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Nh71%op=|+0NXfAL!q[B">XlW|jDW hZy -fP&[[nD~!Kz`VPH6# Xh4/ab{t,R)T]^# }&Kt=/r{m( QFm6 IUUS;UK@Ijmis.9u;AV(7=@1k?9" /GjO+XYS 6cY_&7ER j) Bw 1N7<C| 49' l{RlJ*$/E\vhJ= V3dz#+o qHl*?o2 Last set from Arguments: usage: modified: [not usable on this computer] [not usable with this version of Vim] host name: user name: process ID: c: Find functions calling this function d: Find functions called by this function e: Find this egrep pattern f: Find this file g: Find this definition i: Find files #including this file s: Find this C symbol t: Find this text string Name Args Range Complete Definition # line or: # TO tag FROM line in file/text jump line col file/text # %s History (newest to oldest): # Buffer list: # File marks: # History of marks within files (newest to oldest): # Jumplist (newest first): # Last %sSearch Pattern: ~ # Last Substitute String: $ # Registers: # global variables: (1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two different instances of the same file when making changes. (You might want to write out this file under another name --- Auto-Commands --- --- Global option values --- --- Local option values --- --- Menus --- --- Options --- --- Registers --- --- Signs --- --- Syntax items --- --- Syntax sync items --- --- Terminal codes --- --- Terminal keys --- 16-bit MS-DOS version 32-bit MS-DOS version Arguments recognised by gvim (Athena version): Arguments recognised by gvim (GTK+ version): Arguments recognised by gvim (Motif version): Arguments recognised by gvim (neXtaw version): Big version Cannot create pipes Cannot execute shell Cannot execute shell sh Cannot fork Command terminated Compiled Could not get security context for Could not set security context for Extra patches: Found a swap file by the name " Huge version If you entered a new crypt key but did not write the text file, If you wrote the text file after changing the crypt key press enter Included patches: MS-Windows 16-bit version MS-Windows 16/32-bit GUI version MS-Windows 32-bit GUI version MS-Windows 32-bit console version MS-Windows 64-bit GUI version MS-Windows 64-bit console version MacOS X (unix) version MacOS X version MacOS version Maybe no changes were made or Vim did not update the swap file. More info with: "vim -h" Normal version OpenVMS version Small version Tiny version Vim: Got X error WARNING: Original file may be lost or damaged Where case is ignored prepend / to make flag upper case You may want to delete the .swp file now. [bytes] total alloc-freed %lu-%lu, in use %lu, peak use %lu change line col text enter the new crypt key. mark line col file/text shell returned syncing on items to use the same key for text file and swap file for Vim defaults for two modes dated: owned by: [cannot be opened] [cannot be read] [does not look like a Vim swap file] [from Vim version 3.0] file name: -- none -- NEWER than swap file! user exrc file: " user vimrc file: " If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r If you did this already, delete the swap file " line=%ld id=%d name=%s system menu file: " user gvimrc file: " In current directory: In directory Using specified name: dated: host name: system vimrc file: " # pri kind tag (Already listed) 2nd user exrc file: " DEBUG BUILD Features included (+) or not (-): NOT FOUND Quit, or continue with caution. TOTAL COUNT MATCH SLOWEST AVERAGE NAME PATTERN Using tag with different case! fall-back for $VIM: " system gvimrc file: " # pid database name prepend path (Interrupted) (NOT FOUND) (includes previously listed match) (insert) (insert) Scroll (^E/^Y) (lang) (line deleted) (not supported) (paste) (replace) (replace) Scroll (^E/^Y) (still running) (vreplace) 2nd user vimrc file: " 3rd user vimrc file: " < "%.*s" Adding Arabic CONVERSION ERROR Command-line completion (^V^N^P) Copy %d of %d Definition completion (^D^N^P) Dictionary completion (^K^N^P) FAILED File name completion (^F^N^P) Hebrew INSERT Keyword Local completion (^N^P) Keyword completion (^N^P) Omni completion (^O^N^P) Path pattern completion (^N^P) REPLACE REVERSE SELECT SELECT BLOCK SELECT LINE SPACE/d/j: screen/page/line down, b/u/k: up, q: quit Spelling suggestion (s^N^P) Tag completion (^]^N^P) Thesaurus completion (^T^N^P) User defined completion (^U^N^P) VISUAL VISUAL BLOCK VISUAL LINE VREPLACE Whole line completion (^L^N^P) [Modified] [a] [w] ^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y) appended cannot be used on this computer. cannot be used with this version of Vim. f-b for $VIMRUNTIME: " has been damaged (page size is smaller than minimum value). in Win32s mode in line %ld; info kind file line breaks lines before top line marks oldfiles on %ld lines on 1 line or more returned vim [arguments] with OLE support written" to avoid this message. " to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). " already exists!# This viminfo file was generated by Vim %s. # Value of 'encoding' when this file was written # You may edit it if you're careful! %-5s: %s%*s (Usage: %s)%3d %s %s line %ld%<%f%h%m%=Page %N%d buffers deleted%d buffers unloaded%d buffers wiped out%d duplicate word(s) in %s%d files to edit %d more files to edit. Quit anyway?%d of %d edited%ld %s; %s #%ld %s%ld Cols; %ld characters%ld fewer lines%ld lines %sed %d times%ld lines %sed 1 time%ld lines --%d%%--%ld lines changed%ld lines filtered%ld lines indented %ld lines moved%ld lines to indent... %ld lines yanked%ld lines, %ld matches%ld more lines%ld seconds ago%ld substitutions%lld characters%s Auto commands for "%s"%s aborted%s discarded%s line %ld%s made pending%s resumed%s returning #%ld%s returning %s%s value differs from what is used in another .aff file%s, line %ld%sviminfo: %s in line: &Cancel&Dismiss&Filter&Help&OK&OK &Cancel&OK &Load File&Ok&Open Read-Only &Edit anyway &Recover &Delete it &Quit &Abort&Open Read-Only &Edit anyway &Recover &Quit &Abort&Replace&Undo&Yes &No&Yes &No &Cancel&Yes &No Save &All &Discard All &Cancel' not known. Available builtin terminals are:'-nb' cannot be used: not enabled at compile time 'columns' is not 80, cannot execute external commands'dictionary' option is empty'history' option is zero'readonly' option is set for "%s". Do you wish to write anyway?'thesaurus' option is empty(%d of %d)%s%s: (+%ld for BOM)(2) An edit session for this file crashed. (Interrupted) (Invalid)(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !+ Start at end of file+-%s%3ld lines: +--%3ld lines folded + Start at line +reverse Don't use reverse video (also: +rv), or the file has been damaged.- read text from stdin-- Only file names after this-- More ---- Searching...--- Included files --Deleted----No lines in buffer----cmd Execute before loading any vimrc file--cmd argument--echo-wid Make gvim echo the Window ID on stdout--literal Don't expand wildcards--noplugin Don't load plugin scripts--remote Edit in a Vim server if possible--remote-expr Evaluate in a Vim server and print result--remote-send Send to a Vim server and exit--remote-silent Same, don't complain if there is no server--remote-tab[-wait][-silent] As --remote but use tab page per file--remote-wait As --remote but wait for files to have been edited--remote-wait-silent Same, don't complain if there is no server--role Set a unique role to identify the main window--serverlist List available Vim server names and exit--servername Send to/become the Vim server --socketid Open Vim inside another GTK widget--startuptime Write startup timing messages to --version Print version information and exit--windowid Open Vim inside another win32 widget-A start in Arabic mode-C Compatible with Vi: 'compatible'-D Debugging mode-E Improved Ex mode-F Start in Farsi mode-H Start in Hebrew mode-L Same as -r-M Modifications in text not allowed-N Not fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'-O[N] Like -o but split vertically-P Open Vim inside parent application-R Readonly mode (like "view")-S Source file after loading the first file-T Set terminal type to -U Use instead of any .gvimrc-V[N][fname] Be verbose [level N] [log messages to fname]-W Write all typed commands to file -X Do not connect to X server-Z Restricted mode (like "rvim")-b Binary mode-background Use for the background (also: -bg)-boldfont Use for bold text-borderwidth Use a border width of (also: -bw)-c Execute after loading the first file-c argument-d Diff mode (like "vimdiff")-dev Use for I/O-display Connect vim to this particular X-server-display Run vim on -display Run vim on (also: --display)-e Ex mode (like "ex")-f Don't use newcli to open window-f or --nofork Foreground: Don't fork when starting GUI-font Use for normal text (also: -fn)-foreground Use for normal text (also: -fg)-g Run using GUI (like "gvim")-geometry Use for initial geometry (also: -geom)-h or --help Print Help (this message) and exit-i Use instead of .viminfo-iconic Start vim iconified-italicfont Use for italic text-l Lisp mode-m Modifications (writing files) not allowed-menuheight Use a menu bar height of (also: -mh)-n No swap file, use memory only-o[N] Open N windows (default: one for each file)-p[N] Open N tab pages (default: one for each file)-q [errorfile] edit file with first error-r List swap files and exit-r (with file name) Recover crashed session-register Register this gvim for OLE-reverse Use reverse video (also: -rv)-s Silent (batch) mode (only for "ex")-s Read Normal mode commands from file -scrollbarwidth Use a scrollbar width of (also: -sw)-t tag edit file where tag is defined-u Use instead of any .vimrc-unregister Unregister gvim for OLE-v Vi mode (like "vi")-w Append all typed commands to file -x Edit encrypted files-xrm Set the specified resource-y Easy mode (like "evim", modeless)/ line ignored in %s line %d: %s/encoding= line after word ignored in %s line %d: %s1 buffer deleted1 buffer unloaded1 buffer wiped out1 character1 line %sed %d times1 line %sed 1 time1 line --%d%%--1 line changed1 line indented 1 line less1 line moved1 line yanked1 line, 1 match1 more file to edit. Quit anyway?1 more line1 substitution2nd user gvimrc file: "3rd user gvimrc file: ": Send expression failed. : Send failed. : Send failed. Trying to execute locally ; match <%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Octal %03o > %d, Hex %04x, Octal %o> %d, Hex %08x, Octal %o??? from here until ???END lines may be messed up??