#!/usr/bin/stap # General event counter / monitor. Gives a report of event counts/rates on a # per-process or systemwide basis at script shutdown. # # Invoke with a list of probe point patterns as script command-line arguments: # stap eventcount.stp 'syscall.*' ... # # Optionally, specify process/thread-id to limit analysis: # stap eventcount.stp -c "CMD ARGS" [...probe points...] # or stap eventcount.stp -x PID [...probe points...] # or stap eventcount.stp -G comm=EXECNAME [...probe points...] # # Optionally, override periodic screen update, every NNN seconds (default 10) # stap eventcount.stp -G period=NNN [...probe points...] # ... or cumulative totals # stap eventcount.stp -G period=0 [...probe points...] # # Optionally, specify cumulative mode for periodic updates # stap eventcount.stp -G period=NNN -G cumulative=1 [...probe points...] # stap eventcount.stp -G period=NNN -G cumulative=1 [...probe points...] # # Optionally, specify sorting other than by =count # stap eventcount.stp -G sort=tid [...probe points...] # stap eventcount.stp -G sort=count [...probe points...] # stap eventcount.stp -G sort=event [...probe points...] # stap eventcount.stp -G sort=unsorted [...probe points...] # # Optionally, specify a limit for sorted event count reports # stap eventcount.stp -G lines=100 [...probe points...] # # Runtime controls: # 'j': cycles forwards through the sort options # 'k': cycles backwards through the sort options # 'l': toggles cumulative mode # # Pressing enter pauses the reporting and allows a new value for 'comm' # to be inputted. Doing so resets all counts. To return to analyzing # all processes leave 'comm' blank. global period=10 global cumulative=0 global comm="" global sort="count" global sort_options global lines=20 probe %($# == 0 || $# > 32 %? begin %: never %) { printf("Please specify between 1 and 32 events to count.\n") exit() } global c% global totalc, filteredc //paramaterize up to 32 arguments probe %($# >= 1 %? $1 %: never %), %($# >= 2 %? $2 %: never %), %($# >= 3 %? $3 %: never %), %($# >= 4 %? $4 %: never %), %($# >= 5 %? $5 %: never %), %($# >= 6 %? $6 %: never %), %($# >= 7 %? $7 %: never %), %($# >= 8 %? $8 %: never %), %($# >= 9 %? $9 %: never %), %($# >= 10 %? $10 %: never %), %($# >= 11 %? $11 %: never %), %($# >= 12 %? $12 %: never %), %($# >= 13 %? $13 %: never %), %($# >= 14 %? $14 %: never %), %($# >= 15 %? $15 %: never %), %($# >= 16 %? $16 %: never %), %($# >= 17 %? $17 %: never %), %($# >= 18 %? $18 %: never %), %($# >= 19 %? $19 %: never %), %($# >= 20 %? $20 %: never %), %($# >= 21 %? $21 %: never %), %($# >= 22 %? $22 %: never %), %($# >= 23 %? $23 %: never %), %($# >= 24 %? $24 %: never %), %($# >= 25 %? $25 %: never %), %($# >= 26 %? $26 %: never %), %($# >= 27 %? $27 %: never %), %($# >= 28 %? $28 %: never %), %($# >= 29 %? $29 %: never %), %($# >= 30 %? $30 %: never %), %($# >= 31 %? $32 %: never %), %($# >= 32 %? $32 %: never %) { totalc <<< 1 if (target() && ! target_set_pid(pid())) next if (comm != "" && execname() != comm) next filteredc <<< 1 c[sprintf("%s(%d)",execname(),tid()), pn()]<<<1 } probe begin { start_ms = gettimeofday_ms() if (target()) msg = sprintf ("pid %d + children", target()) else if (comm != "") msg = sprintf ("execname %s", comm) else msg = "unfiltered"; printf("Starting event counting at %s, %s\n", tz_ctime(gettimeofday_s()), msg) format = sprintf("max %d lines, sorted by %s", lines, sort); if (period) printf("%s reporting (%s) every %d s\n", cumulative ? "Cumulative" : "Incremental", format, period) else printf("One-time cumulative reporting (%s) at script termination (^C)\n", format) sort_options[0] = "count" sort_options[1] = "tid" sort_options[2] = "event" sort_options[3] = "unsorted" } global start_ms function reportline(tid, name, countstr) { // fine-grained control over the column layout here printf("%-22s %-15s %s\n", tid, countstr, name) } function reportline2(tid, name, count, elapsed_ms) { reportline(tid, name, sprintf("%d (%d.%02d)", count, (count * 100000 / elapsed_ms)/100, (count * 100000 / elapsed_ms)%100)) } global input_mode = "char" function report () { elapsed_ms = gettimeofday_ms() - start_ms if (elapsed_ms < 0) elapsed_ms=1 printf("%s time elapsed: %d ms, %d events, %d after filtering.\n", (cumulative ? "Cumulative" : "Period"), elapsed_ms, @count(totalc), @count(filteredc)) reportline("TID", "EVENT", "COUNT (Hz)") reportline("---", "-----", "----------") if (sort == "count") foreach([tid, name] in c- limit lines) reportline2(tid, name, @count(c[tid,name]), elapsed_ms) else if (sort == "tid") foreach([tid+, name] in c limit lines) reportline2(tid, name, @count(c[tid,name]), elapsed_ms) else if (sort == "event") foreach([tid, name+] in c limit lines) reportline2(tid, name, @count(c[tid,name]), elapsed_ms) else # unsorted foreach([tid, name] in c limit lines) reportline2(tid, name, @count(c[tid,name]), elapsed_ms) } probe end { report() printf("Finished event counting at %s.\n", tz_ctime(gettimeofday_s())) } probe timer.s(1) { if (period <= 0) next if ((gettimeofday_s() % period) == 0) { if (input_mode == "char") report() if (! cumulative) { delete c delete filteredc delete totalc start_ms = gettimeofday_ms() } } } probe input.line { if (input_mode != "line") next // remove newline character comm = substr(line, 0, strlen(line) - 1) if (comm == "") { print("\nNow analyzing all processes") } else { print("\nNow analyzing process \"" . comm . "\"") } delete c delete filteredc delete totalc } global idx = 0 // index into sort_options probe input.char { if (input_mode == "line") { print(char) if (char == "\n") input_mode = "char" } else if (char == "j") { idx = (idx + 1) % 4 sort = sort_options[idx] println("Sorting by " . sort) } else if (char == "k") { idx = idx ? (idx - 1) % 4 : 3 sort = sort_options[idx] println("Sorting by " . sort) } else if (char == "l") { cumulative = 1 - cumulative if (cumulative) println("Cumulative mode enabled") else println("Cumulative mode disabled") } else if (char == "\n") { input_mode = "line" println("Please enter a process name:") } }