/* * Copyright (C) 2009 IBM Corp. * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Red Hat Inc. * * This file is part of systemtap, and is free software. You can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * Version 1.0 wilder@us.ibm.com 2009-07-06 */ global DelayedACKs /* LINUX_MIB_DELAYEDACKS */ global ListenOverflows /* LINUX_MIB_LISTENOVERFLOWS */ global ListenDrops /* LINUX_MIB_LISTENDROPS */ global TCPMemoryPressures /* LINUX_MIB_TCPMEMORYPRESSURES */ /** * probe linuxmib.DelayedACKs - Count of delayed acks * @sk: Pointer to the struct sock being acted on * @op: Value to be added to the counter (default value of 1) * * The packet pointed to by @skb is filtered by the function * linuxmib_filter_key(). If the packet passes the filter is is * counted in the global @DelayedACKs (equivalent to SNMP's MIB * LINUX_MIB_DELAYEDACKS) */ global indelack_timer probe linuxmib.DelayedACKs = _linuxmib.DelayedACKs.* {} probe _linuxmib.DelayedACKs.A = kernel.function("tcp_send_ack") { sk=$sk if ( !indelack_timer[sk] ) next op=1 key = linuxmib_filter_key(sk,op); if ( key ) DelayedACKs[key] += op; } probe _linuxmib.DelayedACKs.B = kernel.function("tcp_delack_timer") { sk=@choose_defined($data, &@container_of($t, "inet_connection_sock", icsk_delack_timer)->icsk_inet->sk) indelack_timer[sk]=1 op=0 } probe _linuxmib.DelayedACKs.C = kernel.function("tcp_delack_timer").return { sk=@entry(@choose_defined($data, &@container_of($t, "inet_connection_sock", icsk_delack_timer)->icsk_inet->sk)) indelack_timer[sk]=0; op=0 } /** * probe linuxmib.ListenOverflows - Count of times a listen queue overflowed * @sk: Pointer to the struct sock being acted on * @op: Value to be added to the counter (default value of 1) * * The packet pointed to by @skb is filtered by the function * linuxmib_filter_key(). If the packet passes the filter is is * counted in the global @ListenOverflows (equivalent to SNMP's MIB * LINUX_MIB_LISTENOVERFLOWS) */ probe linuxmib.ListenOverflows=kernel.function("tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock").return { sk = @entry($sk) if ( $return ) next if ( @entry($sk->sk_ack_backlog) <= @entry($sk->sk_max_ack_backlog) ) next op = 1; key = linuxmib_filter_key(sk,op); if ( key ) ListenOverflows[key] += op; } /** * probe linuxmib.ListenDrops - Count of times conn request that were dropped * @sk: Pointer to the struct sock being acted on * @op: Value to be added to the counter (default value of 1) * * The packet pointed to by @skb is filtered by the function * linuxmib_filter_key(). If the packet passes the filter is is * counted in the global @ListenDrops (equivalent to SNMP's MIB * LINUX_MIB_LISTENDROPS) */ probe linuxmib.ListenDrops=kernel.function("tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock").return { sk = @entry($sk) if ( $return ) next op = 1; key = linuxmib_filter_key(sk,op); if ( key ) ListenDrops[key] += op; } /** * probe linuxmib.TCPMemoryPressures - Count of times memory pressure was used * @sk: Pointer to the struct sock being acted on * @op: Value to be added to the counter (default value of 1) * * The packet pointed to by @skb is filtered by the function * linuxmib_filter_key(). If the packet passes the filter is is * counted in the global @TCPMemoryPressures (equivalent to SNMP's MIB * LINUX_MIB_TCPMEMORYPRESSURES) */ probe linuxmib.TCPMemoryPressures=kernel.function("tcp_enter_memory_pressure") { sk = @choose_defined($sk, 0) op = 1; if ( $tcp_memory_pressure ) next key = linuxmib_filter_key(sk,op); if ( key ) TCPMemoryPressures[key] += op; }