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted???BLOCK MISSING???EMPTY BLOCK???END???LINE COUNT WRONG???LINES MISSING???MANY LINES MISSINGANCHOR_BUF_SIZE too small.Add a new databaseAdded cscope database %sAffix also used for BAD/RARE/KEEPCASE/NEEDAFFIX/NEEDCOMPOUND/NOSUGGEST in %s line %d: %sAffix name too long in %s line %d: %sAllAll cscope databases resetAll included files were foundAlready at newest changeAlready at oldest changeAlready only one tab pageAlready only one windowAppend FileArgument missing afterAt lineAttempt to open script file again: "Back at originalBackwards range given, OK to swapBecome a registered Vim user!Beep!Before byte %ldBotBoth SAL and SOFO lines in %sBreakpoint in "%s%s" line %ldBroken condition in %s line %d: %sBrowse classCOMPOUNDSYLMAX used without SYLLABLECalling shell to execute: "%s"Can't find temp file for conversionCancelCannot connect to NetbeansCannot connect to Netbeans #2Cannot connect to SNiFF+. Check environment (sniffemacs must be found in $PATH). Cannot create Cannot execute Cannot open NIL: Cannot open file "%s"Cannot open for reading: "Cannot open for script output: "Cannot source a directory: "%s"Cannot write undo file in any directory in 'undodir'Change "%.*s" to:CloseClose tabCol %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %ld of %ld; Byte %ld of %ldCol %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %ld of %ld; Char %ld of %ld; Byte %ld of %ldCommand LineCompilation: Compiler: Compressed %d of %d nodes; %d (%d%%) remainingCompressing word tree...Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %sConversion in %s not supportedConversion in %s not supported: from %s to %sConversion with 'charconvert' failedCould not fix up function pointers to the DLL!Could not load vim32.dll!Could not open temporary log file for writing Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... Cscope tag: %sCurrent %slanguage: "%s"Defining COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG after PFX item may give wrong results in %s line %dDefining COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG after PFX item may give wrong results in %s line %dDiff with VimDifferent combining flag in continued affix block in %s line %d: %sDirectionDirectoriesDirectory *.nothing Do you really want to write to itDone!Double ; in list of variablesDownDuplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %sDuplicate /regions= line ignored in %s line %d: %sDuplicate affix in %s line %d: %sDuplicate character in MAP in %s line %dDuplicate field name: %sDuplicate word in %s line %d: %sE100: No other buffer in diff modeE101: More than two buffers in diff mode, don't know which one to useE102: Can't find buffer "%s"E103: Buffer "%s" is not in diff modeE104: Escape not allowed in digraphE105: Using :loadkeymap not in a sourced fileE107: Missing parentheses: %sE108: No such variable: "%s"E109: Missing ':' after '?'E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &E110: Missing ')'E111: Missing ']'E112: Option name missing: %sE113: Unknown option: %sE114: Missing quote: %sE115: Missing quote: %sE116: Invalid arguments for function %sE117: Unknown function: %sE118: Too many arguments for function: %sE119: Not enough arguments for function: %sE11: Invalid in command-line window; executes, CTRL-C quitsE120: Using not in a script context: %sE121: Undefined variable: %sE122: Function %s already exists, add ! to replace itE123: Undefined function: %sE124: Missing '(': %sE125: Illegal argument: %sE126: Missing :endfunctionE127: Cannot redefine function %s: It is in useE128: Function name must start with a capital or contain a colon: %sE129: Function name requiredE12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag searchE130: Unknown function: %sE131: Cannot delete function %s: It is in useE132: Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'E133: :return not inside a functionE134: Move lines into themselvesE135: *Filter* Autocommands must not change current bufferE136: viminfo: Too many errors, skipping rest of fileE137: Viminfo file is not writable: %sE138: Can't write viminfo file %s!E139: File is loaded in another bufferE13: File exists (add ! to override)E140: Use ! to write partial bufferE141: No file name for buffer %ldE142: File not written: Writing is disabled by 'write' optionE143: Autocommands unexpectedly deleted new buffer %sE144: non-numeric argument to :zE145: Shell commands not allowed in rvimE146: Regular expressions can't be delimited by lettersE147: Cannot do :global recursiveE148: Regular expression missing from globalE149: Sorry, no help for %sE14: Invalid addressE150: Not a directory: %sE152: Cannot open %s for writingE153: Unable to open %s for readingE154: Duplicate tag "%s" in file %s/%sE155: Unknown sign: %sE156: Missing sign nameE157: Invalid sign ID: %ldE158: Invalid buffer name: %sE159: Missing sign numberE15: Invalid expression: %sE160: Unknown sign command: %sE161: Breakpoint not found: %sE162: No write since last change for buffer "%s"E163: There is only one file to editE164: Cannot go before first fileE165: Cannot go beyond last fileE166: Can't open linked file for writingE167: :scriptencoding used outside of a sourced fileE168: :finish used outside of a sourced fileE169: Command too recursiveE16: Invalid rangeE170: Missing :endforE170: Missing :endwhileE171: Missing :endifE172: Only one file name allowedE173: %ld more files to editE173: 1 more file to editE174: Command already exists: add ! to replace itE175: No attribute specifiedE176: Invalid number of argumentsE177: Count cannot be specified twiceE178: Invalid default value for countE179: argument required for -completeE17: "%s" is a directoryE180: Invalid complete value: %sE181: Invalid attribute: %sE182: Invalid command nameE183: User defined commands must start with an uppercase letterE184: No such user-defined command: %sE185: Cannot find color scheme '%s'E186: No previous directoryE187: UnknownE188: Obtaining window position not implemented for this platformE189: "%s" exists (add ! to override)E18: Unexpected characters in :letE190: Cannot open "%s" for writingE191: Argument must be a letter or forward/backward quoteE192: Recursive use of :normal too deepE193: :endfunction not inside a functionE194: No alternate file name to substitute for '#'E195: Cannot open viminfo file for readingE196: No digraphs in this versionE197: Cannot set language to "%s"E198: cmd_pchar beyond the command lengthE199: Active window or buffer deletedE19: Mark has invalid line numberE200: *ReadPre autocommands made the file unreadableE201: *ReadPre autocommands must not change current bufferE202: Conversion made file unreadable!E203: Autocommands deleted or unloaded buffer to be writtenE204: Autocommand changed number of lines in unexpected wayE205: Patchmode: can't save original fileE206: patchmode: can't touch empty original fileE207: Can't delete backup fileE208: Error writing to "%s"E209: Error closing "%s"E20: Mark not setE210: Error reading "%s"E211: File "%s" no longer availableE212: Can't open file for writingE213: Cannot convert (add ! to write without conversion)E214: Can't find temp file for writingE215: Illegal character after *: %sE216: No such event: %sE216: No such group or event: %sE217: Can't execute autocommands for ALL eventsE218: autocommand nesting too deepE219: Missing {.E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is offE220: Missing }.E222: Add to read bufferE223: recursive mappingE224: global abbreviation already exists for %sE225: global mapping already exists for %sE226: abbreviation already exists for %sE227: mapping already exists for %sE228: makemap: Illegal modeE229: Cannot start the GUIE22: Scripts nested too deepE230: Cannot read from "%s"E231: 'guifontwide' invalidE232: Cannot create BalloonEval with both message and callbackE233: cannot open displayE234: Unknown fontset: %sE235: Unknown font: %sE236: Font "%s" is not fixed-widthE237: Printer selection failedE238: Print error: %sE239: Invalid sign text: %sE23: No alternate fileE240: No connection to Vim serverE241: Unable to send to %sE243: Argument not supported: "-%s"; Use the OLE version.E244: Illegal charset name "%s" in font name "%s"E245: Illegal char '%c' in font name "%s"E246: FileChangedShell autocommand deleted bufferE247: no registered server named "%s"E248: Failed to send command to the destination programE24: No such abbreviationE250: Fonts for the following charsets are missing in fontset %s:E251: VIM instance registry property is badly formed. Deleted!E252: Fontset name: %sE253: Fontset name: %sE254: Cannot allocate color %sE255: Couldn't read in sign data!E256: Hangul automata ERRORE257: cstag: tag not foundE258: Unable to send to clientE259: no matches found for cscope query %s of %sE25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile timeE261: cscope connection %s not foundE262: error reading cscope connection %ldE263: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Python library could not be loaded.E264: Python: Error initialising I/O objectsE265: $_ must be an instance of StringE266: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Ruby library could not be loaded.E267: unexpected returnE268: unexpected nextE269: unexpected breakE26: Hebrew cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time E270: unexpected redoE271: retry outside of rescue clauseE272: unhandled exceptionE273: unknown longjmp status %dE274: Sniff: Error during read. DisconnectedE275: Unknown SNiFF+ request: %sE276: Error connecting to SNiFF+E277: Unable to read a server replyE278: SNiFF+ not connectedE279: Not a SNiFF+ bufferE27: Farsi cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time E280: TCL FATAL ERROR: reflist corrupt!? Please report this to vim-dev@vim.orgE282: Cannot read from "%s"E283: No marks matching "%s"E284: Cannot set IC valuesE285: Failed to create input contextE286: Failed to open input methodE287: Warning: Could not set destroy callback to IME288: input method doesn't support any styleE289: input method doesn't support my preedit typeE28: No such highlight group name: %sE293: block was not lockedE294: Seek error in swap file readE295: Read error in swap fileE296: Seek error in swap file writeE297: Write error in swap fileE298: Didn't get block nr 0?E298: Didn't get block nr 1?E298: Didn't get block nr 2?E299: Perl evaluation forbidden in sandbox without the Safe moduleE29: No inserted text yetE300: Swap file already exists (symlink attack?)E301: Oops, lost the swap file!!!E302: Could not rename swap fileE303: Unable to open swap file for "%s", recovery impossibleE304: ml_upd_block0(): Didn't get block 0??E305: No swap file found for %sE306: Cannot open %sE307: %s does not look like a Vim swap fileE308: Warning: Original file may have been changedE309: Unable to read block 1 from %sE30: No previous command lineE310: Block 1 ID wrong (%s not a .swp file?)E311: Recovery InterruptedE312: Errors detected while recovering; look for lines starting with ???E313: Cannot preserve, there is no swap fileE314: Preserve failedE315: ml_get: invalid lnum: %ldE316: ml_get: cannot find line %ldE317: pointer block id wrongE317: pointer block id wrong 2E317: pointer block id wrong 3E317: pointer block id wrong 4E318: Updated too many blocks?E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this versionE31: No such mappingE320: Cannot find line %ldE321: Could not reload "%s"E322: line number out of range: %ld past the endE323: line count wrong in block %ldE324: Can't open PostScript output fileE325: ATTENTIONE326: Too many swap files foundE327: Part of menu-item path is not sub-menuE328: Menu only exists in another modeE329: No menu "%s"E32: No file nameE330: Menu path must not lead to a sub-menuE331: Must not add menu items directly to menu barE332: Separator cannot be part of a menu pathE333: Menu path must lead to a menu itemE334: Menu not found: %sE335: Menu not defined for %s modeE336: Menu path must lead to a sub-menuE337: Menu not found - check menu namesE338: Sorry, no file browser in console modeE339: Pattern too longE33: No previous substitute regular expressionE340: Line is becoming too longE341: Internal error: lalloc(%ld, )E342: Out of memory! (allocating %lu bytes)E343: Invalid path: '**[number]' must be at the end of the path or be followed by '%s'.E344: Can't find directory "%s" in cdpathE345: Can't find file "%s" in pathE346: No more directory "%s" found in cdpathE347: No more file "%s" found in pathE348: No string under cursorE349: No identifier under cursorE34: No previous commandE350: Cannot create fold with current 'foldmethod'E351: Cannot delete fold with current 'foldmethod'E352: Cannot erase folds with current 'foldmethod'E353: Nothing in register %sE354: Invalid register name: '%s'E355: Unknown option: %sE356: get_varp ERRORE357: 'langmap': Matching character missing for %sE358: 'langmap': Extra characters after semicolon: %sE359: Screen mode setting not supportedE35: No previous regular expressionE360: Cannot execute shell with -f optionE363: pattern uses more memory than 'maxmempattern'E364: Library call failed for "%s()"E365: Failed to print PostScript fileE367: No such group: "%s"E369: invalid item in %s%%[]E36: Not enough roomE370: Could not load library %sE371: Command not foundE372: Too many %%%c in format stringE373: Unexpected %%%c in format stringE374: Missing ] in format stringE375: Unsupported %%%c in format stringE376: Invalid %%%c in format string prefixE377: Invalid %%%c in format stringE378: 'errorformat' contains no patternE379: Missing or empty directory nameE37: No write since last change (add ! to override)E380: At bottom of quickfix stackE381: At top of quickfix stackE382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is setE383: Invalid search string: %sE384: search hit TOP without match for: %sE385: search hit BOTTOM without match for: %sE386: Expected '?' or '/' after ';'E387: Match is on current lineE388: Couldn't find definitionE389: Couldn't find patternE38: Null argumentE390: Illegal argument: %sE391: No such syntax cluster: %sE392: No such syntax cluster: %sE393: group[t]here not accepted hereE394: Didn't find region item for %sE395: contains argument not accepted hereE397: Filename requiredE398: Missing '=': %sE399: Not enough arguments: syntax region %sE39: Number expectedE400: No cluster specifiedE401: Pattern delimiter not found: %sE402: Garbage after pattern: %sE403: syntax sync: line continuations pattern specified twiceE404: Illegal arguments: %sE405: Missing equal sign: %sE406: Empty argument: %sE407: %s not allowed hereE408: %s must be first in contains listE409: Unknown group name: %sE40: Can't open errorfile %sE410: Invalid :syntax subcommand: %sE411: highlight group not found: %sE412: Not enough arguments: ":highlight link %s"E413: Too many arguments: ":highlight link %s"E414: group has settings, highlight link ignoredE415: unexpected equal sign: %sE416: missing equal sign: %sE417: missing argument: %sE418: Illegal value: %sE419: FG color unknownE41: Out of memory!E420: BG color unknownE421: Color name or number not recognized: %sE422: terminal code too long: %sE423: Illegal argument: %sE424: Too many different highlighting attributes in useE425: Cannot go before first matching tagE426: tag not found: %sE427: There is only one matching tagE428: Cannot go beyond last matching tagE429: File "%s" does not existE42: No ErrorsE430: Tag file path truncated for %s E431: Format error in tags file "%s"E432: Tags file not sorted: %sE433: No tags fileE434: Can't find tag patternE435: Couldn't find tag, just guessing!E436: No "%s" entry in termcapE437: terminal capability "cm" requiredE438: u_undo: line numbers wrongE439: undo list corruptE43: Damaged match stringE440: undo line missingE441: There is no preview windowE442: Can't split topleft and botright at the same timeE443: Cannot rotate when another window is splitE444: Cannot close last windowE445: Other window contains changesE446: No file name under cursorE447: Can't find file "%s" in pathE448: Could not load library function %sE449: Invalid expression receivedE44: Corrupted regexp programE455: Error writing to PostScript output fileE456: Can't find PostScript resource file "%s.ps"E456: Can't find PostScript resource file "cidfont.ps"E456: Can't find PostScript resource file "prolog.ps"E456: Can't open file "%s"E457: Can't read PostScript resource file "%s"E459: Cannot go back to previous directoryE45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)E460: The resource fork would be lost (add ! to override)E461: Illegal variable name: %sE462: Could not prepare for reloading "%s"E463: Region is guarded, cannot modifyE464: Ambiguous use of user-defined commandE465: :winsize requires two number argumentsE466: :winpos requires two number argumentsE467: Custom completion requires a function argumentE468: Completion argument only allowed for custom completionE469: invalid cscopequickfix flag %c for %cE46: Cannot change read-only variable "%s"E470: Command abortedE471: Argument requiredE472: Command failedE473: Internal errorE474: Invalid argumentE475: Invalid argument: %sE476: Invalid commandE477: No ! allowedE478: Don't panic!E479: No matchE47: Error while reading errorfileE480: No match: %sE481: No range allowedE482: Can't create file %sE483: Can't get temp file nameE484: Can't open file %sE485: Can't read file %sE486: Pattern not found: %sE487: Argument must be positiveE488: Trailing charactersE48: Not allowed