:該選項不影響 [kbd]config[/kbd] 認證方式,因為密碼是儲存在設定檔案;該選項也不限制直接執行可實現相同功能的指令。請注意 phpMyAdmin 僅提供使用者介面,並不會實際限制 MySQL 的執行。請注意:請提供可以作為此搜尋的書籤名稱。請將以下 QR 碼掃描入您裝置的雙因素認證應用程式,並輸入其產生的認證碼。若要更新 column_info 資料表,請參閱說明文件。請選擇頁面以繼續執行請選擇要建立索引的欄位。請選擇資料庫:請選擇要匯入的檔案。請選擇主鍵或獨一鍵!外掛程式附加元件點點 %d點 %d:點:多邊形多邊形 %d:MySQL 伺服器監聽的連接埠,留空則使用預設值。連接埠:縱向位置可能影響執行效率的問題字首在字串前面附加文字且/或在字串後面附加文字。第一個項目是在前面附加文字,第二個選項是在後面附加文字 (前後加單引號;預設為空字串)。預設圖表請按 Ctrl+Enter 執行查詢請按 Enter 執行查詢按 ESC 取消編輯。預覽 SQL上一個匯入逾時,隨後重新送出將會從 %d 處開始。上個月上一頁主鍵已新增主鍵。已有主鍵。主鍵預設排序列印列印檢視在更改任何配置之前, 一定要知道您在改什麼 (請參閱文件) 以及如何還原變更。錯誤的調校對效能會有重大的負面影響。驗證碼的私密金鑰權限%s 的權限資料表「%s」的索引有問題程序程序程序:程序請求處理中效能分析研判結果進度提議資料表結構保護二進位欄位協定版本:以 HOTP 及 TOTP 應用程式,為 FreeOTP、Google Authenticator 或 AuthyProvides 提供認證。以支援 FIDO U2F 的硬體安全鍵提供認證。代理伺服器密碼代理伺服器網址代理伺服器使用者名稱驗證碼的公開金鑰用途:將欄位名稱儲存至第一行首行儲存欄位名稱:使用範例查詢(QBE)已儲存搜尋的資料表查詢時間按下 Enter 時執行查詢(而非使用 Ctrl+Enter)。換行請用 Shift+Enter。查詢查詢快取使用狀況查詢分析依範例查詢(QBE)查詢快取已停用查詢快取查詢快取效率查詢快取效能(%%)查詢快取片段狀況查詢快取低記憶體清理查詢快取最大大小查詢快取最小結果大小查詢快取命中率過低,效能不佳。查詢快取使用率查詢快取使用次數查詢快取方法查詢錯誤查詢失敗查詢歷史記錄數量查詢結果選項查詢統計查詢用了 %01.4f 秒。查詢視窗查詢次數查詢次數低於 1,000自啟動後的累計查詢次數(Questions):快速快速 - 僅顯示必要的選項快速 - 僅顯示必須的選項快速設置進階功能:資料表的關聯範圍搜尋用戶端連線不正常中斷比率中斷連線比率未使用索引的資料表連結(join)比率檔案開啟比率讀取第一個索引項目比率讀取固定位置資料比率平均固定位置讀取次數:%s,這個值應小於每小時 1 次讀取資料表下一筆資料比率平均讀取資料表下一筆資料次數:%s,此值應小於每小時 1 次排序產生的暫存表比率資料表開啟比率暫存資料表寫入至磁碟的比率:%s,此值應小於每小時 1 次請重新登入 phpMyAdmin 以載入新設定並使其生效。重新輸入重新輸入:以多位元讀取讀取缺失數讀取缺失率讀取請求未能取得版本資訊。可能正在離線,或是更新伺服器未回應。重建顯示上次登入的帳號已接收最近使用最近使用的資料表最近使用的資料表最近使用的資料表編碼引擎建議記錄快取大小由 %s 參照。重新整理更新率相關連結:關聯表關聯檢視關聯顯示關聯鍵關聯綱要關聯運算子關聯釋放序列重新載入重新載入導覽面板重新整理頁面重新載入權限記錄模板檔案名稱記住資料表的排序記住設計器設定移除將欄位之間的換行符號(CRLF)移除移除欄位中的換行符號(CR/LF)從中央清單移除欄位移除資料庫自「最愛」移除從中央欄位移除移除最後的參數刪除分割移除冗餘欄位移除所選欄位刪除所選的使用者帳號移除此欄位為了更好的分組,在 INSERT 語句中移除變數資料正在刪除已選擇的使用者將資料庫改名為重新命名已匯出的資料庫/資料表/欄位將資料表改名為重新命名為重新命名檢視表為更改資料庫名稱中修復修復資料表修復程序重複顯示標題每 X 儲存格重複標題;若要關閉此功能,請設為 [kbd]0[/kbd]。取代將 NULL 取代為將 NULL 取代為:取代現有相同名稱的書籤取代資料表字首取代此字首的資料表取代為:取代字串備援所有資料庫,除了以下資料庫:已備援備援成功重設備援。備援啟動成功。備援狀態成功停止備援。報告報告標題:重新查詢已放棄請求!!請求失敗!!需要 SSL 加密連線。需要有效 X509 憑證。需要使用指定的加密方式連線。需要有由此 CA 發行且有效的 X509 憑證。需要有使用此主旨且有效的 X509 憑證。重設全部重設重設次要備援伺服器還原預設值重設縮放大小資源限制還原欄位的排序還原預設值限制登入 MySQL 伺服器限制使用者登入任意 MySQL 伺服器時,該 MySQL 伺服器的 IP 或主機名稱需要符合指定的正規表示法。分組查詢文本的結果。繼續監控繼續顯示查詢框重試連接回傳長度/值回傳選項回傳類型回傳撤銷撤銷使用者所有權限,然後刪除使用者。右點選右鍵,將欄位名稱複製到剪貼簿。完成後回退(rollback)預存程序已建立預存程序 %1$s。已修改預存程序 %1$s。已修改預存程序 %1$s 。已調整權限。預存程序名稱預存程序的參數預存程序特定的權限預存程序行檔案增長大小資料列長度凸顯資料列資料列大小資料列統計資訊起始列數:列:%1$s,欄:%2$s,錯誤:%3$s資料列數資料列數:規則詳細資訊在資料庫 %s 執行 SQL 查詢在伺服器「%s」執行 SQL 查詢在資料表 %s 執行 SQL 查詢綱要錯誤: SHA256 密碼認證SQLSQL 查詢主控台SQL 查詢框SQL 相容模式SQL 相容模式:SQL 資料存取SQL 傾印SQL 傾印 (檔案下載)執行 SQL 指令SQL 紀錄SQL 查詢SQL 語法設定。SQL 查詢SQL 查詢紀錄表在 %s 資料庫執行 SQL 指令:SQL 查詢追蹤表SQL 查詢:已執行 SQL 指令。已匯出 SQL 指令。可以複製傾印內容或者直接執行。SQL 上載伺服器強制使用 SSL 連線,正在自動啟用。未有使用 SSL正在使用 SSL正在使用 SSL,但未有使用驗證正在使用 SSL,但沒有憑證授權六所有資料表使用相同的寬度週六星期六儲存儲存並關閉另存為 JSON 檔案儲存為 PHP 檔案另存新檔另存圖表為影像儲存資料夾儲存修改過的資料儲存在伺服器儲存到伺服器的 %s 資料夾將輸出儲存為檔案儲存頁面另存頁面為儲存到瀏覽器記錄儲存至所選頁面已加為書籤的搜尋:儲存於:@DATE@儲存 QBE 查詢儲存匯出樣板%s 資料庫綱要%s 資料庫綱要 - 第 %s 頁Script 執行已逾時,若要完成匯入,請%s重新上傳原來的檔案%s,匯入會繼續進行。請下拉至所選格式並設定選項,其他格式的選項不用理會。搜尋搜尋資料庫搜尋此清單搜尋此資料表搜尋:搜尋中秒第二正規化 (1NF+2NF)第二正規化 (2NF)用來加密使用 [kbd]cookie[/kbd] 認證方式的 cookie 資料的加密密碼。密碼:安全性安全類型請參閱%s我們的說明文件%s以取得更多的資訊。請參閱[doc@authentication-modes]認證模式[/doc]的範例。