#!/usr/bin/stap -gv /* A systemtap emergency band-aid for CVE-2016-0728. fche@redhat.com & wmealing@redhat.com */ /* Default behavior: trace but don't fix problem. */ global trace_p = 1 /* or else: stap -G trace_p=0 */ global fix_p = 0 /* or else: stap -G fix_p=1 */ probe kernel.statement("join_session_keyring@*+44") !, kernel.function("join_session_keyring").label("error2") { /* NB: if the DWARF debuginfo were more perfect, we should be able to refer directly to $keyring/$new, local variables still technically in scope. On some kernels/gcc combinations, that works fine. On others, it doesn't, so this script tries to support both. */ if (@defined($keyring)) keyring = $keyring else { if (! warned_keyrings_p++) warn("Using find_keyring_by_name $return heuristic for $keyring") keyring = keyrings[tid()] } if (@defined($new)) new = $new else { if (! warned_news_p++) warn("Using prepare_creds $return heuristic for $new") new = news[tid()] } /* The actual security band-aid payload. */ if (keyring == @cast(new,"struct cred")->session_keyring) { if (trace_p) printf("%s[%d] rejoin keyring %s %p %s\n", execname(), tid(), $name$, keyring, @cast(keyring,"struct key")->usage$$) if (fix_p) do_key_put(keyring) if (fix_p && trace_p) printf("-> %p %s\n", keyring, @cast(keyring,"struct key")->usage$$) } } function do_key_put(ptr) %{ if (STAP_ARG_ptr != 0) key_put ((struct key *) STAP_ARG_ptr); %} /* We cache the last $keyring value for this thread. Relying on this table instead of direct access to $keyring at the join_session_keyring function label is undesirable. This is because we don't have a very good way of keeping this table clean (to remove old entries). (Extraordinary measures could include catching thread deaths, or returns from *callers* of find_keyring_by_name.) So what we do here instead is label keyrings% as an auto-wrapping array, so *old* entries will be reused. */ global keyrings%, warned_keyrings_p probe kernel.function("find_keyring_by_name").return { keyrings[tid()] = $return } /* And same for the $new variable. :-( */ global news%, warned_news_p probe kernel.function("prepare_creds").return { news[tid()] = $return } /* Disable the automatic dumping of these globals. */ probe never { println(keyrings[0]) println(news[0]) println(warned_keyrings_p+1) println(warned_news_p+1) }