in sandboxE490: No fold foundE492: Not an editor commandE493: Backwards range givenE494: Use w or w>>E495: no autocommand file name to substitute for ""E496: no autocommand buffer number to substitute for ""E497: no autocommand match name to substitute for ""E498: no :source file name to substitute for ""E499: Empty file name for '%' or '#', only works with ":p:h"E49: Invalid scroll sizeE500: Evaluates to an empty stringE501: At end-of-fileE505: "%s" is read-only (add ! to override)E505: %s is read-only (add ! to override)E506: Can't write to backup file (add ! to override)E507: Close error for backup file (add ! to override)E508: Can't read file for backup (add ! to override)E509: Cannot create backup file (add ! to override)E50: Too many \z(E510: Can't make backup file (add ! to override)E511: netbeans already connectedE512: Close failedE513: write error, conversion failed (make 'fenc' empty to override)E513: write error, conversion failed in line %ld (make 'fenc' empty to override)E514: write error (file system full?)E515: No buffers were unloadedE516: No buffers were deletedE517: No buffers were wiped outE518: Unknown optionE519: Option not supportedE51: Too many %s(E520: Not allowed in a modelineE521: Number required after =E521: Number required: &%s = '%s'E522: Not found in termcapE523: Not allowed hereE524: Missing colonE525: Zero length stringE526: Missing number after <%s>E527: Missing commaE528: Must specify a ' valueE529: Cannot set 'term' to empty stringE52: Unmatched \z(E530: Cannot change term in GUIE531: Use ":gui" to start the GUIE533: can't select wide fontE534: Invalid wide fontE535: Illegal character after <%c>E536: comma requiredE537: 'commentstring' must be empty or contain %sE538: No mouse supportE539: Illegal character <%s>E53: Unmatched %s%%(E540: Unclosed expression sequenceE541: too many itemsE542: unbalanced groupsE543: Not a valid codepageE544: Keymap file not foundE545: Missing colonE546: Illegal modeE547: Illegal mouseshapeE548: digit expectedE549: Illegal percentageE54: Unmatched %s(E550: Missing colonE551: Illegal componentE552: digit expectedE553: No more itemsE554: Syntax error in %s{...}E555: at bottom of tag stackE556: at top of tag stackE557: Cannot open termcap fileE558: Terminal entry not found in terminfoE559: Terminal entry not found in termcapE55: Unmatched %s)E560: Usage: cs[cope] %sE561: unknown cscope search typeE562: Usage: cstag E563: stat errorE563: stat(%s) error: %dE564: %s is not a directory or a valid cscope databaseE566: Could not create cscope pipesE567: no cscope connectionsE568: duplicate cscope database not addedE570: fatal error in cs_manage_matchesE571: Sorry, this command is disabled: the Tcl library could not be loaded.E572: exit code %dE573: Invalid server id used: %sE574: Unknown register type %dE579: :if nesting too deepE580: :endif without :ifE581: :else without :ifE582: :elseif without :ifE583: multiple :elseE584: :elseif after :elseE585: :while/:for nesting too deepE586: :continue without :while or :forE587: :break without :while or :forE588: :endfor without :forE588: :endwhile without :whileE589: 'backupext' and 'patchmode' are equalE590: A preview window already existsE591: 'winheight' cannot be smaller than 'winminheight'E592: 'winwidth' cannot be smaller than 'winminwidth'E593: Need at least %d linesE594: Need at least %d columnsE595: contains unprintable or wide characterE596: Invalid font(s)E597: can't select fontsetE598: Invalid fontsetE599: Value of 'imactivatekey' is invalidE59: invalid character after %s@E600: Missing :endtryE601: :try nesting too deepE602: :endtry without :tryE603: :catch without :tryE604: :catch after :finallyE605: Exception not caught: %sE606: :finally without :tryE607: multiple :finallyE608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefixE609: Cscope error: %sE60: Too many complex %s{...}sE612: Too many signs definedE613: Unknown printer font: %sE614: vim_SelFile: can't return to current directoryE615: vim_SelFile: can't get current directoryE616: vim_SelFile: can't get font %sE617: Cannot be changed in the GTK+ 2 GUIE618: file "%s" is not a PostScript resource fileE619: file "%s" is not a supported PostScript resource fileE61: Nested %s*E620: Unable to convert to print encoding "%s"E621: "%s" resource file has wrong versionE622: Could not fork for cscopeE623: Could not spawn cscope processE624: Can't open file "%s"E625: cannot open cscope database: %sE626: cannot get cscope database informationE62: Nested %s%cE63: invalid use of \_E64: %s%c follows nothingE655: Too many symbolic links (cycle?)E658: NetBeans connection lost for buffer %ldE659: Cannot invoke Python recursivelyE65: Illegal back referenceE661: Sorry, no '%s' help for %sE662: At start of changelistE663: At end of changelistE664: changelist is emptyE665: Cannot start GUI, no valid font foundE666: compiler not supported: %sE667: Fsync failedE668: Wrong access mode for NetBeans connection info file: "%s"E669: Unprintable character in group nameE66: \z( not allowed hereE670: Mix of help file encodings within a language: %sE671: Cannot find window title "%s"E672: Unable to open window inside MDI applicationE673: Incompatible multi-byte encoding and character set.E674: printmbcharset cannot be empty with multi-byte encoding.E675: No default font specified for multi-byte printing.E676: No matching autocommands for acwrite bufferE677: Error writing temp fileE678: Invalid character after %s%%[dxouU]E679: recursive loop loading syncolor.vimE67: \z1 et al. not allowed hereE680: : invalid buffer number E681: Buffer is not loadedE682: Invalid search pattern or delimiterE683: File name missing or invalid patternE684: list index out of range: %ldE685: Internal error: %sE686: Argument of %s must be a ListE687: Less targets than List itemsE688: More targets than List itemsE689: Can only index a List or DictionaryE68: Invalid character after \zE690: Missing "in" after :forE691: Can only compare List with ListE692: Invalid operation for ListsE693: Can only compare Funcref with FuncrefE694: Invalid operation for FuncrefsE695: Cannot index a FuncrefE696: Missing comma in List: %sE697: Missing end of List ']': %sE698: variable nested too deep for making a copyE699: Too many argumentsE69: Missing ] after %s%%[E700: Unknown function: %sE701: Invalid type for len()E702: Sort compare function failedE703: Using a Funcref as a NumberE704: Funcref variable name must start with a capital: %sE705: Variable name conflicts with existing function: %sE706: Variable type mismatch for: %sE707: Function name conflicts with variable: %sE708: [:] must come lastE709: [:] requires a List valueE70: Empty %s%%[]E710: List value has more items than targetE711: List value has not enough itemsE712: Argument of %s must be a List or DictionaryE713: Cannot use empty key for DictionaryE714: List requiredE715: Dictionary requiredE716: Key not present in Dictionary: %sE717: Dictionary entry already existsE718: Funcref requiredE719: Cannot use [:] with a DictionaryE71: Invalid character after %s%%E720: Missing colon in Dictionary: %sE721: Duplicate key in Dictionary: "%s"E722: Missing comma in Dictionary: %sE723: Missing end of Dictionary '}': %sE724: variable nested too deep for displayingE725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: %sE726: Stride is zeroE727: Start past endE728: Using a Dictionary as a NumberE729: using Funcref as a StringE72: Close error on swap fileE730: using List as a StringE731: using Dictionary as a StringE732: Using :endfor with :whileE733: Using :endwhile with :forE734: Wrong variable type for %s=E735: Can only compare Dictionary with DictionaryE736: Invalid operation for DictionaryE737: Key already exists: %sE738: Can't list variables for %sE739: Cannot create directory: %sE73: tag stack emptyE740: Too many arguments for function %sE741: Value is locked: %sE742: Cannot change value of %sE743: variable nested too deep for (un)lockE744: NetBeans does not allow changes in read-only filesE745: Using a List as a NumberE746: Function name does not match script file name: %sE747: Cannot change directory, buffer is modified (add ! to override)E748: No previously used registerE749: empty bufferE74: Command too complexE750: First use ":profile start {fname}"E751: Output file name must not have region nameE752: No previous spell replacementE753: Not found: %sE754: Only up to 8 regions supportedE755: Invalid region in %sE756: Spell checking is not enabledE757: This does not look like a spell fileE758: Truncated spell fileE759: Format error in spell fileE75: Name too longE760: No word count in %sE761: Format error in affix file FOL, LOW or UPPE762: Character in FOL, LOW or UPP is out of rangeE763: Word characters differ between spell filesE764: Option '%s' is not setE765: 'spellfile' does not have %ld entriesE766: Insufficient arguments for printf()E767: Too many arguments to printf()E768: Swap file exists: %s (:silent! overrides)E769: Missing ] after %s[E76: Too many [E770: Unsupported section in spell fileE771: Old spell file, needs to be updatedE772: Spell file is for newer version of VimE773: Symlink loop for "%s"E774: 'operatorfunc' is emptyE775: Eval feature not availableE776: No location listE777: String or List expectedE778: This does not look like a .sug file: %sE779: Old .sug file, needs to be updated: %sE77: Too many file namesE780: .sug file is for newer version of Vim: %sE781: .sug file doesn't match .spl file: %sE782: error while reading .sug file: %sE783: duplicate char in MAP entryE784: Cannot close last tab pageE785: complete() can only be used in Insert modeE786: Range not allowedE787: Buffer changed unexpectedlyE788: Not allowed to edit another buffer nowE789: Missing ']': %sE78: Unknown markE790: undojoin is not allowed after undoE791: Empty keymap entryE792: Empty menu nameE793: No other buffer in diff mode is modifiableE794: Cannot set variable in the sandbox: "%s"E795: Cannot delete variable %sE79: Cannot expand wildcardsE800: Arabic cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time E804: Cannot use '%' with FloatE805: Using a Float as a NumberE806: using Float as a StringE807: Expected Float argument for printf()E808: Number or Float requiredE809: #< is not available without the +eval featureE80: Error while writingE810: Cannot read or write temp filesE811: Not allowed to change buffer information nowE812: Autocommands changed buffer or buffer nameE813: Cannot close autocmd windowE814: Cannot close window, only autocmd window would remainE815: Sorry, this command is disabled, the MzScheme libraries could not be loaded.E816: Cannot read patch outputE817: Blowfish big/little endian use wrongE818: sha256 test failedE819: Blowfish test failedE81: Using not in a script contextE820: sizeof(uint32_t) != 4E821: File is encrypted with unknown methodE822: Cannot open undo file for reading: %sE823: Not an undo file: %sE824: Incompatible undo file: %sE825: Corrupted undo file (%s): %sE826: Undo file decryption failed: %sE827: Undo file is encrypted: %sE828: Cannot open undo file for writing: %sE829: write error in undo file: %sE82: Cannot allocate any buffer, exiting...E830: Undo number %ld not foundE831: bf_key_init() called with empty passwordE832: Non-encrypted file has encrypted undo file: %sE833: %s is encrypted and this version of Vim does not support encryptionE834: Conflicts with value of 'listchars'E834: Line count changed unexpectedlyE835: Conflicts with value of 'fillchars'E836: This Vim cannot execute :python after using :py3E837: This Vim cannot execute :py3 after using :pythonE838: netbeans is not supported with this GUIE839: Completion function changed windowE83: Cannot allocate buffer, using other one...E840: Completion function deleted textE841: Reserved name, cannot be used for user defined commandE842: no line number to use for ""E843: Error while updating swap file cryptE844: invalid cchar valueE845: Insufficient memory, word list will be incompleteE846: Key code not setE847: Too many syntax includesE848: Too many syntax clustersE849: Too many highlight and syntax groupsE84: No modified buffer foundE850: Invalid register nameE851: Failed to create a new process for the GUIE852: The child process failed to start the GUIE853: Duplicate argument name: %sE854: path too long for completionE855: Autocommands caused command to abortE858: Eval did not return a valid python objectE859: Failed to convert returned python object to vim valueE85: There is no listed bufferE862: Cannot use g: hereE864: \%#= can only be followed by 0, 1, or 2. The automatic engine will be used E865: (NFA) Regexp end encountered prematurelyE866: (NFA regexp) Misplaced %cE867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\%%%c'E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\z%c'E868: Error building NFA with equivalence class!E869: (NFA) Unknown operator '\@%c'E86: Buffer %ld does not existE870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limitsE871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination errorE874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !E875: (NFA regexp) (While converting from postfix to NFA), too many states left on stackE876: (NFA regexp) Not enough space to store the whole NFA E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!E879: (NFA regexp) Too many \z(E87: Cannot go beyond last bufferE88: Cannot go before first bufferE89: No write since last change for buffer %ld (add ! to override)E90: Cannot unload last bufferE91: 'shell' option is emptyE92: Buffer %ld not foundE93: More than one match for %sE94: No matching buffer for %sE95: Buffer with this name already existsE96: Can not diff more than %ld buffersE97: Cannot create diffsE98: Cannot read diff outputE99: Current buffer is not in diff modeERROR: Edit FileEdit File in new windowEdit with &VimEdit with &multiple VimsEdit with existing Vim - Edit with single &VimEdits the selected file(s) with VimEncoding:End of functionEnd of sourced fileEnter encryption key: Enter number of swap file to use (0 to quit): Enter same key again: Entering Debug mode. Type "cont" to continue.Entering Ex mode. Type "visual" to go to Normal mode.ErrorError and interruptError creating process: Check if gvim is in your path!Error detected while processing %s:Error fileEstimated runtime memory use: %d bytesExceptionException caught: %sException discarded: %sException finished: %sException thrown: %sExecuting %sExpected MAP count in %s line %dExpected REP(SAL) count in %s line %dExpected Y or N in %s line %d: %sExpressionExternal submatches: FLAG after using flags in %s line %d: %sFailed to set path hook: sys.path_hooks is not a list You should now do the following: - append vim.path_hook to sys.path_hooks - append vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH to sys.path Failed to set path: sys.path is not a list You should now append vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH to sys.pathFile "%s" does not existFile contents changed, cannot use undo infoFile permissions of "%s" are read-only. It may still be possible to write it. Do you wish to try?File preservedFilesFilterFind & Replace (use '\\' to find a '\')Find &NextFind NextFind string (use '\\' to find a '\')Find symbolFind what:Finished reading undo file %sFirst duplicate word in %s line %d: %sFlag is not a number in %s line %d: %sFont '%s' is not fixed-widthFont%ld width is not twice that of font0Font0 width: %ldFont0: %sFont1 width: %ldFont1: %sFont:Garbage after option argumentGenerate docu forGreetings, Vim user!Help poor children in Uganda!Hit end of paragraphI/O ERRORIgnored %d word(s) with non-ASCII characters in %sIgnored %d words with non-ASCII charactersIgnoring long line in tags fileIllegal file nameIllegal flag in %s line %d: %sIllegal register nameIllegal starting charInput LineInput _MethodsInterruptInterrupt: InterruptedInvalid argument forInvalid font specificationInvalid region nr in %s line %d: %sInvalid value for FLAG in %s line %d: %sKeys don't match!Kill a connectionLinking: Lua library cannot be loaded.Match caseMatch whole word onlyMessageMessages maintainer: Bram Moolenaar Missing '>'Missing FOL/LOW/UPP line in %sMissing SOFO%s line in %sModified by Name:Need %s version %ld Need Amigados version 2.04 or later Need encryption key for "%s"NetBeans disallows writes of unmodified buffersNew tabNo Syntax items defined for this bufferNo abbreviation foundNo breakpoints definedNo displayNo display: Send expression failed. No included filesNo mapping foundNo marks setNo match at cursor, finding nextNo matching autocommandsNo old filesNo swap fileNo text to be printedNo undo possible; continue anywayNo user-defined commands foundNot UsedNot reading undo file, owner differs: %sNothing to undoNumber of words after soundfolding: %ldOKOpen File dialogOpen Tab...Open tab...Opening the X display failedOpening the X display timed outOpening the X display took %ld msecOriginal file "%s"Overwrite existing file "%s"?Page %dPartial writes disallowed for NetBeans buffersPatch filePath length too long!Pathname:Pattern found in every line: %sPattern not foundPattern not found: %sPerforming soundfolding...Press ENTER or type command to continuePrint job sent.Printed: %sPrinting '%s'Printing abortedPrinting page %d (%d%%)Query for a patternQuestionReading affix file %s ...Reading back spell file...Reading dictionary file %s ...Reading from stdin...Reading spell file "%s"Reading undo file: %sReading viminfo file "%s"%s%s%sReading word file %s ...Recovery completed. Buffer contents equals file contents.Recovery completed. You should check if everything is OK.Reinit all connectionsReplaceReplace &AllReplace AllReplace with:RetrieveRetrieve from all projectsRetrieve from fileRetrieve from projectRunning in Vi compatible modeRunning modeless, typed text is insertedSNiFF+ is currently Save AsSave File dialogSave RedirectionSave SessionSave SetupSave ViewSave changes to "%s"?Scanning dictionary: %sScanning included file: %sScanning tags.Scanning: %sScrollbar Widget: Could not get geometry of thumb pixmap.Search StringSearching for "%s"Searching for "%s" in "%s"Searching included file %sSearching tags file %sSee ":help E312" for more information.See ":help W11" for more info.See ":help W12" for more info.See ":help W16" for more info.Select Directory dialogSelected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %ld of %ld Words; %ld of %ld BytesSelected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %ld of %ld Words; %ld of %ld Chars; %ld of %ld BytesSelectionSending to printer...Show base class ofShow