# pipe _______________________________________________________ # # asmlinkage int sys_pipe(unsigned long __user * fildes) # asmlinkage long sys_ia64_pipe (void) # SYSCALL_DEFINE2(pipe2, int __user *, fildes, int, flags) # pipe2() was added to Linux in version 2.6.27. probe syscall.pipe = dw_syscall.pipe !, nd_syscall.pipe ? {} probe syscall.pipe.return = dw_syscall.pipe.return !, nd_syscall.pipe.return ? {} # dw_pipe _____________________________________________________ probe dw_syscall.pipe = __syscall.pipe2 ?, __syscall.ia64_pipe ?, __syscall.pipe { } probe __syscall.pipe2 = kernel.function("sys_pipe2").call ? { @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe2"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe2")) name = "pipe2" flags = __int32($flags) flag_str = _sys_pipe2_flag_str(flags); fildes_uaddr = $fildes if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { /* * Why use @cast here? Why not just: * * pipe0 = user_int(&$fildes[0]); * pipe1 = user_int(&$fildes[1]); * * The answer is syscall wrappers * (CONFIG_SYSCALL_WRAPPERS). On ppc (for example), * SyS_foo has all "long" arguments, and then the * inline SYSC_foo has the real argument types. The * @cast makes sure we're dealing with the "final" * type. */ pipe0 = user_int(&@cast($fildes, "int")[0]) pipe1 = user_int(&@cast($fildes, "int")[1]) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d], %s", pipe0, pipe1, flag_str); } } probe __syscall.ia64_pipe = kernel.function("sys_ia64_pipe").call ? { name = "pipe" flags = 0 flag_str = "" fildes_uaddr = 0 pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "[0, 0]"; } probe __syscall.pipe = kernel.function("sys_pipe").call { name = "pipe" flags = 0 flag_str = "" fildes_uaddr = $fildes if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { /* * Why use @cast here? Why not just: * * pipe0 = user_int(&$fildes[0]); * pipe1 = user_int(&$fildes[1]); * * The answer is syscall wrappers * (CONFIG_SYSCALL_WRAPPERS). On ppc (for example), * SyS_foo has all "long" arguments, and then the * inline SYSC_foo has the real argument types. The * @cast makes sure we're dealing with the "final" * type. */ pipe0 = user_int(&@cast($fildes, "int")[0]) pipe1 = user_int(&@cast($fildes, "int")[1]) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d]", pipe0, pipe1); } } probe dw_syscall.pipe.return = __syscall.pipe2.return ?, __syscall.ia64_pipe.return ?, __syscall.pipe.return { } probe __syscall.pipe2.return = kernel.function("sys_pipe2").return ? { @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe2"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe2")) name = "pipe2" fildes_uaddr = @entry($fildes) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { /* * See comment in dw_syscall.pipe about why @cast is used * here. */ pipe0 = user_int(&@cast(@entry($fildes), "int")[0]) pipe1 = user_int(&@cast(@entry($fildes), "int")[1]) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR($return) } probe __syscall.ia64_pipe.return = kernel.function("sys_ia64_pipe").return ? { name = "pipe" fildes_uaddr = 0; pipe0 = _ia64_pipe0(); pipe1 = _ia64_pipe1(); @SYSC_RETVALSTR($return) if (pipe0 >= 0) { retstr = "0" } } probe __syscall.pipe.return = kernel.function("sys_pipe").return { name = "pipe" fildes_uaddr = @entry($fildes) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { /* * See comment in dw_syscall.pipe about why @cast is used * here. */ pipe0 = user_int(&@cast(@entry($fildes), "int")[0]) pipe1 = user_int(&@cast(@entry($fildes), "int")[1]) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR($return) } # nd_pipe _____________________________________________________ probe nd_syscall.pipe = nd1_syscall.pipe!, nd2_syscall.pipe!, tp_syscall.pipe { } probe nd1_syscall.pipe = __nd1_syscall.pipe2 ?, __nd1_syscall.ia64_pipe ?, __nd1_syscall.pipe { } probe __nd1_syscall.pipe2 = kprobe.function("sys_pipe2") ? { @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe2"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe2")) %( arch != "powerpc" %? asmlinkage() %) name = "pipe2"; flags = int_arg(2) flag_str = _sys_pipe2_flag_str(flags); fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d], %s", pipe0, pipe1, flag_str); } } probe __nd1_syscall.ia64_pipe = kprobe.function("sys_ia64_pipe").call ? { name = "pipe" flags = 0 flag_str = "" fildes_uaddr = 0 pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "[0, 0]"; } probe __nd1_syscall.pipe = kprobe.function("sys_pipe") { name = "pipe" flags = 0 flag_str = "" %( arch != "powerpc" %? asmlinkage() %) fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d]", pipe0, pipe1); } } /* kernel 4.17+ */ probe nd2_syscall.pipe = __nd2_syscall.pipe2 ?, __nd2_syscall.pipe { } probe __nd2_syscall.pipe2 = kprobe.function(@arch_syscall_prefix "sys_pipe2") ? { __set_syscall_pt_regs(pointer_arg(1)) name = "pipe2"; flags = int_arg(2) flag_str = _sys_pipe2_flag_str(flags); fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d], %s", pipe0, pipe1, flag_str); } } probe __nd2_syscall.pipe = kprobe.function(@arch_syscall_prefix "sys_pipe") { __set_syscall_pt_regs(pointer_arg(1)) name = "pipe" flags = 0 flag_str = "" fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d]", pipe0, pipe1); } } /* kernel 3.5+, but undesirable because it affects all syscalls */ probe tp_syscall.pipe = __tp_syscall.pipe2 ?, __tp_syscall.pipe { } probe __tp_syscall.pipe2 = kernel.trace("sys_enter") { __set_syscall_pt_regs($regs) @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe2"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe2")) name = "pipe2"; flags = int_arg(2) flag_str = _sys_pipe2_flag_str(flags); fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d], %s", pipe0, pipe1, flag_str); } } probe __tp_syscall.pipe = kernel.trace("sys_enter") { __set_syscall_pt_regs($regs) @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe")) name = "pipe" flags = 0 flag_str = "" fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; argstr = "NULL" } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) argstr = sprintf("[%d, %d]", pipe0, pipe1); } } probe nd_syscall.pipe.return = nd1_syscall.pipe.return!, nd2_syscall.pipe.return!, tp_syscall.pipe.return { } probe nd1_syscall.pipe.return = __nd1_syscall.pipe2.return ?, __nd1_syscall.ia64_pipe.return ?, __nd1_syscall.pipe.return { } probe __nd1_syscall.pipe2.return = kprobe.function("sys_pipe2").return ? { @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe2"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe2")) name = "pipe2"; fildes_uaddr = @entry(pointer_arg(1)) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR(returnval()) } probe __nd1_syscall.ia64_pipe.return = kprobe.function("sys_ia64_pipe").return ? { name = "pipe" fildes_uaddr = 0; pipe0 = _ia64_pipe0(); pipe1 = _ia64_pipe1(); @SYSC_RETVALSTR(returnval()) if (pipe0 >= 0) { retstr = "0" } } probe __nd1_syscall.pipe.return = kprobe.function("sys_pipe").return { name = "pipe" fildes_uaddr = @entry(%( arch != "powerpc" %? __asmlinkage_int_arg(1) %: int_arg(1) %)) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR(returnval()) } /* kernel 4.17+ */ probe nd2_syscall.pipe.return = __nd2_syscall.pipe2.return ?, __nd2_syscall.pipe.return { } probe __nd2_syscall.pipe2.return = kprobe.function(@arch_syscall_prefix "sys_pipe2").return ? { name = "pipe2"; __set_syscall_pt_regs(@entry(pointer_arg(1))) fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR(returnval()) } probe __nd2_syscall.pipe.return = kprobe.function(@arch_syscall_prefix "sys_pipe").return { name = "pipe" __set_syscall_pt_regs(@entry(pointer_arg(1))) fildes_uaddr = int_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR(returnval()) } /* kernel 3.5+, but undesirable because it affects all syscalls */ probe tp_syscall.pipe.return = __tp_syscall.pipe2.return ?, __tp_syscall.pipe.return { } probe __tp_syscall.pipe2.return = kernel.trace("sys_exit") { __set_syscall_pt_regs($regs) @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe2"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe2")) name = "pipe2"; fildes_uaddr = pointer_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR($ret) } probe __tp_syscall.pipe.return = kernel.trace("sys_exit") { __set_syscall_pt_regs($regs) @__syscall_compat_gate(@const("__NR_pipe"), @const("__NR_compat_pipe")) name = "pipe" fildes_uaddr = int_arg(1) if (fildes_uaddr == 0) { pipe0 = 0; pipe1 = 0; } else { pipe0 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 0) pipe1 = _fildes_index_u(fildes_uaddr, 1) } @SYSC_RETVALSTR($ret) }