#!/usr/bin/stap # This script tries to identify contended user-space locks by hooking # into the futex system call. /* Bits indicating sharing in futex_key.both.offset */ global FUT_OFF_INODE = 1 /* We set bit 0 if key has a reference on inode */ global FUT_OFF_MMSHARED = 2 /* We set bit 1 if key has a reference on mm */ global FUTEX_WAIT = 0 /*, FUTEX_WAKE = 1 */ global FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG = 128 /* linux 2.6.22+ */ global FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME = 256 /* linux 2.6.29+ */ global wait_keys # per-thread key strings for waiting futexes global lock_waits # long-lived stats on (tid,lock) blockage elapsed time global process_names # long-lived pid-to-execname mapping @define KEY %( @cast(key, "union futex_key") %) probe kernel.function("futex_wait_setup").return { if ($return != 0) next key = @entry(&$q->key) offset = @KEY->both->offset masked_offset = offset & ~(FUT_OFF_INODE | FUT_OFF_MMSHARED) if (offset & FUT_OFF_INODE) { address = @KEY->shared->pgoff * mem_page_size() + masked_offset path = inode_path(@KEY->shared->inode) wait_keys[tid()] = sprintf("INODE:%s+%p", path, address) } else if (offset & FUT_OFF_MMSHARED) { address = @KEY->private->address + masked_offset wait_keys[tid()] = sprintf("MMSHARED:%p", address) } } global entry_times% probe syscall.futex { if ((op & ~(FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME)) != FUTEX_WAIT) next entry_times[tid()] = gettimeofday_us() } probe syscall.futex.return { if (!(tid() in wait_keys)) next key = wait_keys[tid()] delete wait_keys[tid()] if (!(tid() in entry_times)) next elapsed = gettimeofday_us() - entry_times[tid()] lock_waits[pid(), key] <<< elapsed delete entry_times[tid()] if (!(pid() in process_names)) process_names[pid()] = execname() } probe end { foreach ([pid+, lock] in lock_waits) printf ("%s[%d] lock %s contended %d times, %d avg us\n", process_names[pid], pid, lock, @count(lock_waits[pid,lock]), @avg(lock_waits[pid,lock])) }