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M.%[.. ....//(/;/"S/v// / / ////// 00(080G0 P0 ]0j00 00 000 0001"181:A1I|1 11&1#2#,2P2i2-}2222 222 33 .3%O3u3)33 3 3 3 33/4!@4b4|43454453958m565.5 6-+6/Y6/666"6 7 777 O7Z7=l77$7778%=8+c884888 969'R9;z9,959%:0?:,p:;:::,;0;;<l;;4;+;*(< S<)t<<<=<=6$=)[=$==>==#>-?>,m>>>$>(>$'?L?<c??#?#? ? @@,@=@F@O@`@p@ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @@A/A CAQAmA*uAA A AAAB#B$CB+hBB BB BBBB BCCC6CKC^CgCwCCC CCCCC DD+D@DEDYDDpD D DDDDE:ESE ZEeEnE}EEEEEEF F FF"F8?FxF"F(FFFG'Gd2eOe#me#eeee+e+!f+Mfyffff%f'g(gAgYg*xg+ggg h hv'ov,vvvv(v('w.Pw(w w(www x)xBx[xtxx xxxxxyy(y>yMyeyyy y&yyz7z)Fzpzzzzzzz{{*{={T{g{|{{{{{{{| |!<| ^|||||||!}$0}U}"l} }} }6}"~?~X~k~~~~~~!>!]),* 6Laz ɀ-I`~%Á.#K#o#'ׂ# #1Oi ׃'1)Y!ք(F]0v ȅ0ޅ.Nkʆކ   (<7R $$) $:Qo4ˆވ/>%Z!ˉ҉ۉ! !Bd~  #ފ)*B G3R   ʋ؋  %@I iu{ ˌ֌  '0Hd t ȍ͍֍ݍ  2ŎΎ9M\c яڏ!4G co   ΐԐ   " :GL^{  ґ ߑ ( !-6; LY bl   $ْ 1:Nɓ "  , 7B\9t ֔ , ; I#Vz 7 "9> CPW\l  ǖٖd9[   ˗&!$F_ }& ٘ /'OCw+*8&4_!Ԛ7/ N[pƛ$, ;GV Yd mw œ˜Ԝݜ  !, 31>py   ǝ ҝ ߝ  *&Qk-"'B j x/)  .:MRZa jx)) # +7W@v ء  !0?NU^u â΢    %2)7.a4)ţ1! &47 IU ^ilt֤ߤ " "0SZjo  ʥե @+=.i,3ŦA3;3o- ѧ ާ%:Qg{ŨԨ9$Jl42v/G_ x<z$kv/weV-H!I`2/"_dyJE:A<i{ Y "vc[lYH^MCk-,y]7.p}++Rm~M}a21%,+]~a=@4'J\o[[rL0!tBj on|$I3SSj4]9VK' !3FMBt?9J}E:j#m>0NL5b8c<05,TVYqI0,6oa !qf(u J z7 #~zyK6~\h6?S/< )PXbE%j@R (#H2d[wn(FDZOB9{3GlQC<_8*b~ Bj! `Teu6p3Mh|g-DZmL  )MscLG)WtBTPiIAn x@[} $|s u_F'8g|.#7:\AiW.7*T6OzU;pE#an}> Ca  fHmi1ND4d~ w1\>h?qV`lsEfiDG z'5 9&rJNAKe-P)Q&wQ `w &XgN |&x?.087A8^{x>`^TPZU?Yov>kNk7pt:C"vGc;iQ\D|X%k19%q"x=FY.aNq'$ W_ e$ rWO)rh^Ro9"u :^Wy/%n!Z<Cgk)Uz%(@;tFV; fX;r=I{Z*rP mqV,2G1]bc5R*Pc"=R[H]sS*x,YCB`f&p{#F4u+On}w-K2Ks>@(h_+(+@^oXU5D;86ULdg{y5bJvf$e=hmg:S3\0sjp?&SRX*3yQLT'/HIEelZKtQ-.OUd]4WOdA bul 1M=  (Unimplemented) Last set from Arguments: usage: modified: [not usable on this computer] [not usable with this version of Vim] host name: user name: process ID: Name Args Range Complete Definition # line or: # TO tag FROM line in file/text jump line col file/text # %s History (newest to oldest): # Buffer list: # File marks: # History of marks within files (newest to oldest): # Jumplist (newest first): # Last Substitute String: $ # Registers: # global variables: (1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two different instances of the same file when making changes. (2) An edit session for this file crashed. (You might want to write out this file under another name --- Auto-Commands --- --- Global option values --- --- Local option values --- --- Menus --- --- Options --- --- Registers --- --- Signs --- --- Syntax items --- --- Syntax sync items --- --- Terminal codes --- --- Terminal keys --- 16-bit MS-DOS version 32-bit MS-DOS version Arguments recognised by gvim (Athena version): Arguments recognised by gvim (GTK+ version): Arguments recognised by gvim (Motif version): Arguments recognised by gvim (RISC OS version): Arguments recognised by gvim (neXtaw version): Big version Cannot create pipes Cannot execute shell Cannot execute shell sh Cannot fork Command terminated Compiled Found a swap file by the name " Huge version Included patches: MS-Windows 16-bit version MS-Windows 16/32-bit GUI version MS-Windows 32-bit GUI version MS-Windows 32-bit console version MacOS X (unix) version MacOS X version MacOS version Maybe no changes were made or Vim did not update the swap file. More info with: "vim -h" Normal version RISC OS version Small version Tiny version Vim: Got X error WARNING: Original file may be lost or damaged [bytes] total alloc-freed %lu-%lu, in use %lu, peak use %lu change line col text mark line col file/text shell returned syncing on items for Vim defaults for two modes dated: owned by: [cannot be opened] [cannot be read] [does not look like a Vim swap file] [from Vim version 3.0] file name: -- none -- NEWER than swap file! user exrc file: " user vimrc file: " If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r If you did this already, delete the swap file " Quit, or continue with caution. line=%ld id=%d name=%s system menu file: " user gvimrc file: " In current directory: In directory Using specified name: dated: host name: system vimrc file: " # pri kind tag (Already listed) 2nd user exrc file: " DEBUG BUILD Features included (+) or not (-): NOT FOUND Using tag with different case! fall-back for $VIM: " system gvimrc file: " # pid database name prepend path (Interrupted) (NOT FOUND) (RET/BS: line, SPACE/b: page, d/u: half page, q: quit) (RET: line, SPACE: page, d: half page, q: quit) (includes previously listed match) (insert) (insert) Scroll (^E/^Y) (lang) (line deleted) (not supported) (paste) (replace) (replace) Scroll (^E/^Y) (still running) (vreplace) 2nd user vimrc file: " 3rd user vimrc file: " Adding Arabic CONVERSION ERROR Command-line completion (^V^N^P) Copy %d of %d Definition completion (^D^N^P) Dictionary completion (^K^N^P) FAILED File name completion (^F^N^P) Hebrew INSERT Keyword Local completion (^N^P) Keyword completion (^N^P) Path pattern completion (^N^P) REPLACE REVERSE SELECT SELECT BLOCK SELECT LINE Tag completion (^]^N^P) Thesaurus completion (^T^N^P) VISUAL VISUAL BLOCK VISUAL LINE VREPLACE Whole line completion (^L^N^P) [Modified] [a] [w] ^X mode (^E^Y^L^]^F^I^K^D^V^N^P) appended cannot be used on this computer. cannot be used with this version of Vim. f-b for $VIMRUNTIME: " in Win32s mode info kind file line breaks lines before top line marks on %ld lines on 1 line or more returned vim [arguments] with OLE support written" to avoid this message. " to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). " already exists!