{% trans "Two-factor authentication status" %} {{ show_docu('two_factor') }}

{% if enabled %} {% if num_backends == 0 %}

{% trans "Two-factor authentication is not available, please install optional dependencies to enable authentication backends." %}

{% trans "Following composer packages are missing:" %}

{% else %} {% if backend_id %}

{% trans "Two-factor authentication is available and configured for this account." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Two-factor authentication is available, but not configured for this account." %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %}

{% trans "Two-factor authentication is not available, enable phpMyAdmin configuration storage to use it." %}

{% endif %}
{% if backend_id %}

{{ backend_name }}

{% trans "You have enabled two factor authentication." %}

{{ backend_description }}

{{ get_hidden_inputs() }}
{% elseif num_backends > 0 %}

{% trans "Configure two-factor authentication" %}

{{ get_hidden_inputs() }} {% for backend in backends %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}