#!/usr/bin/stap # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Red Hat, Inc. # Write by William Cohen <wcohen@redhat.com> # # cycle_thief provide the following information for the specified pid: # Number of times the task is migrated to another cpu # How long the task is scheduled on and off a processor # Tasks that run when the task is scheduled off the processor # IRQs that run when the task is scheduled on the processor # # Run the script with: # stap cycle_thief.stp -x pid # # control-c to exit data collection global last_cpu = -1 global pid_on, pid_off, migrated global time_on, time_off, irq_entry global cycle_thief, irq_thief, cycle_thief_name probe kernel.trace("sched_switch") { t = gettimeofday_us(); c = cpu(); if ($prev->pid == target() && $next->pid != target()) { /* being switched out */ pid_off = t; last_cpu = c; if (pid_on) time_on <<< pid_off - pid_on; } else if ($prev->pid != target() && $next->pid == target()) { /* being switched in */ pid_on = t; if (pid_off) time_off <<< pid_on - pid_off; if (c != last_cpu) ++migrated; } /* watch what other processes scheduled while pid off */ if (pid_off > pid_on && c == last_cpu) { cycle_thief[$next->pid] <<< 1; cycle_thief_name[$next->pid] = kernel_string($next->comm) } } /* what interrupts occur while process is running */ probe kernel.{trace("irq_handler_entry")!, trace("irq_entry")} { t = gettimeofday_us(); c = cpu(); i = @defined($irq) ? $irq : $id; /* watch what irq run while pid is running */ if (pid_on > pid_off && c == last_cpu) { irq_entry[i] = t; } } probe kernel.{trace("irq_handler_exit")!, trace("irq_exit")} { i = @defined($irq) ? $irq : $id; t = gettimeofday_us(); c = cpu(); irqt=irq_entry[i] /* watch what irq run while pid is running */ if (pid_on > pid_off && c == last_cpu && irqt) { irq_thief[i] <<< t - irqt; delete irq_entry[i]; } } probe end { printf("\n") printf("task %d migrated: %d\n", target(), migrated) if (@count(time_on)) { printf("\n") printf("task %d on processor (us):\n", target()) print(@hist_log(time_on)); } if (@count(time_off)) { printf("\n") printf("task %d off processor (us)\n", target()) print(@hist_log(time_off)); } printf("\n") printf("other pids taking processor from task %d\n", target()) printf("%6s %10s %s\n", "PID", "count", "command"); foreach (p in cycle_thief-) printf("%6d %10d %s\n", p, @count(cycle_thief[p]), cycle_thief_name[p]) printf("\n") printf("irq taking processor from task %d\n", target()) printf("%6s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n", "irq", "count", "min(us)", "avg(us)", "max(us)", "variance(us^2)") foreach (p in irq_thief-) printf("%6d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n", p, @count(irq_thief[p]), @min(irq_thief[p]), @avg(irq_thief[p]), @max(irq_thief[p]), @variance(irq_thief[p])) }