#!/usr/bin/stap # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # Written by William Cohen # global ioctl_requests, ioctl_func probe syscall.ioctl { ioctl_requests[execname()] <<< 1 try { # Dig down through the task struct to find the actual function handling ioctl. ioctl_func_address = @cast(task_current(), "struct task_struct")->files->fdt->fd[fd]->f_op->unlocked_ioctl if (ioctl_func_address) ioctl_func[execname(), ioctl_func_address] <<< 1 } catch { ioctl_func[execname(), 0] <<< 1 } } probe end { printf("Per execname ioctl information\n") foreach ([e+, f] in ioctl_func) { if (current_exec != e){ printf("%s %d\n", e, @sum(ioctl_requests[e])) current_exec = e } printf(" %s %d\n", symdata(f), @sum(ioctl_func[e,f])) } }