查看更多資訊查看次要伺服器狀態資料表檢視資料表結構選擇要匯出的關聯類型請選擇外鍵選擇可拆分的欄位 (選擇「無此欄位」,將會進行下一步)。選擇欄位。選擇資料表選擇模板全選請至少選擇其中一個項目!選擇要檢視的二進位記錄選擇欄位:選擇欄位 (至少一個):請先選擇資料庫選擇資料庫:從由網頁伺服器上傳目錄選擇 %s:請選擇一個…選擇頁面請選擇參照鍵選擇序列:選擇資料表:請選擇兩個欄位請選擇兩個不同的欄位請選擇要完成的正規化階段選擇進行字元編碼轉換時使用的函式。所選依存如下:所選部份依存如下:所選的重複群組已經移至「%s」資料表選擇時間範圍:傳送錯誤報告傳送錯誤報告已發送9月九月序列欄位:圖表中的序列:序列名稱於欄位中資料序列:伺服器伺服器 %d選擇伺服器:伺服器 ID伺服器字元集:伺服器設定伺服器連線編碼與排序伺服器連線編碼與排序:伺服器連線:伺服器預設值伺服器主機名稱伺服器已設定為備援程序的次要伺服器。是否要:伺服器級別分頁伺服器名稱模板伺服器連接埠伺服器執行了 Suhosin。請參閱%s說明文件%s進一步了解可能會有的問題。伺服器套接字(socket)伺服器類型:伺服器變數和設定伺服器版本:伺服器級別分頁伺服器:伺服器伺服器顯示選項。連線階段時區連線階段值設為預設值設定匯入和匯出資料夾,以及壓縮選項。將 log_output 設定至 %s將 long_query_time 設定為 %d 秒。設定某些常用選項。設定 Script 允許執行的時間限制 (以秒計算,[kbd]0[/kbd] 為不設限)。設為 0 則摺疊導覽面板。設定值:%s請根據 MyISAM 索引的大小來設定 {key_buffer_size}。一開始通常會設定為 64M。將 {slow_launch_time} 設為 1 或 2 秒, 以正確紀錄緩慢啟動的執行緒數量。設定有效的時區;可能與資料庫伺服器的有所不同設定變數失敗將 {concurrent_insert} 設為 1 可以減少在相同表上的讀取和寫入衝突,請參閱 MySQL 說明文件設定phpMyAdmin 開發設定。資料表結構設定 (欄位清單)。其他設定。將使用瀏覽器的本機儲存記錄匯入設定。設定將儲存到瀏覽器的本機記錄。快取資料嚴重分散會使得 Qcache_lowmem_prunes 增加。這可能是因為 {query_cache_size} 太小,導致太多查詢快取超出限制而被從記憶體刪除。若要即時短暫的解決問題,可以清空(Flush)查詢快取 (可能會造成查詢快取被鎖定一段長時間)。小心將 {query_cache_min_res_unit} 調低也可以解決問題,例如您可以可將其設為查詢大小的平均值,使用以下公式:(query_cache_size - qcache_free_memory) / qcache_queries_in_cache分享此書籤「Shift+滑鼠點選」來將此欄位加入 ORDER BY 子句或者切換 ASC/DESC。
-「Ctrl+滑鼠點選」或「Alt+滑鼠點選」(Mac: Shift+Option+滑鼠點選) 來從 ORDER BY 子句中移除欄位5月週日顯示向普通使用者顯示「刪除資料庫」連結顯示自 %2$s 起至 %3$s 由使用者 %4$s 執行的 %1$s %5$s顯示 BLOB 內容顯示 PHP 資訊顯示 SQL 查詢全部顯示顯示引數顯示二進位內容顯示顏色顯示欄位備註顯示已連線的次要伺服器顯示建立顯示建立資料庫表單顯示建立時間顯示目前瀏覽的查詢以樹狀顯示資料庫導覽面版顯示 MySQL 伺服器詳細資訊在導覽樹顯示事件顯示欄位類型顯示尋找與取代準則顯示資料表單顯示完整查詢顯示函式欄位在導覽樹顯示函式顯示網格顯示隱藏項目顯示隱藏訊息顯示隱藏的導覽樹項目。顯示提示顯示新增查詢顯示最後檢查時間顯示最後更新時間在導覽面板顯示標誌。顯示主要伺服器狀態顯示此資料表未有的欄位中央清單根據資料表中的資料,顯示可能的部份依存僅顯示開啟的項目僅顯示警示值僅顯示清單中的資料庫顯示開啟的表顯示或隱藏所有資料表欄位建立的時間。顯示或隱藏所有資料表的最後檢查時間欄位。顯示或隱藏所有資料表的最後更新時間欄位。顯示或隱藏所有資料表字元集的欄位。顯示或隱藏所有資料表的備註欄位。顯示面板顯示更改密碼表單顯示 phpinfo() 連結在導覽樹顯示預存程序顯示查詢框於一開始顯示查詢記錄顯示報告詳細資訊一定顯示資料列連結顯示搜尋準則顯示搜尋結果顯示伺服器列表時,以清單取代下拉式選單。顯示次要伺服器顯示次要伺服器狀態顯示統計顯示資料表字元集顯示資料表備註在導覽樹顯示資料表在此再次顯示此查詢顯示追蹤顯示未格式化的值在導覽樹顯示檢視表顯示/隱藏資料表清單顯示/隱藏欄位顯示:顯示 %1$d 個書籤 (含私有與共用)顯示 SQL 查詢顯示的內容為 PHP 程式碼顯示書籤顯示建立查詢正在顯示第 %1$s - %2$s 列。顯示第 %1s - %2s 列顯示連結至 [a@https://php.net/manual/function.phpinfo.php]phpinfo()[/a] 的輸出。登入網址Signon 認證登入工作階段名稱類似 CHAR 類型,但此類型以二進位的方式儲存字串,而不是字元類似 VARCHAR 類型,但此類型以二進位的方式儲存字串,而不是字元簡易雙因素認證模擬查詢當您選擇將新增(INSERT)查詢分群組顯示,則所有新增至相同資料表的查詢將會合併顯示,但不包含資料。稍等一下!這可能要花一些時間,實際時間將取決於資料大小以及欄位數目。大小略過 SQL 語句分析忽略當前錯誤忽略鎖定的資料表忽略接下來的 %s 個錯誤。略過超過 %s MiB 的資料表由第一行開始跳過此數量的查詢 (SQL):若忽略錯誤,可能導致主要與次要備援伺服器不同步!次要備援伺服器的 IO 執行緒未啓動!次要備援伺服器的 SQL 執行緒未啓動!次要備援伺服器設定次要備援伺服器次要備援伺服器狀態緩慢啟動時間緩慢查詢記錄緩慢查詢率Slow_launch_time 已超過 2 秒。全部摺疊/展開對齊格線MySQL 伺服器監聽的套接字(socket),留空則使用預設值。取得 SQL 除錯資訊時發生一些錯誤。偵測到伺服器發生錯誤!抱歉,系統未能還原被刪除的事件。很抱歉,未能還原被刪除的預存程序。很抱歉,未能還原已刪除的觸發器。排序排序緩衝區大小依主鍵排序:在外鍵下拉選單,項目的排序:[kbd]content[/kbd] 為關聯內容、[kbd]id[/kbd] 為鍵值。排序:資料列排序排列:平均排序列數:%s排序找不到來源資料庫「%s」!已用空間空間空間參考識別碼(SRID):空間欄位設定瀏覽器標題列顯示的文字。請參閱[doc@faq6-27]說明文件[/doc]的變數字串,用來替換為特殊內容。堆疊圖加入替換檢視表以便查看僅啓動 IO 執行緒開始監控僅啓動 SQL 執行緒開始自動更新起始起始列號:首頁狀態敘述句要追蹤的指令靜態分析:狀態狀態變數步驟第一步:第二步:第三步:僅停止 IO 執行緒僅停止 SQL 執行緒停止自動更新儲存引擎儲存引擎:儲存引擎儲存並開啟對 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) 文件資料的快速存取會依據此分隔符號,將資料庫分為不同階層的樹狀。會依據此分隔符號將資料表分為不同階層的樹狀。