# This viminfo file was generated by Vim %s. # Value of 'encoding' when this file was written # You may edit it if you're careful! %-5s: %-30s (Usage: %s)%3d %s %s line %ld%<%f%h%m%=Page %N%d buffers deleted%d buffers unloaded%d buffers wiped out%d files to edit %d more files to edit. Quit anyway?%d of %d edited%ld Cols; %ld changes%ld characters%ld fewer lines%ld lines %sed %d times%ld lines %sed 1 time%ld lines --%d%%--%ld lines changed%ld lines filtered%ld lines indented %ld lines moved%ld lines to indent... %ld lines yanked%ld lines, %ld more lines%ld substitutions%s Auto commands for "%s"%s aborted%s discarded%s made pending%s resumed%s returning "%s"%s returning #%ld%s, line %ld%sviminfo: %s in line: &Diff with Vim&OK &Cancel&OK &Load File&Ok&Open Read-Only &Edit anyway &Recover &Quit &Abort&Open Read-Only &Edit anyway &Recover &Quit &Abort &Delete it&Yes &No&Yes &No &Cancel&Yes &No Save &All &Discard All &Cancel' not known. Available builtin terminals are:'columns' is not 80, cannot execute external commands'dictionary' option is empty'history' option is zero'readonly' option is set for "%.*s". Do you wish to write anyway?'thesaurus' option is empty(%d of %d)%s%s: (+%ld for BOM)(Interrupted) (Invalid)+ Start at end of file+-%s%3ld lines: +--%3ld lines folded + Start at line +reverse Don't use reverse video (also: +rv), or the file has been damaged.- read text from stdin-- Only file names after this-- More ---- Searching...--- Included files --Deleted----No lines in buffer----cmd Execute before loading any vimrc file--columns Initial width of window in columns--literal Don't expand wildcards--noplugin Don't load plugin scripts--remote Edit in a Vim server if possible--remote-expr Evaluate in a Vim server and print result--remote-send Send to a Vim server and exit--remote-silent Same, don't complain if there is no server--remote-wait As --remote but wait for files to have been edited--remote-wait-silent Same, don't complain if there is no server--role Set a unique role to identify the main window--rows Initial height of window in rows--serverlist List available Vim server names and exit--servername Send to/become the Vim server --socketid Open Vim inside another GTK widget--version Print version information and exit-A start in Arabic mode-C Compatible with Vi: 'compatible'-D Debugging mode-F Start in Farsi mode-H Start in Hebrew mode-L Same as -r-M Modifications in text not allowed-N Not fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'-O[N] Like -o but split vertically-P Open Vim inside parent application-R Readonly mode (like "view")-S Source file after loading the first file-T Set terminal type to -U Use instead of any .gvimrc-V[N] Verbose level-W Write all typed commands to file -X Do not connect to X server-Z Restricted mode (like "rvim")-b Binary mode-background Use for the background (also: -bg)-boldfont Use for bold text-borderwidth Use a border width of (also: -bw)-c Execute after loading the first file-d Diff mode (like "vimdiff")-dev Use for I/O-display Connect vim to this particular X-server-display Run vim on -display Run vim on (also: --display)-e Ex mode (like "ex")-f Don't use newcli to open window-f or --nofork Foreground: Don't fork when starting GUI-font Use for normal text (also: -fn)-foreground Use for normal text (also: -fg)-g Run using GUI (like "gvim")-geometry Use for initial geometry (also: -geom)-h or --help Print Help (this message) and exit-i Use instead of .viminfo-iconic Start vim iconified-italicfont Use for italic text-l Lisp mode-m Modifications (writing files) not allowed-menuheight Use a menu bar height of (also: -mh)-n No swap file, use memory only-name Use resource as if vim was -o[N] Open N windows (default: one for each file)-q [errorfile] edit file with first error-r List swap files and exit-r (with file name) Recover crashed session-register Register this gvim for OLE-reverse Use reverse video (also: -rv)-s Silent (batch) mode (only for "ex")-s Read Normal mode commands from file -scrollbarwidth Use a scrollbar width of (also: -sw)-t tag edit file where tag is defined-u Use instead of any .vimrc-unregister Unregister gvim for OLE-v Vi mode (like "vi")-w Append all typed commands to file -x Edit encrypted files-xrm Set the specified resource-y Easy mode (like "evim", modeless)...(truncated)1 buffer deleted1 buffer unloaded1 buffer wiped out1 change1 character1 line %sed %d times1 line %sed 1 time1 line --%d%%--1 line changed1 line indented 1 line less1 line moved1 line yanked1 line, 1 more file to edit. Quit anyway?1 more line1 substitution2nd user gvimrc file: "3rd user gvimrc file: ": Send expression failed. : Send failed. : Send failed. Trying to execute locally ; match <%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Octal %03o > %d, Hex %04x, Octal %o> %d, Hex %08x, Octal %o??? from here until ???END lines may be messed up??