class in hierarchyShow class in restricted hierarchyShow connectionsShow docu ofShow overridden member functionShow size in PointsShow source ofShow this messageSigns for %s:Size:Skipping undo file write, nothing to undoSniff: Error during write. DisconnectedSorry, help file "%s" not foundSorry, no suggestionsSorry, only %ld suggestionsSorry, this command is disabled: the Perl library could not be loaded.Source Vim scriptSponsor Vim development!Stack size increasesStyle:Substitute Swap file "Swap file "%s" exists, overwrite anyway?Swap file already exists!Swap file is encrypted: "%s"Swap files found:Tab page %dTear off this menuTesting the X display failedThanks for flying VimThe file was created on The only matchThis Vim was not compiled with the diff feature.This cscope command does not support splitting the window. Toggle implementation/definitionToo many "+command", "-c command" or "--cmd command" argumentsToo many compound flagsToo many edit argumentsToo many postponed prefixesToo many postponed prefixes and/or compound flagsToo many regions in %s line %d: %sTopTotal number of words: %dTrailing text in %s line %d: %sType :quit to exit VimType number and (empty cancels): Type number and or click with mouse (empty cancels): Unable to read block 0 from Unable to register a command server nameUnknownUnknown option argumentUnrecognized flags in %s line %d: %sUnrecognized or duplicate item in %s line %d: %sUntitledUpUse Vim version 3.0. Used CUT_BUFFER0 instead of empty selectionUsing crypt key from swap file for the text file. Using swap file "%s"VIM - ATTENTIONVIM - Search and Replace...VIM - Search...VIM - Vi IMprovedVIM ErrorVIM: Can't open window! VIMRUN.EXE not found in your $PATH. External commands will not pause after completion. See :help win32-vimrun for more information.Vim - Font SelectorVim E458: Cannot allocate colormap entry, some colors may be incorrectVim WarningVim dialogVim errorVim error: ~aVim exiting with %d Vim is open source and freely distributableVim: Caught %s event Vim: Caught deadly signal Vim: Caught deadly signal %s Vim: Double signal, exiting Vim: Error reading input, exiting... Vim: Error: Failure to start gvim from NetBeans Vim: Finished. Vim: Main window unexpectedly destroyed Vim: Reading from stdin... Vim: Received "die" request from session manager Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal Vim: preserving files... W10: Warning: Changing a readonly fileW11: Warning: File "%s" has changed since editing startedW12: Warning: File "%s" has changed and the buffer was changed in Vim as wellW13: Warning: File "%s" has been created after editing startedW14: Warning: List of file names overflowW15: Warning: Wrong line separator, ^M may be missingW16: Warning: Mode of file "%s" has changed since editing startedW17: Arabic requires UTF-8, do ':set encoding=utf-8'W18: Invalid character in group nameWARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!WARNING: Windows 95/98/ME detectedWarningWarning: Cannot find word list "%s.%s.spl" or "%s.ascii.spl"Warning: Cannot find word list "%s_%s.spl" or "%s_ascii.spl"Warning: Entered other buffer unexpectedly (check autocommands)Warning: both compounding and NOBREAK specifiedWarning: region %s not supportedWarning: terminal cannot highlightWhile opening file "Will not overwrite with undo file, cannot read: %sWill not overwrite, this is not an undo file: %sWindow position: X %d, Y %dWord added to %sWord from other lineWord removed from %sWrite partial file?Writing spell file %s ...Writing suggestion file %s ...Writing undo file: %sWriting viminfo file "%s"Wrong CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN value in %s line %d: %sWrong COMPOUNDMIN value in %s line %d: %sWrong COMPOUNDRULES value in %s line %d: %sWrong COMPOUNDSYLMAX value in %s line %d: %sWrong COMPOUNDWORDMAX value in %s line %d: %sXSMP ICE connection watch failedXSMP SmcOpenConnection failed: %sXSMP handling save-yourself requestXSMP lost ICE connectionXSMP opening connectionXref has aXref referred byXref refers toXref used byYESZero count[CONVERSION ERROR in line %ld][CR missing][Deleted][Device][File too big][Help][ILLEGAL BYTE in line %ld][Incomplete last line][Location List][NOT converted][New DIRECTORY][New File][New file][New][No Name][No write since last change] [Not edited][Permission Denied][Preview][Quickfix List][READ ERRORS][RO][Read errors][Scratch][blowfish][calls] total re/malloc()'s %lu, total free()'s %lu [character special][converted][crypted][dos format][dos][fifo/socket][fifo][file ..] edit specified file(s)[long lines split][mac format][mac][noeol][readonly][socket][unix format][unix]add() argumentafterand run diff with the original file to check for changes)attempt to refer to deleted bufferattempt to refer to deleted tab pageattempt to refer to deleted windowauto-removing autocommand: %s autocommand %sbeforeblock of %ld lines yankedblock of 1 line yankedbuffer is invalidby by Bram Moolenaar et al.called inputrestore() more often than inputsave()calling %scan't delete OutputObject attributescan't read output of 'charconvert'cannot change console mode ?! cannot create buffer/window command: object is being deletedcannot delete linecannot delete vim.Dictionary attributescannot delete vim.List attributescannot get linecannot insert linecannot insert/append linecannot modify fixed dictionarycannot modify fixed listcannot open cannot register callback command: buffer/window is already being deletedcannot register callback command: buffer/window reference not foundcannot replace linecannot save undo informationcannot set attribute %scannot set line(s)cannot yank; delete anywaychangechangesclosecmd: %sconnectedcontinuing in %scould not source "%s"couldn't open buffercs_create_connection exec failedcs_create_connection setpgid failedcs_create_connection: fdopen for fr_fp failedcs_create_connection: fdopen for to_fp failedcscope commands: cscope connection %s closedcursor position outside bufferdefaulting to 'deleted block 1?dictionary is lockeddid not switch to the specified tab pagedid not switch to the specified windowdlerror = "%s"don't quit the editor until the file is successfully written!empty keys are not allowedenvironment variableerror converting Scheme values to Vimerror handlererror list %d of %d; %d errorsexpected 3-tuple as imp.find_module() result, but got %sexpected 3-tuple as imp.find_module() result, but got tuple of size %dexpected bytes() or str() instance, but got %sexpected int() or something supporting coercing to int(), but got %sexpected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got %sexpected sequence element of size 2, but got sequence of size %dexpected str() or unicode() instance, but got %sexpected vim.Buffer object, but got %sexpected vim.TabPage object, but got %sexpected vim.Window object, but got %sexpressions disabled at compile timeextend() argumentfailed to add item to listfailed to add key '%s' to dictionaryfailed to change directoryfailed to find window in the current tab pagefailed to rename bufferfailed to run function %sfailed to run the codefailed to switch to buffer %dfewer linesfile filename / context / line filter() argumentfinished sourcing %sfreeing %ld linesfunction %s does not existfunction constructor does not accept keyword argumentsgvimext.dll errorhashtab changed during iterationhelphidden optionin path --- index must be int or slice, not %sinsert() argumentinternal error: NULL reference passedinternal error: failed to add item to listinternal error: failed to get vim list item %dinternal error: imp.find_module returned tuple with NULLinternal error: invalid value typeinternal error: no vim list item %dinternal error: unknown option typeinvalid attribute: %sinvalid buffer numberinvalid expressioninvalid mark nameis a device (disabled with 'opendevice' option)is a directoryis not a fileis not a file or writable deviceis read-only (add ! to override)keyboard interruptline %4ld:line %6d, word %6d - %sline %ldline %ld of %ld --%d%%-- col line %ld: %sline %ld: could not source "%s"line %ld: sourcing "%s"line lessline number out of rangelinenr out of rangelist constructor does not accept keyword argumentslist index out of rangelist is lockedlogoffmap() argumentmark name must be a single charactermark not setmatch %dmatch %d of %dmaximal mch_get_shellsize: not a console?? menu Edit->Global Settings->Toggle Insert Mode menu Edit->Global Settings->Toggle Vi Compatiblemenu Help->Orphans for information menu Help->Sponsor/Register for information minimal modelinemore linemore linesnetbeans is not supported with this GUI new shell started nono cscope connections no specific matchno such tab pageno such windowno syncingnot not allowed in the Vim sandboxnot found not found in 'runtimepath': "%s"not implemented yetnumber changes when savednumber must be greater or equal to zeronumber must be greater then zerope_line_count is zeropre-vimrc command lineproblem while switching windowsread from Netbeans socketreadonly attribute: bufferrecordingremove() argumentreplace with %s (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?reverse() argumentrow %d column %dsearch hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOPsearch hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOMshell shell