#!/usr/bin/stap # Copyright (C) 2006 IBM Corp. # # This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Print signal counts by process IDs in descending order. # global sigcnt, pid2name, sig2name probe begin { print("Collecting data... Type Ctrl-C to exit and display results\n") } probe signal.send { rcv_pid = sig_pid sigcnt[pid(), rcv_pid, sig]++ if (!(pid() in pid2name)) pid2name[pid()] = execname() if (!(rcv_pid in pid2name)) pid2name[rcv_pid] = pid_name if (!(sig in sig2name)) sig2name[sig] = sig_name } probe end { printf("%-8s %-16s %-5s %-16s %-16s %s\n", "SPID", "SENDER", "RPID", "RECEIVER", "SIGNAME", "COUNT") foreach ([snd_pid, rcv_pid, sig_num] in sigcnt-) { printf("%-8d %-16s %-5d %-16s %-16s %d\n", snd_pid, pid2name[snd_pid], rcv_pid, pid2name[rcv_pid], sig2name[sig_num], sigcnt[snd_pid, rcv_pid, sig_num]) } }