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted???BLOCK MISSING???EMPTY BLOCK???END???LINE COUNT WRONG???LINES MISSING???MANY LINES MISSINGANCHOR_BUF_SIZE too small.Add a new databaseAdded cscope database %sAllAll cscope databases resetAll included files were foundAlready only one windowAppend FileArgument missing afterAt lineAttempt to open script file again: "Back at originalBackwards range given, OK to swapBecome a registered Vim user!Before byte %ldBotBreakpoint in "%s%s" line %ldBrowse classCalling shell to execute: "%s"Can't find temp file for conversionCancelCannot connect to NetbeansCannot connect to Netbeans #2Cannot connect to SNiFF+. Check environment (sniffemacs must be found in $PATH). Cannot create Cannot execute Cannot open NIL: Cannot open for reading: "Cannot open for script output: "Cannot source a directory: "%s"Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %ld of %ld; Byte %ld of %ldCommand LineCompilation: Compiler: Conversion with 'charconvert' failedCould not allocate memory for command line.Could not fix up function pointers to the DLL!Could not load vim32.dll!Cscope tag: %sCurrent %slanguage: "%s"Delete the .swp file afterwards. DirectionDirectoriesDo you really want to write to itDownE100: No other buffer in diff modeE101: More than two buffers in diff mode, don't know which one to useE102: Can't find buffer "%s"E103: Buffer "%s" is not in diff modeE104: Escape not allowed in digraphE105: Using :loadkeymap not in a sourced fileE106: Unknown variable: "%s"E107: Missing parentheses: %sE108: No such variable: "%s"E109: Missing ':' after '?'E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &E110: Missing ')'E111: Missing ']'E112: Option name missing: %sE113: Unknown option: %sE114: Missing quote: %sE115: Missing quote: %sE116: Invalid arguments for function %sE117: Unknown function: %sE118: Too many arguments for function: %sE119: Not enough arguments for function: %sE11: Invalid in command-line window; executes, CTRL-C quitsE120: Using not in a script context: %sE121: Undefined variable: %sE122: Function %s already exists, add ! to replace itE123: Undefined function: %sE124: Missing '(': %sE125: Illegal argument: %sE126: Missing :endfunctionE127: Cannot redefine function %s: It is in useE128: Function name must start with a capital: %sE129: Function name requiredE12: Command not allowed from exrc/vimrc in current dir or tag searchE130: Undefined function: %sE131: Cannot delete function %s: It is in useE132: Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'E133: :return not inside a functionE134: Move lines into themselvesE135: *Filter* Autocommands must not change current bufferE136: viminfo: Too many errors, skipping rest of fileE137: Viminfo file is not writable: %sE138: Can't write viminfo file %s!E139: File is loaded in another bufferE13: File exists (add ! to override)E140: Use ! to write partial bufferE141: No file name for buffer %ldE142: File not written: Writing is disabled by 'write' optionE143: Autocommands unexpectedly deleted new buffer %sE144: non-numeric argument to :zE145: Shell commands not allowed in rvimE146: Regular expressions can't be delimited by lettersE147: Cannot do :global recursiveE148: Regular expression missing from globalE149: Sorry, no help for %sE14: Invalid addressE150: Not a directory: %sE152: Cannot open %s for writingE153: Unable to open %s for readingE154: Duplicate tag "%s" in file %sE155: Unknown sign: %sE156: Missing sign nameE157: Invalid sign ID: %ldE158: Invalid buffer name: %sE159: Missing sign numberE15: Invalid expression: %sE160: Unknown sign command: %sE161: Breakpoint not found: %sE162: No write since last change for buffer "%s"E163: There is only one file to editE164: Cannot go before first fileE165: Cannot go beyond last fileE166: Can't open linked file for writingE167: :scriptencoding used outside of a sourced fileE168: :finish used outside of a sourced fileE169: Command too recursiveE16: Invalid rangeE170: Missing :endwhileE171: Missing :endifE172: Only one file name allowedE173: %ld more files to editE173: 1 more file to editE174: Command already exists: add ! to replace itE175: No attribute specifiedE176: Invalid number of argumentsE177: Count cannot be specified twiceE178: Invalid default value for countE179: argument required for completeE17: "%s" is a directoryE180: Invalid complete value: %sE181: Invalid attribute: %sE182: Invalid command nameE183: User defined commands must start with an uppercase letterE184: No such user-defined command: %sE185: Cannot find color scheme %sE186: No previous directoryE187: UnknownE188: Obtaining window position not implemented for this platformE189: "%s" exists (add ! to override)E18: Unexpected characters before '='E190: Cannot open "%s" for writingE191: Argument must be a letter or forward/backward quoteE192: Recursive use of :normal too deepE193: :endfunction not inside a functionE194: No alternate file name to substitute for '#'E195: Cannot open viminfo file for readingE196: No digraphs in this versionE197: Cannot set language to "%s"E198: cmd_pchar beyond the command lengthE199: Active window or buffer deletedE19: Mark has invalid line numberE200: *ReadPre autocommands made the file unreadableE201: *ReadPre autocommands must not change current bufferE202: Conversion made file unreadable!E203: Autocommands deleted or unloaded buffer to be writtenE204: Autocommand changed number of lines in unexpected wayE205: Patchmode: can't save original fileE206: patchmode: can't touch empty original fileE207: Can't delete backup fileE208: Error writing to "%s"E209: Error closing "%s"E20: Mark not setE210: Error reading "%s"E211: Warning: File "%s" no longer availableE212: Can't open file for writingE213: Cannot convert (add ! to write without conversion)E214: Can't find temp file for writingE215: Illegal character after *: %sE216: No such event: %sE216: No such group or event: %sE217: Can't execute autocommands for ALL eventsE218: autocommand nesting too deepE219: Missing {.E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is offE220: Missing }.E222: Add to read bufferE223: recursive mappingE224: global abbreviation already exists for %sE225: global mapping already exists for %sE226: abbreviation already exists for %sE227: mapping already exists for %sE228: makemap: Illegal modeE229: Cannot start the GUIE22: Scripts