#!/usr/bin/stap # alias_suffixes.stp # Uses alias suffixes to track time intervals for a subset of kernel # functions. Based on func_time_stats.stp. global start, intervals # We can apply a suffix to multiple probe points designated by one alias: probe miscellany = syscall.{open,close,read,write} { } probe miscellany { start[name, tid()] = gettimeofday_us() } # The 'return' suffix is passed on to each of the underlying probe points: probe miscellany.return { t = gettimeofday_us(); old_t = start[name, tid()] if (old_t) intervals[name] <<< t - old_t delete start[name, tid()] } probe begin { printf("Collecting data... press Ctrl-C to stop.\n") } probe end { foreach (name in intervals) { printf("intervals for %s -- min:%dus avg:%dus max:%dus count:%d variance:%d\n", name, @min(intervals[name]), @avg(intervals[name]), @max(intervals[name]), @count(intervals[name]), @variance(intervals[name], 3)) print(@hist_log(intervals[name])) } }