" Vim syntax file " Language: SystemTap " Maintainer: SystemTap Developers " Last Change: 2015 Dec 4 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syn clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,$ syn keyword stapStatement contained break continue return next delete try catch containedin=stapBlock syn keyword stapRepeat contained while for foreach in limit containedin=stapBlock syn keyword stapConditional contained if else containedin=stapBlock syn keyword stapDeclaration global probe function syn keyword stapModifier private syn match stapDeclaration "@define\>" syn keyword stapType string long syn region stapProbeDec start="\"lc=5 end="{"me=s-1 contains=stapString,stapNumber syn match stapProbe contained "\<\w\+\>" containedin=stapProbeDec syn region stapFuncDec start="\"lc=8 end=":\|("me=s-1 contains=stapString,stapNumber syn match stapFuncCall contained "\<\w\+\ze\(\s\|\n\)*(" containedin=stapBlock syn match stapFunc contained "\<\w\+\>" containedin=stapFuncDec,stapFuncCall syn region stapMacroDec start="@define\>"lc=7 end="%("me=s-2 syn match stapMacro contained "\<\w\+\>" containedin=stapMacroDec syn match stapStat contained "@\<\w\+\ze\(\s\|\n\)*(" containedin=stapBlock " decimal number syn match stapNumber "\<\d\+\>" containedin=stapBlock " octal number syn match stapNumber "\<0\o\+\>" contains=stapOctalZero containedin=stapBlock " Flag the first zero of an octal number as something special syn match stapOctalZero contained "\<0" " flag an octal number with wrong digits syn match stapOctalError "\<0\o*[89]\d*" containedin=stapBlock " hex number syn match stapNumber "\<0x\x\+\>" containedin=stapBlock " numeric arguments syn match stapNumber "\<\$\d\+\>" containedin=stapBlock syn match stapNumber "\<\$#" containedin=stapBlock syn region stapString oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ containedin=stapBlock " string arguments syn match stapString "@\d\+\>" containedin=stapBlock syn match stapString "@#" containedin=stapBlock syn match stapTarget contained "\<\$\+\h\w*\$*\>" containedin=stapBlock syn region stapPreProc fold start="%(" end="%)" contains=stapNumber,stapString containedin=ALL syn keyword stapPreProcCond contained kernel_v kernel_vr arch containedin=stapPreProc syn include @C syntax/c.vim syn keyword stapCMacro contained THIS CONTEXT STAP_RETVALUE STAP_RETURN STAP_PRINTF STAP_NEXT STAP_ERROR containedin=@C,stapCBlock syn match stapCMacro contained "\" containedin=@C,stapCBlock syn region stapCBlock fold matchgroup=stapCBlockDelims start="%{"rs=e end="%}"re=s contains=@C containedin=stapBlock syn region stapBlock fold matchgroup=stapBlockEnds start="{"rs=e end="}"re=s containedin=stapBlock " syn keyword stapTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX syn match stapComment "#.*" containedin=stapBlock syn match stapComment "//.*" containedin=stapBlock syn region stapComment matchgroup=stapComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=stapCommentBad containedin=stapBlock syn match stapCommentBad contained "/\*" " treat ^#! as special syn match stapSharpBang "^#!.*" " define the default highlighting " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlightling yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_stap_syn_inits") if version < 508 let did_stap_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link endif HiLink stapNumber Number HiLink stapOctalZero PreProc " c.vim does it this way... HiLink stapOctalError Error HiLink stapString String HiLink stapTodo Todo HiLink stapComment Comment HiLink stapCommentBad Error HiLink stapSharpBang PreProc HiLink stapCBlockDelims Special HiLink stapCMacro Macro HiLink stapStatement Statement HiLink stapConditional Conditional HiLink stapRepeat Repeat HiLink stapType Type HiLink stapProbe Function HiLink stapFunc Function HiLink stapMacro Function HiLink stapStat Function HiLink stapPreProc PreProc HiLink stapPreProcCond Special HiLink stapDeclaration Typedef HiLink stapTarget Special HiLink stapModifier Keyword delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "stap"