#!/usr/bin/stap # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # Written by William Cohen # # Example usage of the tcl tracepoints to show a nested view of all # tcl function calls (and returns) across the whole system. # # Run this using # stap tcl-trace.stp # to instrument all tcl processes on the system, or (for example) using # stap tcl-trace.stp -c COMMAND # to instrument a specific program (implemented in tcl) probe process("/usr/lib*/libtcl*.so").mark("proc__entry") { funcname = user_string($arg1) printf("%s => %s\n", thread_indent(1), funcname); } probe process("/usr/lib*/libtcl*.so").mark("cmd__entry") { cmdname = user_string($arg1) printf("%s > %s\n", thread_indent(1), cmdname); } probe process("/usr/lib*/libtcl*.so").mark("proc__return") { funcname = user_string($arg1) printf("%s <= %s\n", thread_indent(-1), funcname); } probe process("/usr/lib*/libtcl*.so").mark("cmd__return") { cmdname = user_string($arg1) printf("%s < %s\n", thread_indent(-1), cmdname); }