returned %dshutdownsort() argumentsourcing "%s"stack_idx should be 0string cannot contain newlinessyncing on C-style commentssyncing starts tag %d of %d%stagnameto %s on %stype :help cp-default for info on thistype :help iccf for information type :help register for information type :help sponsor for information type :help version7 for version infotype :help windows95 for info on thistype :help or for on-line helptype :q to exit type :set nocp for Vim defaultsunable to convert %s to vim dictionaryunable to convert %s to vim structureunable to get option valueunable to unset global option %sunable to unset option %s which does not have global valueunknownunknown flag: unknown optionunknown vimOptionunnamed function %s does not existvalue is too large to fit into C int typevalue is too small to fit into C int typeversion vim errorwindow index is out of rangewindow is invalidwith (classic) GUI.with Carbon GUI.with Cocoa GUI.with GTK2 GUI.with GTK2-GNOME GUI.with GUI.with Photon GUI.with X11-Athena GUI.with X11-Motif GUI.with X11-neXtaw GUI.without GUI.writing to device disabled with 'opendevice' optionProject-Id-Version: Vim 7.4 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-06 13:50+0900 PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-06 15:00+0900 Last-Translator: MURAOKA Taro Language-Team: MURAOKA Taro Language: Japanese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=euc-jp Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit Last set from : ˡ: ѹ: [Υԥ塼ǤϻѤǤޤ] [VimСǤϻѤǤޤ] ۥ̾: 桼̾: ץID: c: δؿƤǤؿõ d: δؿƤǤؿõ e: egrepѥõ f: Υեõ g: õ i: Υե#includeƤեõ s: Cܥõ t: Υƥʸõ ̾ ϰ 䴰 # ֹ ⤷: # TO FROM in file/text jump ե/ƥ # %s ܤ (ΤŤΤ): # Хåեꥹ: # եޡ: # եޡ (ΤŤ): # ץꥹ (Τ): # Ǹ %sѥ: ~ # Ǹִ줿ʸ: $ # 쥸: # Хѿ: (1) ̤ΥץबƱեԽƤ뤫⤷ޤ. ξˤ, ѹ򤷤ݤ˺ǽŪ, Ʊեΰۤʤ 2ĤΥ󥹥󥹤ǤƤޤȤդƤ. (ѹå뤿, Υե̤̾¸ --- Auto-Commands --- --- Х륪ץ --- --- 륪ץ --- --- ˥塼 --- --- ץ --- --- 쥸 --- --- --- --- ʸ --- --- ʸƱ --- --- ü --- --- ü --- 16 ӥå MS-DOS 32 ӥå MS-DOS gvimˤäƲᤵ(AthenaС): gvimˤäƲᤵ(GTK+С): gvimˤäƲᤵ(MotifС): gvimˤäƲᤵ(neXtawС): Big ѥפǤޤ ¹ԤǤޤ sh ¹ԤǤޤ fork Ǥޤ ޥɤǤޤ Compiled ƥƥȤǤޤ ƥƥȤǤޤ ɲóĥѥå: ̾ǥåץե򸫤Ĥޤ " Huge Ź業ϤȤ˥ƥȥե¸Ƥʤ, Ź業ѤȤ˥ƥȥե¸, ƥȥե ŬѺѥѥå: MS-Windows 16 ӥå MS-Windows 16/32 ӥå GUI MS-Windows 32 ӥå GUI MS-Windows 32 ӥå 󥽡 MS-Windows 64 ӥå GUI MS-Windows 64 ӥå 󥽡 MacOS X (unix) MacOS X MacOS 餯ѹƤʤVimåץե򹹿Ƥޤ. ܺ٤ʾ: "vim -h" ̾ OpenVMS Small Tiny Vim: X Υ顼򸡽Фޤr ٹ: ܥե뤬줿ѹޤ 羮ʸ̵뤵ʸˤ뤿 / ֤Ƥ 줫.swpեƤ [(Х)] - %lu-%lu, %lu, ԡ %lu ѹ ƥ Ź業ϤƤ. mark ե/ƥ 뤬֤ͤޤ ǾƱ åץեƱŹ業Ȥenter򲡤Ƥ. VimȤư ǥ⡼ͭ : ͭ: [ޤ] [ɹޤ] [VimΥåץեǤϤʤ褦Ǥ] [from Vim version 3.0] ե̾: -- ʤ -- åץե⿷Ǥ! 桼 exrc: " 桼 vimrc: " ξˤ ":recover" "vim -r ˤԤʤäΤʤ, åץե " =%ld ̻=%d ̾=%s ƥ˥塼: " 桼 gvimrc: " ߤΥǥ쥯ȥ: ǥ쥯ȥ ̾: : ۥ̾: ƥ vimrc: " # pri kind tag () 2桼 exrc: "ǥХåӥ ǽΰ ͭ(+)/̵(-) Ĥޤ λ뤫, դʤ³Ƥ. TOTAL COUNT MATCH SLOWEST AVERAGE NAME PATTERN ۤʤcaseǻѤޤ! ά $VIM: " ƥ gvimrc: " # pid ǡ١̾ prepend ѥ (ޤޤ) (Ĥޤ) (󤷤սޤ) () () (^E/^Y) () (Ԥޤ) (󥵥ݡ) (Žդ) (ִ) (ִ) (^E/^Y) (ޤ¹) (ִ) 2桼 vimrc: " 3桼 vimrc: " < "%.*s" ɲ ӥ Ѵ顼 ޥɥ饤䴰 (^V^N^P) ԡ %d ( %d ) 䴰 (^D^N^P) 䴰 (^K^N^P) ե̾䴰 (^F^N^P) إ֥饤 ɽꥭ䴰 (^N^P) 䴰 (^N^P) 䴰 (^O^N^P) ѥѥ䴰 (^N^P) ִ ȿž 쥯 Իظ SPACE/d/j: /ڡ/ , b/u/k: , q: λ ֤꽤 (s^N^P) 䴰 (^]^N^P) 饹䴰 (^T^N^P) 桼䴰 (^U^N^P) ӥ奢 ӥ奢 ӥ奢 ִ ()䴰 (^L^N^P) [ѹ] [a] [w] ^X ⡼ (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y) ɲ Υԥ塼ǤϻѤǤޤ. VimΤΥСǤϻѤǤޤ. ά $VIMRUNTIME: " »Ƥޤ (ڡǾͤ򲼲äƤޤ). in Win32s ⡼ %ld; ե Ĥβ (ȥå׹Ԥ) ޡ ե뷲 ( %ld ) ( 1 ) ʾ ޤ vim [] with OLE ݡ " äФΥåǤޤ. " ѤѹꥫСޤ(":help recovery" 򻲾). " ˤޤ!# viminfo ե Vim %s ˤäޤ. # Υե뤬񤫤줿 'encoding' # ѹݤˤϽʬդƤ! %-5s: %s%*s (ˡ: %s)%3d %s %s %ld%<%f%h%m%=%N ڡ%d ĤΥХåեޤ%d ĤΥХåեޤ%d ĤΥХåե˴ޤ%d Ĥñ줬Ĥޤ (%s )%d ĤΥե뤬Խ򹵤Ƥޤ Խ٤ե뤬 %d Ĥޤ, λޤ?%d (%d ) ΥեԽޤ%ld %s; %s #%ld %s%ld ; %ld ʸ%ld ޤ%ld Ԥ %s %d ޤ%ld Ԥ %s 1 ޤ%ld --%d%%--%ld Ԥѹޤ%ld Ԥե륿ޤ%ld Ԥ򥤥ǥȤޤ %ld Ԥưޤ%ld ԤǥȤޤ... %ld Ԥ󥯤ޤ%ld , %ld ս곺ޤ%ld ɲäޤ%ld ÷вᤷƤޤ%ld սִޤ%lld ʸ%s Auto commands for "%s"%s Ǥޤ%s ˴ޤ%s %ld%s ˤ̤֤ޤ%s Ƴޤ%s #%ld ֤ޤ%s %s ֤ޤ %s ¾ .aff եǻѤ줿ΤȰۤʤޤ%s, %ld%sviminfo: %s : 󥻥(&C)Ѳ(&D)ե륿(&F)إ(&H)&OK(&O) 󥻥(&C)&OK եɹ(&L)&OkɹѤdz(&O) ȤˤԽ(&E) 褵(&R) (&D) λ(&Q) ߤ(&A)ɹѤdz(&O) ȤˤԽ(&E) 褵(&R) λ(&Q) ߤ(&A)ִ(&R)ɥ(&U)Ϥ(&Y) (&N)Ϥ(&Y) (&N) 󥻥(&C)Ϥ(&Y) (&N) ¸(&A) (&D) 󥻥(&C)' ̤ΤǤ. ԤȤ߹üϼΤȤǤ:'-nb' ԲǽǤ: ѥ̵ˤƤޤ 'columns' 80ǤϤʤ, ޥɤ¹ԤǤޤ'dictionary' ץ󤬶Ǥץ 'history' Ǥ"%s" ˤ 'readonly' ץꤵƤޤ. 񤭶򤷤ޤ?'thesaurus' ץ󤬶Ǥ(%d of %d)%s%s: (+%ld for BOM)(2) ΥեԽå󤬥å夷. 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ǤޤE275: ̤Τ SNiFF+ ꥯȤǤ: %sE276: SNiFF+ ؤ³Υ顼ǤE277: ФαޤE278: SNiFF+ ³ƤޤE279: SNiFF+ ХåեޤE27: ڥ륷ϻԲǽǤ: ѥ̵ˤƤޤ E280: TCL ̿Ū顼: reflist !? vim-dev@vim.org 𤷤ƤE282: "%s"ɹळȤǤޤE283: "%s" ˳ޡޤE284: ICͤǤޤE285: ץåȥƥȤκ˼ԤޤE286: ץåȥ᥽åɤΥץ˼ԤޤE287: ٹ: IM˲ХåǤޤǤE288: ץåȥ᥽åɤϤɤʥ⥵ݡȤޤE289: ץåȥ᥽åɤ my preedit type 򥵥ݡȤޤE28: Τ褦̾Υϥ饤ȥ롼פϤޤ: %sE293: ֥ååƤޤE294: åץեɹ˥顼ǤE295: åץեɹߥ顼ǤE296: åץե߻˥顼ǤE297: åץեνߥ顼ǤE298: ֥å 0 Ǥޤ?E298: ֥å 1 Ǥޤ?E298: ֥å 2 Ǥޤ?E299: ɥܥåǤ Safe ⥸塼ѤʤPerlץȤ϶ؤƤޤE29: ޤƥȤƤޤE300: åץե뤬¸ߤޤ (symlinkˤ빶?)E301: ä, åץե뤬ޤ!!!E302: åץե̾ѤޤE303: "%s" Υåץե򳫤ʤΤǥꥫХԲǽǤE304: ml_upd_block0(): ֥å 0 ǤޤǤ??E305: %s ˤϥåץե뤬ĤޤE306: %s 򳫤ޤE307: %s VimΥåץեǤϤʤ褦ǤE308: ٹ: ܥե뤬ѹƤޤE309: %s ֥å 1 ɹޤE30: ˥ޥɹԤޤE310: ֥å 1 IDְäƤޤ(%s .swpեǤʤ?)E311: ꥫХ꤬ޤޤE312: ꥫХκ˥顼Фޤ; ???ǻϤޤԤ򻲾ȤƤE313: åץե뤬̵ΤǰݻǤޤE314: ݻ˼ԤޤE315: ml_get: ̵lnumǤ: %ldE316: ml_get: %ld 򸫤ĤޤE317: ݥ󥿥֥åIDְäƤޤE317: ݥ󥿥֥åIDְäƤޤ 2E317: ݥ󥿥֥åIDְäƤޤ 3E317: ݥ󥿥֥åIDְäƤޤ 4E318: 줿֥å¿᤮뤫?E319: ΥСǤϤΥޥɤѤǤޤ, ʤE31: Τ褦ʥޥåԥ󥰤ϤޤE320: %ld ĤޤE321: "%s" ϥɤǤޤǤE322: ֹ椬ϰϳǤ: %ld ĶƤޤE323: ֥å %ld ιԥȤְäƤޤE324: PostScriptѤΥե򳫤ޤE325: E326: åץե뤬¿ĤޤE327: ˥塼ƥΥѥʬ֥˥塼ǤϤޤE328: ˥塼¾Υ⡼ɤˤޤE329: "%s" Ȥ˥塼ϤޤE32: ե̾ޤE330: ˥塼ѥϥ֥˥塼٤ǤϤޤE331: ˥塼Сˤľܥ˥塼ƥɲäǤޤE332: ڤϥ˥塼ѥΰǤϤޤE333: ˥塼ѥϥ˥塼ƥʤФޤE334: ˥塼Ĥޤ: %sE335: %s ˤϥ˥塼ƤޤE336: ˥塼ѥϥ֥˥塼ʤФޤE337: ˥塼Ĥޤ - ˥塼̾ǧƤE338: 󥽡⡼ɤǤϥե֥饦Ȥޤ, ʤE339: ѥĹ᤮ޤE33: ɽִޤ¹ԤƤޤE340: ԤĹʤ᤮ޤE341: 顼: lalloc(%ld,)E342: ꤬­ޤ! (%lu ХȤ׵)E343: ̵ʥѥǤ: '**[]' pathκǸ夫 '%s' ³ƤʤȤޤ.E344: cdpathˤ "%s" Ȥե뤬ޤE345: pathˤ "%s" Ȥե뤬ޤE346: cdpathˤϤʾ "%s" Ȥե뤬ޤE347: ѥˤϤʾ "%s" Ȥե뤬ޤE348: ΰ֤ˤʸ󤬤ޤE349: ΰ֤ˤϼ̻ҤޤE34: ޥɤޤ¹ԤƤޤE350: ߤ 'foldmethod' Ǥ޾ߤǤޤE351: ߤ 'foldmethod' Ǥ޾ߤǤޤE352: ߤ 'foldmethod' Ǥ޾ߤõǤޤE353: 쥸 %s ˤϲ⤢ޤE354: ̵ʥ쥸̾: '%s'E355: ̤ΤΥץǤ: %sE356: get_varp 顼E357: 'langmap': %s бʸޤE358: 'langmap': ߥθ;ʬʸޤ: %sE359: ꡼⡼ɤˤбƤޤE35: ɽޤ¹ԤƤޤE360: -f ץǥ¹ԤǤޤE363: ѥ 'maxmempattern' ʾΥѤޤE364: "%s"() Υ饤֥ƽФ˼ԤޤE365: PostScriptեΰ˼ԤޤE367: Υ롼פϤޤ: "%s"E369: ̵ʹܤǤ: %s%%[]E36: ɥ˽ʬʹ⤵⤷ޤE370: 饤֥ %s ɤǤޤǤE371: ޥɤޤE372: եޥåʸ %%%c ¿᤮ޤE373: եޥåʸͽ %%%c ޤE374: եޥåʸ ] ޤE375: եޥåʸǤ %%%c ϥݡȤޤE376: եޥåʸ̵֤ %%%c ޤE377: եޥåʸ̵ %%%c ޤE378: 'errorformat' ˥ѥ󤬻ꤵƤޤE379: ǥ쥯ȥ̵̾ǤE37: Ǹѹ¸Ƥޤ (! ɲäѹ˴)E380: quickfix åǤE381: quickfix åƬǤE382: 'buftype' ץꤵƤΤǽߤޤE383: ̵ʸʸǤ: %sE384: ޤǸޤսϤޤ: %sE385: ޤǸޤսϤޤ: %sE386: ';' ΤȤˤ '?' '/' ԤƤE387: ߹Ԥ˳ޤE388: 򸫤ĤޤE389: ѥ򸫤ĤޤE38: ǤE390: ʰǤ: %sE391: Τ褦ʹʸ饹Ϥޤ: %sE392: Τ褦ʹʸ饹Ϥޤ: %sE393: Ǥϥ롼פϵĤޤE394: %s ϰǤĤޤE395: ξǤϰcontainsϵĤƤޤE397: ե̾ɬפǤE398: '=' ޤ: %sE399: ­ޤ: ʸϰ %sE39: ͤ׵ᤵƤޤE400: 饹ꤵƤޤE401: ѥڤ꤬Ĥޤ: %sE402: ѥΤȤ˥ߤޤ: %sE403: ʸƱ: Ϣ³ԥѥ2ٻꤵޤE404: ʰǤ: %sE405: 椬ޤ: %sE406: ΰ: %sE407: %s ϥǤϵĤƤޤE408: %s ƥꥹȤƬǤʤФʤʤE409: ̤ΤΥ롼̾: %sE40: 顼ե %s 򳫤ޤE410: ̵ :syntax Υ֥ޥ: %sE411: ϥ饤ȥ롼פĤޤ: %sE412: ʬǤϤʤ: ":highlight link %s"E413: ¿᤮ޤ: ":highlight link %s"E414: 롼פꤵƤΤǥϥ饤ȥ󥯤̵뤵ޤE415: ͽǤ: %sE416: 椬ޤ: %sE417: ޤ: %sE418: ͤǤ: %sE419: ̤ΤʿǤE41: ꤬Ԥ̤Ƥޤ!E420: ̤ΤطʿǤE421: 顼ֹ̾ǧǤޤ: %sE422: üɤĹ᤮ޤ: %sE423: ʰǤ: %sE424: ¿ΰۤʤϥ饤°Ȥ᤮ƤޤE425: ǽγĶ뤳ȤϤǤޤE426: Ĥޤ: %sE427: 1ĤޤE428: Ǹ˳륿ĶƿʤळȤϤǤޤE429: ե "%s" ޤE42: 顼ϤޤE430: եΥѥ %s ڤΤƤޤ E431: ե "%s" ΥեޥåȤ˥顼ޤE432: ե뤬ȤƤޤ: %sE433: ե뤬ޤE434: ѥ򸫤ĤޤE435: 򸫤ĤʤΤñ˿¬ޤ!E436: termcap "%s" Υȥ꤬ޤE437: ü "cm" ǽɬפǤE438: u_undo: ֹ椬ְäƤޤE439: ɥꥹȤƤޤE43: ʸ»ƤޤE440: ɥԤޤE441: ץӥ塼ɥޤE442: ȱƱʬ䤹뤳ȤϤǤޤE443: ¾Υɥʬ䤵ƤˤϽǤޤE444: ǸΥɥĤ뤳ȤϤǤޤE445: ¾ΥɥˤѹޤE446: β˥ե̾ޤE447: pathˤ "%s" Ȥե뤬ޤE448: 饤֥δؿ %s ɤǤޤǤE449: ̵ʼޤE44: ɽץǤE455: PostScriptϥեνߥ顼ǤE456: PostScriptΥ꥽ե "%s.ps" ĤޤE456: PostScriptΥ꥽ե "cidfont.ps" ĤޤE456: PostScriptΥ꥽ե "prolog.ps" ĤޤE456: ե "%s" 򳫤ޤE457: PostScriptΥ꥽ե "%s" ɹޤE459: Υǥ쥯ȥޤE45: 'readonly' ץꤵƤޤ (! ɲäǾ)E460: ꥽ե뤫⤷ޤ (! ɲäǶ)E461: ѿ̾Ǥ: %sE462: "%s" ɤǤޤǤE463: ΰ褬ݸƤΤ, ѹǤޤE464: 桼ޥɤΤޤʻѤǤE465: :winsize ˤ2ĤοͤΰɬפǤE466: :winpos ˤ2ĤοͤΰɬפǤE467: 䴰ˤϰȤƴؿɬפǤE468: 䴰ϥ䴰ǤѤǤޤE469: ̵ cscopequickfix ե饰 %c %c ǤE46: ɼѿ "%s" ˤͤǤޤE470: ޥɤǤޤE471: ɬפǤE472: ޥɤԤޤE473: 顼ǤE474: ̵ʰǤE475: ̵ʰǤ: %sE476: ̵ʥޥɤǤE477: ! ϵĤƤޤE478: ƤʤǤE479: ϤޤE47: 顼եɹ˥顼ȯޤE480: Ϥޤ: %sE481: ϰϻϵĤƤޤE482: ե %s ǤޤE483: ե̾ǤޤE484: ե "%s" 򳫤ޤE485: ե %s ɹޤE486: ѥϸĤޤǤ: %sE487: ͤǤʤФʤޤE488: ;ʬʸˤޤE48: ɥܥåǤϵޤE490: ޾ߤޤE492: ǥΥޥɤǤϤޤE493: դޤϰϤꤵޤE494: w ⤷ w>> ѤƤE495: ""֤autocommandΥե̾ޤE496: ""֤autocommandХåեֹ椬ޤE497: ""֤autocommandγ̾ޤE498: ""֤ :source оݥե̾ޤE499: '%' '#' ̵̾եʤΤ ":p:h" ȼʤȤϤǤޤE49: ̵ʥ̤ǤE500: ʸȤɾޤE501: եνλE505: "%s" ɹѤǤ (ˤ ! ɲ)E505: %s ɹѤǤ (ˤ ! ɲ)E506: Хååץե¸Ǥޤ (! ɲäǶ¸)E507: ХååץեĤݤ˥顼ȯޤ (! ɲäǶ)E508: Хååѥեɹޤ (! ɲäǶɹ)E509: Хååץեޤ (! ɲäǶ)E50: \z( ¿᤮ޤE510: Хååץեޤ (! ɲäǶ)E511: NetBeansϴ³ƤޤE512: Ĥ뤳Ȥ˼E513: ߥ顼, Ѵ (񤹤ˤ 'fenc' ˤƤ)E513: ߥ顼, Ѵ, Կ %ld (񤹤ˤ 'fenc' ˤƤ)E514: ߥ顼, (ե륷ƥब?)E515: 줿ХåեϤޤE516: 줿ХåեϤޤE517: ˴줿ХåեϤޤE518: ̤ΤΥץǤE519: ץϥݡȤƤޤE51: %s( ¿᤮ޤE520: modeline ǤϵĤޤE521: = θˤϿɬפǤE521: ɬפǤ: &%s = '%s'E522: termcap ˸ĤޤE523: ǤϵĤޤE524: 󤬤ޤE525: ʸĹǤE526: <%s> θ˿ޤE527: ޤޤE528: ' ͤꤷʤФʤޤE529: 'term' ˤ϶ʸǤޤE52: \z( äƤޤE530: GUIǤ 'term' ѹǤޤE531: GUI򥹥Ȥˤ ":gui" ѤƤE533: 磻ɥեȤǤޤE534: ̵ʥ磻ɥեȤǤE535: <%c> θʸޤE536: ޤɬפǤE537: 'commentstring' ϶Ǥ뤫 %s ޤɬפޤE538: ޥϥݡȤޤE539: ʸǤ <%s>E53: %s%%( äƤޤE540: λƤޤE541: Ǥ¿᤮ޤE542: 롼פ礤ޤE543: ̵ʥɥڡǤE544: ޥåץե뤬ĤޤE545: 󤬤ޤE546: ʥ⡼ɤǤE547: 'mouseshape' ǤE548: ͤɬפǤE549: ʥѡơǤE54: %s( äƤޤE550: 󤬤ޤE551: ʹʸǤǤE552: ͤɬפǤE553: Ǥ⤦ޤE554: %s{...