// context tapset // Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. // // This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General // Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any // later version. // NB: functionally equivalent to linux/context.stp %{ #include #include #include #include #include %} global _stp_dyninst_remote = "" function execname:string () %{ /* Need a 16-byte buffer, which will be 0-terminated only if shorter. * Use 17 bytes to make sure we always have termination. */ char arg2[17] = {0}; if (prctl(PR_GET_NAME, (unsigned long)arg2, 0, 0, 0) == 0) strlcpy (STAP_RETVALUE, arg2, MAXSTRINGLEN); %} function pid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getpid(); %} function tid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* NB: no glibc wrapper available */ STAP_RETVALUE = syscall(SYS_gettid); %} function ppid:long() %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getppid(); %} function pgrp:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getpgrp(); %} function sid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getsid(0); %} // TODO function pexecname:string () function gid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getgid(); %} function egid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getegid(); %} function uid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = getuid(); %} function euid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = geteuid(); %} // TODO function is_myproc:long () // NB: dyninst by nature is myproc-only, *except if you're root* function cpu:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = _stp_sched_getcpu(); %} function registers_valid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = (CONTEXT->uregs != NULL); %} function user_mode:long () { return 1; } function is_return:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ if (CONTEXT->probe_type == stp_probe_type_uretprobe) STAP_RETVALUE = 1; else STAP_RETVALUE = 0; %} function target:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = stp_session_attributes()->target; %} function module_name:string () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ strlcpy(STAP_RETVALUE, stp_session_attributes()->module_name, MAXSTRINGLEN); %} function stp_pid:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = stp_session_attributes()->stp_pid; %} function remote_id:long () { return strtol(substr(_stp_dyninst_remote,0,1), 10) } function remote_uri:string () { return substr(_stp_dyninst_remote, 2, %{ STP_REMOTE_URI_LEN %}) } // TODO function stack_size:long () // TODO function stack_used:long () // TODO function stack_unused:long () function addr:long () { return uaddr() } function uaddr:long () %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ STAP_RETVALUE = (intptr_t)(CONTEXT->uregs ? REG_IP(CONTEXT->uregs) : 0); %} // TODO function cmdline_args:string(n:long, m:long, delim:string) // TODO function cmdline_arg:string(n:long) // TODO function cmdline_str:string()