nested too deepE230: Cannot read from "%s"E231: 'guifontwide' invalidE232: Cannot create BalloonEval with both message and callbackE233: cannot open displayE234: Unknown fontset: %sE235: Unknown font: %sE236: Font "%s" is not fixed-widthE237: Printer selection failedE238: Print error: %sE239: Invalid sign text: %sE23: No alternate fileE240: No connection to Vim serverE241: Unable to send to %sE243: Argument not supported: "-%s"; Use the OLE version.E244: Illegal charset name "%s" in font name "%s"E245: Illegal char '%c' in font name "%s"E246: FileChangedShell autocommand deleted bufferE247: no registered server named "%s"E248: Failed to send command to the destination programE24: No such abbreviationE250: Fonts for the following charsets are missing in fontset %s:E251: VIM instance registry property is badly formed. Deleted!E252: Fontset name: %sE253: Fontset name: %s E254: Cannot allocate color %sE255: Couldn't read in sign data!E256: Hangul automata ERRORE257: cstag: tag not foundE258: Unable to send to clientE259: no matches found for cscope query %s of %sE25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile timeE261: cscope connection %s not foundE262: error reading cscope connection %ldE263: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Python library could not be loaded.E264: Python: Error initialising I/O objectsE266: Sorry, this command is disabled, the Ruby library could not be loaded.E26: Hebrew cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time E273: unknown longjmp status %dE274: Sniff: Error during read. DisconnectedE275: Unknown SNiFF+ request: %sE276: Error connecting to SNiFF+E277: Unable to read a server replyE278: SNiFF+ not connectedE279: Not a SNiFF+ bufferE27: Farsi cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time E280: TCL FATAL ERROR: reflist corrupt!? Please report this to vim-dev@vim.orgE281: TCL ERROR: exit code is not int!? Please report this to vim-dev@vim.orgE282: Cannot read from "%s"E283: No marks matching "%s"E284: Cannot set IC valuesE285: Failed to create input contextE286: Failed to open input methodE287: Warning: Could not set destroy callback to IME288: input method doesn't support any styleE289: input method doesn't support my preedit typeE28: No such highlight group name: %sE290: over-the-spot style requires fontsetE291: Your GTK+ is older than 1.2.3. Status area disabledE292: Input Method Server is not runningE293: block was not lockedE294: Seek error in swap file readE295: Read error in swap fileE296: Seek error in swap file writeE297: Write error in swap fileE298: Didn't get block nr 0?E298: Didn't get block nr 1?E298: Didn't get block nr 2?E299: Perl evaluation forbidden in sandbox without the Safe moduleE29: No inserted text yetE300: Swap file already exists (symlink attack?)E301: Oops, lost the swap file!!!E302: Could not rename swap fileE303: Unable to open swap file for "%s", recovery impossibleE304: ml_timestamp: Didn't get block 0??E305: No swap file found for %sE306: Cannot open %sE307: %s does not look like a Vim swap fileE308: Warning: Original file may have been changedE309: Unable to read block 1 from %sE30: No previous command lineE310: Block 1 ID wrong (%s not a .swp file?)E311: Recovery InterruptedE312: Errors detected while recovering; look for lines starting with ???E313: Cannot preserve, there is no swap fileE314: Preserve failedE315: ml_get: invalid lnum: %ldE316: ml_get: cannot find line %ldE317: pointer block id wrongE317: pointer block id wrong 2E317: pointer block id wrong 3E317: pointer block id wrong 4E318: Updated too many blocks?E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this versionE31: No such mappingE320: Cannot find line %ldE321: Could not reload "%s"E322: line number out of range: %ld past the endE323: line count wrong in block %ldE324: Can't open PostScript output fileE325: ATTENTIONE326: Too many swap files foundE327: Part of menu-item path is not sub-menuE328: Menu only exists in another modeE329: No menu of that nameE32: No file nameE330: Menu path must not lead to a sub-menuE331: Must not add menu items directly to menu barE332: Separator cannot be part of a menu pathE333: Menu path must lead to a menu itemE334: Menu not found: %sE335: Menu not defined for %s modeE336: Menu path must lead to a sub-menuE337: Menu not found - check menu namesE338: Sorry, no file browser in console modeE339: Pattern too longE33: No previous substitute regular expressionE340: Line is becoming too longE341: Internal error: lalloc(%ld, )E342: Out of memory! (allocating %lu bytes)E343: Invalid path: '**[number]' must be at the end of the path or be followed by '%s'.E344: Can't find directory "%s" in cdpathE345: Can't find file "%s" in pathE346: No more directory "%s" found in cdpathE347: No more file "%s" found in pathE348: No string under cursorE349: No identifier under cursorE34: No previous commandE350: Cannot create fold with current 'foldmethod'E351: Cannot delete fold with current 'foldmethod'E352: Cannot erase folds with current 'foldmethod'E353: Nothing in register %sE354: Invalid register name: '%s'E355: Unknown option: %sE356: get_varp ERRORE357: 'langmap': Matching character missing for %sE358: 'langmap': Extra characters after semicolon: %sE359: Screen mode setting not supportedE35: No previous regular expressionE360: Cannot execute shell with -f optionE361: Crash intercepted; regexp too complex?E363: pattern caused out-of-stack errorE364: Library call failed for "%s()"E365: Failed to print PostScript fileE367: No such group: "%s"E369: invalid item in %s%%[]E36: Not enough roomE370: Could not load