} ʸˡ顼ޤE555: åǤE556: åƬǤE557: termcapե򳫤ޤE558: terminfoüȥ򸫤ĤޤE559: termcapüȥ򸫤ĤޤE55: %s) äƤޤE560: ˡ: cs[cope] %sE561: ̤ΤcscopeǤE562: ˡ: cstag E563: stat 顼E563: stat(%s) 顼: %dE564: %s ϥǥ쥯ȥڤͭcscopeΥǡ١ǤϤޤE566: cscopeѥפǤޤǤE567: cscope³˼ԤޤE568: ʣcscopeǡ١ɲäޤǤE570: cs_manage_matches ̿Ūʥ顼ǤE571: Υޥɤ̵Ǥ,ʤ: Tcl饤֥ɤǤޤǤ.E572: λ %dE573: ̵ʥIDȤޤ: %sE574: ̤ΤΥ쥸 %d ǤE579: :if Ҥ᤮ޤE580: :if Τʤ :endif ޤE581: :if Τʤ :else ޤE582: :if Τʤ :elseif ޤE583: ʣ :else ޤE584: :else θ :elseif ޤE585: :while :for Ҥ᤮ޤE586: :while :for Τʤ :continue ޤE587: :while :for Τʤ :break ޤE588: :endfor Τʤ :for ޤE588: :while Τʤ :endwhile ޤE589: 'backupext' 'patchmode' ƱǤE590: ץӥ塼ɥ¸ߤޤE591: 'winheight' 'winminheight' 꾮ǤޤE592: 'winwidth' 'winminwidth' 꾮ǤޤE593: %d ιԿɬפǤE594: %d ΥɬפǤE595: ɽǤʤʸ磻ʸޤǤޤE596: ̵ʥեȤǤE597: եȥåȤǤޤE598: ̵ʥեȥåȤǤE599: 'imactivatekey' ꤵ줿̵ͤǤE59: %s@ θʸޤE600: :endtry ޤE601: :try Ҥ᤮ޤE602: :try Τʤ :endtry ǤE603: :try Τʤ :catch ޤE604: :finally θ :catch ޤE605: 㳰ªޤǤ: %sE606: :try Τʤ :finally ޤE607: ʣ :finally ޤE608: 'Vim' ǻϤޤ㳰 :throw ǤޤE609: cscope顼: %sE60: ʣ %s{...} ¿᤮ޤE612: sign¿ĤޤE613: ̤ΤΥץ󥿥ץǤ: %sE614: vim_SelFile: ߤΥǥ쥯ȥޤE615: vim_SelFile: ߤΥǥ쥯ȥǤޤE616: vim_SelFile: ե %s ǤޤE617: GTK+2 GUIǤѹǤޤE618: ե "%s" PostScript ꥽եǤϤޤE619: ե "%s" бƤʤ PostScript ꥽եǤE61:%s* ҤˤʤäƤޤE620: 󥳡 "%s" ѴǤޤE621: ꥽ե "%s" ϥС󤬰ۤʤޤE622: cscopeεư(fork)˼ԤޤE623: cscopeץưǤޤǤE624: ե "%s" 򳫤ޤE625: cscopeǡ١: %s 򳫤ȤǤޤE626: cscopeǡ١ξǤޤE62:%s%c ҤˤʤäƤޤE63: \_ ̵ʻˡǤE64:%s%c θˤʤˤ⤢ޤE655: ܥå󥯤¿᤮ޤ (۴ĤƤǽޤ)E658: Хåե %ld NetBeans ³ޤE659: Python ƵŪ˼¹Ԥ뤳ȤϤǤޤE65: ʸȤǤE661: ǰǤ '%s' Υإפ %s ˤϤޤE662: ѹꥹȤƬE663: ѹꥹȤE664: ѹꥹȤǤE665: ͭʥեȤĤʤΤ, GUI򳫻ϤǤޤE666: ΥѥˤбƤޤ: %sE667: fsync ˼ԤޤE668: NetBeans³եΥ⡼ɤ꤬ޤ: "%s"E669: 롼̾˰ԲǽʸޤE66: \z( ϥǤϵĤƤޤE670: 1ĤθΥإץեʣΥ󥳡ɤߤƤޤ: %sE671: ȥ뤬 "%s" ΥɥϸĤޤE672: MDIץǤϥɥ򳫤ޤE673: ߴ̵ޥХȥ󥳡ǥ󥰤ʸåȤǤE674: ޥХȥ󥳡ǥ󥰤Ǥ printmbcharset ˤǤޤE675: ޥХʸ뤿ΥǥեȥեȤꤵƤޤE676: acwriteХåեγautocommand¸ߤޤE677: ե˥顼ȯޤE678: %s%%[dxouU] θʸޤE679: syncolor.vim κƵƤӽФ򸡽ФޤE67: \z1 ¾ϥǤϵĤƤޤE680: <Хåե=%d>: ̵ʥХåեֹǤ E681: Хåեɤ߹ޤޤǤE682: ѥ󤫶ڤ국椬ǤE683: ե̵̵̾ʥѥǤE684: ꥹȤΥǥåϰϳǤ: %ldE685: 顼Ǥ: %sE686: %s ΰϥꥹȷǤʤФʤޤE687: åȤꥹȷǤ⾯ʤǤE688: åȤꥹȷǤ¿ǤE689: ꥹȷȼ񷿰ʳϥǥåǤޤE68: \z θʸޤE690: :for θ "in" ޤE691: ꥹȷϥꥹȷȤӤǤޤE692: ꥹȷˤ̵ǤE693: ؿȷϴؿȷȤӤǤޤE694: ؿȷˤ̵ǤE695: ؿȷϥǥåǤޤE696: ꥹȷ˥ޤޤ: %sE697: ꥹȷκǸ ']' ޤ: %sE698: ԡˤѿҤ᤮ޤE699: ¿᤮ޤE69: %s%%[ θ ] ޤE700: ̤ΤδؿǤ: %sE701: len() ˤ̵ʷǤE702: ȤӴؿԤޤE703: ؿȷͤȤưäƤޤE704: ؿȷѿ̾ʸǻϤޤʤФʤޤ: %sE705: ѿ̾¸δؿ̾Ⱦͤޤ: %sE706: ѿηפޤ: %sE707: ؿ̾ѿ̾Ⱦͤޤ: %sE708: [:] ϺǸǤʤФޤE709: [:] ˤϥꥹȷͤɬפǤE70: %s%%[] ǤE710: ꥹȷѿ˥åȤ¿ǤޤE711: ꥹȷѿ˽ʬʿǤޤE712: %s ΰϥꥹȷޤϼ񷿤ǤʤФʤޤE713: 񷿤˶ΥȤȤϤǤޤE714: ꥹȷɬפǤE715: 񷿤ɬפǤE716: 񷿤˥¸ߤޤ: %sE717: ˥ȥ꤬¸ߤޤE718: ؿȷ׵ᤵޤE719: [:] 򼭽񷿤Ȥ߹碌ƤϻȤޤE71: %s%% θʸޤE720: 񷿤˥󤬤ޤ: %sE721: 񷿤˽ʣޤ: "%s"E722: 񷿤˥ޤޤ: %sE723: 񷿤κǸ '}' ޤ: %sE724: ɽˤѿҤ᤮ޤE725: ѴؿƤФޤ񤬤ޤ: %sE726: ȥ饤() 0 ǤE727: ϰ֤λ֤ۤޤE728: 񷿤ͤȤưäƤޤE729: ؿȷʸȤưäƤޤE72: åץեΥ顼ǤE730: ꥹȷʸȤưäƤޤE731: 񷿤ʸȤưäƤޤE732: :endfor :while Ȥ߹碌ƤޤE733: :endwhile :for Ȥ߹碌ƤޤE734: ۤʤäѿǤ %s=E735: 񷿤ϼ񷿤ȤӤǤޤE736: 񷿤ˤ̵ǤE737: ϴ¸ߤޤ: %sE738: %s ͤɽǤޤE739: ǥ쥯ȥǤޤ: %sE73: åǤE740: ؿΰ¿᤮ޤ: %sE741: ͤåƤޤ: %sE742: %s ͤѹǤޤE743: ()åˤѿҤ᤮ޤE744: NetBeans ɹѥեѹ뤳ȤޤE745: ꥹȷͤȤưäƤޤE746: ؿ̾ץȤΥե̾Ȱפޤ: %sE747: ХåեƤΤ, ǥ쥯ȥѹǤޤ (! ɲäǾ)E748: ޤ쥸ѤƤޤE749: ХåեǤE74: ޥɤʣ᤮ޤE750: ":profile start {fname}" ¹ԤƤE751: ϥե̾ˤϰ̾ޤޤE752: ڥִޤ¹ԤƤޤE753: Ĥޤ: %sE754: ϰϤ 8 ĤޤǤݡȤƤޤE755: ̵ϰϤǤ: %sE756: ڥå̵ƤޤE757: ڥեǤϤʤ褦ǤE758: ڥե뤬ڼƤ褦ǤE759: ڥեν񼰥顼ǤE75: ̾Ĺ᤮ޤE760: %s ˤñޤE761: affixե FOL, LOW ⤷ UPP ΥեޥåȤ˥顼ޤE762: FOL, LOW ⤷ UPP ʸϰϳǤE763: ñʸڥեȰۤʤޤE764: ץ '%s' ꤵƤޤE765: 'spellfile' ˤ %ld ĤΥȥϤޤE766: printf() ΰԽʬǤE767: printf() ΰ¿᤮ޤE768: åץե뤬¸ߤޤ: %s (:silent! ɲäǾ)E769: %s[ θ ] ޤE76: [ ¿᤮ޤE770: ڥե˥ݡȤƤʤ󤬤ޤE771: ŤڥեʤΤ, åץǡȤƤE772: 꿷С Vim ѤΥڥեǤE773: "%s" Υܥå󥯤롼פˤʤäƤޤE774: 'operatorfunc' ץ󤬶ǤE775: ɾǽ̵ˤʤäƤޤE776: ꥹȤϤޤE777: ʸ󤫥ꥹȤɬפǤE778: .sug եǤϤʤ褦Ǥ: %sE779: Ť .sug եʤΤ, åץǡȤƤ: %sE77: ե̾¿᤮ޤE780: 꿷С Vim Ѥ .sug եǤ: %sE781: .sug ե뤬 .spl եȰפޤ: %sE782: .sug եɹ˥顼ȯޤ: %sE783: MAP ȥ˽ʣʸ¸ߤޤE784: ǸΥ֥ڡĤ뤳ȤϤǤޤE785: complete() ⡼ɤǤѤǤޤE786: ϰϻϵĤƤޤE787: ͽХåեѹѹޤE788: ߤ¾ΥХåեԽ뤳ȤϵޤE789: ']' ޤ: %sE78: ̤ΤΥޡE790: undo ľ undojoin ϤǤޤE791: ΥޥåץȥE792: ˥塼̾ǤE793: ʬ⡼ɤǤ¾ΥХåեѹǽǤE794: ɥܥåǤѿ "%s" ͤǤޤE795: ѿ %s ǤޤE79: 磻ɥɤŸǤޤE800: ӥϻԲǽǤ: ѥ̵ˤƤޤ E804: '%' ưȤ߹碌ƤϻȤޤE805: ưͤȤưäƤޤE806: ưʸȤưäƤޤE807: printf() ΰˤưԤƤޤE808: ͤưɬפǤE809: #< +eval ǽ̵ѤǤޤE80: Υ顼E810: եɹ⤷ϽǤޤE811: ߤϥХåեѹ뤳ȤϵޤE812: autocommandХåեХåե̾ѹޤE813: autocmdɥĤޤE814: autocmdɥĤʤᡢɥĤޤE815: Υޥɤ̵Ǥ. MzScheme 饤֥ɤǤޤ.E816: patchνϤɹޤE817: BlowfishŹΥӥå/ȥ륨ǥ󤬴ְäƤޤE818: sha256ΥƥȤ˼ԤޤE819: BlowfishŹΥƥȤ˼ԤޤE81: ץȰʳȤޤE820: sizeof(uint32_t) != 4E821: ե뤬̤ΤˡǰŹ沽ƤޤE822: ɥեɹѤȤƳޤ: %sE823: ɥեǤϤޤ: %sE824: ߴ̵ɥեǤ: %sE825: ɥե뤬Ƥޤ (%s): %sE826: Ź沽줿ɥեβɤ˼Ԥޤ: %sE827: ɥե뤬Ź沽Ƥޤ: %sE828: Ѥ˥ɥե򳫤ޤ: %sE829: ɥեν񤭹ߥ顼Ǥ: %sE82: Хåե1ĤǤʤΤ, λޤ...E830: ɥֹ %ld ϸĤޤE831: bf_key_init() ѥɤǸƤӽФޤE832: Ź沽ե뤬Ź沽줿ɥեȤäƤޤ: %sE833: %s ϤΥСVimǥݡȤƤʤǰŹ沽ƤޤE834: 'listchars'̷ͤ⤬ޤE834: ͽԥȤѤޤE835: 'fillchars'̷ͤ⤬ޤE836: VimǤ :py3 Ȥä :python ȤޤE837: VimǤ :python Ȥä :py3 ȤޤE838: NetBeansϤGUIˤбƤޤE839: ִؿɥѹޤE83: ХåեǤʤΤ, ¾ΤѤޤ...E840: 䴰ؿƥȤޤE841: ͽ̾ʤΤ, 桼ޥɤѤǤޤE842: ""ֹ֤椬ޤE843: åץեΰŹ򹹿˥顼ȯޤE844: ̵ccharͤǤE845: ꤬­ʤΤǡñꥹȤԴǤE846: ɤꤵƤޤE847: ʸμ(include)¿᤮ޤE848: ʸ饹¿᤮ޤE849: ϥ饤Ȥȹʸ롼פ¿᤮ޤE84: ѹ줿ХåեϤޤE850: ̵ʥ쥸̾ǤE851: GUIѤΥץεư˼ԤޤE852: ҥץGUIεư˼ԤޤE853: ̾ʣƤޤ: %sE854: ѥĹ᤮䴰ǤޤE855: autocommandޥɤߤޤE858: ɾͭpython֥Ȥ֤ޤǤE859: ֤줿python֥ȤvimͤѴǤޤǤE85: ꥹɽХåեϤޤE862: Ǥ g: ϻȤޤE864: \%#= ˤ 0, 1 ⤷ 2 Τߤ³ޤɽ󥸥ϼư򤵤ޤE865: (NFA) Ԥ᤯ɽνüãޤE866: (NFA ɽ) ֤äƤޤ: %cE867: (NFA) ̤ΤΥڥ졼Ǥ: '\%%%c'E867: (NFA) ̤ΤΥڥ졼Ǥ: '\z%c'E868: 饹ޤNFAۤ˼Ԥޤ!E869: (NFA) ̤ΤΥڥ졼Ǥ: '\@%c'E86: Хåե %ld ϤޤE870: (NFA ɽ) ֤²ɹ˥顼E871: (NFA ɽ) ֤ θ ֤ ϤǤޤ!E872: (NFA ɽ) '(' ¿᤮ޤE873: (NFA ɽ) ü椬ޤE874: (NFA) åݥåפǤޤ!E875: (NFA ɽ) (ʸNFAѴ) å˻Ĥ줿ơȤ¿᤮ޤE876: (NFA ɽ) NFAΤ¸ˤ϶ڡ­ޤE878: (NFA) ߲Υ֥˽ʬʥƤޤ!E879: (NFA ɽ) \z( ¿᤮ޤE87: ǸΥХåեۤưưϤǤޤE88: ǽΥХåեؤϰưǤޤE89: Хåե %ld ѹ¸Ƥޤ (! ѹ˴)E90: ǸΥХåեϲǤޤE91: 'shell' ץ󤬶ǤE92: Хåե %ld ĤޤE93: %s ʣγޤE94: %s ˳ХåեϤޤǤE95: ̾ΥХåեϴˤޤE96: %ld ʾΥХåեdiffǤޤE97: ʬǤޤ E98: diffνϤɹޤE99: ߤΥХåեϺʬ⡼ɤǤϤޤ顼: եԽɥǥեԽޤVimԽ (&V)ʣVimԽ (&M)ưѤVimԽ - 1ĤVimԽ (&V)򤷤եVimԽ󥳡:ؿκǸǤեκǸǤŹ沽ѤΥϤƤ: Ѥ륹åץեֹϤƤ(0 ǽλ): ⤦ƱϤƤ: ǥХå⡼ɤޤ. ³ˤ "cont" ϤƤ.Ex⡼ɤޤ. Ρޥˤ"visual"ϤƤ.顼顼ȳץκ˼: gvimĶѿPATHˤ뤫ǧƤ!%s ν˥顼Фޤ:顼ե: %d Х㳰㳰ªޤ: %s㳰˴ޤ: %s㳰«ޤ: %s㳰ȯޤ: %s%s ¹ԤƤޤ%s %d ܤˤ MAP βɬפǤ%s %d ܤˤ REP(SAL) βɬפǤ%s %d ܤǤ Y N ɬפǤ: %sʬ: %s %d ܤ˥ե饰ŻѤޤ: %sѥեå˼Ԥޤ: sys.path_hooks ꥹȤǤϤޤ ˲»ܤƤ: - vim.path_hooks sys.path_hooks ɲ - vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH sys.path ɲ ѥ˼Ԥޤ: sys.path ꥹȤǤϤޤ vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH sys.path ɲäƤե "%s" ޤեƤѤäƤ뤿ᡢɥѤǤޤե "%s" ΥѡߥåɹѤǤ. Ǥⶲ餯񤭹ळȤϲǽǤ. ³ޤ?ե뤬ݻޤեե륿ִ ('\' 򸡺ˤ '\\')򸡺(&N)򸡺ʸ ('\' 򸡺ˤ '\\')Ĥܥʸ:ɥե %s μλʣΤǽñ %s %d ܤǤ: %s%s %d Ԥ ե饰ͤǤϤޤ: %sե '%s' ϸǤϤޤե%ld ե02ܤǤϤޤե0: %ldե0: %sե1: %ldե1: %sե:ץθ˥ߤޤʸϤVim Ȥ󡢤䤢!ηäޤʤҶ˱!κǸ˥ҥåϥ顼ASCIIʸޤ %d Ĥñ̵뤷ޤ (%s )ASCIIʸޤ %d Ĥñ̵뤷ޤեĹԤ̵뤷ޤʥե̾%s %d ܤ ե饰Ǥ: %sʥ쥸̾ƬʸǤϹץåȥ᥽å: ޤޤ̵ʰǤ: ̵ʥեȻǤ%s %d ̵ nr ΰǤ: %s%s %d ܤ FLAG ̵ͤޤ: %sפޤ³λ: Lua饤֥ɤǤޤ.ʸ/ʸ̤Τ˳Τåܸå/ƽ: ¼ Ϻ '>' Ĥޤ%s ܤ FOL/LOW/UPP ޤSOFO%s Ԥ %s ˤޤModified by ̾:%s ΥС %ld ɬפǤ AmigadosΥС 2.04ʹߤɬפǤ Ź業ɬפǤ: "%s"NetBeans̤ѹΥХåե񤹤뤳ȤϵĤƤޤ֥ڡΥХåե줿ʸǤϤޤûϤϸĤޤǤ֥졼ݥȤƤޤǥץ쥤Ĥޤǥץ쥤ޤ: ˼Ԥޤ. 󥯥롼ɥեϤޤޥåԥ󥰤ϸĤޤǤޡꤵƤޤΰ֤˥ޥåϤޤ, 򸡺Ƥޤautocommand¸ߤޤŤեϤޤåץե뤬ޤƥȤޤǽʥɥϤޤ: Ȥꤢ³ޤ桼ޥɤĤޤǤȤޤʡۤʤΤǥɥեɤ߹ߤޤ: %sɥоݤޤ߸ñ: %ldOKեɹ֥ڡ򳫤...֥ڡ򳫤X display open ˼ԤޤX display open ॢȤޤXФؤ³ %ld ߥäޤܥե "%s"¸Υե "%s" 񤭤ޤ?%d ڡNetBeansХåեΰ񤭽ФȤϤǤޤѥåեѥĹޤ!ѥ̾:ѥƤιԤǸĤޤ: %sѥϸĤޤǤѥϸĤޤǤ: %sߤ¹...³ˤENTER򲡤ޥɤϤƤ֤ޤ.ޤ: %sƤޤ: '%s'ߤޤ: ڡ %d (%d%%)ѥΥ꡼ɲaffix ե %s ɹ...ڥեɹե %s 򥹥...ɸϤɹ...ڥե "%s" ɹɥեɹ: %sviminfoե "%s"%s%s%s ɹ ɸϤɹ %s ...λ. ХåեƤϥեƱˤʤޤ.ꥫХ꤬λޤ. ƤåƤ.Ƥ³ƽִִ(&A)ִִʸ:ƤΥץȤե뤫ץȤViߴ⡼ɤư⡼̵Ǽ¹, פʸޤSNiFF+ ξ֤ϡ̾¸ե¸쥯Ȥ¸ޤå¸ޤ¸ޤӥ塼¸ޤѹ "%s" ¸ޤ?򥹥: %s󥯥롼ɤ줿ե򥹥: %s򥹥.: %sС: ǤޤǤ.ʸ"%s" 򸡺"%s" "%s" 鸡󥯥롼ɤ줿ե򥹥 %sե %s 򸡺ܺ٤ ":help E312" 򻲾ȤƤܺ٤ ":help W11" 򻲾ȤƤܺ٤ ":help W12" 򻲾ȤƤܺ٤ ":help W16" 򻲾ȤƤǥ쥯ȥ %s%ld / %ld ; %ld / %ld ñ; %ld / %ld Х %s%ld / %ld ; %ld / %ld ñ; %ld / %ld ʸ; %ld / %ld Хץ󥿤...Υ饹δɽؤǥ饹ɽꤵ줿ؤǥ饹ɽ³ɽʸϤɽС饤ɤ줿дؿɽݥȤɽΥɽΥåɽ%s Υ::оݤʤΤǥɥեν񤭹ߤ򥹥åפޤSniff: ˥顼ȯΤǤޤǰǤإץե "%s" ĤޤǰǤ, ϤޤǰǤ, %ld ĤޤΥޥɤ̵Ǥ, ʤ: Perl饤֥ɤǤޤǤ.VimץȤμVimγȯ礷Ƥ!åޤ:Substitute åץե "åץե "%s" ¸ߤޤ. 񤭤ޤ?åץե뤬¸ߤޤ!åץեϰŹ沽Ƥޤ: "%s"åץե뤬ʣĤޤ:֥ڡ %dΥ˥塼ڤX display Υå˼ԤޤVim ȤäƤƤ꤬ȤΥեϼξǺޤ ͣγVimˤdiffǽޤ(ѥ).cscopeޥɤʬ䥦ɥǤϥݡȤޤ. ڤؤ"+command", "-c command", "--cmd command" ΰ¿᤮ޤʣե饰¿᤮ޤԽ¿᤮ޤٱֻҤ¿᤮ޤٱֻ /⤷ ʣե饰¿᤮ޤ%s %d , ϰϻ꤬¿᤮ޤ: %sƬñ: %d%s (%d ) ³ƥ: %sVimλˤ :quit ϤƤֹϤƤ (ǥ󥻥): ֹϤ뤫ޥǥåƤ (ǥ󥻥): ֥å 0 ɹޤ ̿᥵Ф̾ϿǤޤ̤ΤΥץǤ%s %d ǧǽʥե饰Ǥ: %s%s %d ܤ ǧǤʤʣܤޤ: %s̵VimΥС3.0ѤƤ. ΰΤCUT_BUFFER0Ѥޤåץե뤫Ź業ƥȥե˻Ȥޤ. åץե "%s" VIM - VIM - ִ...VIM - ...VIM - Vi IMprovedVIM顼VIM: ɥ򳫤ޤ! VIMRUN.EXE $PATH ˸Ĥޤ. ޥɤνλ˰ߤ򤷤ޤ. ܺ٤ :help win32-vimrun 򻲾ȤƤ.Vim - եVim E458: ꤬ʤΤǥȥƤޤVimηٹVim Vim 顼Vim 顼: ~aVim %d ǽλޤ Vim ϥץ󥽡Ǥ꼫ͳ۲ǽǤVim: ٥ %s Vim: ̿ŪʥΤޤ Vim: ̿Ūʥ %s Τޤ Vim: 2ŤΥʥΤ, λޤ Vim: ϤɹΥ顼ˤ꽪λޤ... Vim: 顼: NetBeansgvim򥹥ȤǤޤ Vim: λޤ. Vim: ᥤ󥦥ɥ԰դ˲ޤ Vim: ɸϤɹ... Vim: åޥ͡㤫 "die" ׵ޤ Vim: ٹ: üϤǤϤޤ Vim: ٹ: üؤνϤǤϤޤ Vim: ե¸... W10: ٹ: ɹѥեѹޤW11: ٹ: ե "%s" ԽϸѹޤW12: ٹ: ե "%s" ѹVimΥХåեѹޤW13: ٹ: ե "%s" Խϸ˺ޤW14: ٹ: ե̾ΥꥹȤĹ᤮ޤW15: ٹ: ԶڤǤ. ^M ʤΤǤ礦W16: ٹ: ե "%s" Υ⡼ɤԽϸѹޤW17: ӥʸˤUTF-8ɬפʤΤ, ':set encoding=utf-8' ƤW18: 롼̾ʸޤٹ: ɹ˥եѹޤ!!! ٹ: Windows 95/98/Me 򸡽 ٹٹ: ñꥹ "%s.%s.spl" "%s.ascii.spl" ϸĤޤٹ: ñꥹ "%s_%s.spl" "%s_ascii.spl" ϸĤޤٹ: ͽ¾Хåեذưޤ (autocommands Ĵ٤Ƥ)ٹ: ʣե饰 NOBREAK ξȤꤵޤٹ9: %s ȤϰϤϥݡȤƤޤٹ: ѤƤüϥϥ饤ȤǤޤΥե򳫤Ƥ "ɥեȤɤ߹ʤΤǾ񤭤ޤ: %sɥեǤϤʤΤǾ񤭤ޤ: %sɥ: X %d, Y %d%s ñ줬ɲäޤ¾ιԤñ%s ñ줬ޤեʬŪ¸ޤ?ڥե %s ...ե "%s" ...ɥե񤭹: %sviminfoե "%s" %s %d ܤ CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN ͤ˸꤬ޤ: %s%s %d ܤ COMPOUNDMIN ͤ˸꤬ޤ: %sCOMPOUNDRULES ͤ˸꤬ޤ. ե %s %d : %s%s %d ܤ COMPOUNDSYLMAX ͤ˸꤬ޤ: %s%s %d ܤ COMPOUNDWORDMAX ͤ˸꤬ޤ: %sXSMP ICE³Ԥ褦ǤXSMP SmcOpenConnectionԤޤ: %sXSMP save-yourself׵ƤޤXSMP ICE³򼺤ޤXSMP ³򳫻ϤƤޤXref ΤΤäƤޤXref ȤXref λXref Ѥ[%ld ܤѴ顼][CR̵][][ǥХ][ե][إ][%ld ܤʥХ][ǽԤԴ][ꥹ][̤Ѵ][ǥ쥯ȥ][ե][ե][][̵̾][Ǹѹ¸Ƥޤ] [̤Խ][ǧĤޤ][ץӥ塼][Quickfixꥹ][ɹ顼][][ɹ顼][][blowfishŹ沽][ƽ] re/malloc() %lu, free() %lu [饯ǥХ][Ѵ][Ź沽][dosեޥå][dos][FIFO/å][FIFO][ե..] եԽ[Ĺʬ][macեޥå][mac][noeol][ɹ][å][unixեޥå][unix]add() ΰܥեȤ diff ¹ԤɤǤ礦)줿Хåե򻲾Ȥ褦Ȥޤ줿֤򻲾Ȥ褦Ȥޤ줿ɥ򻲾Ȥ褦Ȥޤautocommand: %s <Хåե=%d> ưŪ˺ޤautocommand %s%ld ԤΥ֥å󥯤ޤ1 ԤΥ֥å󥯤ޤХåե̵Ǥby by Bram Moolenaar ¾.inputrestore() inputsave() ¿ƤФޤ%s ¹ǤOutputObject°äޤ'charconvert' νϤɹޤǤ󥽡⡼ɤѹǤޤ?! 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