很好結構結構和資料檢視表結構將檢視表 %s 結構匯出成資料表%s 的結構@TABLE@ 資料表結構僅結構結構快照結構:日子分區依:送出送出查詢送出錯誤報告送出查詢送出的表單中有錯誤次佳的查詢快取方法。子分區子分區依:子分區:成功成功成功!成功。已成功複製!已成功刪除頁面Suhosin 的警告總計已分組的列數總計:狀態摘要週日星期日切換至 %svisual builder%s切換到複製的資料庫切換到複製的資料表切換為深色主題倍準浮點數的別名 (例外: 在 REAL_AS_FLOAT 的模式中為 FLOAT 的別名)以 JSON 語法凸顯標示的 CodeMirror 編輯器。以 SQL 語法凸顯標示的 CodeMirror 編輯器。以 XML (與 HTML) 語法凸顯標示的 CodeMirror 編輯器。新增資料時使用的語法新增資料時使用的語法:系統 CPU 使用率系統記憶體系統置換記憶在進入資料庫頁面時,預設顯示的分頁。在進入伺服器頁面時預設顯示的分頁。在進入資料表頁面時,預設顯示的分頁。資料表已成功修改資料表 %1$s 。已成功修改資料表 %1$s 。已調整權限。資料表 %1$s 已重新命名為 %2$s。已有 %s 資料表!已將資料表 %s 複製為 %s。已將資料表 %s 複製為 %s。已調整權限。已刪除資料表 %s。已清空資料表 %s。已更新資料表 %s。已將資料表 %s 移動到 %s。已將資料表 %s 移動到 %s。已調整權限。資料表別名資料表標題表格標題(續):表格標題:資料表備註資料表備註:資料表已完成第三正規化!資料表已完成第二正規化。平均資料表連結(join)次數: %s,此值應小於每小時 1 次資料表級別分頁資料表鎖定等待率資料表鎖定等待率:%s,這個值應該低於每小時 1 次資料表維護資料表名稱資料表名稱模板資料表導覽列目錄資料表選項資料表搜尋資料表空間資料表結構資料表結構如不使用以表格說明顯示的欄位,請留空。建議值:[kbd]pma__table_info[/kbd]。資料表導覽樹的分隔符號資料表級別分頁指定資料表權限資料表:資料表資料表顯示選項。資料表:分頁使用正在前進至下一步驟…帶您至目標網站。目標資料庫找不到目標資料庫「%s」!快速存取圖示要顯示的目標頁面第二快速存取圖示的目標頁面暫存磁碟比率模板名稱已建立模板。已刪除模板。已載入模板。已更新模板。模板:暫存資料平均暫存表數:%s,此值應小於每小時 1 個。檢驗方式文字文字欄位文字框寬度 (字數)文字框列數編輯模式的文字框大小 (欄數),此值將用於 SQL 查詢文字框 (*2)。編輯模式的文字框大小 (列數),此值將用於 SQL 查詢文字框 (*2)。Texy! 文字四非常感謝您回報此錯誤。無法存取 $cfg['TempDir'] (%s)。phpMyAdmin 會無法快取模版,並且會因為此原因變得很慢。索引使用 MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區的比率太低。缺少 %s 擴充套件。請檢查 PHP 設定。在本系統找不到 %s 檔案,詳情請參閱 %s。%s 功能受到已知問題影響,詳情請參閱 %s沒有 %s 資料表!「建議系統」可以在分析伺服器狀態後,提供伺服器參數的設定建議。InnoDB 緩衝池對 InnoDB 資料表的效能有重大影響。請將剩餘的記憶體分配給此緩衝區。如果資料庫伺服器僅以 InnoDB 作為儲存引擎,又沒有運行其他服務 (如網頁伺服器),可以將最高 80%% 的可用記憶體分配給它。如果情況並非如此,請仔細評估其他服務和非 InnoDB 資料表的記憶體消耗狀況,並相對應地設定此數值。如果將之定得太高,系統會開始將記憶體資料置換到磁碟,因而大大降低效能。請參閱這篇文章InnoDB 記錄檔不夠大。不適當的 InnoDB 記錄檔大小,應與 InnoDB 緩衝池呈比例。MySQL 手冊的內容,僅適用於官方編譯的版本。在已知資料表名稱的情況下,MySQL 伺服器可以詢問 NDB 叢集儲存引擎該資料表是否存在。這個動作稱為「探索(Discovery)」。Handler_discover 參數指的是資料表被探索到的次數。MySQL 伺服器版本低於 5.1。該 XML 檔案格式有錯誤或者不完整。請修復錯誤後重試。到目前為止已讀取的總資料量 (以位元組為單位)。到目前為止已寫入的總資料量 (以位元組為單位)。在執行檢查點之前,最大可以寫入交易記錄的資料大小。預設值為 24MB。查詢快取中,空閒的記憶體總數。用於快取交易記錄的記憶體大小。預設值為 16MB。圖表的排列已儲存到瀏覽器的本機儲存區。如果設定很複雜,最好將之匯出。等待取得列鎖定(Row lock)的平均時間 (毫秒)。備份了的查詢是:最好的調校方法,是一次只更改一個設置,觀察比較您資料庫的效能,如果沒有明顯改善,那麼就還原這個變更。書籤已被刪除。在修復表 (REPAIR TABLE) 的過程中進行排序 MyISAM 的索引或透過建立索引 (CREATE INDEX) 和修改表 (ALTER TABLE) 建立索引時所要分配的緩衝區大小。快取資料目前的分散率為 %s%%;若分散率是 100%%,代表查詢快取變成直接替換資料,無快取作用。此值應低於 20%%。目前資料庫的欄位中央清單為空的在您瀏覽器內的圖表版面設定無法相容於新版的即時監控,可能已無法使用。 請於「設定」選單中重新設定以避免發生不可預期的錯誤。已成功移動欄位。所有 InnoDB 資料檔案路徑的共有部分。編譯的 InnoDB 頁大小 (預設 16KB)。許多值都以頁為單位進行統計,頁大小可以很容易地將這些值轉換為位元組數目。設定檔案需要設定加密密碼(blowfish_secret)。欄位中央清單功能未能使用,因設定儲存空間尚未預備好。未能提供所設定的雙因素認證,請安裝缺少的元件。找不到 curl 擴充套件,且 allow_url_fopen 已停用;故此某些功能,例如錯誤回報與版本檢查等,會無法使用。目前待執行 fsync() 的數量。目前待執行的讀取次數。目前待執行的寫入次數。查詢快取命中率 %s%% 低於 20%%目前的閒置查詢快取記憶體,為全部查詢快取的大小的 %s%%;這個值應高於 80%%請填寫資料庫名稱!此伺服器記錄中的查詢所使用的資料庫名稱不存在。預設資料指標的大小 (單位:位元組),用於在沒有指定 MAX_ROWS 選項的情況下建立的 MyISAM 資料表。定義者必須是 username@hostname 格式!預存函式的定義必須要有 RETURN 敘述句!設定之上傳目錄發生錯誤,無法使用。上傳的檔案可能超過了限制的大小;這是以 webkit 為基礎的瀏覽器 (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora 等) 的已知問題。檔案正在處理,請稍候。檔案第一行包含資料表的欄位名稱 (若未選此項,會視首行為資料)「%s」資料表正規化的第一步已經完成。將會執行以下動作:執行以下的查詢時發生錯誤:「%s」以下結構已被建立或修改。您可以:處理資料檔案 (*.xtd) 增長大小。行指標檔案 (*.xtr) 增長大小。尚未填寫主機名稱!匯入的檔案沒有資料!資料表空間不足時自動增加的大小。索引 %1$s 和 %2$s 看來是相同的,其中一個可能會被移除。查詢快取結果集的上限為預設的 1 MB。