#!/usr/bin/stap # # Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Red Hat, Inc. # Written by William Cohen # # The linetimes.stp script takes two arguments: where to find the function # and the function name. linetimes.stp will instrument each line in the # function. It will print out the number of times that the function is # called, a table with the average and maximum time each line takes, # and control flow information when the script exits. # # For example all the lines of the do_unlinkat function: # # stap linetimes.stp kernel do_unlinkat global calls, times, last_pp, region, cfg probe $1.function(@2).call { calls <<< 1 } probe $1.function(@2).return { t = gettimeofday_us() s = times[tid()] if (s) { e = t - s region[last_pp[tid()]] <<< e cfg[last_pp[tid()], pp()] <<< 1 } delete times[tid()] delete last_pp[tid()] } probe $1.statement(@2 "@*:*") { t = gettimeofday_us() s = times[tid()] if (s) { e = t - s region[last_pp[tid()]] <<< e cfg[last_pp[tid()], pp()] <<< 1 } times[tid()] = t last_pp[tid()] = pp() } probe end { printf("\n%s %s call count: %d\n", @1, @2, @count(calls)); printf("\n%-58s %10s %10s\n", "region", "avg(us)", "max(us)"); foreach (p+ in region) { printf("%-58s %10d %10d\n", p, @avg(region[p]), @max(region[p])); } printf("\n\ncontrol flow graph information\n") printf("from\n\tto\n=======================\n") foreach ([src+] in region) { printf("%-s\n", src) foreach ([s,dest+] in cfg[src,*]) { # slice for all dest's printf("\t%-s %d\n", dest, @count(cfg[src,dest])); } } }