library %sE371: Command not foundE372: Too many %%%c in format stringE373: Unexpected %%%c in format stringE374: Missing ] in format stringE375: Unsupported %%%c in format stringE376: Invalid %%%c in format string prefixE377: Invalid %%%c in format stringE378: 'errorformat' contains no patternE379: Missing or empty directory nameE37: No write since last change (add ! to override)E380: At bottom of quickfix stackE381: At top of quickfix stackE382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is setE383: Invalid search string: %sE384: search hit TOP without match for: %sE385: search hit BOTTOM without match for: %sE386: Expected '?' or '/' after ';'E387: Match is on current lineE388: Couldn't find definitionE389: Couldn't find patternE38: Null argumentE390: Illegal argument: %sE391: No such syntax cluster: %sE392: No such syntax cluster: %sE393: group[t]here not accepted hereE394: Didn't find region item for %sE395: contains argument not accepted hereE396: containedin argument not accepted hereE397: Filename requiredE398: Missing '=': %sE399: Not enough arguments: syntax region %sE39: Number expectedE400: No cluster specifiedE401: Pattern delimiter not found: %sE402: Garbage after pattern: %sE403: syntax sync: line continuations pattern specified twiceE404: Illegal arguments: %sE405: Missing equal sign: %sE406: Empty argument: %sE407: %s not allowed hereE408: %s must be first in contains listE409: Unknown group name: %sE40: Can't open errorfile %sE410: Invalid :syntax subcommand: %sE411: highlight group not found: %sE412: Not enough arguments: ":highlight link %s"E413: Too many arguments: ":highlight link %s"E414: group has settings, highlight link ignoredE415: unexpected equal sign: %sE416: missing equal sign: %sE417: missing argument: %sE418: Illegal value: %sE419: FG color unknownE41: Out of memory!E420: BG color unknownE421: Color name or number not recognized: %sE422: terminal code too long: %sE423: Illegal argument: %sE424: Too many different highlighting attributes in useE425: Cannot go before first matching tagE426: tag not found: %sE427: There is only one matching tagE428: Cannot go beyond last matching tagE429: File "%s" does not existE42: No ErrorsE430: Tag file path truncated for %s E431: Format error in tags file "%s"E432: Tags file not sorted: %sE433: No tags fileE434: Can't find tag patternE435: Couldn't find tag, just guessing!E436: No "%s" entry in termcapE437: terminal capability "cm" requiredE438: u_undo: line numbers wrongE439: undo list corruptE43: Damaged match stringE440: undo line missingE441: There is no preview windowE442: Can't split topleft and botright at the same timeE443: Cannot rotate when another window is splitE444: Cannot close last windowE445: Other window contains changesE446: No file name under cursorE447: Can't find file "%s" in pathE448: Could not load library function %sE449: Invalid expression receivedE44: Corrupted regexp programE455: Error writing to PostScript output fileE456: Can't find PostScript resource file "%s.ps"E456: Can't find PostScript resource file "prolog.ps"E456: Can't open file "%s"E457: Can't read PostScript resource file "%s"E459: Cannot go back to previous directoryE45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)E460: The resource fork would be lost (add ! to override)E461: Illegal variable name: %sE462: Could not prepare for reloading "%s"E463: Region is guarded, cannot modifyE464: Ambiguous use of user-defined commandE465: :winsize requires two number argumentsE466: :winpos requires two number argumentsE467: Custom completion requires a function argumentE468: Completion argument only allowed for custom completionE469: invalid cscopequickfix flag %c for %cE46: Cannot set read-only variable "%s"E470: Command abortedE471: Argument requiredE472: Command failedE473: Internal errorE474: Invalid argumentE475: Invalid argument: %sE476: Invalid commandE477: No ! allowedE478: Don't panic!E479: No matchE47: Error while reading errorfileE480: No match: %sE481: No range allowedE482: Can't create file %sE483: Can't get temp file nameE484: Can't open file %sE485: Can't read file %sE486: Pattern not found: %sE487: Argument must be positiveE488: Trailing charactersE48: Not allowed in sandboxE490: No fold foundE492: Not an editor commandE493: Backwards range givenE494: Use w or w>>E495: no autocommand file name to substitute for ""E496: no autocommand buffer number to substitute for ""E497: no autocommand match name to substitute for ""E498: no :source file name to substitute for ""E499: Empty file name for '%' or '#', only works with ":p:h"E49: Invalid scroll sizeE500: Evaluates to an empty stringE501: At end-of-fileE506: Can't write to backup file (add ! to override)E507: Close error for backup file (add ! to override)E508: Can't read file for backup (add ! to override)E509: Cannot create backup file (add ! to override)E50: Too many \z(E510: Can't make backup file (add ! to override)E512: Close failedE513: write error, conversion failedE514: write error (file system full?)E515: No buffers were unloadedE516: No buffers were deletedE517: No buffers were wiped outE518: Unknown optionE519: Option not supportedE51: Too many %s(E520: Not allowed in a modelineE521: Number required after =E522: Not found in termcapE523: Not allowed hereE524: Missing colonE525: Zero length stringE526: Missing number after <%s>E527: Missing commaE528: Must specify a ' valueE529: Cannot set 'term' to empty stringE52: Unmatched \z(E530: Cannot change term in GUIE531: Use ":gui" to start the GUIE533: can't select wide fontE534: Invalid wide fontE535: Illegal character after <%c>E536: comma requiredE537: 'commentstring' must be empty or contain %sE538: No mouse supportE539: Illegal character <%s>E53: Unmatched %s%%(E540: Unclosed expression sequenceE541: too many itemsE542: unbalanced groupsE543: Not a valid codepageE544: Keymap file not foundE545: Missing colonE546: Illegal modeE547: Illegal mouseshapeE548: digit expectedE549: Illegal percentageE54: Unmatched %s(E550: Missing colonE551: Illegal componentE552: digit expectedE553: No more itemsE554: Syntax error in %s{...