最大的連線數已經很接近 {max_connections}。自伺服器啟動以來,最大的同時連線數量。資料記錄檔案的最大大小。預設值為 64MB。PBXT 最多可以建立 32000 個資料記錄,可用於所有的表。增加該值可以增加資料庫所能儲存資料的大小。重建 MyISAM 索引時 MySQL 最多可以使用的暫存檔案大小 (在 REPAIR TABLE、ALTER TABLE 或 LOAD DATA INFILE 時)。等待取得列鎖定(Row lock)的最大時間 (毫秒)。找不到 PHP 的 mbstring 擴充套件,且您正使用多位元組字元編碼。 若沒有 mbstring 擴充套件 phpMyAdmin 將無法正確分割字串,這可能造成奇怪的錯誤。該模式用於自動恢復崩潰的 MyISAM 資料表,可在伺服器啓動時使用 --myisam-recover 參數。名稱「%s」是 MySQL 保留字。主鍵名稱必須為 PRIMARY!InnoDB 初始化的「隨機」預讀數。這通常會在對一個資料表進行大範圍的隨機排序查詢時發生。正在使用的延遲新增處理程序執行緒的數量。每張使用延遲新增的表都有自己的執行緒。延遲新增已寫入的列數。請求更新的緩衝池頁數。執行 script 時可配置的記憶體大小,例如 [kbd]32MB[/kbd] ([kbd]-1[/kbd] 為不限制、[kbd]0[/kbd] 為不作變更)。寫入記錄檔案的位元組。快取命中數。嘗試連到 MySQL 伺服器的連線數 (不論成功或失敗)。由於用戶端沒有正常關閉連線,這些連線已被中斷。目前開啟的連線數。已經執行的雙寫入次數。已執行的強制更新 (FLUSH) 指令數。無法正常連接 MySQL 伺服器的連線數。已開啟的檔案個數。查詢快取中的閒置區塊數。數字越高表示有記憶體碎片問題,也許可用 FLUSH QUERY CACHE 語句解決。空閒頁數。到目前為止 fsync() 執行的次數。使用 fsync() 寫入記錄檔案的次數。伺服器執行指令時,自動在記憶體建立的暫存表的數量。已執行的內部送出 (COMMIT) 指令數。使用內部回退(ROLLBACK)敘述句的次數。導覽樹每一頁可以顯示的項目數量。導覽樹每一頁可以顯示的第一層項目數量。在第一個資料表上進行了完整表掃描的多表查詢數。沒有使用索引的多表查詢數。如果該值不為0,您應該仔細檢查是否已經為資料表建立了適當的索引。使用在關聯表上使用範圍搜尋的多表查詢的數量。在第一個資料表上使用範圍查詢的多表查詢數 (即使該值很大,通常也不會有致命的影響)。沒有使用索引但在每行之後檢查索引使用的多表查詢數 (如果該值不為 0,您應該仔細檢查是否已經為資料表建立了適當的索引)。鍵快取中還沒有被寫入到硬碟的鍵塊數。該值過去名為 Not_flushed_key_blocks。InnoDB 緩衝池中鎖定頁的數量。這些頁是正在被讀取或寫入的,或者是因其他原因不能被重新整理或刪除的。記錄寫入請求數。InnoDB 完成的邏輯讀取請求數。InnoDB 進行邏輯讀取時,無法從緩衝池取得,而執行單頁讀取的次數。排序算法使用合併的次數。如果該值很大,您應該考慮增加系統變數 sort_buffer_size 的值。未快取的查詢數 (包括不能被快取,或因為 query_cache_type 的設定而沒有被快取的查詢)。檔案開啟的數量已接近上限,可能會發生「開啟過多檔案(Too many open files)」的錯誤。檔案開啟的數量已達上限的 %s%%,此值應低於 85%%負載頁的數量,像鎖定行或適應性的散列索引這樣的管理操作時分配的頁。該值可用此公式計算:Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data。含資料頁數 (異動未儲存或已儲存)。已建立的頁數。目前異動未儲存的頁數。已讀取的頁數。已經以雙寫(doublewrite)操作寫入的頁數。已寫入的頁數。在記錄檔案中待執行的 fsync 數。從硬碟中物理讀取鍵塊的次數。如果 Key_reads 很大,則代表您的 key_buffer_size 可能設定得太小了。快取缺失率可以由 Key_reads/Key_read_requests 計算得出。將鍵塊實體寫入到硬碟的次數。記錄檔案物理寫入次數。加入到快取的查詢數。在快取中註冊的查詢數。為快取新的查詢而被刪除的已快取查詢的個數,由最近最少使用算法 (LRU) 確定應刪除哪個已快取的查詢。該資訊可幫助您調整查詢快取大小。查詢時間超過 long_query_time 設定值的查詢筆數。資料表中新增資料列的請求數。從快取中讀取鍵塊的請求次數。使用固定位置讀取資料列的請求次數。如果執行很多需要排序的查詢,該值會很高。您可能有很多需要完整表掃描的查詢,或者您使用了不正確的索引用來多表查詢(joins)。根據鍵值查詢到資料列的請求次數。若這個值很大,代表您的查詢條件和資料表都有正確的索引。查詢下一筆索引資料的請求次數。若查詢條件使用了索引的欄位做一段區間範圍的查詢,或者進行了索引掃描,會使這個值不斷增加。查詢資料檔下一筆資料列的請求次數。此值會因掃描資料表的次數增加而增加。在一般情況,這代表您的資料表未正確建立索引,或者您使用的查詢指令沒有使用已建立索引的欄位。查詢上一筆索引資料的請求次數。這種讀取方式通常用於最佳化有關 ORDER BY … DESC 的查詢。資料表中更新資料列的請求次數。將鍵塊寫入快取的請求數。目前正等待的列鎖定(Row Lock)數量。從 InnoDB 資料表刪除的列數。新增到 InnoDB 資料表的列數。從 InnoDB 資料表讀取的列數。InnoDB 更新的列數。延遲新增等待寫入序列的列數。延遲新增 (INSERT DELAYED) 發生錯誤的列數 (可能為重複鍵值造成)。InnoDB 初始化的順序預讀數。這會在 InnoDB 執行一個順序完整表掃描時發生。已排序的列數。掃描表完成的排序次數。局部範圍完成的排序次數。已開啟的串流數 (主要用於記錄)。已開啟的資料表數。已經開啟的資料表數。如果該值很大,則代表資料表快取可能設得太小。目前由次要備援 SQL 執行緒開啟的暫存表的數量。伺服器執行指令時,自動在硬碟建立的暫存表的數量。如果 Created_tmp_disk_tables 很大,您可以增加 tmp_table_size 的值,令伺服器使用記憶體而非硬碟來儲存暫存表。目前用於處理連線的執行緒數量。如果 Threads_created 很大,您可能需要增加 thread_cache_size 的值 (如果執行緒狀況良好,這麼做通常並不會帶來顯著的性能提升)執行緒快取中執行緒的數量。快取命中率可以由 Threads_created/Connections 計算得出。如果該值是紅色的,則應該增加 thread_cache_size 的值。非睡眠狀態的執行緒數量。使用了比 slow_launch_time 更多的時間來啓動的執行緒數量。等待列鎖定(Row lock)的次數。從資料表中刪除行的次數。無法立即取得鎖定表而必須等待的次數。如果該值很高,且遇到了性能方面的問題,則應該首先最佳化您的查詢指令,然後分割資料表,又或使用備援操作。立即需要鎖定表的次數。第一筆索引資料被讀取的次數。若這個值很大,代表您的伺服器執行了很多完整索引掃描。