{{ error|raw }}

{% trans 'Import' %}

{{ generate_hidden_max_file_size(max_upload_size) }} {{ get_hidden_inputs() }}
{% trans 'Settings will be imported from your browser\'s local storage.' %}
{% trans 'Saved on: @DATE@' %}
{{ 'You have no saved settings!'|trans|notice }}
{{ 'This feature is not supported by your web browser'|trans|notice }}

{% if exists_setup_and_not_exists_config %} {# show only if setup script is available, allows to disable this message #} {# by simply removing setup directory #} {# Also do not show in config exists (and setup would refuse to work) #}

{% trans 'More settings' %}

{{ 'You can set more settings by modifying config.inc.php, eg. by using %sSetup script%s.'|trans|format('','')|raw }} {{ show_docu('setup', 'setup-script') }}
{% endif %}

{% trans 'Export' %}

{{ 'Configuration has been saved.'|trans|raw_success }}
{{ get_hidden_inputs() }}

{% trans 'Settings will be saved in your browser\'s local storage.' %}
{% trans 'Existing settings will be overwritten!' %}
{{ 'This feature is not supported by your web browser'|trans|notice }}

{% trans 'Reset' %}

{{ get_hidden_inputs() }} {% trans 'You can reset all your settings and restore them to default values.' %}