}E555: at bottom of tag stackE556: at top of tag stackE557: Cannot open termcap fileE558: Terminal entry not found in terminfoE559: Terminal entry not found in termcapE55: Unmatched %s)E560: Usage: cs[cope] %sE561: unknown cscope search typeE562: Usage: cstag E563: stat errorE563: stat(%s) error: %dE564: %s is not a directory or a valid cscope databaseE566: Could not create cscope pipesE567: no cscope connectionsE568: duplicate cscope database not addedE569: maximum number of cscope connections reachedE56: %s* operand could be emptyE570: fatal error in cs_manage_matchesE571: Sorry, this command is disabled: the Tcl library could not be loaded.E573: Invalid server id used: %sE574: Unknown register type %dE579: :if nesting too deepE57: %s+ operand could be emptyE580: :endif without :ifE581: :else without :ifE582: :elseif without :ifE583: multiple :elseE584: :elseif after :elseE585: :while nesting too deepE586: :continue without :whileE587: :break without :whileE588: :endwhile without :whileE589: 'backupext' and 'patchmode' are equalE58: %s{ operand could be emptyE590: A preview window already existsE591: 'winheight' cannot be smaller than 'winminheight'E592: 'winwidth' cannot be smaller than 'winminwidth'E593: Need at least %d linesE594: Need at least %d columnsE595: contains unprintable or wide characterE596: Invalid font(s)E597: can't select fontsetE598: Invalid fontsetE599: Value of 'imactivatekey' is invalidE59: invalid character after %s@E600: Missing :endtryE601: :try nesting too deepE602: :endtry without :tryE603: :catch without :tryE604: :catch after :finallyE605: Exception not caught: %sE606: :finally without :tryE607: multiple :finallyE608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefixE609: Cscope error: %sE60: Too many complex %s{...}sE612: Too many signs definedE613: Unknown printer font: %sE614: vim_SelFile: can't return to current directoryE615: vim_SelFile: can't get current directoryE616: vim_SelFile: can't get font %sE617: Cannot be changed in the GTK+ 2 GUIE618: file "%s" is not a PostScript resource fileE619: file "%s" is not a supported PostScript resource fileE61: Nested %s*E620: Unable to convert from multi-byte to "%s" encodingE621: "%s" resource file has wrong versionE622: Could not fork for cscopeE623: Could not spawn cscope processE624: Can't open file "%s"E625: cannot open cscope database: %sE626: cannot get cscope database informationE62: Nested %s%cE63: invalid use of \_E64: %s%c follows nothingE655: Too many symbolic links (cycle?)E658: NetBeans connection lost for buffer %ldE659: Cannot invoke Python recursivelyE65: Illegal back referenceE661: Sorry, no '%s' help for %sE662: At start of changelistE663: At end of changelistE664: changelist is emptyE665: Cannot start GUI, no valid font foundE666: compiler not supported: %sE667: Fsync failedE668: Wrong access mode for NetBeans connection info file: "%s"E669: Unprintable character in group nameE66: \z( not allowed hereE670: Mix of help file encodings within a language: %sE671: Cannot find window title "%s"E672: Unable to open window inside MDI applicationE67: \z1 et al. not allowed hereE68: Invalid character after \zE69: Missing ] after %s%%[E70: Empty %s%%[]E71: Invalid character after %s%%E72: Close error on swap fileE73: tag stack emptyE74: Command too complexE75: Name too longE76: Too many [E77: Too many file namesE78: Unknown markE79: Cannot expand wildcardsE800: Arabic cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time E80: Error while writingE81: Using not in a script contextE82: Cannot allocate any buffer, exiting...E83: Cannot allocate buffer, using other one...E84: No modified buffer foundE85: There is no listed bufferE86: Buffer %ld does not existE87: Cannot go beyond last bufferE88: Cannot go before first bufferE89: No write since last change for buffer %ld (add ! to override)E90: Cannot unload last bufferE91: 'shell' option is emptyE92: Buffer %ld not foundE93: More than one match for %sE94: No matching buffer for %sE95: Buffer with this name already existsE96: Can not diff more than %ld buffersE97: Cannot create diffsE98: Cannot read diff outputE99: Current buffer is not in diff modeERROR: Edit FileEdit File in new windowEdit with &VimEdit with &multiple VimsEdit with existing Vim - &Edit with single &VimEdits the selected file(s) with VimEnd of functionEnd of sourced fileEnter encryption key: Enter nr of choice ( to abort): Enter number of swap file to use (0 to quit): Enter same key again: Entering Debug mode. Type "cont" to continue.Entering Ex mode. Type "visual" to go to Normal mode.ErrorError and interruptError creating process: Check if gvim is in your path!Error detected while processing %s:ExceptionException caught: %sException discarded: %sException finished: %sException thrown: %sExecuting %sExpressionExternal submatches: File "%s" does not existFile preservedFilesFilterFind & Replace (use '\\' to find a '\')Find NextFind string (use '\\' to find a '\')Find symbolFind what:Font '%s' is not fixed-widthFont SelectionFont%ld width is not twice that of font0 Font0 width: %ld Font0: %s Font1 width: %ld Font1: %s Garbage after optionGenerate docu forGreetings, Vim user!HelpHelp poor children in Uganda!Hit ENTER or type command to continueHit ENTER to continueHit end of paragraphI/O ERRORIllegal file nameIllegal register nameIllegal starting charInput LineInput _MethodsInterruptInterrupt: InterruptedInvalid argument forKeys don't match!Kill a connectionLinking: Match caseMatch whole word onlyMessages maintainer: Bram Moolenaar Missing '>'Modified by Need %s version %ld Need Amigados version 2.04 or later NetBeans disallows writes of unmodified buffersNo Syntax items defined for this bufferNo abbreviation foundNo breakpoints definedNo displayNo display: Send expression failed. No included filesNo mapping foundNo marks setNo matching autocommandsNo swap fileNo text to be printedNo undo possible; continue anywayNo user-defined commands foundOKOpen File dialogOpening the X display failedOpening the X display timed outOpening the X display took %ld msecOriginal file "%s"Overwrite existing file "%.*s"?Page %dPartial writes disallowed for NetBeans buffersPatch filePath length too long!Pathname:Pattern found in every line: %sPattern not foundPrint job sent.Printed: %sPrinting '%s'Printing abortedPrinting page %d (%d%%)Query for a patternQuestionReading from stdin...Reading viminfo file "%s"%s%s%sRecovery completed. You should check if everything is OK.Reinit all connectionsReplaceReplace AllReplace with:RetrieveRetrieve from all projectsRetrieve from fileRetrieve from projectRunning in Vi compatible modeRunning modeless, typed text is insertedSNiFF+ is currently Save AsSave File dialogSave RedirectionSave SessionSave SetupSave ViewSave changes to "%.*s"?Scanning dictionary: %sScanning included file: %sScanning tags.Scanning: %sScrollbar Widget: Could not get geometry of thumb pixmap.Search StringSearching for "%s"Searching for "%s" in "%s"Searching tags file %sSee ":help E312" for more information.See ":help W11" for more info.Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %ld of %ld Words; %ld of %ld BytesSelectionSending to printer...Show base class ofShow class in hierarchyShow class in restricted hierarchyShow connectionsShow docu ofShow overridden member functionShow source ofShow this messageSigns for %s:Sniff: Error during write. DisconnectedSorry, help file "%s" not foundSorry, this command is disabled: the Perl library could not be loaded.Source Vim scriptSponsor Vim development!Stack size increasesSwap file "Swap file already exists!Swap files found:Tear off this menuTesting the X display failedThanks for flying VimThe file was created on The only matchThis Vim was not compiled with the diff feature.This cscope command does not support splitting the window. Toggle implementation/definitionToo many "+command", "-c command" or "--cmd command" argumentsToo many edit argumentsTopType :quit to exit VimUnable to read block 0 from Unable to register a command server nameUndoUnknownUnknown optionUntitledUpUse Vim version 3.0. Used CUT_BUFFER0 instead of empty selectionUsing swap file "%s"VIM - ATTENTIONVIM - Search and Replace...VIM - Search...VIM - Vi IMprovedVIM ErrorVIM: Can't open window! VIMRUN.EXE not found in your $PATH. External commands will not pause after completion. See :help win32-vimrun for more information.Vim E458: Cannot allocate colormap entry, some colors may be incorrectVim WarningVim dialogVim dialog...Vim exiting with %d Vim is open source and freely distributableVim: Caught %s event Vim: Caught deadly signal Vim: Caught deadly signal %s Vim: Double signal, exiting Vim: Error reading input, exiting... Vim: Finished. Vim: Main window unexpectedly destroyed Vim: Reading from stdin... Vim: Received "die" request from session manager Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal Vim: preserving files... W10: Warning: Changing a readonly fileW11: Warning: File "%s" has changed since editing startedW12: Warning: File "%s" has changed and the buffer was changed in Vim as wellW13: Warning: File "%s" has been created after editing startedW14: Warning: List of file names overflowW15: Warning: Wrong line separator, ^M may be missingW16: Warning: Mode of file "%s" has changed since editing startedW17: Arabic requires UTF-8, do ':set encoding=utf-8'W18: Invalid character in group nameWARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!WARNING: Windows 95/98/ME detectedWarningWarning: Entered other buffer unexpectedly (check autocommands)Warning: terminal cannot highlightWhile opening file "Window position: X %d, Y %dWord from other lineWrite partial file?Writing viminfo file "%s"XSMP ICE connection watch failedXSMP SmcOpenConnection failed: %sXSMP handling save-yourself requestXSMP lost ICE connectionXSMP opening connectionXref has aXref referred byXref refers toXref used byYESZero count[CONVERSION ERROR][CR missing][Deleted][Device][Error List][ILLEGAL BYTE in line %ld][Incomplete last line][NL found][NOT converted][New File][New file][New][No File][No file][No write since last change] [Not edited][Permission Denied][Preview][READ ERRORS][RO][Read errors][calls] total re/malloc()'s %lu, total free()'s %lu [converted][crypted][dos format][dos][fifo/socket][fifo][file ..] edit specified file(s)[help][long lines split][mac format][mac][noeol][readonly][socket][string too long][unix format][unix]and run diff with the original file to check for changes) attempt to refer to deleted bufferattempt to refer to deleted windowautocommand %sby by Bram Moolenaar et al.called inputrestore() more often than inputsave()calling %scan't delete OutputObject attributescan't read output of 