例子:欄位 col1 已經建立了索引,然後執行 SELECT col1 FROM foo。使用暫存二進位記錄快取的交易數,但因超出 binlog_cache_size 限制而採用暫存檔案儲存交易指令的數量。使用暫存二進位記錄快取的交易數。鍵快取中未使用的塊數。可以根據這個值判斷目前使用了多少鍵快取。鍵快取中已經使用的塊數。該值指示在某個時刻使用了最多塊數的數量。因記錄緩衝太小而必須等待其被寫入所造成的等待數。寫入 InnoDB 緩衝池的次數。已修改 %s 的密碼。使用代理伺服器進行身份驗證的密碼。尚未填寫密碼!兩次輸入的密碼不一致!資料記錄檔案中,壓緊前垃圾資料所佔的比例。值域為 1 到 99,預設值為 50。phpMyAdmin 監測器可以幫您最佳化伺服器的配置和追蹤有耗時的查詢。對後者,需要將 log_output 設為 TABLE,並啟用 slow_query_log 或 general_log。但請注意,general_log 會產生大量資料,並可能增加伺服器的負載達 15%。已停用 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間。%s了解原因%s。尚未設定 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間,部份延伸功能將無法使用。 %s了解原因%s。 此圖表可拖曳右下角邊框進行縮放。由於主鍵 ( %1$s ) 由多個欄位組成,所以需要尋找部份依存。已刪除主鍵。已成功重新載入權限。已更新設定檔案。查詢快取資料過於分散。已啟用查詢快取,伺服器每秒收到 %d 個查詢。如果每秒超過 100 個查詢,將觸發此規則。正確的設定查詢快取,可以大幅增進效能。若要啟用查詢快取,請將 {query_cache_size} 設定為兩位數的 MiB 值,並將 {query_cache_type} 設定為 ON。注意:若已啟用 memcached,則可忽略這個建議。未啟用查詢快取。查詢快取超過 128 MB,過大的查詢快取可能會引起額外的維謢開銷。檔案開啟比率過高。資料表開啟比率過高。讀取固定位置資料比率過高。讀取第一個索引項目比率過髙。讀取資料表下一筆資料比率過高。刪除與新增查詢的比例是 %s%%。此值越低越好 (警戒比例:0.1%%)已無歷史記錄頁面,或許頁面已經逾期。已刪除該行。資料表「%1$s」已完成第二正規化。設定的秘密密鑰(blowfish_secret)過短。在權限表找不到所選的使用者。已成功刪除所選的使用者。伺服器沒有回應 (又或者未有正確設定本地伺服器的套接字[socket])。伺服器沒有回應。新記錄建立及交割之前的交易記錄大小。預設值為 16MB。寫入資料記錄時使用的緩衝區大小。預設值為 256MB。資料庫引擎會為每一個需要進行資料記錄寫入的程序分配一個緩衝區。全域交易記錄緩衝區大小 (資料庫引擎會分配此值兩倍大小的緩衝區)。預設值為 1MB。InnoDB 用於快取資料和索引,所要使用的記憶體緩衝區大小。未啟用「緩慢查詢記錄」。緩慢查詢率應低於 5%%,您的值是 %s%%。備援失敗保護器的狀態 (尚未實作)。資料表名稱不能為空!已完成第三正規化。執行緒快取目前設定為 0最後編譯的查詢的總開銷由查詢最佳化器計算得出,可用於比較使用不同的查詢指令進行相同的查詢時的效率差異。預設值0表示還沒有查詢被編譯。查詢快取中的總區塊數。資料讀取總數。資料寫入總數。等待取得列鎖定(Row lock)的總時間 (毫秒)。上傳檔案的大小超過 HTML 表單中指定的 MAX_FILE_SIZE 值。上傳檔案的大小超過 php.ini 檔案中 upload_max_filesize 的上限。檔案上傳失敗,僅上傳了一部分。上線時間僅有 %s代理伺服器的網址是用來取得 phpMyAdmin 的最新版本資訊,又或用來傳送錯誤報告。若您的伺服器所在位置無法直接存取網際網路,將會需要此設定。格式為:「主機名稱:連接埠」。已有 %s 使用者!尚未填寫使用者名稱!使用代理伺服器時,進行身份驗證(登入)的使用者名稱。預設不作登入;但若提供了使用者名稱,則會執行基本驗證。目前不支援其他類型的身份驗證。網頁伺服器沒有權限儲存 %s 檔案。佈景主題找不到佈景主題 %s!找不到佈景主題 %s 的路徑!佈景主題:導覽面板有群組含有大量項目,可能會影響效能;請考慮關閉導覽面板的項目群組功能。有大量資料列需要排序。未有已設定的伺服器沒有事件可供顯示。沒有「最愛」資料表。無可上傳的檔案!沒有最近使用的資料表。沒有預存程序可供顯示。沒有觸發器可供顯示。有太多的資料表連結(join)未使用索引。有太多執行緒啟動得很慢。伺服器執行期間產生的緩慢查詢比例過高。緩慢查詢佔全部的查詢數量比例過大。沒有該儲存引擎的詳細狀態資訊。目前沒有主鍵,請新增一個。
提示:主鍵是一個欄位 (或由多個欄位組合而成);其是獨一的,並且可以用來辨識所有資料列。存取瀏覽器儲存空間時發生錯誤,部份功能可能無法正常運作。似乎是因為瀏覽器不支援儲存空間,或者已達空間使用上限。在 Firefox,損壞的儲存空間可能會造成此問題,可試著清空「離線網站資料」來解決;在 Safari 則通常是「隱私模式瀏覽」引起的問題。匯入 ESRI Shape 檔案時發生錯誤:「%s」。連結包含了編輯、複製和刪除。第三正規化 (1NF+2NF+3NF)第三正規化 (3NF)此%s選項%s應該停用,否則會讓網路攻擊者可使用暴力破解進入任何 MySQL 伺服器。若是必要,請使用%s限制可以登入至 MySQL 伺服器%s或%s信任的代理伺服器清單%s。但是,若您的 IP 是屬於某個擁有成千上萬使用者的 ISP,以 IP 為基礎的信任代理伺服器清單可能並不可靠。此主機此 MySQL 伺服器不支援 %s 儲存引擎。自 %2$s 開始,此 MySQL 伺服器已經運行了 %1$s。此 MySQL 伺服器在備援程序中同時擔當主要伺服器次要伺服器的身份。此 MySQL 伺服器在備援程序中擔當主要伺服器的身份。此 MySQL 伺服器在備援程序中擔當次要伺服器的身份。此動作可能會變更部份欄位的定義。
是否確定要繼續執行?此欄位將完全相同的查詢合併以數量顯示。系統僅使用 SQL 查詢條件做為群組的依據;其餘的查詢參數 (例如:開始時間) 可能會有所不同。所使用的網頁瀏覽器不支援此功能此欄位為必填該格式沒有選項因為這是很簡單的事件,所以發生通常是因為系統已經超越負荷。請仔細監控系統負載。此主機這表示有許多查詢需要掃描整個資料表。請適時增加索引。這表示許多查詢的結果需要排序,或掃描整個資料表,這包括未使用索引的資料表連結(join)查詢。請在適當的地方增加索引。若此伺服器為次要伺服器,且已連線到主要伺服器,此欄位值會顯示為 ON。此為唯讀變數,不可編輯用於索引快取的記憶體大小。預設值為 32MB。該快取僅用於快取索引頁。用於快取表資料的快取記憶體大小。預設值為 32MB。該快取用於記錄處理器資料 (*.xtd) 和行指標 (*.xtr) 檔案。系統會維持的交易記錄檔 (pbxt/system/*.xt) 數量。如果記錄檔數量大於此值,舊的記錄會刪除,或者使用下一個最大的編號重新命名。此清單依據資料表資料的子集合組成,不一定準確。 這代表資料表連結(join)時會掃描整個資料表。將連結條件所使用的欄位設定為有索引的欄位,可大幅加快資料表連結時的速度。連線至伺服器時,此方式需要使用「SSL 連線」或「使用 RSA 加密密碼的未加密連線」。可能是 {query_cache_limit} 太低所引起的。清空查詢快取可能改善狀況。此操作會花費較長的時間,請確定是否繼續執行?此操作會將您的資料轉換至新的編碼與排序。在極少數的情況,特別是在新的編碼與排序沒有現有的字元,此程序可能造成資料在新的編碼與排序顯示不正確;若發生這種情況,建議您還原回原來的編碼與排序,並且參閱以下文件的提示: 此選項將會替換您的資料表與內容資料。該外掛程式不支援匯入壓縮檔案!回報功能會自動取得相關的錯誤資料與及設定檔資訊。將會回報這些資料給 phpMyAdmin 開發團隊以協助解決問題。此伺服器已設定為備援程序的主要伺服器。此伺服器尚未設定為備援程序的主要伺服器。您可以選擇複製所有資料庫,但忽略一部分 (當要備援大多數資料庫時很有用) 或者僅備援某些資料庫。請選擇模式:此伺服器尚未設定為備援程序的主要伺服器。要立即%s設定%s嗎?此伺服器尚未設定為備援程序的次要伺服器。要立即%s設定%s嗎?此設定已停用,不會套用到您的設定。此資料表沒有獨一欄位。有關資料表修改、複製、刪除的功能可能會無法儲存。這通常表示資料庫時常掃描全部索引。雖然掃描全部索引,會比掃描資料表速度要快,但在擁有大量資料的資料表仍需消耗不少 CPU 時間,如果這些資料表有大量的更新和刪除操作,執行 OPTIMIZE TABLE 可以減少掃描全部索引的次數或提升速度,除此之外只能靠重寫查詢來減少掃描全部索引。此情況通常是有語法錯誤,請檢查以下顯示的錯誤。此值會以 %1$sstrftime%2$s 來解讀,所以可以使用時間格式的字串。除此之外,以下資料格式也會轉換:%3$s。其他的文字則會保持原樣。請參閱%4$s常見問題 (FAQ)%5$s了解詳情。對該值應該進行小心謹慎的檢查,確保伺服器上的其他使用者對該資料夾都沒有讀取和寫入的權限。這個檢視表至少需有此數量的資料列,請參閱%sdocumentation%s。已中止執行緒 %s。執行緒快取執行緒快取命中率 %%執行緒快取命中率 (計算值)執行緒快取命中率:%s%%,這個值應該在 80%% 以上執行緒快取未啟用,將導致建立新的連線到 MySQL 時消耗更多的額外資源。執行緒快取並不是很有效率。執行緒執行緒的緩慢啟動雖然 MySQL 在此操作會嘗試對應編碼與排序之間的資料值,但若字元集不完整可能會造成資料丟失,且因此丟失的資料將無法透過將欄位轉換回原編碼與排序來還原。建議使用於資料表結構頁面的欄位編輯功能 (「更改」連結) 來轉換現有的資料。週四星期四TB時間使用時間使用時間:等候啟用安全金鑰逾時。選擇資料庫時,瀏覽器視窗顯示的標題。選擇伺服器時,瀏覽器視窗顯示的標題。選擇資料表時,瀏覽器視窗顯示的標題。未選擇任何項目時,瀏覽器視窗顯示的標題。至若要從日誌顯示查詢,請在任何圖表上按下滑鼠左鍵並拖拽選擇一段時間範圍。確定後將會載入分好組別的查詢,然後可以點選任何 SELECT 語句做進一步分析。若要取得更準確的平均資料,建議在執行分析前讓伺服器執行至少一天若要放大,請使用滑鼠選擇區域。今天切換關聯線摺疊/展開有太多的用戶端連線被中斷。有太多的連線發生中斷。錯誤訊息過多,還有一些未有顯示出來。太多因為排序而產生的暫存表。太多的資料表鎖定並未立即給予。總計自伺服器啟動,次要備援伺服器執行緒重試的交易數。總時間記憶體總計緩衝池總大小 (單位:頁)。置換記憶總計總計時間:總計:追蹤資料表追蹤此等資料定義指令:追蹤此等資料操作指令:追蹤檢視表已追蹤的資料表追蹤已刪除追蹤資料定義已刪除追蹤資料。已刪除追蹤資料操作已啟用 %1$s 版本 %2$s 的追蹤。已停用 %1$s 版本 %2$s 的追蹤。已啓用追蹤。已停用追蹤。%s 的追蹤已啓用。追蹤資料庫的修改。需要 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間。追蹤報告資料表「%s」的追蹤報告追蹤指令已成功刪除追蹤版本。流量交易緩衝區大小交易協調器已建立觸發器 %1$s。已修改觸發器 %1$s。時間觸發器名稱觸發器清空截斷顯示的查詢資料表新增資料前,先清除舊資料嘗試將有問題的參數,改為使用預設值二週二星期二雙因素認證雙因素認證失敗。雙因素認證失敗:%s已設定雙因素認證。已移除雙因素認證。可提供雙因素認證,並已設定給此帳號。可提供雙因素認證,但並未設定給此帳號。未能提供雙因素認證;啟用 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間以使用。未能提供雙因素認證;請安裝所需元件,以啟用認證後端程式。雙因素認證狀態類型輸入文字來篩選清單,按下 Enter 來全部搜尋「介面偏好」資料表導覽面板標誌所連結的網址。無法更改主要備援伺服器!無法連線到主要備援伺服器 %s。無法讀取主要備援伺服器的記錄位置。主要備援伺服器的權限設定可能有問題。無法於「%2$d」伺服器使用時區 %1$s。請檢查您於設定檔的 [em]$cfg['Servers'][%3$d]['SessionTimeZone'][/em] 設定。phpMyAdmin 目前使用資料庫伺服器的預設時區。第 %1$s 行有不明符號。應該是 tab,但出現的是「%2$s」。第 %s 行有不明符號。解除群組查詢獨一單位不明不明錯誤上傳檔案時發生不明錯誤。不明儲存引擎。資料表狀態不明:取消連結主面板無法解析版本全部不選未命名尚未追蹤的資料表更新更新查詢更新書籤匯入時若發現重複鍵值,則更新已有的資料匯入重複鍵值時,更新資料 (加入 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE)更新查詢更新上傳資料夾正在上傳您的匯入檔案…上線時間不到一天上線時間不到 1 天,根據來作效能調整的資料可能不準確。使用 %s 指令使用 GZip 輸出緩衝,以加快 HTTP 傳輸速度。使用主機表使用本地(LOCAL)關鍵字使用 OpenStreetMaps 作為基礎圖層使用 SSL按 TAB 鍵跳到下一個值,或按「CTRL+方向鍵」作隨意移動。使用資料表使用資料庫搜尋使用延遲新增將 BINARY 與 BLOB 欄位以 16 進位顯示使用主機表使用忽略錯誤的新增(INSERT IGNORE)資料庫與資料表名稱使用自然排序。僅使用圖示或文字,又或兩者都使用。使用持續連線的方式連線到 MySQL 資料庫。使用正規表示法使用文字方塊使用文字欄位:使用此欄位作為準則選擇作為資料點標籤的欄位使用此值使用介面較簡便的 CodeMirror 編輯器來編輯 SQL 查詢語法(具語法凸顯和行號顯示功能)。已使用記憶體已使用置換記憶使用的變數 / 公式使用者使用者帳號使用者帳號使用者帳號一覽config 認證方式的帳號使用者群組使用者群組選單分配使用者群組使用者群組資料表已新增使用者。使用者名稱使用者名稱:使用者偏好使用者偏好表使用者:使用者名稱用戶名稱與主機名稱尚未更改。如只想更改密碼,應使用「更改密碼」分頁。使用者名稱:使用者使用者不能設定更大的值可以存取「%s」的使用者使用者群組「%s」清單使用者資料表使用書籤「%s」作為預設的瀏覽查詢。