'charconvert'cannot change console mode ?! cannot create buffer/window command: object is being deletedcannot delete linecannot get linecannot insert linecannot insert/append linecannot open cannot register callback command: buffer/window is already being deletedcannot register callback command: buffer/window reference not foundcannot replace linecannot save undo informationcannot set line(s)cannot yank; delete anywayclosecmd: %sconnectedcontinuing in %scould not source "%s"cs_create_connection exec failedcs_create_connection: fdopen for fr_fp failedcs_create_connection: fdopen for to_fp failedcscope commands: cscope connection %s closedcursor position outside bufferdefaulting to 'deleted block 1?don't quit the editor until the file is successfully written!error list %d of %d; %d errorsexpressions disabled at compile timefile filename / context / line finished sourcing %sfreeing %ld linesgvimext.dll errorhelpin path --- invalid attributeinvalid buffer numberinvalid expressioninvalid mark nameis a directoryis not a fileis not a file or writable deviceis read-only (add ! to override)keyboard interruptline %4ld:line %ldline %ld of %ld --%d%%-- col line %ld: %sline %ld: could not source "%s"line %ld: sourcing "%s"line number out of rangelogoffmark not setmatch %dmatch %d of %dmaximal mch_get_shellsize: not a console?? menu Edit->Global Settings->Toggle Insert Mode menu Edit->Global Settings->Toggle Vi Compatiblemenu Help->Orphans for information menu Help->Sponsor/Register for information minimal new shell started nono cscope connections no such bufferno such windowno syncingnot not found not found in 'runtimepath': "%s"not implemented yetpe_line_count is zeropre-vimrc command lineread from Netbeans socketreadonly attributerecordingreplace with %s (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?row %d column %dsearch hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOPsearch hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOMshell shell returned %dshutdownsoftspace must be an integersourcing "%s"stack_idx should be 0string cannot contain newlinessyncing on C-style commentssyncing starts tag %d of %d%stagnameto %s on %stype :help cp-default for info on thistype :help iccf for information type :help register for information type :help sponsor for information type :help version7 for version infotype :help windows95 for info on thistype :help or for on-line helptype :q to exit type :set nocp for Vim defaultsunknown flag: unknown optionunknown vimOptionversion vim errorwith (classic) GUI.with BeOS GUI.with Carbon GUI.with Cocoa GUI.with GTK GUI.with GTK-GNOME GUI.with GTK2 GUI.with GTK2-GNOME GUI.with GUI.with Photon GUI.with X11-Athena GUI.with X11-Motif GUI.with X11-neXtaw GUI.without GUI.writelines() requires list of stringsProject-Id-Version: Vim(Traditional Chinese) Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2005-01-27 19:00+0800 PO-Revision-Date: Mon Feb 19 22:49:21 CST 2001 Last-Translator: Hung-Te Lin Language-Team: Hung-Te Lin , Cecil Sheng MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=big5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit (|@) W]w: Ѽ: Ϊk: קL: [LkbqWϥ] [Lkb Vim Wϥ] DW: ϥΪ: process ID: W Ѽ d wq # : # tag q b ɮ/r jump 渹 ɮ/r # %s vO (s): # wİϦC: # ɮ׼аO: # ɮפ Mark O (ѷs): # Jumplist (ѷs): # e@մNr: $ # Ȧs: # ܼ: (1) i঳t@ӵ{]bsP@ɮ. pGOoˡAФpߤn@_gJAMAVO|tѬyC (2) es覹ɮɷ (Ai|QnoɮץtsOɦWA --- Auto-Commands --- --- Global ﶵ --- --- Local ﶵ --- --- --- --- ﶵ --- --- Ȧs --- --- Ÿ --- --- yk --- --- ykPB (Syntax sync items) --- --- ׺ݾX --- --- ׺ݾ --- 16 Bit MS-DOS 32 Bit MS-DOS gvim {oѼ (Athena ): gvim {oѼ (GTK+ ): gvim {oѼ (Motif ): gvim {oѼ (RISC OS ): gvim {oѼ (neXtaw ): j إ pipe ޽u shell shell sh fork ROw׵ sĶ Ȧs " Wj ޤJץ: MS-Windows 32 Bit console MS-Windows 16/32 Bit ϫɭ MS-Windows 32 Bit ϫɭ MS-Windows 32 Bit console MacOS X (unix) MacOS X MacOS iOASLקάO Vim ٨ӤΧsȦs. dߧhTа: "vim -h" @목 RISC OS ² ² Vim: X ~ ĵi: lɮ׬yηla [bytes] alloc-freed %lu-%lu, ϥΤ %lu, peak ϥ %lu 渹 r аO 渹 ɮ/r Shell w^ PBƤ: Ho Vim w] ؼҦ : ֦: [Lk}] [LkŪ] [ Vim Ȧs] [q Vim 3.0] ɦW: -- L -- Ȧsɧs! ϥΪ̭ӤH exrc ]w: " ϥΪ̭ӤH vimrc ]w: " pGOo, Х ":recover" "vim -r pGӱϪwgϤF, ЪRȦs " }AάO~sC =%ld id=%d W=%s tο]w: " ϥΪ̭ӤH gvimrc : " bثeؿ: bؿ Using specified name: : DW: t vimrc ]w: " # pri kind tag (wCX) ĤGըϥΪ exrc ɮ: " ثeiϥ(+)Piϥ(-)ҲզC: 䤣 HPjpgӨϥ tag! $VIM w]: " t gvimrc ɮ: " # pid ƮwW prepend path (w_) (䤣) (RET/BS: VU/VW@, ť/b: @, d/u: b, q: }) (RET: VU@, ť: @, d: b, q: }) (]AeCXŦX) (J) (J) Scroll (^E/^Y) (y) (wR) (䴩) (KW) (N) (N) Scroll (^E/^Y) (椤) (v-N) ĤGխӤH vimrc ɮ: " ĤTխӤH vimrc ɮ: " W[ Arabicഫ~ ROC۰ʧ (^V^N^P)ƻs %d / %d wq۰ʧ (^D^N^P) r۰ʧ (^K^N^P) ɦW۰ʧ (^F^N^P) Hebrew J ϰr۰ʧ (^N^P) r۰ʧ (^N^P) |۰ʧ (^N^P) N ϶ Ҧ۰ʧ (^]^N^P) Thesaurus ۰ʧ (^T^N^P) [϶] [] V-N ۰ʧ (^L^N^P) [wק][a][w] ^X Ҧ (^E^Y^L^]^F^I^K^D^N^P) w[ LkboOqWϥ. Lkb Vim ϥ. $VIMRUNTIME w]: "Win32s Ҧ Tɮ _ 渹WXd аOAdG %ld AdG@ Χh w^ vim [Ѽ] 䴩 OLE wgJ" HקKAݨ즹T. " ӱϦ^ק (ԲӻЬ ":help recovery"). " wgsbF!# viminfo ɮ׬O Vim %s Ҳ. # 'encoding' bɫإ߮ɪ # pGQnۦקЯSOpߡI %-5s: %-30s (Ϊk: %s)%3d %s %s %ld %<%f%h%m%= %N wR %d ӽwİw %d ӽwİwR %d ӽwİ٦ %d ɮ׵ݽs ٦ %d ɮץs. Twn}Hws %d/%d ɮ%ld ; %ld %ldӦru %ld %ld %s L %d %ld %s L @ %ld --%d%%--w %ld wBz %ld wY %ld wh %ld Y %ld ... wƻs %ld %ld , ٦ %ld N %ld %s Auto commands: "%s"%s Qj_ %s w%s y pending%s w^_%s Ǧ^ "%s"%s Ǧ^ #%ld %s, %ld%sviminfo: %s b椤: ϥ Vim Ӥ(&Diff)Tw(&O) (&C)Tw(&O) Jɮ(&L)Tw(&O)HŪ覡}(&O) s(&E) ״_(&R) }(&Q) X(&A)HŪ覡}(&O) s(&E) ״_(&R) }(&Q) X(&A) RȦs(&D)&YO &N_&YO &N_ &C&YO &N_ &As &Ds &C' LkJCiΪز׺ݾΦ:'columns' O 80, Lk~ROﶵ 'dictionary' ]wﶵ 'history' Os"%.*s" w]w 'readonly' ﶵ. 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