使用即時監控:檢視(VIEW)名稱使用正規表示法檢驗字串,並當字串符合條件時執行新增(INSERT)。 第一個選項為正規表示法。輸入的字串 %s 未能通過檢驗。值資料欄位:「%s」欄位的值輸入的值應小於或等於 %s!值新欄位的值%s 欄位的值預設轉換的選項清單值。若轉換已於資料表結構頁輸入,則此等值會被覆蓋。變數變數 %d:變數伺服器詳細名稱驗證版本已刪除 %2$s 的 %1$s 版本。已建立資料表的 %1$s 版本,已對所選的版本啟用追蹤。已建立版本 %1$s,%2$s 的追蹤已啓用。版本 %s 的快照 (SQL 程式碼)檢查更新版本資訊版本資訊:您的伺服器版本是自行從原始碼編譯而來的,並非 MySQL 官方所編譯。版本小於 5.1.30 (5.1 第一個釋出的正式版本)。版本低於 5.5.8 (5.5 第一個釋出的正式版本)。版本很差檢視表已刪除檢視表 %s。點選結構的名稱來查看其內容。檢視資料庫的傾印資料 (綱要)檢視資料庫的傾印資料 (綱要)檢視資料表的傾印資料 (綱要)全螢幕檢視檢視表名稱不可以是空的!僅檢視以文字顯示輸出結果檢視結構檢視使用者檢視表檢視表:虛擬視覺化的 GIS 資料警告警告:此頁面中的表單超過 %d 個欄位,因超出 PHP 中 max_input_vars 設定值的限制,在送出時可能會忽略部份欄位。警告訊息三差網頁伺服器週三星期三歡迎光臨歡迎使用 %s易懂的二進位檔易懂的文字使用主機表時,此處的資料會被略過,改為使用主機表的資料。瀏覽資料表時,會使用上次的資料表排序。停用時,不管右側的複選框有何設定,使用者都不能設定以下選項。資料列的連結顯示位置設定當資料庫建立時,是否在記錄檔第一行加上 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS 指令。設定當資料表建立時,是否在記錄檔前面加上 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 指令。設定當檢視表建立時,是否在記錄檔前面加上 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS 指令。是否顯示「顯示全部資料列」的按鈕。當查詢會造成資料丟失時,是否顯示「是否真的要……」的警告訊息。在資料表結構畫面,是否顯示欄位備註是否隱藏資料表結構操作項目。設定追蹤系統是否自動為資料表和檢視表建立版本。是否於導覽樹自動展開單一資料庫。於導覽面版,是否提供樹狀選單的展開功能。在導覽樹,是否於資料庫底下顯示事件在導覽樹,是否於資料庫底下顯示函式是否顯示使用提示。在導覽樹,是否於資料庫底下顯示預存程序是否顯示缺少獨一鍵的資料列連結。在導覽樹,是否於資料庫底下顯示資料表在導覽樹,是否於資料庫底下顯示檢視表在向伺服器取得新的圖表資料時取得無效的回應,可能是連線階段已經失效。請重新整理頁面,並重新輸入帳號及密碼解決此問題。大量排序不是錯,但請確保 ORDER BY 子句使用有索引的欄位來排序,以加速排序的執行速度。要使用萬用字元 _ 和 % 本身,應使用 \ 轉義。已選擇項目:不含 PHP 程式碼週每個字詞用(半形)空格分隔。要搜尋的文字或欄位值 (萬用字元:%):寫入請求寫入等待數寫入等待率資料錯誤資料錯誤或未通過 %s 審核設定檔權限錯誤,檔案不應讓所有人可以寫入!帳號/密碼錯誤,存取遭拒。XX 軸值X 軸標籤:X 軸座標:XMLYY 軸值Y 軸值Y 軸標籤:是none是該伺服器現在允許空密碼登入。即將刪除(DESTROY)整個資料庫!即將刪除(DESTROY)整張資料表!即將清空(TRUNCATE)整張資料表!目前的 InnoDB 緩衝池已使用記憶體的 %s%%。如果指派少於 60%% 將觸發此規則,然而也許因為沒有太多的 InnoDB 資料表或其他服務同時運行於此電腦,所以這樣也許十分適用於您的系統。無權登入此 MySQL 伺服器!現時未有使用安全協定連線;所有資料 (包括敏感資訊,例如密碼) 均未加密傳輸!並未使用 https 存取 phpMyAdmin,故 FIDO U2F 裝置很可能不會為您作認證。正要減少資料列的數目,但已輸入資料的列會丟失。要繼續嗎?現在使用的是 Git 開發版,請以 [kbd]git pull[/kbd] 檢查更新 :-)[br]最新正式版為 %s,於 %s 發佈。目前正在使用 PHP 已過時的 mysql 擴充套件,該擴充套件無法處理多重查詢,[strong]並且可能無法執行某些預存程序[/strong]!請改用 mysqli 擴充套件,以避免出錯。您正在於一台有相當大流量的資料庫使用 MySQL 查詢快取。可以考慮改用 memcached 來取代 MySQL 查詢快取,特別是當您使用多台次要備援資料庫,。正在使用演示主機,您可以在此做任何事情,但請勿改動 root、debian-sys-maint 及 pma 使用者的設定。這兒有更多的資訊:%s。試圖載入未支援的壓縮檔 (%s)。可能是檔案格式尚未支援,或該類檔案在設定檔中被停用。可以直接點選絕大部分的值
並直接編輯修改。可以輸入以空格分隔的「主機名稱/IP位址」和「連結埠」。可以透過建立與使用暫存資料庫來執行資料傾印。請先確認您有足夠權限。可以將所有設定恢復為預設值。藉著修改 config.inc.php 設定檔,可以調整更多的設定項目,如:使用 %s安裝程式%s 。可以使用 MySQL 萬用字元 (% 和 _),如果想要表示萬用字元本身,請在前面加上反斜線。例:用 [kbd]'my\_db'[/kbd] 而非 [kbd]'my_db'[/kbd]。無法更改這些變數,請使用 root 帳號登入,或是聯絡該資料庫的管理者。您開啟了 [kbd]cookie[/kbd] 認證方式,但沒有設定短語密碼,因此系統自動產生了一個短語密碼,該密語用於加密 Cookies。您不需要記住這個短語密碼。未啟用 InnoDB。沒有權限建立名稱為「phpmyadmin」的資料庫。您可能需至「操作」分頁設定 phpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間。無足夠權限執行此操作,請參閱說明文件了解詳情無建立預存程序的權限。沒有建立觸發器所需的權限。沒有建立事件所需的權限。沒有管理使用者的權限!現時並沒有足夠權限!您的權限不足以執行此操作;請參閱說明文件了解詳細資訊之前儲存了查詢。按「取得自動儲存的查詢」載入。緩慢查詢率為每小時 %s,這個值應該低於每小時 1%%。已新增了新的使用者。有一些資料修改過,但尚未儲存;確定不儲存並離開本頁?已啟用 PHP 設定的 mbstring.func_overload。此選項與 phpMyAdmin 不相容,可能會導致一些資料損壞!已啟用雙因素認證,請確認登入。已啟用雙因素認證。尚未儲存設定!已收回 %s 的權限。必須至少選擇一個要顯示的欄位!有尚未儲存的變更,確定要離開此頁面嗎?已更新了 %s 的權限。尚未儲存修改的資料,請確認是否要捨棄這些資料?也可以在任何頁面拖放檔案。可以檢視錯誤報告的資料:可能需要減少 {key_buffer_size} 的值,重新檢視資料表,是否曾經刪除過索引,或檢視查詢是否如預期的使用了索引。可能需要增加 {key_buffer_size} 的值。需要重新整理頁面。可能需要增加 {long_query_time} 或最佳化緩慢查詢記錄中出現的查詢可能需要增加 {query_cache_size};但是請注意,維護快取額外消耗的資源通常的主因是過度增加快取,因此請逐次小幅增加,並監視結果。必須提供每個預存程序的參數名稱和類型。必須提供預存程序的定義。必須填寫預存程序名稱!必須提供觸發器的定義。必須填寫觸發器名稱!必須為事件填寫有效的觸發條件!必須為事件指定有效的執行時間。必須為事件指定有效的時間間隔。必須為預存程序提供有效的回傳類型。必須填寫有效的資料表名稱!必須為觸發器填寫有效的時間!必須為事件指定有效的類型。必須為事件指定定義。必須填寫事件名稱!必須為此等類型的預存程序參數,提供長度或值:列舉(ENUM)、集合(SET)、VARCHAR 和 VARBINARY。可能還沒有建立設定檔案。可以使用 %1$s 設定指令 %2$s 來建立。上傳的檔案過大,請參閱%s說明文件%s了解如何解決此問題。您設定了 [kbd]config[/kbd] 認證方式,且為了能夠自動登入而儲存了帳號和密碼,但在真正上線的主機上不建議這樣設定。因為如果有人知道 phpMyAdmin 的網址,他們就能夠進入 phpMyAdmin 的管理界面。建議將%1$s認證方式%2$s設定為 [kbd]cookie 認證[/kbd]或 [kbd]HTTP 認證[/kbd]。應升級到 %s %s 或更新版本。應該升級到 MySQL 5.1,以獲得較好的性能;升級到 MySQL 5.5 更佳。應該升級到 MySQL 5.1 最新的版本,以取得較好的性能;升級到 MySQL 5.5 更佳。應升級到 MySQL 5.5 的穩定版本。如果資料庫伺服器支援,應該使用 SSL 連線。已經登出一台伺服器;如要完全登出 phpMyAdmin,則需要登出所有伺服器。InnoDB 緩衝池太小了。InnoDB 記錄檔與 InnoDB 緩衝池大小比例為 %s%%,此值不應低於 20%%在 PHP 設定參數 [a@https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime@_blank]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] 所設定的時間短於在 phpMyAdmin 設定的 cookie 有效時間,因此登入連線有效時間可能比在 phpMyAdmin 設定的時間要短。SQL 查詢已順利執行。InnoDB 記錄檔固定大小為 %s MB瀏覽器有此網域的 phpMyAdmin 設定,是否匯入到目前的連線階段?瀏覽器會在固定的時間間隔刷新顯示的所有圖表。您可以增加圖表和更改「設定」下的更新率,或在各個圖表上用齒輪圖示來刪除該圖表。因 PHP 執行期時間限制太短,資料未完成匯出動作!您的記憶體空間超過 3 GB (若伺服器是在本機上),MySQL 可能無法使用所有的記憶體空間。請考慮安裝 64 位元版本的 MySQL。偏好設定僅作用於本次連線。若要永久儲存,先要開啟 %sphpMyAdmin 設定儲存空間%s。閣下伺服器的控制使用者 (controluser) 正在使用預設密碼 (controlpass),很容易被入侵;請務必變更密碼 pma,以修復此安全問題。連線已失效,請重新登入。ZIP 壓縮縮放搜尋[已發生回退(ROLLBACK)。][kbd]SMART[/kbd] - 即是對 TIME、DATE、DATETIME 和 TIMESTAMP 類型的欄位遞減排序,其他欄位遞增。啓用於 %s 之後別名匯出可能無法在所有情況正常運作。所有字詞然後使用正則表示法(Regular Expression)遞增於資料表起始至少一個字詞%2$s 執筆於 %1$s以上皆是以上皆是
      如: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)calendar-year-month取消欄位%2$s 提交了 %1$s完整新增concurrent_insert 目前設定為 0準則資料指定資料庫日期及時間遞減已關閉顯示欄位動態事件擴充新增第一個無general_log 與 slow_query_log 皆已啟用。general_log 已啟用。全域gzip 壓縮have_innodb 目前設定為 'value'使用中每個新增指令 INSERT 均加上欄位名稱
      如: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3)每個新增指令 INSERT 均新增多筆資料
      如: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)鍵key_buffer_size 為 0讓使用者選擇log_output 尚未設定為 TABLE。log_output 目前設定為 TABLE。log_slow_queries 目前設定為 OFFlong_query_time 目前設定為 %d 秒。long_query_time 目前設定為 %d 秒。MyISAM 鍵值緩衝區最大使用 %%:%s%%,此值應該要在 95%% 以上最大 %s以上皆非以上皆非
      如: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3)沒有分支無說明不好停用數值或輸入變數名稱:頁數已分區每天每小時每小時:每分鐘每分鐘:每秒每秒:phpMyAdmin 演示伺服器phpMyAdmin 設定片段phpMyAdmin 說明文件phpMyAdmin 主頁 (外部連結,英文)phpMyAdmin 曾經嘗試連線到 MySQL 伺服器,但遭伺服器拒絕。請檢查設定檔案中的主機、帳號和密碼,並確認這些資訊與 MySQL 伺服器管理員所提供的資訊一致。phpMyAdmin 無法中止執行緒 %s。該執行緒可能已經關閉。可能被駭query_cache_limit 目前設定為 1 MBquery_cache_size 已設為 0 或 query_cache_type 已設為 OFF預存程序選擇欄位選擇資料表已共享slow_launch_time 目前設定為 %sslow_query_log 與 general_log 皆已停用。slow_query_log 已啟用,但伺服器只記錄執行時間超過 %d 秒的查詢。建議根據系統的狀況,將 long_query_time 設定為 0-2 秒之間。slow_query_log 已啟用。slow_query_log 目前設定為 OFF空間類型拆分為: 靜態字串結構結構和資料子查詢指定資料表與子字串完全相同與整個欄位完全相同觸發器無法使用未知最新以後匯出時,也使用此設定「值/子查詢」沒有內容網頁伺服器上傳資料夾:萬用字元zip 壓縮{long_query_time} 目前設定為超過 10 秒,只有執行時間超過 10 秒的查詢會被記錄。{tmp_table_size} 和 {max_heap_table_size} 並不相同。ø 時間「%s」… 從使用者資料表中刪除舊使用者,然後重新載入權限。… 從使用者資料表中刪除舊使用者。… 保留舊使用者。… 撤銷舊使用者的所有權限,然後將之刪除。